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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still 3.8% unemployment, sucker. 4 years ago it was nearly 15%! Choke on it. (Like over a million Americans choked on their last breath thanks to Trump’s mismanagement.)

Month after month after month after month of exceeding predicted jobs GROWTH you moron. Often by double.
That includes lost jobs and new jobs.
Wages are RISING much faster than inflation. Not only are jobs plentiful, at historical low unemployment for a record time, but earnings are higher…the new jobs pay more than the lost jobs.

Eat it. The economy is going gangbusters, so fast and hard the fed won’t lower interest. We recovered at double the rate of other nations. In March we ADDED OVER 300000 MORE JOBS that average better pay, same in Jan, Feb, and probably April. Those alleged 200000 didn’t even register, even with the lost jobs counted the jobs numbers are consistently near double expectations!

Really? Where do you get those insane numbers? Not the department of labor. Probably Trump, who would have simply made them up.

The labor market continues to be stiff and hard like a teenager on viagra at a strip club. The recovery is wide, long, and veiny. I know that sucks for Trump who is clear he wants a recession to help his poll numbers. Maybe you don’t see it because you’re invested in stupidity like Tesla and Trump Media. 😂


bobknight33 said:

Latest List of Layoffs Over Last 4 Months:

1. Twitch: 35% of workforce
2. Hasbro: 20% of workforce
3. Spotify: 17% of workforce
4. Levi's: 15% of workforce
5. Zerox: 15% of workforce
6. Qualtrics: 14% of workforce
7. Wayfair: 13% of workforce
8. Tesla: 10% of workforce
9. Duolingo: 10% of workforce
10. Washington Post: 10% of workforce
11. Snapchat: 10% of workforce
12. eBay: 9% of workforce
13. PayPal: 9% of workforce
14. Business Insider: 8% of workforce
15. Charles Schwab: 6% of workforce
16. Macy's: 4% of workforce
17. Blackrock: 3% of workforce
18. Citigroup: 20,000 employees
19. UPS: 12,000 employees
20. Cisco: "Thousands" of employees

In 2024, we have already seen 74,000 tech layoffs alone with well over 200,000 across all industries.

Last month, the US added a whopping 691,000 part-time jobs while LOSING 6,000 full-time jobs.

Is the labor market finally starting to soften?

Biden Closes Gun Show/Internet Background Check Loophole

newtboy says...

More idiotic blather based on your complete lack of knowledge.
The FBI estimates that only 10% of guns used for crimes are legally obtained, so stopping the illegal unregulated gun trade should stop arming 90% of viloent criminals. Stopping the flow of 90% of guns used for crime is nothing? Derp.

Sure, keeping criminals in prison longer might help some after the fact, but 1) they have to commit at least one violent gun crime first and 2) our prisons are already so bursting full of them… so much that many states cannot put non violent criminals in prison without first releasing violent criminals, so longer sentences are impossible.
BTW- speaking of harsher sentences, a Vietnamese businesswoman was just sentenced to death for a fraud scheme extremely similar to Trumps real estate/bank/tax fraud scheme.
Is that what you suggest, harsher sentencing all around, or only for crimes you wrongly believe are committed mostly by minorities?

This won’t stop every illegal gun sale, but it closes 3 major methods of easily “legally” selling unregistered guns to people who are barred from owning guns. That is a good thing to anyone who isn’t a criminal looking to buy a gun for crimes….and braying morons.

If it does nothing, why has the right been fighting tooth and nail to keep the loopholes open for so long? A: because so many are felons (just like their leadership) and they still want to buy more guns.

bobknight33 said:

This will do nothing.
If you want to stop gun violence.
Keep those who commit these crimes in jail.

Another feels good do nothing law that Democrat party will use to circle jerk each other.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No sir, that’s the rectal filter you look through.

Every word I posted was easily verifiable and verified fact, you can’t dispute a word of it with facts so you don’t even try.
If it was bullshit, it would be easy for you to prove it’s bullshit and rub my nose in it, something I know you long to do.
But you aren’t.
That alone is proof enough that even you know it’s not bullshit.

