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Lost Cop Shoots Puppy On Private Property In Oklahoma

punisher says...

Here is a least one case where I am right and the shooter is now on death row.... If you read the actual article you will see that the SWAT officer was actually in the wrong house, at midnight, busting in and the shooter was still convicted. Most self defense laws do not allow the self defense argument when going against police.

"According to Radley Balko, Cory Maye, a man with no criminal record, defended himself against a SWAT Team member who, at the wrong residence, broke down his door without knocking:
As the raid on Smith commenced, some officers - including Jones -- went around to what they thought was a side door to Smith's residence, looking for a larger stash of drugs. The door was actually a door to Maye's home. Maye was home alone with his young daughter, and asleep, when one member of the SWAT team broke down the outside door. Jones, who wasn't armed, charged in, and made his way to Maye's bedroom. Because police believed Maye's side of the duplex was still part of Smith's residence, they never announced themselves (Note added on 12/0/05: Police said at trial that they did announce themselves before entering Maye's apartment -- Maye and his attorney say otherwise. I'm inclined to believe Maye, for reasons outlined in this post. However, even if they did, announcing seconds before bursting in just before midnight, isn't much better than not announcing at all. An innocent person on the other end of the raid, particularly if still asleep, has every reason to fear for his life.). Maye, fearing for his life and the safety of his daughter, fired at Jones, hitting him in the abdomen, just below his bulletproof vest. Jones died a short time later.
Here's the Mississippi murder statute under which Maye was convicted (also via Radley Balko):
(a) Murder which is perpetrated by killing a peace officer or fireman while such officer or fireman is acting in his official capacity or by reason of an act performed in his official capacity, and with knowledge that the victim was a peace officer or fireman..."

So here we have one case

Mazzy Star - She's My Baby

MrFisk says...

She's my baby
She belongs to me
Yesterday she walked home all alone
Everybody else
Looks at my baby
Then they wander over to me

But baby's feelin' bad today
She said she's thinkin of goin' away
Oh baby I'm cryin'
And my body's flyin'
But I remember you

She's my baby
Ain't that something
But I know she belongs to you

Yesterday was another day
When I saw your baby
Walkin' home alone
I'm feelin' sorry
I called you but I guess I forgot your name

My baby's feelin' bad today
She said she's thinkin' of goin' away
But she's just like lightning
She goes right through you
Then you know you'll never
Be the same

Now everybody looks
All around the corner
Just to see your baby
Walkin' home

She's my baby
Ain't that something
But I know that she belongs to you
She belongs to you

Afraid of Flying.. any help - seriously! (Wings Talk Post)

Ryjkyj says...

Give up control completely. The pilots know what they're doing. Think of it just like sitting on a train or in a car.

Remember that if you were sitting at home alone in your bathroom you'd have a higher statistical likelyhood of dying than on a plane.

Remember how much fun you'll have in Finland... lucky....

Do not get drunk.

George Peterson, Ed Rooney And The Dead Grandmother

videosiftbannedme says...

I have a theory about John Hughes. Initially he started with the teen comedies like Sixteen Candles, Weird Science, et al. Then he slowly started maturing into stuff like Some Kind of Wonderful, She's Having a Baby, etc. But those movies really didn't make it all that big, so he went the other direction and began to regress. Hence, Home Alone, Curly Sue, Baby's Day Out.

Once he hit the sperm and the egg, I think he got confused and just gave up after that.

Don LaFontaine's Best Work: Terminator 2 Trailer

Pornography Myths (Femme Talk Post)

thinker247 says...

"...laying in bed hurt because he would rather be on the computer. Before porn I never found myself alone at bedtime."

Think about what she's saying. She saying that their marriage was fine until he started watching porn. But is it porn that ruined the relationship, or was it the fact that the husband suddenly wanted a computer image rather than his wife? This has nothing to do with porn. It's the mentality of the husband that is the problem.

For example, what if it was hanging out at a bar with his friends rather than porn? Or what if the wife was home alone every night because the husband was busy working late? Don't blame the symptom for the disease.

>> ^LittleRed:
I'm not anti-porn; I'm anti-porn in relationships.

Kids Home Alone Dumbstruck by Big Small Earthquake

10444 says...

He probably can't help it, what with the hype on media and from his school about earthquake safety. They're taught how to react, how scary it is, to hide under things, to make sure everyone's okay. It pretty much deadens their natural wonder and curiousity to be given information they would've had otherwise - they think, 'Well I was given all the information I need. I shall now react like I was taught.'

>> ^Enzoblue:
This is sad if you ask me. The kid is indicative of the cowardice of children today - hell earthquakes were a thrill when I was that young. He's aping parental concern and acting 'responsibly' like a soccer mom. Where's the child-like awe??

