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What knife fights are really like

bmacs27 says...

In all seriousness though, what about improvised weaponry? It seems to me you could grab something with more reach, even if it's just a barstool or pool cue or whatever. Hasn't this guy watched any Jackie Chan? >> ^maestro156:

Seems like the thing to do is to bring a gun to the knife-fight

dag (Member Profile)

luxury_pie (Member Profile)

Drunk Guy Doing Really Good Impressions

Barseps says...

>> ^ghark:

Hrm didn't think the Attenborough was close at all actually, but the fact he could still do it while reciting a verse was top notch. I liked the Gollum the best, it gave me the chills.

Agreed, what he lacked in perfection, he made up for with improvisation. Even a BADLY done David Attenborough Hip-Hop recital is a bloody good idea.

I Know That Voice - Trailer v1

Quboid says...

>> ^renatojj:

Anyone else feel embarrassed for them when they have to do the voices on camera, and improvise the dialog?

They must get asked all the time, particularly at comic conventions and things like that. I'd imagine they have a few stock lines that they go to when someone asks comes up to them and asks for an autograph.

I Know That Voice - Trailer v1

"Mister Rogers & Me" HD Trailer

Yogi says...

>> ^Arkaium:

>> ^zaust:
Never encountered Mr Rogers before and have to say his very disturbing. Beyond creepy, is this a spoof trailer of a horror movie?

You're kidding, right?

I can understand when you're not a child it seems weird. That's not really the guy who plays Mr. Rogers fault though. He had to read off of a script that was vetted by child psychiatrists. Even if he improvised a word they had to go back a re-record the scene as it was written and vetted. So some of his wooden line delivery and carefully chosen wording does seem a bit odd to me now. When I was a child though, he was my neighbor and I loved watching him.

Palin: Obama Is Bringing US Back to Days Before Civil War

Andrew Bird live at TED

Obama worse than Bush

bcglorf says...

>> ^cosmovitelli:

I read your stuff Yogi!
FWIW Involving the US in Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan is all about money and power. Oil, minerals, rate earth shit etc etc.
In Iran they got rid of a benevolent democratically elected progressive who tried to return the oil wealth of the country to its people and replaced him with a foreign sponsored greedy foolish puppet.
When it swung back the other way the clerics took over. Doh!
They used Afghanistan as a proxy war with the soviets, training the mujahideen / aka Taliban fighters in improvised explosives, insurgency warfare and basically how to fuck up a mechanised invading army. Then they invaded. Doh!
In Iraq they supported Saddam despite his demented paranoid savagery until the Iraqi oilfields became too tasty to ignore.
Duck Cheney said it couldn't be done:
But they upped his end via massive Haliburton projects and installed a puppet moron to keep blaming Iraq for the Saudi attacks on 9/11.
Then they invaded, killing thousands of civilians, and dismantled the police and social services while fucking up the food and water supply. Just for good measure they disbanded the army and sent 375,000 heavily armed young men off to find food for their own families. Doh!
Never mind about panama, chile, Vietnam, Cuba, Russia, Pakistan etc etc.

I'd pretty much agree with your facts. I'm a little less sure on your point.

America helped train and support the Islamic fighter in Afghanistan to chase out the Soviets. America supported Saddam while he was using chemical weapons against Iran and even Iraqi Kurds. America propped up a strong man of their choosing in Iran which backfired and led to the current theocracy.

You needn't look far or very hard to find examples where almost any and every nation has selfishly done very bad things, or things with terrible consequences. America, Russia and China being such large nations, the examples for them are much bigger and numerous. It makes for great propaganda, and all 3 continually make heavy use of it to tarnish each other. America is characterized by the genocide of native americans and Vietnam, Russia by Stalin and China by Mao. It's great propaganda, but it's not insightful or helpful analysis.

Pretend you get be President when Bush Jr. was president. America's narrow self interests are being threatened by terrorism. Bin Laden has extremely close ties with Islamists not only in Afghanistan, but throughout nuclear armed Pakistan. AQ Khan, the father of Pakistan's nuclear program, is going around selling nuclear secrets and equipment to the highest bidder. That's an uncomfortably short path from Pakistan's nuclear arsenal to the hands of a very credible terrorist network. Do you demand Pakistan break it's ties with the Taliban, or just let it slide? Do you demand the Afghan Taliban break ties with Al Qaeda, or just let it slide? I think selfish American interest DID dictate making those two demands, and being willing to launch a war if they were refused.

I think that is a strong argument that the Afghan war was indeed a good thing from the perspective of America's narrow self-interest.

What about the Afghan people though? Their self interest depends on what the end game is, and nobody can predict that. What we DO know is that the formerly ruling Taliban hated women's rights, and we fought against them. What we DO know is that the formerly ruling Taliban burnt off more of Afghanistan's vineyards than even the Russians had, because making wine was anathema to their cult. What we DO know is that the Taliban was one of the most brutal, backwards and hateful organizations around.

I can not say that the Afghan war ensured a better future for Afghanistan's people. What I CAN say is that leaving the Taliban in power in Afghanistan ensured a dark, bleak and miserable future for Afghanistan's people. I would modestly propose that a chance at something better was a good thing.

Obama worse than Bush

cosmovitelli says...

I read your stuff Yogi!

FWIW Involving the US in Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan is all about money and power. Oil, minerals, rate earth shit etc etc.

In Iran they got rid of a benevolent democratically elected progressive who tried to return the oil wealth of the country to its people and replaced him with a foreign sponsored greedy foolish puppet.
When it swung back the other way the clerics took over. Doh!

They used Afghanistan as a proxy war with the soviets, training the mujahideen / aka Taliban fighters in improvised explosives, insurgency warfare and basically how to fuck up a mechanised invading army. Then they invaded. Doh!

In Iraq they supported Saddam despite his demented paranoid savagery until the Iraqi oilfields became too tasty to ignore.

Duck Cheney said it couldn't be done:

But they upped his end via massive Haliburton projects and installed a puppet moron to keep blaming Iraq for the Saudi attacks on 9/11.
Then they invaded, killing thousands of civilians, and dismantled the police and social services while fucking up the food and water supply. Just for good measure they disbanded the army and sent 375,000 heavily armed young men off to find food for their own families. Doh!

Never mind about panama, chile, Vietnam, Cuba, Russia, Pakistan etc etc.

QI - How Long Do The Best Hugs Last?

Magical Fairy Wish Caught On Video

bareboards2 says...

I don't know how one knows for sure if it is a self-link.

I did find this on his personal website:

"I am an improv teacher, and I do specialized custom IMPROVISED videos for websites, friends, greeting cards, and much more!"

With a screenname of "improv" I'm thinking it is a self-link.

Mr Improv Emu Dance Man -- if you want to save yourself from being banned here, run back quick and remove this vid from your profile page. This is a fun site, but it is brutal when it comes to its internal rules -- first and foremost is -- no self link.

Quick! Like a emu! Come discard your vid or be forever banished!

Liam Neeson and Ricky Gervais do Some Improv...

Bridesmaids bonus feature: Longest Argument Ever

Phreezdryd says...

It's like they're trying to improvise what everyday people might say, instead of writing something more clever. This scene is thankfully way shorter in the final cut. The rest of the movie has some funny parts, but I found it generally kinda mediocre, with some funny people hardly used.

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