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Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

Oops…did I trigger someone with my opinion? I didn’t know my opinion means so much to you. 😂
god forbid someone doesn’t love your new anti tax anti assistance “where’s my assistance?” fat people fat shaming fat people MAGA anthem.

I just looked up who he is, a drunkard and high school drop out now complaining he’s not very successful, and looked at the crowd, 99.99% white MAGgots, and read the lyrics, which are easy to read/hear as racist, pro-incel, and anti government, blaming politicians for his low wages not his boss…blaming taxes for his lack of cash, not the $7 a hour minimum wage.

If he’s so popular among minorities as you claim, why were they not present at his concert? Are just his fans racist? Possible. The line “people like me and people like you” sung to pure white crowds has a definitive racist feel, and your denials are meaningless…you said the Charlottesville rioters weren’t racists. It’s less about what he thought when he wrote it (if he in fact did, there’s accusations it was written by conservative operatives, but no evidence of that) and it’s more about what his audience hears…and I’m pretty sure what the conservative lily white crowd he’s playing to hears.

You found a few “blacks for Trump” who like it. Ok. You think that makes it less a racist anthem? 😂 that’s fine, it convinces you. You’ve never seen racism you believed existed…except racism against whites, you’ve complained that that’s a major problem. 😂 Do you honestly believe that all black people are going to love this conservative country song? You probably do, you are that delusional.

“ It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you”. Who are those people, because the people in his crowd are all just one type of people. White middle class conservative and middle aged.

Or a pedophilic anthem?
“ I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere”
Really, he’s complaining the government (eventually) stopped Epstein’s pedophile island but only spent $850 million on welfare programs specifically supporting coal communities since Covid!?…,%2C%20and%20re%2

An obese man complaining that fat people get food assistance while complaining about people starving in the street is the height of hypocrisy and ridiculousness. The solution isn’t to starve the obese, it’s to feed everyone…but that’s not his solution. To him, only some people deserve assistance….you can guess which ones.

Go ahead, love the song. It fits you. Understand it wouldn’t have ever charted if your political leaders like Walsh and Greene hadn’t told you to love it, made it a “conservative anthem” (their words). It’s not a great song, it’s a politically motivated whine about stupidity by an uneducated drunk. Before MTG and others started hyping him, he had barely a few hundred followers…his success is not “natural”, it’s a political move.

I hate the Bob Dylan quality it has, never liked him one bit.

The best part is, the right has forgotten… who is the richest man north of Richmond? Hint, he moved to Florida in 2021, but wants to move back north of Richmond. If this song isn’t a pure conservative whine fest, it’s definitely 100% anti Trump…so which is it @bobknight33?

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

Why are so many here upvoting this anti governmental America hating regressive racist extreme Christian right MAGA anthem the anti government America hating extreme Christian MAGA right has latched onto?

Do you not know what he’s saying?
Do you not understand “people like me and people like you” refers to white Christian nationalist people?
Do you not understand what’s meant by “with an old soul” (it means they want to regress to pre-civil rights era Jim crow)?
Do you not understand the “rich men north of Richmond” he speaks about are just the Democratic “tax and spend” politicians (and maybe RINOS but not MAGA)?
Do you not notice the anti government assistance message?
Did you miss the pro incel message?
Did you miss all the fat shaming by a fat man?
Did you not notice the COMPLAINT that the government protected minors being raped on an island INSTEAD OF coal miners (who in fact have had dozens of government “welfare” programs created to get them retraining and jobs in industries that are less deadly, pollute less, and pay over minimum wage as well as instituted hundreds of governmental safety regulations that have cut miner deaths exponentially).

Did no one listen to the message of the song?
Did no one else notice the completely homogenous angry white middle age crowd?

WTF people!?

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away

It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere
Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat
And the obese milkin' welfare

Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds
Young men are puttin' themselves six feet in the ground
'Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin' them down

Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay

Liberal Redneck - Black Lives Matter

newtboy says...

