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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 You keep claiming you are doing excellent, have become rich raking in all that Tesla cash and DJT earnings…and the skyrocketing value of your Convicted Felon Trump NFTs and golden sneakers. I guess that was all bullshit? 😂

Many are broke because they did work for convicted felon DJT and he stiffed them on the bill, putting them out of business. Some are broke because they gave everything to convicted felon, rapist, and business fraud disgraced convict Trump or invested in him and he gives nothing back EVER. Some are because the 2020-21 Trump recession hurt them badly and they haven’t recovered fully yet. Some because they divested in anything “woke” before realizing they now own nothing but worthless anti woke stocks, some because they went “all in” on Tesla as you suggested right before it crashed and burned, some because they attacked the federal government and their defense is expensive. Companies continuing to reap record profits doesn’t help. Derp.

Most Americans are doing quite well, I am, WAY better than during the Trump slump when my investments made under 5% per year, this year I’m already over 10% growth in under 6 months…sadly some only watch propaganda outlets that hammer in daily that they aren’t doing well, don’t trust economic numbers, your paycheck, jobs numbers, your bank account, the gdp, or your recent purchase history, or $3 gas, just trust them you are poor. Sadly they also don’t grasp that they were infinitely worse off in 2020, your memories were wiped front to back, full wipe, to forget the entire last year of the last administration, forget the negative gdp, the millions of lost jobs, the hundreds of thousands of closing businesses, the empty shelves, the fear mongering, the race riots, the million + deaths, the skyrocketing inflation from outrageous and useless spending sprees (like the PPP free money handout program) ballooning the debt, and have been told to not believe the amazing gdp, 13+ million jobs created, hundreds of thousands of new businesses, plunging inflation, record market numbers, etc.


Also “We are here in Sunset Park to worship the greatest president in U.S. history.” Convicted felon Trump’s introduction at his cult meeting….i mean political rally.

bobknight33 said:

If The economic numbers are all amazing, then why are so many Americans BROKE?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More top maga officials indicted in Wisconsin for the fraudulent elector scheme to defraud the election. Chesebro, Roman, and Troupis.
Also indicted in Georgia and AZ for the Trump election fraud scheme. More to come. Failed seditious maga insurrection is the gift that keeps on giving.

Epoch Times, the maga propaganda outlet, is busted as a Chinese money laundering scheme that spent tens of millions to get maggots elected using pilfered money stolen using international identity theft from China.
Not the first time either, remember Bannon’s partner, Miles Guo, another Chinese fraud working for and donating to maga arrested for a $1 billion fraud scheme? It is a pattern, maga is funded by foreign money coming from criminal people who win if America loses.
Question- How many times has the DNC been indicted for being funded with stolen money donated to them by Chinese criminals they’re in business with?

Bonus - In a case of delicious irony, Jesus took the wheel of the Trump “Trust Jesus” bus and it rolled away on its own and crashed on its way to Staten Island.

Second Bonus - the distributor of “2000 mules” has apologized and removed the film from their platforms because it was chock full of lies and falsified data and evidence, lies and fake evidence that the producers knew were lies and fake when they made the movie. SHOCKER! Who could have guessed? (Look back, you’ll see who.). You still believe every word despite the multiple fraud admissions by its creators.

Third bonus- Biden’s meeting with OPEC resulted in them agreeing to drop production and bring oil prices down to below $74 a barrel. America is producing more oil than ever, and is now the major supplier of oil to the world. Gas prices are about to drop like a stone. Enjoy Bidenomics!

Fourth bonus - Biden just changed immigration policy so now anyone illegally entering the country is banned from even applying for asylum and immediate deportation. A much stronger immigration policy than Republicans even tried to implement.