Edit: It’s also not bullshit that NY has Don by the short and curlies and 1) put a blanket lien on all “his properties” (properties he has partial ownership of) so he can’t make secret sales or deals with them as collateral and 2) enhanced the roll of the monitor to monitor all daily transactions across the organization (and hire help if needed) to safeguard against Don trying to shuffle assets out of state like he’s already been caught attempting repeatedly after the judgement…and to ensure we know who ends up putting up $500000000 for him and who he’s that indebted to, and what portions of properties he’s using as collateral for what “loans” and at what valuations. All this monitoring with the expert teams required could easily end up costing $30k an hour for 3 years (or more if he violates the order or law)…all at the Trump org’s expense.
This on top of the $250000 a day in legal expenses for his civil and criminal cases that his donor supplied super PAC is footing the bill for now.
Melania got screwed…she slept with that shit smelling clown and won’t even get paid, he’s probably completely broke or worse, deep DEEP in debt. Somehow I don’t really care, do you?

Bonus- Manly Traitor Greene is moving to toss the speaker again. Really a good look at the start of election season to remind everyone that MAGA can’t even negotiate with itself and absolutely under no circumstances can they govern. Repeatedly taking the country to the line on shutdowns has injured our national credit rating, costing the country billions it could have funded all the programs MAGA said we can’t afford with, including securing the border. 😂
Americans understand this clearly. Only cultists can twist reality enough to ignore their obstructionist party’s complete failure to legislate or do ANYTHING PRODUCTIVE at all.

bobknight33 said:

No rebuttal needed.

You post bull shit

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Don is losing it, knowing his entire net worth isn’t as much as he owes. Even using all his assets as collateral he can’t get a loan, maybe stiffing and cheating all those banks for decades wasn’t the best idea. Maybe inflating his net worth by 100-1000 times wasn’t the best idea. Maybe refusing to admit the frauds and settle despite the summary judgement wasn’t the best idea. Maybe hiring the worst lawyers in American history wasn’t the best idea. He has 4 days.

It begs the question…who actually owns his properties? We don’t know, but it’s not him. Who, exactly, is he beholding to, and what sway did they have while he was president? We know the Saudis own properties with and do business with him, and Russians. Almost certainly the Chinese too. Who else? Does who’s paying a politician and for what only matter for Biden but not Don?
Hilariously, when asked the total softball question “Is Don was looking to foreign countries like Saudi Arabia or China for help paying his judgement” instead of just saying “no, obviously not, he’s running for president and couldn’t do that owing a foreign country 1/2 billion dollars.” she instead declined to answer. HORRIFIC for the campaign.

Edit: Huzzah! The brand new this hour expanded powers of the financial monitor cover this eventuality, she must be informed 30 days before the execution of any transfers, purchases, sales, loan applications, bonds, basically any movement of money by the trumps (all of them)…for 3 years. This means he can’t get a foreign power or billionaire to pay his debt without disclosing it publicly. Any attempt by any Trump to circumvent the order is a violation and means prison.

Note, if he was correct that his properties were really worth 100 to 1000 times what he claims for tax purposes he would have no problem at all selling just one for way more cash than he needs, but he can’t. Why can’t he? Because 1) they are not worth more than the tax evaluations and 2) all his properties are already mortgaged to the hilt…he doesn’t own them the banks/business partners/foreign governments do. Most famously Trump tower that he only owns his apartment, a few offices, and the public lobby bathrooms, not the entire building by far….and that’s not an outlier it’s the norm.
So satisfying to watch a vitriolic con man get caught and taken down…don’t you think?

The failed sham impeachment hearings are a total unmitigated disaster and everyone can see it. 😂

It’s hilarious that they trapped themselves with this. They’ve done absolutely nothing else this term but accuse Biden, so they can’t abandon the fraud now…but it’s so embarrassing that the sham itself is turning their own voters away because it’s painfully obvious there will be no impeachment, there never was going to be one and now it’s not only proven to be a sham based on Russian misinformation but it’s also become numerically impossible, it’s all 100% for show and always was, and even conservatives want the government to do more than put on divisive political plays based on Russian propaganda at taxpayer expense. 😂

Q: are you still buying the bullshit lie that Don is saying Obama instead of Biden because Obama is pulling the strings even after he said “Biden beat Obama…beat Obabba”? Please, explain that bit of dementia for me. Is he now calling HIMSELF Obama/Obabba? 😂 (don’t worry, nobody expects you to be capable of explaining or even attempting to.)

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

newtboy says...

Any source that won’t tell your lies you declare “not credible” but you still listen to right wing propaganda despite every single source misleading you constantly. You yourself are not credible in the least.