How stupid are you people, Bob?
He’s mad BLM doesn’t support police? 🤦‍♂️

Black Lives Matter is a movement in response to police (including black police) acting like black lives don’t matter for most of the country’s history and blatantly murdering them in the streets in full public view or in their homes with no worry they might be punished.

But you want to pretend you think it’s a scam because it doesn’t support black police despite them being part of the problem, or because they haven’t tried to solve every single issue faced by “black America”.

They are a one issue organization, and they have made serious, unprecedented improvements on police accountability, but still have miles to go.

Odd you pick on BLM for anything you think you can…silliness like accusing them of not lifting all black Americans out of poverty with their donations…but when the Trumps take millions in donations, stealing directly from needy veterans, and hundreds of millions in political donations from donors and spend it on themselves that’s a nothingburger…and you still tell yourself it’s not because you’re racist, you aren’t racist, there must be some other difference….I got it, BLM isn’t grifting and stealing enough and it upsets you. Right? 😂

Let's talk about the Trump Georgia indictment contents....

newtboy says...

Oh bewby…triggered much? ”I know you are but what am I” is not an adult reply. 😂

Be proud! Your hero the rapist is the absolute best president ever at being indicted. He beat the long standing record 4 times now! In fact, he’s the only record holder in our history. Congratulations! 😂

You idiot…Republicans dismissed the charges against Hillary because after a dozen inquiries and investigations and wasting hundreds of millions they had absolutely nothing, no crimes. They tried time and time and time again, but could come up with nothing, not even enough to get Barr to charge her, even when they held all 3 parts of the federal government. She had a few unlabeled classified documents that were not shown to the public that were classified AFTER she had them in her possession. Trump stole top secret classified folders clearly labeled that they could not be removed from secured facilities then kept them unsecured, showed them to anyone he could, then lied and hid them repeatedly, violating multiple court orders to keep them illegally. There’s no comparison.

Hunger? Are you trying to say Hunter? No charges have been dropped, you utter ignoramus. The tax charges may be moved to DC or California courts from Delaware. A special council was just empaneled, nothings being dropped or slow walked. Why do you insist on making yourself a laughing stock with these just dumb lies? It’s just so dumb…we aren’t as ignorant as yourself…when you make up nonsense and lies we all know it, dummy. It’s pretty easy…if you say it, it’s guaranteed to be wrong, and 99% likely to just be another lie. PS-Trump appointees are overseeing his case, not democrats.
Are you even aware that Biden could pardon Hunter at any point and all charges would be moot? Do you think Trump would have waited this long, or would he have pardoned his children before charges were filed? We all know the truth, I just wonder if you can admit it.

Every charge is a serious felony, every charge will be proven conclusively. These aren’t the kinds of charges the right makes where you make up some nonsense and just insist it’s true with no evidence just sour grapes…these charges come with mountains of proof….not 17 phantom recordings and the word of hostile spies, but PROOF.

41 counts 19 defendants, 30 unindicted co conspirators (who have all likely turned or would be indicted)…and RICO, so if one committed a crime, they’re all guilty. Many of the 30 have admitted their crimes, and apparently 1/3 of those indicted are looking for a deal to turn. There’s a literal paper trail, email correspondence setting up the multiple crimes, video proof, coconspirators testimony admitting they arranged, planned, and committed crimes at Trump’s direction….he’s absolutely toast. Because of the RICO charge, I f any of them are convicted of just one charge, they’re all guilty and Trump will die in prison because no one can pardon him from charges in Georgia. 😂

Cry more MAGA tears, friendo. Your hero the rapist is going to prison, not the whitehouse. Your cult is ending. Better stock up on flavorade, the time is coming soon when you’ll be called on to force feed it to your family before you chug it for Trump. I know you will when he asks, so get your affairs in order. The time is coming soon.

bobknight33 said:

IF you haven't figured it out perhaps your the bewb.

Odd that the left is gunning full speed to file charges against Trump all the while they slow walk or dismiss charges for Democrats like Hunger and Hillary.