BSR (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Guess i wasn't expecting that..., has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 290 Badge!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It must be so frustrating that you (maga) have so thoroughly destroyed your credibility that no one even cares about your lies trying to shield the disgraced ex president from crimes he has repeatedly bragged about publicly and now are trying to pretend he didn’t pay a porn star to hide his tryst with her from voters, then falsified business records to hide the payment. Maybe you shouldn’t have spent the last 8 years screaming bloody murder about all the wolves then laughing when help arrived. Now people are hoping there is a wolf and that it eats you and yours…but no one is coming to check.

PS- Where’s Barron?

PPS- since you seek the truth, it’s “it’s” when you are shortening “it is”. “Its” is the possessive word, like "his" and "her," for nouns without gender.

PPPS- Outside court Trump said he had an illegal NDA….likely a slip of the tongue or misstatement, but that’s what he said. He also said “maga is being punked by Ashton Kutcher….I think I know what that means” but he doesn’t, because he is the prank on you, you are being punked by Trump, he absolutely didn’t get that.

Finally some supporters showed up for him and they released a truckload of penis balloons on NY…for the children. (This is a crime and immoral). I’m guessing the anti Trum protestors will bring mushroom tip balloons for Trump soon, the full shaft and balls penis balloons definitely aren’t representative of him.

Alito has been caught with photos of him flying an upside down flag during the attempted coup to signal his support for the fake “stop the steel” (because you can’t spell “steal”) movement that became an anti American anti democratic terrorist gang that tried to end democracy in America on Jan 6. Just like the criminal Thomas. If they both don’t recuse themselves from any Jan 6 case, they may as well disband because they will prove themselves to be not judges but partisan political operatives, and when Dems take the other two thirds of government they will all be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and replaced, including the fraudulently appointed Comey and Kavenaugh. Bye Felicia.

BSR (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Shitzenpants complained and lied to high heaven how unfair it was that the judge wouldn’t allow him to go to Barron’s graduation that he was so looking forward to, absolutely would be attending if not for the unfair meany judge…

…but the judge never said he couldn’t go, he said the trial will likely be over so it’s a non issue. Now he has said he will not hold court that day so Diaper Don can go support his son in South Florida and not be crushed as a father for missing it….so guess what…he instead planned a fundraiser across the country in Minnesota. SHOCKER! Who could have guessed (except anyone who knew he skipped all his other children’s graduations).

Joe Rogan Clarifies His Vaccine Comments

newtboy says...

From the Mayo Clinic-
Tons of side effects including coma and death. I guess more encephalopathy doesn’t scare an encephalitic waterbrain.

When taken above the therapeutic dose (like most of those fighting Covid did), increased concentrations of ivermectin may overwhelm the ability of the P- glycoprotein pumps to keep it out of the CNS by saturating the pump. This can lead to neurotoxic effects such as ataxia, tremors, myoclonus, seizures, encephalopathy, and coma.

IVM pre-treatment demonstrates detrimental effects in cardiac ischemia through exacerbation of cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial dysfunction, and increased cardiac hypertrophy.

Ivermectin hurt thousands, killed some, and helped absolutely no one with covid, a virus that ivermectin doesn’t kill or treat. The FDA has determined that currently available clinical trial data do not demonstrate that ivermectin is effective against COVID 19 in humans or animals…it’s an anti parasitic, not anti viral. Duh.

“People have been using it as an anti viral for years” only shows that people are ignorant morons. Mercury-laced “cures” for melancholy, constipation, influenza, and parasites are still being used all over the world. Remember thalidomide? It’s still being used.

But you keep listening to the infallible Mensa member Joe Rogan, he knows more than thousands of practicing virologists and hospital doctors who dealt with the ivermectin idiots, more than the FDA, CDC, and WHO combined.

You just can’t pass up a chance to prove your gullibility and ignorance.

bobknight33 said:

Rogan and Cuomo spouting nonsense

NY Senator caught in rape case

visionep says...

It's interesting how this guy mis represents the Trump case.

He repeatedly says there was no evidence and that it's really hard to disprove something that someone just says about you. "He said/she said".

Of course that's not how the case went at all.

