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Cell phone time traveler from 1928?

Concerned Citizens Interrupt Perv Videographer

Throbbin says...

I've looked up his pics online - I could take him.

There is a big difference between high school swim team camel toe and this? I don't see it. This young lady is engaged in photo shooting - showing off her gymnastic abilities in an iconic setting. She isn't intending to display and frame her snatch - that's just how you see it. Fucking perv.

I guess if you want to nitpick about the attire of a man lurking about a children's playground, you are purposely obfuscating the issue. When you live your life online, I guess real life issues changes your perspective on things.

Who said anything about vietnam? Do you know who the Phelps family is?

Too bad if you think she is an adult, she IS a minor - and if not legally, then practically. She says she's 17. How old are you? You fucking perv.

Regarding your cock and balls - there's a great deal difference between glancing at ass and filming a crotch in public. If you don't understand that I don't have the time nor inclination to explain it to you. And how would I even know that this perv was filming her crotch? How many handheld cameras still have an eye-piece for viewing? Most have a screen. Anyone who glanced over and saw his screen would see what he was doing. He's a fucking perv. Whether he did this to 'provoke' as an aspect of his professional persona, or if he's just a perv normally is irrelevant. It was inappropriate.

Porn shoot? In public? Surely you know this would be illegal (and for a good reason). "Discuss this situation, don't raise unparallel parallels."

Pretending that this is a poor innocent young girl? She visibly IS a poor, innocent young girl. She's there with what looks like her family and a professional photographer. This is not a sexual display, this is an artistic endeavour meant to focus on her artistic ability, not her snatch you perv.

I've studied the polarizing effect of the internet - where anonymity and the digital interface leads to people upholding stringent, abstract principles with little regard for real-world practicality and social norms. This seems to be a textbook case of this trend. "She is wearing tight pants and is raising her leg" does not equal "She wants people to look at her snatch - you can tell because she is wearing tight pants and is raising her leg".

Remind me to never leave DannyM with my kids.

>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^Throbbin:
I would have knocked the camera man out cold. Something being legal doesn't make something acceptable.
I'm not a puritan, I'm not religious, and I enjoy the feminine form as much as anyone - but I would not have accepted him standing around zoomed in on her crotch.
There are those of you who defend him for it being a public thing. Would you defend men in trench coats hanging around playgrounds? How about men with video cameras zoomed in on the crotches of a girls high school swim team? How about defending the Phelps family demonstrating in front of the funerals of dead soldiers? All perfectly legal, and I guess all perfectly legit with folks on VS.

Correction, you'd get knocked out by a surprised (and probably weedy) cameraman.
There's a pretty big difference between someone filming a high school swimming team's camel toe surreptitiously with obligatory shakey-cam and filming what looks to me like an adult woman WHO IS LITERALLY DISPLAYING AND FRAMING HER VAGINA IN THE MIDDLE OF A CROWDED STREET. And why is a trench coat any more offensive than for example, a neo-matrix coat? Why should the attire of a private detective draw your concern? And what the fuck has anything got do with vietnam?!?!? (war protesting)
If i saw this woman in the street and got chatting with her, it wouldn't even cross my mind that she was anything other than an adult. People referring to this woman as a minor, it makes me want to cry. I wonder if the modern awareness of paedophilia has brought as many false positives as it has genuine positives.
Do you know what? If i was so concerned about people seeing my cock and balls tightly sillhouetted against my tight shorts, i think i'd fucking refrain from posing - LITERALLY POSING - with my foot above my head whilst families walk past.
If you whipped this situation on its head and imagined that a porn star was doing what she was doing with a big sign saying "porn shoot", you'd get fat mothers and fathers waddling over to complain that they didn't want their children seeing bits and pieces on display. But because we're pretending that this is a poor innocent young girl who was just practising ballet oh yes sir poor lil ole me, suddenly we have to protect her poor innocence.
I just LOVE how people like you can see a video - one with utter moral ambiguity - and then say "Oh so you'd also let people stab a baby in the kidney? You want to make it a law that every school has to have at least 5 paedophiles working as teachers?" No, you mong. No one said those things. This situation is not "other situations". Discuss this situation, don't raise unparallel parallels.
In an ideal world, this video would have been titled "stupid exhibitionist bint shows her vagoo in the street, pervert films it, no one interrupts, everyone feels ashamed of the human race"
As for the post above me, man, no one i associate with would do this in the street and i think i could raise my children better when the time comes.

Mitchell and Webb: Dog Cannon

The Tetris God

DrivelsAdvocate says...

>> ^budzos:
This is hilarious because it's happened to everyone.
I'm a side gapper, and this reminds me I haven't played tetris in a damn long time!
Tetris was one of the games I considered "mine" and resented other people for knowing about. I used to play the shit out of it in arcades before Tengen released it unlicensed for NES. Nintendo's version was quite worthy when it came out. And I think handheld is the best way to play Tetris.