Counter-Strike - You Got Owned By A Five Year Old

Shepppard (Member Profile)

thepinky says...

You're very ignorant if you think that everyone has the same rights and opportunities. And degrading attitudes about women still exist today. The stereotypes that label men as rational, strong, decisive, and protective and women as emotional (irrational), submissive, weak, and nurturing are still very much alive. Just look at the top sifts of all time:
1. A very talented MAN playing the ukelele
2. Two talented BOYS' well-made lightsaber video
3. Autistic BOY being awesome at a b-ball game
4. Talented MALE robot dancer
5. Prairie Dog, generally accepted as MALE. Thus: Drama KING
6. Very clever rant about Pachebel. Again, a talented and clever MAN.
7. FINALLY, an intelligent WOMAN with integrity. But, wait! She's also very beautiful. Do you think this would be the #7 sift if she hadn't been so gorgeous? I don't think so. Listen to some of the comments:
"Plus, uhmm - she's like a hot Christiane Amanpour. But I like her integrity too."
"She's 40% Kylie Minogue and 60% Naomi Watts."
"...Plus, shes hot."
"Is there anything better than a hot, articulate, angry blonde ... I don't think so."
"Lara Logan is hot. Not only is she drop dead pretty, she is smart, she has an acerbic tongue and she tells the truth. Lately, she has been wearing tight tops with a push-up bra that really make her tits looks great. More Iraq stories, please............"
"shes hot and reaaaaaaly intelligent..."
"I want this woman to have my children."
"Lara Logan, will you marry me?"

I give major props to the guys of videosift for focusing FAR more on her integrity, intelligence, and how articulate she is. They really were very good about that. But I really, really think that a lot of those votes had everything to do with the COMBINATION of brains and looks. If this had been an ugly woman, it would not have received NEARLY as many votes, I'd bet you anything. Moving on.

8. Awesome commercial. The wind is a tall MAN doing funny things. Love this sift.
9. Drug spiders. MALE spiders (Mr. Crack Spider, etc.), Male narrator.
10. Quantum Physics narrated and explained by a MALE scientist.
11. Clever prank, talented FEMALES. (Yay!) All old/overweight women are the ones being tricked, all beautiful and young females are the tricksters. Some sample comments:
"...also, they were hot."
"Those twins could prank me in the bathroom anytime."
"Twin hot German chicks in a bathroom is guaranteed to make #1."

Again, the majority of the comments had nothing to do with the way the girls looked, but on the prank itself. Cool. Movin on.

12. Jon Stewart (MAN) being funny and clever and awesome.
13. A pretty GIRL with a great bod doing something pretty cool. Comments:

"She can spin on my escalator any day she likes."
"This is cool and I think it's pure science. For example, it would be interesting also to rub her down in various oils and see how it affects the results. Or underwear versus no underwear for example. What would happen?"
"She's a hottie."
"oh and this is *nature too because humans are part of nature.
and *sexuality because those tight jeans make her look sexy to me."
"I predict a chubby girl stuck between the glass railings of a shopping mall escalator near you."
"Indeed, perhaps she will leave a trail of freshly erected posts behind her as she spins her way from town to town."
"I suspect she already left a trail of freshly erected posts, both at the original venue and among some of the male sift viewers judging by the comments."
"Videosift seems to have an immense fondness for rotating women."
"You males are all full of bull putty. If this was a 15 year old pimply faced fella doing this it have about 20 votes and an eia tag immediately."

14. Dolphins blowing bubbles
15. Cool music video. MALE band, MALE hands.

Most people see the world through the eyes of a man and they don't even know it. Men look, women are looked upon.

Top Box-Office Movies of all time: (I'm going to point out the gender of JUST the main character (protagonist).

Titanic (1997)- As far as I can tell, not having seen the movie, the MALE/FEMALE share the main character spot.
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) - Male
Shrek 2 (2004) - Male
E. T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)- Male
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) - Male
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) - Male/Female?
Spider-Man (2002) - Male
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)- Male
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)- Male
Spider-Man 2 (2004) - Male
The Passion of the Christ (2004)- Male
Jurassic Park (1993) - Male
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)- Male
Finding Nemo (2003) - Male
Spider-Man 3 (2007) - Male
Forrest Gump (1994) - Male
The Lion King (1994) - Male
Shrek the Third (2007) - Male
Transformers (2007) - Male
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) - Male
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) - Male
Iron Man (2008) - Male
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) - Male
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) - Male
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) - Male
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) - Male
Independence Day (1996) - Male
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) - Male
The Sixth Sense (1999) - Male
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) - Male
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Male/Female
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - Male
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) - Male
Home Alone (1990) - Male
The Matrix Reloaded (2003) - Male
Meet the Fockers (2004) - Male
Shrek (2001) - Male
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) - Male
The Incredibles (2004) - Male
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) - Male

I could keep going, but I think you get the picture.

