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Trump and Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

luxintenebris says...

it's a shame that when president said he has tested positive for covid, the response for many was "what's his angle?"

not surprising for either incident or for the orangettes' "don't be mean to him" (like hill folk have no sense of irony) but this was...

can say haven't found much schandenfreude in his deadly hubris or in his precarious situation but did find some dark humor from this...

...that is fair game.

rather he loses the presidency, and recovers enough to face his trials, true place in history, and witness the steep fall off of the fat-head chasers. take his rightful place among the legacies of paterno, cosby and epstein.

Toto: Africa (but off-beat and off-key)

noims says...

Damnit, someone found my karakoe sessions.

I just had a thought. Is Karoke just the direct japanese translation for "the audio equivalent of awkward/embarrassing humor"

Skokomish River salmon cross the road

BSR says...

The riddle appeared in an 1847 edition of The Knickerbocker, a New York City monthly magazine:

After 173 years of this joke being handed down from generation to generation it has become the standard kickstarter joke to give life to a sense of humor. So much so that the first thought about any animal crossing the road would or should trigger the chicken punchline.

Regardless of wanting points or not you would have gotten them anyway so the VS community would know my words have much iron.

Yes, I think I pointed that out. Nice work. 😜

newtboy said:

No, those aren't chickens....not even chickens of the sea, so that's not an obvious question.

I told you I didn't want points, so wouldn't ask the obvious's THE answer.

I implanted the question in a random sifter's brain without their knowledge. Come on.

What is QAnon? If You Don’t Know, Now You Know

StukaFox says...

Heh! Well-played, Bob! I love the fact that you do have a twisted sense of humor and you always play it just right.

bobknight33 said:

The other sounds pro American, Freedom with a tinge of baby eating.

Fibre. It’s how we internet now.

cloudballoon says...

It's no wonder smarter comedy and humor is pretty much a lost art in the USA comedy circuit when most practitioners are the obnoxiously loud & proud, jackassery-as-comedy kind of drivel.

newtboy said:

Go there, meet the people, it will all make perfect sense. They aren't crazy or all dicks, that makes a huge difference in their society.

Fibre. It’s how we internet now.

Khufu says...

how is it possible that a nation has such a good collective sense of humor? Seriously, even big companies can do it... in north america the same kinds of companies make ads that come across as contrived, dishonest, pandering and forced more often than not.

True Facts: The Hummingbird Warrior

Coldmoon says...

Beautiful video and a lot of fun and interesting facts. My wife and I are big hummingbird fans, but we were a little disappointed after putting out a feeder that ended up being dominated by a very crafty and very vicious little guy. We put several more up, thinking that he wouldn’t defend them all, but he did. He was really attempting to injure and or kill the others, so we took the feeders down. Little bastard ruined it for everyone!!
I think that it wouldn’t hurt to maybe cut about 40% of the humor. I don’t think that some posters understand how distracting humorous comments can be, and how they can seem forced and entirely irrelevant to the subject.
You have a great voice for this sort of presentation!

How to Be a Woke White Person

luxintenebris jokingly says...

'cruelty is all out of ignorance. If you knew what was in store for you, you wouldn't hurt anybody, because whatever you do comes back much more forceful than you send it out." - willie nelson

prefer the real willie nelson.

and his humor...

"i think youngsters need to start thinking about what kind of world they are going to leave for me and keith richards."

Best commercial for a ladder EVER!

Digitalfiend says...

...and I just watched a 3 1/2min ad and enjoyed Advertisers take note: make your adverts interesting and humorous and people might actually not mind them for a change.

The Walk.

newtboy says...

Lol. It was a good joke to those of us with a sense of humor about Trump's narcissism and his inability to accept he's not "a perfect human being" (his words).

I think he means Trumpsters.
For someone who claims he doesn't like Trump, you sure bend over backwards to defend his inability to walk down a not steep ramp. It's not clear you don't like him, it is clear you strongly prefer him to Biden, but why? Please give 3 specific juxtapositions/examples.

Trump isn't even the leader of his administration. He's incapable of leadership. He holds the position of leadership but without the ability.

Um...I'm pretty sure he was talking to Trump, or do you also talk yourself up unsuccessfully, doing nothing useful, just whining? Lol.