It wasn’t a tweet, it was mostly repeated statements from the campaign stage. Look it up yourself then discredit your own sources…

…but here’s the Toth about rescinding the constitution….
About ending 3 part government with checks and balances….

I’ve told you when, repeatedly, because you are incapable of even attempting to learn for yourself (or even learning with the help you constantly demand). You cannot be enlightened. You insist on remaining in the dark.

bobknight33 said:

Snopes is hardly a credible source.

Show the trump Tweet .. Not some rag -- For the sake of clarity and truthfulness, show the actual text in context.

Like I said.
When did Trump say any of these falsehoods?

Enlighten me?

The Duality Of MAGA

bobknight33 says...

It is truly delightful reading stupid people comments .. Ignorant fools --- IE you ---

Trump did not bring us closer to WW3 or war with Russia. But Stupid Joe sure is doing a great job of bring us closer to war.

But on another front. some other facts you don't know. The GA case will in all manner be tossed our and redone. All because Big Fani lies under oath and banging the hired help. Did you know this -- I doubt it -- You too busy chanting Orange man bad.

surfingyt said:

you kidding? boob the moron and his dumbass family are in the video above. the only thing missing was pro-russia, anti-america rhetoric. republicans are gonna force our allies to face russia themselves and will pull us into WW3 (or is it 2, trump?) because "LeTS gO BrANDon!"

republicans are short bus trash.

Israeli Soldiers Use Food Aid As Trap To Murder Palestinians

newtboy says...

So again, that’s a “no”. You are not man enough to admit statements that are true. No surprise.

Instead you would prefer to make up some alternative facts that make you feel good.

Violent settlers (often Americans) forcing Palestinians off their land at gun point or just outright murdering them to steal their land increased exponentially during Trump’s tenure, as did IDF attacks on innocent civilians (often in support of the settlers, not counted in official IDF killings), they also increased the slow genocide of medical embargoes, intentional starvation, cutting off water and electricity, violent random attacks on mosques, all under Trump. They don’t count those as “IDF killings” either, but they are.

The IDF has been committing a slow boil genocide for decades, under both parties, a genocide they accelerated under Trump’s regime in many ways, and again under Biden when they used their (intentional?) abject intelligence failure in Oct. as an excuse for escalating farther to such an extent its looking likely they allowed the attack for that very reason, an excuse for escalating the genocide. It’s become clear they caused many of the casualties on Oct 7 and made false rape claims that have been debunked, also to excuse their escalation.

Netanyahu is a far right wing “leader” Trump still today lovingly calls Bibi who would have been out of office without Trump’s help and quite recently Don has voiced his FULL support for any lengths Netanyahu wants to go including taking the entire Gaza Strip and expelling the residents (into the sea because no country will take them, knowing if they do Israel will use them having a country to take refuge in as a pretext to take the West Bank too)…and you want to pretend Biden who has called him a war criminal is MORE complicit than Trump who backed his every genocidal move. 😂

At least you are consistent in your fantasy world…you never leave. Too bad it cost you your balls, spine, mind, and soul. I hope you like it in there up your rectum. 😂

bobknight33 said:

IDF was not committing genocide under Trump.

Joe and IDF have the peddle mashed to the floor this go around.

LaPierre Liable For NRA Corruption

luxintenebris jokingly says...

Yachts? Would it be a surprise if one was named, "Thoughts" and another one "Prayers"?

What was keen, is that Ollie North was an actual hero in helping expose this. Hold a grudge against him since Ronnie R. Maybe age does bring some new insights.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


This means 1) no appeals 2) SURPRISE! Trump lied about his assets and 3) the enforcement of the judgements can be enforced now because he just conceded he cannot pay the judgement or put up a bond, so seizure can begin now unless he gets an emergency stay….which was just DENIED…as was his offer to put up just $100 million.

I encourage his creditors to do whatever the hell they want with his money and since he won’t pay the state the state won’t come to help. 😂

He is barred from getting a loan against any NY holdings.
Hide and wait, wanna bet his stake in his properties isn’t as great as he’s claimed, maybe some with no ownership percentage at all just his name on the door (Trump Tower for instance, which is actually owned by GE and the condo owners and except for the lobby bathrooms, kitchen, and parking lot is just managed by the Trump org.).

