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How to stop a clicking hard drive

videosiftbannedme says...

Actually recovered data from a HD that malfunctioned and had the click of death. So being a tech, I had heard of that old wives tale about putting a dead drive in the freezer. Couldn't believe it actually worked. The first time I had about twelve minutes, I froze it again, eight minutes and then a third time netted me only five, but I got all my data off it.

So it does work in particular cases; not bullshit.

Truck Destroys Bridge

Drax says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:
The guy on the left had a hard fall, I imagine he was the one injured, but he should have moved back instead of just stopping and standing there when he saw it coming (he could have warned the others too!) the two on the right you can barely make them out running for it and just making it away from the damaged section as it collapses.

Something like that I guarantee you the guy on the left froze and his brain had trouble believing what he was seeing. It was busy fumbling over, 'That looks like it's too.. is it REALLY tall enough to...?', and then WHAM. Probably a part of his reasoning felt foolish for a brief moment to think it WAS gonna hit.

Girl Gang-Raped At Homecoming Bystanders Watch No One Helps

Apple responds to W7 release with usual inordinate smugness

RedSky says...

Windows 7 generally looks good to me but had some glaring problems last time I checked that made me revert back to using a dual booted XP. Namely:

It can't seem to play two audio sources via SPDIF, something that XP was perfectly capable of doing. For example, I'd have foobar running, I'd go to watch a youtube video and lo and behold the only way to get sound from the latter was to shut down foobar. Idiocy.

It also froze upon loading into a MP game in TF2 for me, although apparently that has something to do with the 8800 line graphics cards I have and some kind of driver issue, so I'd expect that's either sorted or will be sorted soon.

Meh, when it comes down to it though, besides a few functional improvements, it's XP with a new, spiffier GUI which you have to relearn. And the sad part is, the GUI will be the prime motivating factor for the average user to upgrade.

Democrats and Republicans. Where's the difference?

Rotty says...

My God, even my browser froze when watching this. So, I could endure the whole ordeal again. However, it wouldn't change my mind that more relevent candidates were ignored during the campaign by the media for all you morons. I hope you like Black Bush!

This summer's SiftUp in the wild (Blog Entry by Ornthoron)

Issykitty says...

Very lovely setting for a Sift-up/ get-together. It very much looks like Northwestern Montana (Glacier Park/ Waterton) which DFT and I had just visited last month. I nearly froze my arse off when we visited the town of Waterton, Canada in mid-August. Was it cold where you were at that time? I'm sure what is warm to Norwegians is relatively freezing to me... I've become such a wimp! I don't know how I ever lived in a place that had snow. Thanks for showing us your pix!

Patricia Heaton (Everyone Luvs Raymond) fails gameshow math

gtjwkq says...

Why fail? She got the answer right.

Some people get too worried about how they're perceived if they make a mistake with simple math, so, in her case, I guess the anxiety froze her brain.

Poincaré, a famous french mathematician, once admitted to being terrible at making even the simplest arithmetic operations.

Moxy Fruvous "The Drinking Song"

calvados says...üvous:The_Drinking_Song

And the band played on
As the helicopters whirred
Drunk on the lawn in a nuclear dawn
My senses finally blurred

He was a rock, to the end, a solid reminder
Couldn't deny a friend

(Mike & Jian)
We lived in the noise and the sweet amber poison

Peekin' up the skirt of the end

And we'd drink, two gnarly dudes and some records
Much like plates of black food

(Mike & Jian)
We filled up our faces, saw some far places

Stood on the roof in the nude

And the band played on
As the helicopters whirred
Drunk on the lawn in a nuclear dawn
My senses finally blurred

Between pulls, he said "We're like cows in the grass"
Brushing off flies

(Mike & Jian)
Chaise lounging around, standing up, falling down

Till we no longer opened our eyes

And we'd drink, ever notice how drinking's like war?
Cup o' troops o'er the gums

(Mike & Jian)
To the end of our health, a campaign 'gainst myself

Armed with bourbons and scotches and rums

And the band played on
As the helicopters whirred
Drunk on the lawn in a nuclear dawn
My senses finally blurred

