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Gay Hugs - An Experiment With Homophobes

chingalera says...

Label it 'gay' and you're guaranteed it'll sift and this represents the credo of the first sentence on the Videosift fact sheet? Which reads:

"Members submit videos from the best video hosts from around the Net to be voted on by other Sifters with only the best being "sifted" up to the front page."

Historically on this site, anything promoting, showcasing, or challenging homophobia has invariably made it to the front page though by far, many of the offerings do not represent the best video content on the web.

This reminder being not at all for those who love all things gay or even the folks who have an agenda-oriented motivation for posting a shitload of gay-themed videos rather, it's more of an indictment for the cunts who use that statement in the faq's as an excuse to indict others publicly for "not adhering to the stated guidelines" when their true motivation is a personal dislike for a particular user. I call these morons haters who don't know themselves very well.

Really man, call it rain while pissing down my leg, it's glaringly obvious regardless of some paltry, long-winded defense of your actual motivations for littering the site with spamtacular drivel...

Now I'll watch the video and vote according to my personal preference, like the majority of people here do, whether or not they chose to admit it.

chicchorea (Member Profile)

enoch says...

ah thank you for your kind words my friend.
much appreciated.

many here on this site of late appear to have acquired super powers and have the ability to discern my intentions.
which to my surprise are always egotistical in nature....the baffles.

the belittling,trolling and smug arrogance grates on my nerves and is so un-necessary.
all multiple forms of bullying i detest.

little kings..
in their little fiefdoms..
demanding respect while giving none.

i would chuckle if it were not so heart breaking.

but i am duty bound to stand up and point to the rot and the decay.
few ears listen and even rarer for a heart to be touched.

and even when i do that my words are ridiculed and dismissed.
corruption seeks to blind the seeker and deafen one who would listen.whispering always to the most intimate and despicable of our natures.
selfishness knows no just wants more.

i am losing this battle.
my integrity..questioned.
my motivations...projected by those with lesser constitutions.
sacrifices ..all in vain,for naught but a harsh word and a suspicious glare.

as if i were the enemy.

where is the love?
the joy of creation and just being?
of connecting with another and rejoicing in that small moment of realization?

ah my friend,i struggle with those who choose pettiness over substance and to the absolute deafening roar of silence.the pervasive shadow of fear has infected and conquered more territory over the past year,seeping like a stain.

and the oblivious rejoice in their own ignorance.
thinking themselves clever.
doom has never before held such a beautiful and entrancing countenance.
we revel in our own stink and call it lovely.
dancing like macabre ghosts on a sterile landscape...
love and joy left long ago...
and we clap like monkeys and gleefully chatter as the noose is drawn tighter.
and the smell of death and fear grow stronger,but the allure of violence distracts us from our own emptiness.

what is it worth if there is no love?

ah..but this is why yours was/is so precious.
thank you my friend.

there is love,
and with that...
there is hope.

because i love you.

OLeary's Perspective on OXFAM and the World's Impoverished

chingalera says...

And why in the FUCK trancecoach, would there have to be examples cited, when it's glaringly obvious the system is flawed and fucked in favor of those who have perpetrated the ruse that IS, the completely fucked government scenario of what we have? Tell us all this please, in just how many ways is it NOT fucked, from prisons, to infrastructure, to bogus bureaucracy, to the nightmare of surveillance and privacy violations that make the Stasi in East Germany and the Soviet Union KGB look like fucking children's birthday parties?? The system worldwide is as inefficient as any goddamn circa 1840's battleship, and I will be fucked if I have to listen to this kind of trite brain-dead soliloquy of justifications as to what the fuck any news-hound's sources are or what the fuck she says, who gives a fuck if she has any examples cited?? Are you fucking asleep or simply that goddamn naive??

As far as I know this hot bitch is working for the cunt Putin, whose sucking Obama's dick and they're both licking his wife's asshole.

Goddamn. The issue at hand is this smug fuck laughing in the faces of every human on planet earth while fucking them and lying his ass off.

"Outrage get's a lotta shit done right."

Trancecoach said:

Abby would be well served by watching some of her fellow RT hosts' shows, like say "Boom & Bust" so that, in addition to complaining about the widening wealth gap, she actually has some clue as to why it happens.
Sure, she does say down with crony-capitalism (and good for her), but she has yet to come out with an accurate reporting on the issue about how the government monopoly benefits cronies.
And focusing on the reasons behind poverty does much more good than focusing on how much the 1% owns. As far as I know, she doesn't bother with those. "Boom & Bust" does more.