41 counts and most are probably just BS to rack up numbers for fools like you to drink up.

Is Donald Trump a Fascist? | Robert Reich

newtboy says...

Another flat denial with absolutely zero facts…that’s what’s called infantile whining, bob.

“Stupid and gullible”…
Says the man who has gotten every single fact wrong over the last 10+ years.
Says the guy who says Jan 6 was a false flag.
Says the man who claimed the election was stolen (and believed the hundreds of lies that went along with the big lie).
Says the man who said it was a great time to go all in, mortgage the house, borrow all you can and buy all the Tesla stock you can when it hit $400, and continued the same advice as it plunged to near $100. Oddly enough, when it hit bottom, you stopped telling people to buy! WTF!?!
Says the man who denies climate change.
Says the man who said Jan 6 was non violent.
Says the man who said Mr Pelosi was attacked by his gay lover, not a typical violent MAGA nutjob trying to murder Nancy.
Says the man who said covid was a nothing burger requiring absolutely no action.
Says the man who said vaccines are more dangerous than the disease.
Says the man who was alive in 2020 but still tries to say Trump was great for the economy and Biden is bad.
Says the man who still believes the NEXT whistleblower against Hunter will finally be a real whistleblower with proof, not another Chinese spy or another paid actor with zero proof of anything.
Says the man who bought every single idiotic racist lie from Qanon for the last 8 years.
Says the man who, when presented with hundreds of high level republicans convicted of sex abuse and child sex crimes (and lists of hundreds and hundreds more in the wings), including your officially a rapist ex president, says “democrats, the party of debauchery” without being able to show any debauchery by democrats.

I could continue this list of things you got wrong all day long, just like I could send you page after page of high level republicans convicted of child rape and sex abuse charges all day long. You believe stupid nonsense propaganda and deny facts and statistics as a matter of course. You are always absolutely 100% certain of what you claim despite having zero evidence and being told by people who lied to you dozens of times before.

There has never, not for one second, ever been another person 1/2 as stupid or gullible as yourself here on this platform. You get everything 100% wrong, then disappear when you’re twisting and lying doesn’t convince a single person of your lies, then you return in a week with a new set of baseless lies and nonsense.

I’ve spent years debunking the insane right wing lies you spout with facts and figures and references telling you where they come from….you don’t give references because where your “information “ comes from is embarrassing….random internet trolls and disgraced sources like Glen Beck and Alex Jones who both have repeatedly and under oath admitted even they don’t believe 10% of the nonsense they spread, but it makes money selling anger and stupidity to morons, and you just love to lap it up.

It’s actually impressive you are so self unaware that you don’t see how wrong you have been consistently for over a decade. It takes some serious head in the sand denial of reality to be you.

bobknight33 said:

I walk in peace knowing that there are a very stupid and gullible people like you walking around.

Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund - What happen Jan 6

newtboy says...

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
In under 1 minute they blame Jan 6 on Pelosi. You’ve got to try a new lie, dummy. This long ago debunked nonsense only flies with delusional cultists, it turns real Americans away from the “not my fault” party because we all know better. We’ve known better for years and years.
Disgraced Tucker!?! That’s your “news” source now? 🤦‍♂️ 😂 You’ll just believe any stupidity as long as there’s no evidence to back it up, won’t you?

As Speaker of the House, Pelosi does not direct the National Guard, neither did McConnel. Pelosi was not a chair or administrator of any committee supervising the Capitol Police at the time of the insurrection. Further, as the Capitol came under attack, she and the Senate Majority leader called for military assistance, including the National Guard. Trump overrode the request and no help came.


Maybe if Republicans had cared to investigate they might know some facts, but nope, you wanted no investigation, no facts made public, definitely no trials. The republicans on the committee have debunked these, and a thousand other nonsense claims, and the maggots just ignore them.
Now Trump is lying again by claiming the entirety of the Jan 6 investigation has been erased, with no evidence or testimony available, nothing at all….another 100% lie, his lawyers are actually refusing to accept it because they don’t want to have to keep it in a SCIF away from Trump, who they know will immediately post snippets from it on social media despite court orders against it, likely getting him put in jail for contempt and adding more espionage charges.