Hmmm...looking at your profile a question comes up....are you just another Bobknight33 sock puppet? He started one every few weeks right when your account started, timing and political position line up perfectly, and like all the others you've never posted a video. Color me suspicious. Seems like every right winger that comments here started their account within weeks of each other and you all only comment except the main account, bobby, who does post videos. Hmmmm.

harlequinn said:

It's barely a "joke".

"You people" eh? I guess you mean Republican. I didn't vote for him bud, I'm not a citizen yet. And for the record, it's pretty clear I don't like him. But I don't suck from the Democrat teat just to oppose Trump. I'm not that naive.

FYI, he's the leader of all Americans.

Lol, you think I'm going to "shut the fuck up" because you said to. So funny. I'll do whatever "the fuck" I please thanks mate.

Do something useful? Where? In my day job? On the internet? Lol, I'm about as useful as you are on the internet.

The Walk.

newtboy says...

Just like when you see a 4.3 degree slope and say "oh, it's a full 11 degrees, so steep" it adds nothing to your argument of the facts and makes you sound Trumpian, willing to just make up obviously incorrect numbers for no good reason. Where did you get 11 degrees anyway? OAN?
3 is much closer to correct than 11.

It was only a steep ramp for an elderly decrepit obese couch potato, not a healthy adult. I guess you didn't watch the comparison you asked for, Trump struggling his way UP the ramp.
For comparison, the ramp I built for my invalid dog is 2' rise over a 6' run, which makes an 18 degree incline. She was paralysed from the waist back and has no trouble. Even my elderly, obese, out of shape, and sickly mother in law goes up and down it with far less trouble than Trump had on this 4.3 degree ramp.

There's never been a reason to focus on a president going down a ramp and has never been one in my lifetime that had this kind of trouble, but guaranteed if Hillary had gone up or down any ramp like that during her campaign Republicans would have spent months insisting she's on her death bed.

It's funny. Perhaps you just have no sense of humor on this topic?

harlequinn said:

Yes, jokes are "supposed" to be funny. If you show a video of an 11 degree ramp and say "oh its only 3 degrees" it adds nothing to your suggested punchline of the joke. In fact it detracts from it (i.e. if it is only 3 degrees then Biden running up it is meaningless).

Trump was factually correct. It was a steep ramp. There is just no way out of that. It doesn't mean he didn't look like a baby learning to walk as he walked down it, but it was still steep.

The punchline (if it were a joke, and it's not) would be Joe Biden running down the ramp. Not up. Unfortunately, for some reason, never before has the media foccused on a president walking down a ramp and it been a topic of conversation (because really, it is fucking inane). But if you hunt enough, you can find a video of Obama striding down the back ramp.

A basic requirement for being funny is... being funny. Which this video is not. But each to their own I guess.

BILL & TED FACE THE MUSIC Official Teaser Trailer #1 (2020)

mram says...

I love Carlin, but he's not pivotal to any Bill and Ted story. It just suited him.

And I don't care about why this movie was made. I don't care that it's dated, I don't care that it looks forced. It's exactly the kind of silly humor I need right now, and like it's been said elsewhere, this might drag me out of my house to see in the theatre. Regardless, I'd pay to see it.

Original writers = check.
Dean Parisot = Respect!

BILL & TED FACE THE MUSIC Official Teaser Trailer #1 (2020)

newtboy says...

Without Carlin, this looks like a sad, uninspired cash grab from an old, should be left to rest franchise.

I just cannot imagine this being good. Those who remember it nostalgicly are too old now for the infantile humor, and those the right age group have no connection with the story world, characters, or 80's references.

Hollywood, please quit with the rotten memberberry sauce on everything.

This Week

luxintenebris says...

good one, bob. always good for dark humor.

i won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said. (borrowed that from bill buckley)

tho' bk, will match your morbid bit with this...

...the candles, dad's hat, dim lighting? gives off a memorial vibe. like the big screen will be used to show the father's life in pictures. he's talking from a funeral home, then saying the other party is politicizing the 90K deaths?


bobknight33 said:

We were told that there will be 1 to 2 million deaths over next few months if we dong flatten the curve. Steps taken by POTUS admin and and states and now we are looking at 90,000 deaths.

Sounds like a God Damn success.

MEGA 2020

World Naked Bike Ride London Hyde Park June 8 2019

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