Carrol told a couple of friends about the encounter immediately after it, so she corroborating witnesses that confirmed under oath that she had talked to them about the event 30 years ago.

Trump lied and said he would never treat women badly, that he never met Carrol, and that she wasn't his type.

Carrol's team proved that they had met (pictures and people's testimony) and Trump misidentified Carrol as his ex wife in a picture which was used to show that she physically was his type. The Access Hollywood secret audio was used with other evidence to show that Trump had bragged about treating women badly.

Last but not least Carrol offered a stained dress like Monica Lewinski that could be tested if only Trump would offer his DNA. Guess what? Trump would not offer his DNA to attempt a match.

The great part about the case here is that it appears Democrats actually hold each other to the laws instead of just obstructing or using their positions to try and get high profile people off scott free.

Portland man drive through Grand Floral Parade

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol. The texts have been released. 400 pages of texts.
They outline the clearly illegal and dishonest attempt to steal an election despite admitting knowing full well they lost by millions of votes starting November 9 or before.
They utterly destroy the lie that the fake electors were just in case a court reversed an states results, they are absolutely clear that they should just count those fake electors and deny the real electors a count.
They also claim only the Trump Supreme Court could reverse that election theft, and they’re on board with not taking the case.

lol. One text is Chesebro on the steps of the capitol on Jan 4 with the text “I’ve decided not to storm the capitol…at least not today.” Kinda hurts the lie that storming the capitol wasn’t planned….not that even maggots believe that stupid nonsensical lie.

Fun…note that WHEN Trump is found in contempt of court today or tomorrow, even if he gets no jail, he may get jailed. ALL of his other cases required him to submit to conditions of release, one of which is he must commit absolutely no crimes while released, not federal, state, or local felonies, misdemeanors, or infractions. Basic contempt is a misdemeanor crime, a crime that violates his conditions for release in 3 other cases. Buh-bye Dumb Donald!
Edit: now Thursday…that’s when the SECOND contempt hearing is scheduled, penalties are on hold because Trump continues to violate the orders even while awaiting sentence so they will have to be increased dramatically….oh sorry, I forgot I’m not following the trials, so I guess I don’t know about all that.

Bonus- Constant dog hater Donald hasn’t dropped his puppy murdering vp pick yet, on top of everything you can legitimately call maga the dog hating party.

His ridiculous paid black actors aren’t hiding their payments well, going on righty press junkets, getting paid speaking engagements at billionaires events, and sailing in the Bahamas…that’s what the everyday woman who hugged him at Chik-fil-a (who has been a long time Republican paid operative and was set up by the campaign to pretend rump likes average black people and not just multi millionaire blacks, oops!). Paying for public support is a hallmark of a despot, just like Gadaffi.

Hunter Biden is about to sue Fox for continuing to air false stories long after they’re proven false….just like Dominion….and is demanding public retractions from all righty media….just like Dominion and warning them that they violated felony revenge porn laws nationwide and continue to do so. He’s going to win a 9 figure settlement, just like Dominion, from multiple righty propaganda outlets, finally making him that hundred millionaire maga insists he is. 😂

Bwaaahahahahaaaa! A bit stale but new to me…try claiming it’s not a cult again….

NYC Stores Surrender To Thieves

newtboy says...

As explained above, the narrative is not true, overall crime is down, violent crime is down. Gun crimes are up in some areas….guess why.

bobknight33 said:

The narrative is TRUE
Your liberal cities have been turned into shit holes.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Let’s see the unedited version first.

Hilarious how you dismiss all polls except those you think support you. This poll, if legitimate which is unlikely, is an outlier and likely worded poorly to get those results. There’s absolutely a reason you only have an 8 second clip cutting out any word that contradicts you, it’s because a 15 second clip would explain the poor polling. Was this a poll of Republicans? Texans? Alabama? Likely. Try a source that doesn’t edit down to nothing to tell you what you want to hear.
I guess since you agree with polls now, you agree with all the polls that ranked Trump as worst president ever, right?