"Outrage is not a method of inquiry."

Questions for Statists

chingalera says...

"Over time, we're going to see what works and what doesn't and things will generally settle down"
Illusion and confabulation.

A government is a simple creation really, it uses force to achieve the end goal which is control, not unlike a rapist or a thief-The antithesis of liberty in the example of say, the American government works because force is used by an immoral core of liars and thieves to achieve goals that benefit the few rather than the whole of society. Examples of just how fucked things are at face value VooDooV, why bother to cite the examples that are glaringly obvious to anyone who at their core, is a moral and free individual...pointless and insulting to anyone who can think.

Mind you, infrastructure and social safety nets enhance freedom, but what should the end-goal be? To enhance the moral framework of a society, which has surely not been done so far with the American form of government, on the contrary, we see the fabric of what makes a society prosper and maintain a fairness for all being eroded to serve the interests of a few, through force and control...through civil liberties being chipped-away at through surveillance and more prisons, more laws, more fines and punishments for more people, etc. Deficit spending pays debt forward to further enslave the recipients of services like roads and social welfare programs, higher education, etc. The freedom to make poor choices at a micro and macro level is what the current government is all about, getting worse every year.

Urban sprawl will continue as folks with pipe-dreams tout more green, less energy usage, cleaner burning cars and factories, etc. One 'problem' is addressed by creating one for another somewhere else.

Ever listen to Buckminster Fuller's idea of a 'green' or 'energy efficient society'? It doesn't use ANY of the current models of societal structure, it pretty much SCRAPS them all for a trans-formative way of moving forward. The old models are shit if they accomplish them through force and control of human activity. YOU don't live in a democratic system, in case you have been asleep for your entire life, democracy is only a fucking word, a concept not unlike any 'ism' created by humans in the past 3000-7000 years.

The financial structure of the United States is inherently evil. It can not be made fair and moral for everyone, it wasn't designed to. It is designed to serve the few at the top, with enforcers and regulators at the bottom-tier of their system. The government is NOT inherently evil but it has been hijacked by cunts.

Just because you think you know how politicians should perform, does not make it happen that way. Sane health care system? Nope. Maybe for the privileged classes-What they hand the masses is complete shit. National debt? Foreign policy? How would YOU do it? Then that's probably saner than the way it's being run, innit? Government is not needed for ANY of these aspects of a civil and moral society to function. All it takes is moral and sane judgement and agreement at solutions and for folks to voluntarily subscribe to these actions, without force, without police, without armies, etc.

Many more examples too many to pontificate upon, many variables of systems, all of which could function to afford everyone freedom and liberty, WITHOUT a government. The government is a construct just like everything else man creates-It takes willing humans to make them either function efficiently, or to scrap them for something new and improved.

I'm no libertarian, no anarchist, just a practical human being.
There are more reasons for scrapping the world system of government than there are for maintaining them, you simply refuse to see any other way THAN systems of government.

Mankind can self-govern if it does so with a formidable and sound moral compass...Is mankind doing that? It can also make the entire planet it's playground if it chooses to do so...Is mankind doing this??

The Natural Effect or How False Advertising Has Conned Us

bcglorf says...

Well, I'll certainly grant you obesity as being the fault of GMOs, but only in that they've made foods cheaper and more abundant and thus obesity is easier to attain.

I thought the links beginning to surface for all the other conditions were the fault of human CO2 emissions, or vaccinations, or the NWO...

Back to being serious though, my big, big trouble with 'linking' or blaming GMO for health problems or, well, anything, is a complete absence of any scientific evidence and studies supporting said statements and claims. The glaring absence of such evidence really, really sets of my skepticism meter when bold claims against GMO products are stated as matter of course. It sounds to me much more like new things scare me talk than reasoned factual argument.

Are any of the cattle, chickens and pigs raised today 'natural', or are they so far removed from their original species by centuries of human directed selective breeding to be deemed man-made? Truth is there arguably never was such a thing as non-GMO Canola. It was invented as a derivative of Rapeseed by a university about 2 hours from me in the seventies. Talking about GMO products as though, oh no, we've never done anything like this ever before in human history so be very cautious just seems ignorant to me.

enoch said:

totally agree,
unless you wish to consider the massive rise of:diabetes,hypertension,heart disease,cancer,mental illness,obesity etc etc.

the connections linked to GMO's and its possible harmful effects to mammals and the environment,along with the surrounding ecosystems are beginning to surface.

turns out those company sponsored studies may not be as upfront and truthful as we were lead to believe and there might actually be a reason for concern.

Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Teaser

chingalera says...

Come now wordsworth, that picture you've painted is worth a thousand harsh critics ....of the glaringly obvious reality of your poignant, yet eloquently simple phrasing!

(We'd throw some'o 'that cotton-candy money over to the carnival midway by the way to actually see that (if it was a twin sister's contortionist act) before we'd spend a DIME on any Transformer's flick!)

worthwords said:

i'd rather shit in my own mouth than watch this

The Wire creator David Simon on "America as a Horror Show"

shatterdrose says...

I'd wager you missed the memo that austerity collapses governments and societies. . . every time it's been tried.

And secondly, @radx said the massive accumulation of wealth, not earning a buck or two. He made that point glaringly obvious. He's talking about people with more money than they can possibly spend looking for more tax breaks so they can accumulate even more wealth that they're never going to spend. That, in itself, is harmful to the economy. Someone earning a few bucks mowing a neighbors lawn is not. Money is actually transferring hands, unlike those billions sitting in off shore account.

Trancecoach said:

Stuff ^

Mitt Romney Weighs In on President Obama's Second Term

chingalera says...

Everything virtual does not have to be this kind of choice, VoodooV-I'm no wimp, the process would work were it not continually hijacked by a mechanism that is both glaringly apparent and for a certain privileged few to tweak at their leisure while maintaining a simple yet elaborate ruse. 'Writing' someone in would not work and this cold-cut fact should also be glaringly apparent to anyone with the capacity for critical thought tinctured with a dash of common-sense. Elections are and have been simply an exercise in complacent self-approbation and self-deceit for some time now...going waaay back-The white-knights and villains are agreed, in every personality, every human breathing as all are capable of the worst atrocities and the infinite empathy and kindness. The checks-and-balances only work if everyone plays by the rule book and not the cheat-sheet.

Now, an intelligent breakdown of your reaction cloaked as some meaningful response:

'someones feeling attention deprived again, trolling and picking fights to overcompensate'

No-I'm not picking a fight, I'm picking at a soft-spot in a personality and calling attention to particular predictable rhetorical repetition in a manner which also predictably, causes these certain personalities to cry foul, troll (insert racist here, as those who cry racism are invariably the racists themselves) or any other convenient terms which halt the process of reason.

"If I thought there would be actual rational discourse, I would engage him." (here's your chance) 'But nope' (there's the cop-out and hasty retreat with the regular gang of supporters)

'It would just be noise' (perhaps to yourself, as this is yet another convenient dismissal of an alternative point of view or realization).

And bareboards, sorry if I cause you to la la la with fingers in your ears, I did nothing rather, your reaction as well connotes a predictable denial of the meat in my rant, as is Chaos calling out the mundane aspect of mistyped punctuation.

Haven't had a drop of alcohol when this was written earlier this morning, nor have I smoked the ganja for over 2 months...question mark, exclamation point.....and more than enough ....el;ipsis

As tired of the childish shit as y'all are of mine?? Yep-But I hold-out hope for communion and understanding, as we all play here together.

VoodooV said:

Virtually everything political is a choice between the lesser of two evils. That's why I can't stand people who dismiss it and wimp out of the process, claiming that both sides are equally bad. It's a cop out. Everyone has a internal value/judgement system and one side is going to be the slightest bit less-detestable than the other and that's the one you pick. If you don't like it, write someone in.

Too many people treat elections like horse races as if you get some sort of prize for picking a winner. A friend of mine a while back told me that he hadn't picked a winning president in the last 2 elections.

My response: So?

He (supposedly) picked the person he thought would do the best job. It's not a bet on who will win.

Hell even in my utopia I described earlier where private money has successfully been excised from elections and parties are abolished, we're still going to have candidates we don't completely agree with. Nothing is going to change there, but you still pick the one you think will do better or you write someone in.

There are no shining white knights, nor are there villains with furled mustaches and black top hats. Life is hard and complex with countless grey areas, deal with it.

Master of Newsspeak Prior to Presidency

On Jeopardy, Watson demolishes competition. Humanity next?

chingalera says...

*promote the antmans's title, yes-Humanity next ya dumbshitz!