They used to have an arcade version of Tetris in the pub at my university back in the day. After a few pints of beer, the shapes used to lose their definition around the edges and congeal into one big colorful, happy blob.

The Tetris God

budzos says...

This is hilarious because it's happened to everyone.

I'm a side gapper, and this reminds me I haven't played tetris in a damn long time!

Tetris was one of the games I considered "mine" and resented other people for knowing about. I used to play the shit out of it in arcades before Tengen released it unlicensed for NES. Nintendo's version was quite worthy when it came out. And I think handheld is the best way to play Tetris.

One Minute Soundsculpture

shole says...

i'd prefer if they used sounds that didn't HURT MY EARS
might actually be fun as a real-time live augmented reality sculpture that people could look at through handheld cameras

EDD (Member Profile)

demon_ix says...

Yeah, Youdiejoe's video is one of the better handheld camera videos I've ever seen, and now I see it lists the Amazon links for the camera. Mhhhmmmm

In reply to this comment by EDD:
You seen these, mate?

In reply to this comment by demon_ix:
EasyJet are starting a route from Israel to London in november, theoretically. Would have changed the equation for coming or not for me. Cool self-linkage anyway

Derren Brown predicts the winning lottery numbers LIVE on TV

L0cky says...

The gif shows the difference in the ball placement just before Derren crosses from the right to the left of the screen and after.

This is how he did it (it's really rather simple despite sounding elaborate):

1. Derren records an intro sequence where he's standing outside and walks into the studio to the television. He waves at a second camera, and there is a cut to it (the only cut in the entire sequence) that shows he is being filmed by a handheld camera. He then waves his hands in the air in an exagerrated gesture.

2. Derren moves out of the way and they then place a completely stationary tripod camera in front of the studio set up and record the whole thing for 10 minutes with no action.

3. When it's almost time to go live Derren stands next to the television with his hands in the air while being broadcast by the stationary tripod camera, watching the monitor for it to cut to him live.

4. A post process shake is applied to the entire live stream to give the illusion that Derren is being filmed by the handheld camera. It's important to remember that he's not, it is the static camera on a tripod.

5. The intro sequence cuts to Derren on the static camera; Derren sees this on the monitor and lowers his arms. Derren is now live.

6. Derren talks for a bit then walks over to the television. At this point, the left half of the prerecorded actionless segment is overlayed over the left half of the screen.

7. Derren turns on the television and watches the numbers being drawn and does his usual showmanship. When the numbers are drawn he then takes a moment start writing them down on a piece of card.

8. An assistant now places stickers of the numbers in order on the balls. You cannot see the assistant because of the overlay. The balls are tightly packed into the perspex tray to ensure there is no movement that will be spotted when the overlay is faded out.

Unfortunately, the tight packing and touching of the balls makes one of them (the 39 ball on the left) push up a bit so that it's no longer resting on the bottom of the tray.

9. The assistant leaves shot left and the overlay has a 1 second fadeout (around 5:06 on this video but the quality is very low to see the difference on the 39 ball).

10. The post process shaking is then stopped (5:09) and a cameraman takes control of the tripod. Derren begins walking over to the left, hesitating for a moment as he seems unsure if the timing is right (if the overlay is still there it'll obviously be disastrous when he disappears behind it). He then reveals the balls and is hailed as our new psychic overlord.

Jim Breuer Flips Out During Pizza Hut Commercial

burdturgler says...

>> ^joedirt:
The guy was EXPECTING to go into the pool. Notice his body language anticipating and heading that direction, instead of trying to prevent it or keep your legs behind you if someone if going to push you.
Also look at the video cuts & edits. It is made to look like a handheld shot by someone behind the scenes, but the thing is all editted for impact and timing. Clearly viral with the fucking tag line repeated like four times.

Do you really need to frame by frame analyze it to understand it's viral? Let's check the trajectory angles and velocity of the "dive".
ffs .. I'm pretty sure they'd let Jim have a slice if he was hungry, lol.

Jim Breuer Flips Out During Pizza Hut Commercial

joedirt says...

The guy was EXPECTING to go into the pool. Notice his body language anticipating and heading that direction, instead of trying to prevent it or keep your legs behind you if someone if going to push you.

Also look at the video cuts & edits. It is made to look like a handheld shot by someone behind the scenes, but the thing is all editted for impact and timing. Clearly viral with the fucking tag line repeated like four times.

10 Drugs You Shouldn't Be On While Driving

spoco2 says...

Loved it, very good. However, from a technical standpoint I was trying to work out why it was so very obvious that the car was not moving, even though it was bouncing around ok and the scenery looked ok moving.

And then I realised it was because the camera is rock steady still... the camera needs to have slight movement too so that your brain can accept that it's moving along with the moving vehicle. Not stupid handheld flying all over the shop crap, just a slight little bouncy movement up down and back and forth... that would sell it.

Tiffani Amber Thiessen is Too Busy

vairetube says...

god i fucking hate jimmy fallon... mostly because now sometimes i watch just because its soooooooooooooooooooooooooo awkward.

at least carson daly figured it out and went back to using "wacky" handheld TRL-camera-style production effects for his masturbation fest. now there's a loser you can count on.


