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Woman sparks fire trying to unfreeze gas pump with lighter

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Here fuckwit. Someone reposted it after all Trump accounts were frozen for inciting insurrection.

All complete bullshit inflammatory lies designed to enrage and inflame. “Fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell you aren’t going to have a country anymore”
"we got to get rid of the weak congresspeople, the ones that aren’t any good, the Liz Cheneys of the world, we got to get rid of them. We got to get rid of them.”

He gave you a full page of transcript, not two words out of context you liar.

No Democratic representative suggested he wasn’t really president, none called for his removal by illegal force, none called for fighting like hell, none called for trial by combat, none said your country was “stolen”. You’re so full of shit. One called for PURELY VERBAL harassment, and her colleagues lambasted her for it.

On the other hand, Trump said the insurrectionist terrorists were fighting a good fight, he’s proud of them, and he loves them AFTER the attack.

It bears noting, every single person there that was asked on camera said they were there because Trump told them to come and fight to take their country back....many insisted they would follow that instruction to the death but only one did. “It’s going to be wild”!

bobknight33 said:

What a flaws reach.

Show the video, Any video, ANY ANY ANY .... Not a 2 word out of context BS. SHOW IT!

There is none,

There were however over last 3 years of Democrat leaders/ liberals/ activists calling for the direct harassment of conservatives.

Where were you then?

The best golfer, probably ever.

luxintenebris jokingly says...

BTW: since the talk is about putting things into a hole in the ground...

what's the deal w/the Omaha rally, Bob? There wouldn't have been that many frozen old people if they'd just stop counting them?

or should we wait until Fox, Rush, or the myriad of apologists supporting the president figure out why it was the fan's fault and not the star's?

heard a response, that people should have dressed for the occasion - and not wait for a warm bus ride back. older people forced to walk four miles only to be found wandering half-frozen unable to find their car. mainly because of hypothermia.

so appropriate. orange turning on the orange. the young sacrificing the old. poor planning by the poorly chosen. chaos. disorder. and donnie wouldn't be responsible for any of it.

that's on the nose.

sing it bob...

Warhammer Ultramarine Cosplay at Otakon

Kulning - Ancient herdingcall - A farewell song to the cows

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Shocking Data On China’s Economic Growth

newtboy says...

They poured more concrete in two years than US did in the 20th century. IN TWO YEARS! That's a factual statement. (Shows article and chart showing it took 3 years. Apparently they don't understand that 2011-2013 is 3 years, even when it's in the title.)

Also mentions the new Chinese city with 550 square feet of office space with 95% not occupant. *facepalm

China dipped into our retirement funds to pay tariffs? No, they didn't. That's simply asinine in numerous ways.

They harvest most of the world's frozen fish? No, they freeze most of the world's frozen fish. No one harvests frozen fish.

These people are morons. Typically, they are fast and loose with facts and definitions, maybe just to avoid being truthful, something the right now finds distasteful.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaaahahaha! My reading says Trump, Guliani, and Putin should instantly, without warning, have all assets frozen AND be denied entry to the U.S.....and Trump should no longer be able to fundraise in the U.S..

What a maroon.

Edit : and apparently in that 2017 meeting with Russian officials in the oval office, the one where he burned Israeli agents to brag about the info they had shared on Isis, he told them he didn't care about Russian interference in the election because, he told them, the U.S. interferes in other countries elections. That's why memos and transcripts from that meeting were also placed on the top secret server, even though they contained zero state secrets or classified (any more) information. *facepalm

Why Shell's Marketing is so Disgusting

newtboy says...

No sir.
I even mentioned one group in America that never adopted petroleum...Amish...and I would counter your assertion with the fact that most people on earth don't live using oil, they're too poor, not too fortunate. 20-30 years ago, most Chinese had never been in a car or a commercial store bigger than a local vegetable stand.

Both customers and non customers are the victims.
Using (or selling) a product that clearly pollutes the air, land, and sea is immoral.

Yes, it's like our business is predicated on rebuilding wrecked cars overnight which we do by using massive amounts of meth. Sure, our products are death traps, sure, we lied about both our business practices and the safety of our product, sure, our teeth and brains are mush....but our business has been successful and allowed us to have 10 kids (8 on welfare, two adopted out), and if we quit using meth they'll starve and fight over scraps. That's proof meth is good and moral and you're mistaken to think otherwise. Duh.

Yes, we overpopulated, outpacing the planet's ability to support us by far...but instead of coming to terms with that and changing, many think we should just wring the juice out of the planet harder and have more kids. I think those people are narcissistic morons, we don't need more little yous. Sadly, we are well beyond the tipping point, even if no more people are ever born, those alive are enough to finish the biosphere's destruction. Guaranteed if they think like you seem to.