Now the crimes you just deny are coming home to fuck your world, and I’m so here for every single second with a huge bag of kettle corn laughing my ass hole shut!

Where’s the rest of the footage that proves there was no violence at all and that all the brutal preplanned violence was perpetrated by BLM and the FBI to trick poor nonviolent innocent Trumpists into trying to lynch the vp and murder police? Where is it, Bob? Why’s disgraced Tucker hiding it and allowing hundreds of MAGgot convictions he could prevent?

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

😂 silly boy.

So, another random Twitter account named DC Draino (no bias there) tells you something stupid and already proven false and you just believe it over all the evidence. Typical. You’re such an easy sucker for nonsense.

Not clicking your link. You post links to fake sites hosting viruses, and they wouldn’t have any actual information anyway, just fact free spitballs shot by ignorant children.

There were undercover agents there, but not instigating violence or destruction, they documented it. There’s not one second of video showing an agent instigating violence, but hundreds, thousands of hours of MAGgots instigating and perpetrating violence, hundreds of court cases where it was proven. Trump himself instigated violence and destruction, advocated for it publicly…for months. He’s been indicted for it. “Jan 6 is going to be wild”. It sure was. “Stand back and stand by (until Jan 6 then come armed)”. “Fight hard or you won’t have a country”. “You can’t let them certify this election or you won’t have a country”. “Stop them from stealing the election using trial by combat”. “Go to the Capitol and fight hard, stop the steal…I’ll be there with you”. “Take your country back.” They tried. He tried to pardon them, and has promised to pardon them all if re-elected.

You’ll get all the tapes after Trumps trial, but Tucker has all 44000 hours of them, talk to him. The fact that he released only <5 minutes of highly edited video shows you exactly how weak your position is, if it were true you would already have proof of undercover agents committing violence and destruction, but you have nothing, nada, zip, zilch, Nunca. Just >5 minutes of spliced together video snippets of people walking the halls looking for victims, that’s all he could find with no violence shown. Sucker.

Jan 6 was PURE MAGA sedition and violence, the definition of a failed coup. A display of MAGA hatred of democracy and fairness. There was no one outside the cult instigating anything. Proven by the Jan 6 investigation you ignored. It will be proven again next spring in Trump’s public trial, one of how many now?…and you still won’t believe it.

There is none so blind as he who will not see, and you’ve been squeezing your eyes shut since Trump rode that escalator into your brain (because he’s afraid of stairs and ramps). 😂

You complete and total sucker. They still have you hook line and sinker.

Meanwhile, Daniel Rodriguez (defended by MAGA leadership) was just sentenced to 12.5 years and $100000 for repeatedly tasering a capitol police officer in the neck during his violent attack on congress at Trump’s request and direction, causing a heart attack and permanent brain damage ending his career. He bragged online about it, and after sentencing shouted “Trump won!”. Must be an fbi plant. 😂

Another violent cultist who admits his violence against police for Trump as part of a plot to perform a violent coup….THEY’RE ADMITTING IT…in court under oath. Dummy. 😂

bobknight33 said:

They’re ADMITTING it

How many cops & federal agents were undercover that day? How many instigated violence & property destruction?

Release the J6 tapes!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahahaha! Telling that you aren’t a bit embarrassed that EVERY attempt to smear Dark Brandon has dissolved into a puddle of “witness” lies and obfuscation backed by payoffs from the same people calling these disgraced and often criminal people, some actual foreign spies, as witnesses to the serious crimes they claim Joe Biden committed and instead call the dozen failed investigations and the tens of millions of taxpayer dollars wasted “spitballing ideas”. It proves even you never believed your nonsensical lies, and the ridiculous weaponization of the fed over known lies is still the only method of action the right understands.

Nice that you have now admitted EVERY baseless accusation the right has levied in the last 7 years was nothing more than spitballing ideas. We’ve known it for years. Sucker.