Plenty of Watson/Jeopardy offerings here on the sift but only one glaringly lucid title for a segment reminiscent of our near future as totally-fucked individuals...


modulous says...

The person that pulls out is clearly portrayed as being at fault. He apologizes for his error, in the fictional scenario where they get to talk before the impact.
One of the human biases is the feeling of self-perfection at certain tasks. It directs it glare at the attitude 'I can travel at or just above the speed limit with impunity as I won't make mistakes.' This advert shows that even if we assume you are perfect, we can't assume all other drivers are perfect - it is a known fact that other people are regularly at fault for road incidents, even if you are not.
Nevertheless even if you drive well, an accident could find you as someone else might make an error you perfect driver you.

One should be cautious when approaching a junction with a vehicle at it, and driving at or above the speed limit shows, to me, a lack of due care and attention.

Because he was travelling a little over the speed limit rather than the more sensible just under it given the road conditions (vehicle approaching a side junction), this meant that once the man had pulled out - the man on the major road travelled maybe an extra 4 metres before even beginning to apply the brakes. In total his braking distance was probably 15-20 metres longer.

The consequence of these factors (slower initial speed and greater distance to stop in) is that speed of impact difference is greater than the 10mph variance in speed of travel. So the impact energies would be considerably less had the initial speed been a mere 10mph slower, even if an impact remains unavoidable.

Hopefully the advert will increase the number of people who will realize they can't trust other drivers completely, and may slow and have their feet ready to hit the brake in the event that somebody pulls out/stops suddenly/unexpectedly reverses/changes lane. And in their cases this may considerably reduce the amount of energy during impacts.

The advert shows both drivers as eminently human. It does not demonize the person at fault for the crash happening, nor does it demonize the person who was travelling over the limit. It just portrays two people showing regret for their part in the consequences.

Forget Rapboat! Rap-Egg Wins The Battle!

chingalera says...

Previous arguments of dupe have always failed when the differences are as glaring as this-Maatc's is more entertaining:

In the one, the guys running his finger over his lips and humming and in the other the cat spontaneously improvises what could pass as the supreme being's language..You know..Leeloo?? Leeloo Minai Lekarariba-Laminai-Tchai Ekbat De Sebat?

Not a dupe by any stretch

Cops using unexpected level of force to arrest girl

chingalera says...

@ messenger-The solution lies in a combination of radical reform of policy, and that can only happen if people stop following the programming of the people who pay for elections firstly. Then, you educate the hell out of people at a grass-roots level of just how deep the rabbit hole goes i.e., the insidious cabal of those who would profit from incarcerating more and more people to prop-up their money-making scam of larger and stronger law enforcement infrastructure, the inhumane prison industry which is billions of dollars annually. Profiteers who breed future criminals in prisons, and ghettos. It takes people actually giving a fuck about their society instead of thinking that they are safe ans secure with more police.


Police are made-up of dangerous, self-loathing and damaged individuals who are recruited for the sole purpose of building the infrastructure I described with protecting and serving very, very low on their not-so-hidden agenda.

The power-keepers and their fanatical putsch should be glaringly obvious to anyone with a TV, the internet, and an I.Q. above 100.

"They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."-Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac.

Heed the words of a brilliant statesman and thinker, and of similar, modern contemporaries.

I don't have much hope for it, I have expatriation written all over my forehead in big red letters. Hardly a place to go anymore, the entire world is jumping on board to the 'occupy everything with police and military' route.

Cops are criminals, plain and simple. Continue to believe to the contrary and watch how fast the shit gets non-linear.

World War Two Movie Making Gone Wrong

shatterdrose says...

But if I have my bullet proof vest them I'm safe! And how has that video not gotten more votes? It's friggin hilarious!

I agree with almost everything you said except one thing: the safest place for a cyclists is actually in the middle of the road just like any other car. I've done my fair bit of research on this topic (board member for the states bicycles association) and the stats are glaringly obvious. Cyclists who behave just like a car live the longest. The ones who ride on the sidewalk, ride opposing traffic, don't wear their helmets, no lights, don't signal, or try to cut through traffic get killed the quickest.

Also, there's the issue with bicycles being the last resort. There's those of us who drive a $40k car, but choose to ride a $300 bike down to the coffee shop or to grab a bite to eat. Then there's the idiots who lost their $2k clunker in a DUI and have been banned from driving for life. These ones are already dumbasses and they continue their dumbassness on a bike, giving cycling it's high fatality rate. Then there's the spandex warriors who simply get a bad rep because they ride in packs and drivers get so nervous when they're confronted with other people they freak out and complain. And then there's the hipster.