Um, really? Complete collapse of the food web isn't catastrophic?
Wars over hundreds of millions or billions of refugees aren't catastrophic? (odd because the same people who think that are incensed over thousands of Syrians, Africans, and or South and Central American refugees migrating)
Massive food shortage isn't catastrophic?
Loss of most farm land and hundreds of major cities to the sea isn't catastrophic?
Loss of corals, where >25% of ocean species live, and other miniscule organisms that are the base of the ocean food web isn't catastrophic?
Loss of well over 1/2 the producers of O2, and organisms that capture carbon, isn't catastrophic?
Eventual clouds of hydrogen sulfide from the ocean covering the land, poisoning 99%+ of all life isn't catastrophic?
Runaway greenhouse cycles making the planet uninhabitable for thousands if not hundreds of thousands or even millions of years isn't catastrophic?
Loss of access to water for billions of people isn't catastrophic?
I think you aren't paying attention to the outcomes here, and may be thinking only of the scenarios estimated for 2030-2050 which themselves are pretty scary, not the unavoidable planetary disaster that comes after the feedback loops are all fully in play. Try looking more long term....and note that every estimate of how fast the cycles collapse/reverse has been vastly under two out of hundreds of examples, Greenland is melting faster than it was estimated to melt in 2075....far worse, frozen methane too.

You can reject the science, that doesn't make it wrong. It only makes you the ass who knowingly gambles with the planet's ability to support humans or other higher life forms based on nothing more than denial.

Edit: We are at approximately 1C rise from pre industrial records today, expected to be 1.5C in as little as 11 years. Even the IPCC (typically extremely conservative in their estimates) states that a 2C rise will trigger feedbacks that could exceed 12C. Many are already in full effect, like glacial melting, methane hydrate melting, peat burning, diatom collapse, coral collapse, forest fires, etc. It takes an average of 25 years for what we emit today to be absorbed (assuming the historical absorption cycles remain intact, which they aren't). That means we are likely well past the tipping point where natural cycles take over no matter what we do, and what we're doing is increasing emissions.

bcglorf said:

You asked at least 3 questions and all fo them very much leading questions.

To the first 2, my response is that it's only the extremely fortunate few that have the kind of financial security and freedom to make those adjustments, so lucky for them.

Your last question is:
do those companies get to continue to abdicate their responsibility, pawning it off on their customers?

Your question demands as part of it's base assumption that fossil fuels are inherently immoral or something and customers are clearly the victims. I reject that.

The entirety of the modern western world stands atop the usage of fossil fuels. If we cut ALL fossil fuel usage out tomorrow, mass global starvation would follow within a year, very nasty wars would rapidly follow that.

The massive gains in agricultural production we've seen over the last 100 years is extremely dependent on fossil fuels. Most importantly for efficiency in equipment run on fossil fuels, but also importantly on fertilizers produced by fossil fuels. Alternatives to that over the last 100 years did not exist. If you think Stalin and Mao's mass starvations were ugly, just know that the disruptions they made to agriculture were less severe than the gain/loss represented by fossil fuels.

All that is to state that simply saying don't use them because the future consequences are bad is extremely naive. The amount of future harm you must prove is coming is enormous, and the scientific community as represented by the IPCC hasn't even painted a worst case scenario so catastrophic.

The Ice Strikes Back

newtboy says...

That's what made me suspicious in the first place, she seemingly slipped before her weight was on it.

I guess frozen in place makes sense for the rocks.

I half expect to see the longer version next week where they use their ADT panic button for help, life alert style.

Why? Because if someone wants to make up a fake scenario to sell me on something, I insist it be more interesting. ;-)

BSR said:

If the ice is just thick enough it will keep the gravel in place. Looks like her foot slipped before she even had her full weight on it. It also looked like driver slipped a bit too.

Opener: Someone could do that easily depending on the circumstances. Just make up a logical scenario on your own. (i'm not going to do the work for you.)

Some people have a sense of humor. Maybe they just shared it with someone and they shared it with someone and so on.

Good question about the ADT logo. Wouldn't doubt they (ADT) picked up the video and added it themselves. Doesn't affect me one way or the other.

It can be as suspicious as you can make it. But why?

If it's everything you say, so what?

CrushBug (Member Profile)

It's the perfect texture for running

TRRazor says...

To be fair - she didn't slip on the snow, but on that tiny strip of uncovered (probably frozen over) road.

Do I still think, that this is absolutely stupid? I certainly do...

Vicious Dog Pack Attack

transmorpher says...

I quite like what they do in India. Incentives for men to get the snip, and whatever the equivalent procedure is for women. E.g. get a vasectomy, and the government buys you a new car.

No more accidental children (which is what makes up the majority of births). You can imagine that most people taking this offer up are typically going to be people who should not be having children, so it's a huge win for humanity.

Also externalising pregnancy to incubators would ensure that career focused families need not miss out on having children - particularly if they have their sperm and eggs frozen before they are sterilized. They can then have healthy cells ready for when they are ready, providing their children with a better environment to grow up in...... Without the health concerns for the mother, and without the health concerns for the baby (like alcohol and smoking while pregnant, or even mothers with type 2 diabetes, which is a huge problem these days because of what it does to the fetus).

Fewer bad parents, and a larger amount of deserving parents would really tip the scales for a better future in just a couple of generations.

b4rringt0n (Member Profile)

Canada Taking it's money Seriously

Fairbs says...

I like that they've changed the standard orientation of the bill

I carry a 5$ Canadian bill that depicts kids playing hockey on a frozen pond and also has a poem on it

I wish the US could be more like CA

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