Aaaaahhhh…I see. It’s a poorly done poll (as I said, an outlier among others at the time) from January. JANUARY BOB. We’ve had 4 months of excellent economic news since then. Try an April poll where the rolls are reversed and Biden is beating tiny hands Donny on most fronts.

Americans are lied to by people like you, and many don’t know how to understand statistics. MAGA is 100% in that camp, and has forgotten 2020. America hasn’t forgotten. Trump is losing in polls and hasn’t even started his first criminal campaign fraud to hide hush money to multiple women he slept with while married trial, which will be weeks of new disgustingly dishonorable and disloyal acts by Trump aired publicly and a number of serious felonies he admits he committed he will be convicted of. That won’t help him in the election, only MAGA thinks it’s acceptable, all those independents don’t, and you need them ALL.

bobknight33 said:

Americans disagree with your assessment.

Joker: Folie à Deux | Official Teaser Trailer

newtboy says...

I’m really hesitant about Gaga as an actress. Just because she can put asses in seats doesn’t make her a good choice. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It’s only gotten worse….the bond application wasn’t even completely filled out…missing was a Trump financial statement, a basic requirement already specified as necessary by the court, a company financial statement, no power of attorney so no legal right to submit them and, no attorney of record listed and no signature.
The bond company also has only 8% of the cash required to make a bond of this size.
Trump can’t pay even the drastically lowered amount despite claiming he has $500 million in cash…he can’t even get a bond for it.
The “bond” has already been rejected. Good luck finding a real one!

Edit: the new attempt made today is also completely deficient, still no financials attached, still no proof where the money is coming from, still not enough assets to cover the bond. It’s getting rejected right now.

Trump’s lawyers can’t even law, bro. 😂

Bonus - the attempt to call the planning of the coup and asking governors to falsify vote tallies “free speech” has failed…planning crimes isn’t covered. The treason case continues…maybe Sept 1!

The business fraud/porn star hush money trial starts real soon. Enjoy the disgusting details about trumps sex life, the constant philandering, the YOUNG girls, pressuring his “friend’s” wives for sex, rapes, Epstein, payoffs for his secret children out of wedlock, unbelievable misogyny, incest, etc. …what a trial that’s going to be. You’re going to have a truckload of facts and evidence about serial rapist Don to ignore.

Meanwhile MAGGOT representatives in Maine are confused and angrily publicly asking “What did the Nazis do that was illegal?” on their senate floor. I guess genocide, murder, kidnapping, rape, displacement, interment, invasion, dehumanization, etc aren’t crimes to MAGA anymore…so why do they keep harping about crime in big cities (which has fallen to levels well below the best year under Trump, 2019, and reversed the explosion in crime from 2020)?
Yes, MAGA is defending NAZIS in congress. Their “good people”. Try to hide from being the fascist now.

The hits keep coming, 2 early investors/creators of Trump media have plead guilty to insider trading with the company and stealing $22 million from investors, and the 2021-22 secret emergency loan from a Russian under criminal investigation/sanctions in America that kept Trump media alive was also revealed.

And- a petition is circulating demanding an investigation into stock fraud with 13000 Trump Media investors’ signatures already, claiming the financial statements were withheld until after the IPO in order to inflate the stock price before investors found out what a disaster it is financially.

Oops - Trump was caught telling rich donors when he thought the cameras were off that his main plan is more tax cuts for the ultra rich and big cuts for social security and Medicare. Not what he tells his idiot cultists.

newtboy said:

It’s only gotten worse…the company doesn’t even meet the minimum requirements to do business in New York much less have a license to do so, and claims around $138 million in liquid assets but wrote a bond for $175 million, but New York statute only allows them to write a bond for up to 10% of their liquidity, not 130%!
The insufficient bond has been challenged and will be refused…do you really believe he can find another REAL bond?
It’s sure sounding like New York is going to start seizing properties next week. The hits just keep coming!

Road Rage Ends In Funny Instant Karma - Road Rage Gone Wrong

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