I guess you’re going to stop constantly whining about others “spitballing ideas” about Trump’s criminal activities, especially since those spitballed ideas have evidence and real witnesses backing them up….right?

Every single case against him should proceed, because even if there weren’t mountains of indisputable evidence to back all the charges, spitballing ideas is not illegal. Keep those investigations coming. Right? Or is spitballing only ok for the dishonest right?

No problem investigating Trump’s actions on Epstein island, or with his underaged daughter, nor the underage girls he forced to get naked for him, nor every business dealing he’s ever touched, nor his children, nor their spouses. All fair game to spitball accusations at to see what sticks. You will be reminded every time you throw a tantrum. Unlike you, I can remember what both I and you said.

Barron is Ivanka’s son. Check the dna. Don Jr traffics cocaine internationally on daddy’s plane. Eric has been caught raping young boys, covered up. Trump himself is STILL a friend of Hillary and protected her from prosecution. Trump has paid for over 3 dozen abortions by his rape victims, most under 16 years old. Trump and Epstein famously liked to end force underage 3 ways by docking. Trump owes the mob millions in multiple countries.
Hey, you’re right, this spitballing ideas is fun.

No, it’s not illegal to lie in most cases, but spreading bullshit lies and pretending you can prove them when you know all along they’re nonsensical lies makes you and your entire party untrustworthy dishonest liars, the absolute worst of humanity, and all non cultists see it.
Wasting tens of millions of tax money to “investigate” these spitballs using paid fake “whistleblowers” is criminal, as is paying witnesses for their false testimony…you guys got caught repeatedly.

Are you really so brain damaged you don’t understand? Because everyone else does. The right has put all their eggs in this basket, and you just admitted it’s made of nothing but spit and wet tissues. 😂 How’s this spitballing working out for you guys? Getting lots done in congress? Gaining support from independents? 😂 sucker.

You aren’t spit balling ideas, you are knowingly making baseless false accusations in the hope that one might stick despite having no evidence of anything….that’s what’s called lying by normal people. You aren’t asking questions, you are making random accusations, accusations you KNOW to be false.
We don’t have to lie about Trump, he left mountains of evidence of his crimes, often on audio and video tape and with witnesses. By the election, he could be in prison for hundreds of years if convicted of 10% of the charges….state or federal prison.
We both know he’s only running to try to escape that prison term.

We all know there are more nonsensical lies coming about Joe…your problem is everyone knows you people are nonsensical liars, so no one cares what you’re going off about. It’s nonsense. Like a tired 2 year old trying to argue…you don’t even know what you’re saying, you’re just whining and crying. Who cares what you’re screaming as you throw your tantrums? 😂 you need a long nap.

But I don’t have to lie, Trump is a fraud, thief, and rapist, all 3 found true in courts of law, not opinion. Lots more coming HIS way…maybe 7 more felony indictments by STATE DA’s that he can’t pardon himself from even if he steals the office of president again (remember he’s never won an election, even Clinton got millions more votes). Lots more of that coming your way. Lots more PROOF of Trump’s anti American anti Democracy crimes corroborated by his entire administration, recordings, paper trails, and his own and his lawyers idiotic admissions of the crimes he’s charged with. So much more for you to hide your head up your ass and ignore, anti American felonies you’ll have to just pretend haven’t been proven in court. Can’t wait for him to take the stand, that’s going to be hilarious. His only possible defense is insanity. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Spit balling ideas are not illegal.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid. Lots more of that coming your way.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Er mer gerd, the stupidity….the sound of freedom, the fake Q movie produced by Mexicans, is 100% being astroturfed by selling out entire theaters to make it seem popular, but multiple videos of these sold out showings are completely empty, not one single actual person in the sold out theater. Nice try at fake popularism, but another total failure at producing a fake movement.

What do you want to bet that the Trump campaign somehow used campaign donations to buy out theaters to pretend their Q message is popular?