Think of bombs, we're poised on the edge of disaster
Whether it's right or it's wrong

(Mike & Jian)
We opened the window, played some Nintendo

Sang a few bars of some pretty old song:

Irene goodnight, Irene goodnight
Goodnight Irene, goodnight Irene

I'll see you in my dreams

Oh to dream, those impotent bones of extinction
Flying graceful and free

(Mike & Jian)
None but the best 'cause the man cannot rest

Till he's finally beaten his me

And the band played on
As the helicopters whirred
Drunk on the lawn in a nuclear dawn
My senses finally blurred

Till the end, he passed out on the sundeck that morning
Quietly saying goodbye

(Mike & Jian)
But I was so hammered I sputtered and stammered

Told him he couldn't just die

He was a rock, went straight for his own Armageddon
Face froze in a grin

(Mike & Jian)
Ambulance flyin' in, I never drank again

Can't really call that a loss or a win

(All, acappella)
And the band played on
As the helicopters whirred
Drunk on the lawn in a nuclear dawn
My senses finally blurred

TF2 Sandvich Fakeout

videosiftbannedme says...

Kind of related - I was playing Rune Quake 3 against a friend a few months ago and he had thrown down some ice traps. Now, whenever you hit an ice trap, you get stuck in place for 20 seconds or so, and it alerts the other player by saying "You froze player!" It won't say where you are, just that you got froze. So you kind of have to remember where you put them down, so you can run back and get the frag.

So I hid in a good spot with the traps in view and actually typed in chat "You froze VSBM". And didn't you know it, here he comes running around the corner looking for my frozen body and I blasted him. It was only afterwards he said the thought something was funny about the message, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

And if you've never played Rune Quake 3...HIGHLY recommended. Once you get the gameplay down, you can't go back to vanilla Q3.

If only I had a gun

Payback says...

>> ^chilaxe: There was a church shooting about 2 years ago in which an armed security guard froze for minutes behind cover, and a church-goer with military experience repeatedly asked the guard for his gun, but the guard wouldn't give it to him.

I'm sorry, but that there is just smart. How would the guard know if the military dude wasn't in on it or a convict or just a fricking whack job? Also, if the guard had any training whatsoever, he might be worried about shooting a bystander, or causing one to be shot when he came out of cover. Too many variables and not enough info in your story as it stands.

If only I had a gun

chilaxe says...

People who make the choice to carry a firearm with them naturally rehearse in their mind situations and their reactions many times. Having a plan that automatically kicks in can make all the difference. This appears to be a significant confounding factor in this experiment.

There was a church shooting about 2 years ago in which an armed security guard froze for minutes behind cover, and a church-goer with military experience repeatedly asked the guard for his gun, but the guard wouldn't give it to him.

Some people are overwhelmed by stressful situations, and others aren't.

Lotus Flower - Multi-Pitch Climbing in the Yukon

silvercord says...

When I was younger I spent a few days at The Maze in Southern Utah. After slipping and nearly going over the edge I never was the same about heights. Roped I was pretty good, but without some sort of belay I just froze.

One and a half years ago my vestibular system was poisoned by prescription drugs. I now have no inner ear gyroscope, so to speak. I guess I'll never be able to climb again, but I can dream.

This was truly awesome.

Breeder Flies Cat, Airline Delivers Frozen Corpse.

GoShogun says...

Woah woah woah, wait a sec here, did he just say he ships cats to "three different continents and to numerous dimensions" at the 1 minute mark?!

Maybe that's why the cat froze, inter-dimensional travel gets quite chilly.

Breeder Flies Cat, Airline Delivers Frozen Corpse.

Lieu says...

>> ^Shepppard:

Dude, give it up. you can't prove the cat died of hypothermia, but you also can't prove it didn't, either.