An 11-year old plays Contra for the first time

djrobx says...

These sorts of games existed well into the 2000s. They just became handheld GameBoy/GameBoy Advance games. In a portable environment I prefer them.

I have a pretty comprehensive console emulator interface set up on my TV that we use a lot when guests come over. The young ones never had much trouble with the older NES/SNES games. What really threw them off were the Atari 2600 games. Make this kid play Yars Revenge or something.

Any gamers in the crowd? (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

Shepppard says...

Alright, brace yourself. This is gonna be long.

I've had a handheld almost as long as I can remember, we'd have SEGA Gamegears, little portable things..well, technically not little, it was like 8 inches wide and took 8 AA Batteries to power if you weren't using an AC cord.

From there I got a PSX for Christmas when I was 7, and started off playing Tomba and Jersey devil, eventually graduating to better known games like Tenchu and FFVII+

A year later, I got an N64 and Zelda OOT, had those for years and amounted a fairly impressive collection of games.

Sometime in this period I also came across the GB, GB Colour, and eventually the GBA.

When the PS2/Xbox launch came years later, I asked for a PS2 for Christmas, and for whatever reason my mom convinced me to get an Xbox (No idea why) Got DoA3 and Amped as the two games for that...a month later for my birthday I got Max Payne and Silent hill 2..which scared the everloving shit out of me.
(I was the only person who had an Xbox out of all my friends, and we played the original halo so much I had to buy 4 different copies of it because of how scratched they got)

Year after that I got a PS2 for xmas, and FFX..and probably some other stuff that I actually don't remember.

Later in 2003ish, I bought FFXI and that's what started me down the road of MMo's, I bought it for PS2 and had a special Keyboard/controller thing that hooked into the USB slot for the console.

My xbox got moded because I rarely went on live, and the mod that was placed gave me a crapton of original NES and SNES games, as well as a few PSX rips.

I also got a gamecube, prettymuch for the sole reason of Smash bro's, but I also have a copy of fire emblem kicking around somewhere.

Acquired a PsP sometime in this timeframe aswell.

When the 360 was released in 2005, I bought the "Pro" console, and a copy of oblivion to go with it.

Some months down the road, my friend got interested in MMo's too, and wanted to try WoW, so we got the $2 demo disc and went our separate ways home to install it. Well, our family only had 1 shitty computer up til that point (it was bought in 2001) and didn't have a DvD drive, so I bought my own computer..can't remember the specs, but it was basically a piece of crap.

From there I played WoW consistantly for about 2 years, and off and on for another 3.

I also decided to upgrade my video card this year..Went and bought an ATI..something, got it home, installed it myself (Was the first time i'd ever opened my computer) and found out that my computer wouldn't turn on after that. Half hour later, went back to Futureshop and the guy told me that I needed to upgrade my power supply to a 450w to power the card.. wasn't happy, but I sprung for it.

After this, I installed and tried out Vanguard (to test the new video card with a brand new MMo) the day after, I uninstalled vanguard and set it on fire.

Nov 19, 2006. Actually lined up at a walmart to buy a Wii.. worst investment of my life.

In 2007 I bought a 60G Ps3 because they went on sale due to them only making the 20 and 80 after that.

2008 my 450w power supply died, and in attempting to fix it, I managed to fry a couple other aspects of my PC, and was forced to buy a new one.

I improved it to a 750w Supply and bought an extra 2 gigs of ram, and an Nvidia 8800 GTS 512mb, and tried AoC out when it launched, then WAR.

EvE, Richard Gariotts Tabula Rasa, CoH/CoV, FFXI(pc) Pirates of the Burning Sea, EQ2, and LoTRO all fit in there somewhere, too..but not sure where. So do NDS, NDSi, and an Ipod touch.

I've got a Pre-order for Aion (yay beta key!) and i'm currently working on Empire:Total War on my PC.

Overall..I'd have to say I actually prefer FPS' on console, I prefer twich shooting with my thumbs. RTS wins out PC, and some RPG's (Fallout, ect) are also on my PC..but the majority of my games fall onto my consoles.

..Overall, i've probably got over $10,000 worth of video game crap all in one room..

New technique to make shaky cam videos stable

krelokk says...

I always laugh at people that can't tell the difference between shaky cam and handheld.

I love handheld in films. It creates a sense of reality and immersion that I think is great. Children of Men is a great example. Saving Private Ryan overall as well. Well composed shots that are simply handheld. Many films have had handheld shots over the years. Alien part 1 had a good number of handheld shots in it. Aliens as well. A bazzilion other films.

This is different from shaky zoomy crazyness. Paul Greengrass and others do tend to use a lot of long lens shakyness that can be a tad overboard. Michael Bay transformers action as well.

No one seems to understand this now though. Everyone jumps on the "i hate shakycam" wagon the moment they see a handheld shot. I don't want handheld to go away.

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