Watch, soon they’ll be telling you what an important film with an important message that hundreds of thousands now “know” and tons of “facts” you need to know about the child trafficking adrenochrome cabal despite it being pure fantasy that even the creators won’t vouch for.
Another 2000 mules being sold to 2000000 jackasses that love being suckered by liars.

Just more MAGAQ grift…every single thing MAGA says is a lie, most of it is admissions couched in projection. Suckers.

BTW, the rapist Trump’s defense that his lawyers Giuliani and Powell and told him the coup was legal is a loser. Dozens more real lawyers without dementia told him it was illegal, as did the DOJ, and even Trump is recorded mocking the idiotic plan to send fake electors or have Pence choose the president himself, knowing how dumb and illegal both plans were, but later he decided they were his only options.
Not that it matters, his mindset can only be contradicted by Trump himself on the stand, and do you think any lawyer is dumb enough to let the rapist and liar testify? Can you even imagine the dozens of new charges arising from his contradictory and false testimony!?!
Also, his mindset doesn’t matter, it’s his actions that are on trial, not some thought crime. “I’m too dumb and ignorant to know I lost” is not a defense to fomenting multiple coup attempts.

😂 joy: 😂

Ruh-roe….there are new financial disclosures that show that Trump’s Save America PAC has been using small donor money to pay his and other witness and co conspirator legal fees and is broke, (now we know how he wasted over $50 million without paying his own lawyers, using the mob MO of hiring lawyers for subordinates that are loyal only to the Don, not their clients…those subordinates are usually convicted while protecting the crime boss) so busted that it has had to demand a $60 million refund from the MAGA Inc. SuperPac just to get through the year, a refund that also indicates illegal coordination between the SuperPac and Trump’s campaign. More illegal money laundering and SuperPac/campaign collusion (explicitly forbidden) so he could secretly use personal campaign donations for his mounting personal legal woes (including witness tampering by paying their attorneys, something a defendant cannot legally do).
He REALLY needs better attorneys, “my criminal attorneys told me to do the crimes” is not a defense, it’s a guilty plea. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You are correct. 😂
The rapist Trump has used over $55 million of campaign donations for his own legal woes, he pays his family $60k per minute from campaign donations to scream on stage, he claims he pays hundreds of thousands of dollars from political donations for Melania’s hair, he took donations from Russians and Ukrainian separatists, his daughter took tens of millions from the Chinese to curry favor during trade talks, his son took two BILLION from Saudis for selling state secrets and looking the other way as they murdered American journalists, he stole from his charity for disabled veterans and is barred from participating in any charity now, he ran a fraudulent school, he paid millions for redlining at his properties, Jr met Russians to trade favors for dirt on Clinton. AND DON’T FORGET HE’S OFFICIALLY A RAPIST! The rapist Trump’s family are a megalomaniac crime family with a delusional cult funding them.

They are unlike Biden or BLM that both produce results for the small donations they receive from American citizens. I know of no accusation of Joe using campaign funds for personal or family expenditures….Trump does it as a matter of course.

Not just excuses, grift, baseless accusations, and moaning for billions in foreign bribes, but results like major economic recovery/boom and actual meaningful police reform for an alleged few million or less in American dollars (or in Joe’s case, for a small salary).

The Trumps sold America to China and the Saudis.

This is verifiable fact.

You only have baseless just stupid accusations against Biden, like the brainless accusation that Hunter took billions from China….where is it then? Where’s the paper trail? The evidence? Even the “whistleblowers” had absolutely nothing to say that helped impugn either Biden. Not a single thing found in years besides tax evasion, Trump’s favorite crime besides maybe rape…no banking trail, no bribery, no espionage, no election fraud, no sedition, no rights violations, nor a single rape between them either! 😂

Such delusion…. you know all this, but still pretend the rapist Trump isn’t a criminal and Dark Brandon is. 😂 😂 😂 How’s that working out?

bobknight33 said:

BLM leaders are more like the Biden family, not Trumps.