In reply to this comment by Shepppard:
Alright, this is a video of someone doing what they love.
I don't understand the controversy. Just because I watched this doesn't make me think of a woman as an object. I see her dancing, and I see her doing something she loves to do. I'm not sitting here thinking "I'd hit that so hard she'd walk funny for a week" I'm actually sitting here enjoying it because it's a dance.

People need to seriously reconsider what they want to pick fights with. Society on the whole has come to terms of equality. Black, White, Yellow, Purple, brown, male or female, everybody has equal rights and opportunities.
No race is better then the other, and same goes for the Sexes.

People don't treat women as brainless objects anymore. You can vote, you can drive, you can work, the only thing you can't do is pee standing up. People have accepted that women are NOT objects anymore, and therefore can actually watch something like this and appreciate it as art.

Because we (at least not all of us), don't have our head in the gutter anymore and can accept it.

MADtv - Home Alone Again with Michael Jackson

Birthdays Waves (Eia Talk Post)

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Farhad2000 says...

I got so sick of the audience douchebaggery that I changed my movie going habits entirely, I would go to see the film much later, after it's initial run sometime late at night or late in the afternoon, when no one is at the cinema. No one texting, talking or trying to give fellatio to their boyfriends in the back row. Ideally though an art house theater is the best, but those places either have shit screens or seats, but the audience appreciates a good film experience. Mind you this was in Canada.

In Kuwait it's even worse, not only do they butcher the film by cutting any kissing, sex or skin but they sometimes totally cock up the negative as a result. Die Hard 4.0, remember the daughter making out with her boyfriend? That scene was cut, but after that scene the film like increased contrast and dimmed visibly, it was a strain to watch the rest of it. Now add to that segregated seats (between guys and families, so seat selection is out of the question most of the time), annoying loud groups of kids and their dumbfuck adults. I mean really who brings their children to The Ring, Fahrenheit 9/11 or Sicko? This is why they cut movies here, because there is no rating system implemented so all movies need to be notched down to PG levels. Its so stupid because while cutting sex and stuff out they also sometimes simply shorten the movies for no reason, I remember watching Training Day as a one hour movie, furthermore they don't cut violence out, so you have 5 year olds see people get their shit blown apart (not that I personally find anything wrong with that, but its highly ironic).

I remember the last movie I watched here in the cinema was Bourne Supremacy, the whole way through these two girls were gossiping and giggling in the most annoying voice behind us. Previously some cunt would usually use a laser pointer to point out nipples of the actresses in select scenes, he thought he was a fucking comedian. Then there are people who just come to watch the movie, turn on their cellphone to play games, now you know how bright a LCD cellphone screen can be in a dark room, or worse they answer the phone and start relating the movie to their buddy (thankfully they put in cell phone blockers for this now). Other times half way through the movie, people just get up and leave making alot of noise, because they are stupid, they don't get it, they had nothing to do and thought going to the movies would be fun.

Now I only watch movies at home, alone, with a large screen and 5.1 surround sound. Its bliss compared to that shit. Watched Michael Clayton and Tropa De Elite, both great movies.

Low-tech (but effective!) Home Security

lmayliffe says...

How in the holy hell does this get so many votes?

Sorry, not trying to troll, but Home Alone style antics with a dog and a cat? As a viral food ad?

I guess I should go find a video with a marmut reenacting Ferris Bueller as an ad for marmut brushes.

Low-tech (but effective!) Home Security

Undercover Mosque: Exposing the Wahabi Sect

gwaan says...

Sadly this documentary is true :-(

A friend of mine - an Islamic scholar and Mufti from South East Asia - came to Britain to study for a Masters Degree in law. He was so shocked by the intolerant rhetoric and reactionary bile he heard in British mosques that he often preferred to pray at home alone than in congregation at the local mosque. Inshallah the situation seems to be improving - I have noticed an improvement in the rhetoric at the major mosques. I regularly go to Central London Mosque, and while the most extreme literature and media has been removed, a lot of that which remains is still very reactionary. That being said, the congregation at London Central Mosque come from such a broad range of countries and traditions that no one ideology is dominant amongst the congregation. The inherent pluralism in the congregation is the single most important obstacle standing in the way of the extremists.

The views of these people are a complete perversion of Muhammad's message:

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