So much for being a billionaire or great negotiator. He negotiated a $5 million debt into an $88 million and growing debt…good job! Now he owes near $540 million in judgements + nearly $140000 a DAY in interest between just the NY verdicts, money he doesn’t have. He’s the best ever at being the worst ever. 😂

As a bonus- total failure McConnel is quitting. Another red seat up for grabs with Republicans being historically unpopular after voting to keep open borders and broken immigration systems and once again perching on the brink of closing the government because they cannot govern.
Edit- my mistake, he’s only retiring as the head of the senate, not as a senator.

MAGA Witness Admits He Is A Russian Intelligence Agent

newtboy says...

You first coward. I’ve been waiting for over a month, for the third or fourth time, and I’m still waiting for an infant to hit puberty and grow a pair. Those tiny grapes haven’t dropped yet, Bobby. I think they might have withered on the vine.

Why would I comment on some stupidity that has no basis in reality? Trump is flailing, trying anything to escape the trials where he will be found guilty of treasonous activity because HE IS GUILTY. That paperwork isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, neither is the silly meaningless accusation about Willis.
Edit: his latest fraud, trying to move his NY business addresses to Florida before the judgement was entered to attempt to avoid ever paying the judgement, was discovered immediately and failed, judgement entered, Trump’s broke as a joke with no one willing to loan him a dime…I bet if he sold his interest in all of his properties worldwide it wouldn’t pay his fines, legal bills, and outstanding loans. His creditors and the state are coming to fight over his financial carcass. Lucky Ivanka has billionaire Jared (who isn’t helping with daddy’s bills), the boys will end up on the street. 😂

Don’t you find it odd that Trump’s defenses are all attacks against the prosecution and false equivalence whataboutisms but never actual defenses for the crimes he committed?

Yes, you absolutely have a full blown case of TDS, and massive ignorance of the law and courts functions, and a willingness to ignore all ethical, moral, legal, even human failings by your guy and make up more then exaggerate their importance about his rivals.
If you applied the same criteria to judging Trump that you apply to judging Biden you would hate and despise him far more, but you don’t.
Seeing how 99% of my claims are verified in courts and 99% of yours are debunked completely within a week of you making them up, I think it’s clear who is blinded and who sees reality.

bobknight33 said:

How about your reply on the paperwork filed with the Supreme Court about Jack Smith not being a legitimate Special Prosecutor?

Or Fani Willis procurator banging the hired help and her conflict of interest- let along paying her lover twice as much as the other 2 she hired.

Do I have Trump derangement syndrome or do you have so much Anti Trump running through you that you are blinded by reality?

MAGA Witness Admits He Is A Russian Intelligence Agent

bobknight33 says...

How about your reply on the paperwork filed with the Supreme Court about Jack Smith not being a legitimate Special Prosecutor?

Or Fani Willis procurator banging the hired help and her conflict of interest- let along paying her lover twice as much as the other 2 she hired.

Do I have Trump derangement syndrome or do you have so much Anti Trump running through you that you are blinded by reality?

newtboy said:

Not gonna comment @bobknight33?

When was the last time your character pooped?

Democrats only care about Illegals, not Americans

bobknight33 says...

Democrats are the racist -- Their false narrative of help show that to be true.

A racist is one who wants to keep blacks uneducated, poor and voting for them.

Here is some enlightenment for you.

kir_mokum said:

i don't watch your stuff because you're a racist piece of shit who's opinion and world view is of no value even as an intellectual curio nor are you worth engaging with in any way other than downvoting and moving on. this very comment is a waste of time.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Almost certainly more fake MAGA whistleblowers paid by Trump. There have been so many, every whistleblower t MAGA trotted out in 2023 turned out to be a paid actor or to not have any actual knowledge of the events they’re testifying about…but sure, these will be different. Hold your breath until they prove you right. 🤦‍♂️

No real evidence, just accusations from MAGgots a their lawyers…which are never factual, not ever.
No possibility of removing her or the special prosecutor, keep whining it’s not helping.

So, this fly by night righty cable “news” thinks the state legislature is going to defund the prosecutors office to try to protect Trump, not caring that they would be protecting every other criminal in the state to do so, including rapists, murderers, child rapists, child murderers, even woke teachers that teach about transgender issues! All go free! MAGA!
Hold your breath, that’s definitely about to happen.

bobknight33 said:

Yet another corrupt Democrat .

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