Biden sold out America

5 Crises Republicans Made up to Distract You

newtboy says...

I don’t watch or read MSNBC…if it’s truly 100% about calling out manufactured crises and whining about them, that is awful. I do find it hard to believe that it is, though.

(Edit: I looked, 11 top headlines for “today’s news”, 3 about Trump…of the 21 latest headlines (bottom of page) only one about Trump, none about Hunter or Giuliani.)
I think you’re confusing supplemental articles covered under one topic as “headlines”…I count 7 top of page headlines, 2 about Trump’s legal cases, 1 about Trump’s lawyers talking shit about him, 1 about the failing Hunter investigation. Too much Trump, yes, but plenty of real news too. Their format is gawd awful….tabloid at the top, news at the bottom.

Granted, Trump’s constantly expanding legal issues are the lead story everywhere. That’s hardly a pure distraction when he’s 1) an ex president facing hundreds of felonies for actions he took while in office and 2) he’s the Republican front runner facing hundreds of felonies including sedition and espionage. Giuliani is a part of that same story. I don’t see that as a manufactured story/crisis. (But it does get too much attention by far).
EDIT: That said, the disgraced ex president and rapist was indicted minutes ago on four felony counts: conspiracy to defraud the United States "by using dishonesty, fraud and deceit to obstruct the nation’s process of collecting, counting, and certifying the results of the presidential election"; conspiracy to impede the Jan. 6 congressional proceeding; a conspiracy against the right to vote and to have that vote counted; and obstruction of, and attempt to obstruct and impede, the certification of the electoral vote. That’s insanely big news.

It’s also not a pure distraction to mention Hunter when the entire house is doing nothing more than “investigating” him, and his long touted public legal case just went to court for a failed plea agreement. That’s newsworthy because one party makes it so, but barely.

It is a terrible state if that’s ALL they mention, agreed. There’s lots more going on to address.

bcglorf said:

I think you're missing my point.

My point is, I just hopped over to MSNBC, and reading from the top of the page, 18 of the 21 top headlines were about either Trump, Guiliani or Hunter Biden. They are obsessing and distracting their 'blue' base with all the same garbage as Fox, but they are better because they are pointing out the wrongs.

Maybe a better analogy, MSNBC is like Dr. Phil bringing on the worst examples of humanity and letting the audience rage bait and feel superior to the horrible humans on display. Trump has been the perfect recurring guest for a never ending MSNBC parade of horrible behaviour.

I'm not against calling out that behaviour, I'm in favour of it. I'm just calling it rather dishonest to have 99% of your airtime and coverage all focused on nothing else, and then spend the last 1% complaining about the other side obsessing...

Storing dead people at -196°C

newtboy says...

Just idiotic. Idiotic, wasteful, immoral, unethical, and impossible…

The ancient Egyptians had a better chance at resurrection.
When the preservation process causes more irreversible damage than death, paying through the nose for it is just dumb…especially paying to have just your disembodied head frozen in a vat with hundreds of others who died of something incurable.
Won’t it be ironic when they solve the cell rupturing freezing issues, learn to reanimate dead tissue and repair brains that were freezer burned for decades…only to not be able to cure the diseases they gave you by tossing you in a vat with the other heads! 😂

This is nothing new. The first intentionally cryogenically frozen person was frozen in 1967, and not much has changed.

Also…who in the f*ck thinks “there aren’t enough people, we need to bring back the dead”? What utterly brain dead moron thinks stopping death, even just for the Uber rich, is a good or feasible idea.

In the immortal words of comic book guy, worst idea ever!

5 Crises Republicans Made up to Distract You

newtboy says...

Lol. Senator Cruz!?! What a paragon of virtue that’s always honest when making accusations. 😂 let’s see proof before going one inch farther, verified certified proof accepted in a court of law. Until then, it’s just another cry of wolf from dishonest little boys.

Who were these alleged S.A.R.s involving? Trump? I notice no one was named. Did you not notice that? Let’s have names, and banks listed, and let’s hear the outcome of the official investigations into the reports if they were submitted, which is unlikely…because it sure sounds like more nothing.