To your point about driving along a country road at a "safe" speed and then suddenly having to deal with a pack of cyclists, thus making it "unsafe." If you're going to fast to respond to a group of cyclist who can and do ride up to 50kph or 30mph, then what happens when a deer walks out? Or an alligator (yes, that happens here)? Or there's a car stalled? Obviously you weren't going at a safe speed. Point is, a pack of cyclist taking up the road for a hundred feet isn't going to cause anyone to miss saving the world or something. It's a matter of having patience.

And then, there's the matter of idiots. Like those wearing a helmet but not strapping it in . . . there's probably just no hope for them. EIA?

(Seeing as you appear to not be American, there's also the issue with American's already being hyper pumped up full of fear and hatred in general from too much media and taking it out on anyone who isn't like them. Dunno if that applies where you're from.)

ChaosEngine said:

Problem is, I often see then riding 2 or 3 abreast on city roads and narrow country roads. On city roads, it's merely annoying. On narrow country roads, it's downright stupid. If you're riding at (being generous) 50 kph and someone comes round a corner doing a perfectly safe and legal 90, you're in trouble.

As for cycle lanes, you're generally right. Unless there's some physical separation from the road, in which case they're great. And while you may be obliged to use the cycle lane, it really makes more sense than cycling in traffic.

I don't want to come off as anti-cyclist. I really believe that cycling is a much better way of transporting people in an urban environment, but people need to stop being so stupid about it. In NZ, you are legally required to wear a helmet, yet everyday I see idiots
a) without a helmet
b) with a helmet, but it's hanging on the handlebars (I guess they don't want to mess up their hair??)
and most stupidly
c) wearing a helmet, but not closing the strap... honestly, this is just retarded. You're wearing the damn helmet anyway, close the strap so it might actually be useful in a crash. It's like running around carrying a bullet proof vest

The Problem with Civil Obedience

Trancecoach says...

You seem to be relying on quite a few assumptions yourself, and this doesn't really deserve a reply (and you probably don't want one anyway), but nonethless -- I've a few minutes to kill:

None of what you say explains how you justify the stupid assumption that we need a monopoly of law enforcement in order to enforce the law.

Another assumption is in thinking that people are "evil" but somehow the politicians and the bureaucrats are somehow "good" and are what maintain law and order. (Maybe you think of yourself as evil. But in any case that is irrelevant.)

The "60's hippies" comment sounds like a Faux Noise pundit!

"What EXACTLY prevents me from taking everything someone has, by force? Private security? If you can afford it? If you can't?"

Go ahead, try it. And I can afford it. If you can't, then you should maybe look into that and your own finances instead of ranting about libertarians. Seems like a better strategy.

Do you actually think police services now currently "free?" Even if you happen to be a nonproductive tax consumer, you are still paying for it in other ways.

Competing private security or insurance would be cheaper and more efficient than the police force, since it would not be the monopoly we have now. And there are also those willing and able to defend themselves on top of that.

"All of Europe was effectively ungoverned when Rome fell."

Learn your history; there was never a time where all of Europe was "effectively ungoverned" when Rome fell.

"3. The appropriate information will be available to make rational decisions."

Obviously you're making the erroneous assumption that individuals don't have the info needed to make their own decisions and yet government/central planners somehow do. This is, in fact, the opposite of what Hayek demonstrated (not to mention what common sense indicates). (Maybe you feel incompetent, but that's another issue.)

Bemoaning the end of the Roman empire is like bemoaning the end of the Nazi regime; with its constant wars, the destruction of the 2nd Jewish Temple (an earlier holocaust), its intolerances, etc. Any problems with the "dark ages" (a label that historians are increasingly abandoning as it is glaringly inaccurate) reveal what happens when a poorly run state collapses due to war and bad economics. A lesson on where we are heading, whatever you might think. Good luck to you.

Edit: "You really act as though government is the root of all evil."
Which of my actions do you mean? Posting my thoughts? Are you the thought police?

st0nedeye said:

What you guys seem to miss is that someone is going to use "force" on you, no matter what. You have two choices, either you have no control over the people using force over you or you have some control over those people via some democratic means.

Ya'll are like the 60's hippies chanting "give peace a chance, man" without the excuse of being a drug-burnout.

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