So….How many S.A.R.s did banks send about Trump. Hundreds if not thousands. Guaranteed you don’t want to hear, Bob, and would refuse to accept the full number that’s definitely exponentially more than the senator without evidence claims about a Biden, every accusation is an admission. You and he are just reminding everyone that Trump was not only reported for suspicious banking hundreds - thousands of times, he was also convicted of banking frauds, business frauds, charity frauds, and wire frauds, and is still under multiple investigations for blatant money laundering with multiple criminal organizations in multiple foreign countries…Biden was not…neither Biden. Neither of them was convicted of being a rapist either!! 😂

Sucker. You’ll buy anything as long as it’s stupid and without evidence. Another failed attempt to manufacture a crisis by the most hated and untrustworthy man in Washington. “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you”- Lindsey Graham


bobknight33 said:

As the evidence for at least an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden mounts, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and co-host Ben Ferguson discussed the latest bombshell - 170 suspicious activity reports (SARs) from six banks over the past few years - on their podcast with House Oversight Chairman James Comer

SARs are submitted and sent to the Treasury Department when banks "have a strong suspicion" that a crime has been committed, so as to protect the bank.

As Comer emphasized, these are submitted "very seldom."

If someone were to have two, the chairman explained, it would be hard for that person to open up a bank account.

Submitting an SAR, Comer added, also is "inviting the regulators to come in and regulate," which is the last thing banks want.

The 170 reports are thus quite significan

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And now what? I gave it MORE time, unemployment went down MORE, inflation went down MORE, GDP went up MORE, low wages went up MORE, even corporate profits went up, stocks went up.
The only thing going down is Trump’s favorability rating, down 9 points this year among even just republicans! Better, his plan to escape hundreds of criminal charges by running again has failed completely. 😂

Time to disappear in shame again, because you can never admit your predictions were stupidly wrong..but they ALWAYS are. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Unemployment will go up per FED.

The jobs added were lower paying jobs.

Time my friend give it time.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

First, nice paraphrasing what you say are gods perfect words. He would be pissed at you fudging them to protect Donny…if he existed. You fucked up big time. These are the commandments dummy….

#1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

#2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

#3. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

#4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. (That day was Saturday.)

#5. Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

#6. Thou shalt not kill.

#7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

#8. Thou shalt not steal.

#9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

#10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

Now that he’s president and has murdered thousands, which of these has Trump not broken repeatedly?

1. He has always put himself before any god.
2. He made a gold idol of himself and displayed it for you to worship.
3. He has only ever misused the name of god. He wouldn’t know how to use it in any way besides as a sword or shield.
4. He fucks porn stars on the sabbath, and cheats at golf, and business…he’s never kept anything holy in his life, especially the sabbath.
5. He’s said some terrible things about his immigrant parents and by not fighting the charges but paying millions in fines has admitted they were racist bastards.
6. He killed hundreds as collateral damage from his intended targets for murder.
7. Adultery….he’s never been with any woman he didn’t cheat on, especially all those immigrants he married.
8. Theft…Convicted repeatedly of theft by fraud to the tune of hundreds of millions.
9. Has never given honest testimony or statements in his life, he’s incapable of honesty.
10. He covets everything he sees, especially his friend’s wives that he brags about trying to sleep with and their land he tries to steal.

What was your point? That rapist DJT is really the anti-Christ? 😂

Side note, his home in Florida is seeing a number of biblical plagues…disease like malaria and leprocy are becoming rampant (thanks to anti science health policies), the seas are boiling (over 101 degrees), and a plague of semi-aquatic reptiles are decimating wildlife (pythons), rivers are turning red (, livestock pestilence (…just need darkness (wait for the next hurricane). Sounds like any first born children should probably leave the state immediately! 😂

bobknight33 said:

You shall have no other Gods before me
You shall not make for yourselves an idol
You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
Honor your father and your mother
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not give false testimony
You shall not covet

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