The "you can't disprove it" argument? Give me a break.

The only thing the guy has to go on is that it was sent to a vet that he doesn't know, who said the most likely cause of death was uterine toxity. Now, many things could've happened there.
We don't know what made the kittens die, maybe it was complications, maybe it had something to do with why the cat froze to death, too.

No, we go with whatever explanation is more likely based on the evidence and keep it in context of the situation. And you are weighting the autopsy far, far down in reliability while simultaneously taking the "clean bill of health" the morning before as completely accurate. It's the pet equivalent of a doctor's checkup - it's not going to predict a stroke the next day or a thousand other serious conditions.

The ONLY thing's we know about this video, guy sends a healthy pregnant kitty to someone else on a plane. Cat gets put on plane. Cat is dead and frozen (Twice) upon arrival. There's no middle ground there, we have no information on what happened while it was in the cargo hold of the plane, so for all we know, the landing gear didn't fully close and caused a small draft, at that altitude, the temperature would already be incredibly low, not to mention that it's winter.

We don't need that information, but it would be helpful. Also, have you noticed that most of your argument is actually speculation? What we know is:

1. Pregnant cat gets a checkup and deemed healthy
2. Dies during air travel
3. Described as frozen on arrival
4. Vetinarian's autopsy says the cat died of uterine toxicity from dead kittens.

What's more likely, the checkup couldn't catch that sort of death impending and "frozen" was rigor mortis plus a cooled body, OR, there was some sort of major mechanical failure in the aircraft AND the autopsy was wildy innacurate. Given the available information, it's much more likely to be uterine toxicity.

Now, if it was ME in this situation, and I not only sold a cat to someone for $2500, but one that I'd loved and had for years, I'd probably be pretty pissed off too. And being as the cat was healthy THAT MORNING, the only logical explanation is that something happened to it, more then likely while it was in the planes care. And if they can't prove misconduct on the airlines part, I believe they forfeit any rights to sue for the loss of not only his money, but his pet.

And you complained at me for attempting to "prove" it one way or another? I refuse to ever make a claim of absolute certainty and you just said that literally the only logical explanation was something happened to it.

So, yeah. I'd want my own autopsy on it, too.

The airline offered the cat so he could get his own autopsy but he declined.

Breeder Flies Cat, Airline Delivers Frozen Corpse.

Shepppard says...

>> ^Lieu:
This is why we humans fail so much. "...any evidence I could have gotten to prove death of hypothermia is out the window."
Talk about confirmation bias.
What an idiot. This guy decided long before the autopsy what the cause of death was. The autopsy, the best method by far of establishing unknown death, says uterine toxity from death of kittens? Too bad, there's no changing his mind now. Intuition and cognitive bias "triumphs" yet again. Intuition says cold = hypothermia. How about after any cause of death metabolism stops and the body cools to its surroundings? How about looking at all explanations objectively?
Depressing. Now Joe Average will watch this and think automatically the airline must have "done" something to the cat and pay no attention to the actual vet's diagnosis.

Dude, give it up. you can't prove the cat died of hypothermia, but you also can't prove it didn't, either.

The only thing the guy has to go on is that it was sent to a vet that he doesn't know, who said the most likely cause of death was uterine toxity. Now, many things could've happened there.

We don't know what made the kittens die, maybe it was complications, maybe it had something to do with why the cat froze to death, too.

The ONLY thing's we know about this video, guy sends a healthy pregnant kitty to someone else on a plane. Cat gets put on plane. Cat is dead and frozen (Twice) upon arrival. There's no middle ground there, we have no information on what happened while it was in the cargo hold of the plane, so for all we know, the landing gear didn't fully close and caused a small draft, at that altitude, the temperature would already be incredibly low, not to mention that it's winter.

Now, if it was ME in this situation, and I not only sold a cat to someone for $2500, but one that I'd loved and had for years, I'd probably be pretty pissed off too. And being as the cat was healthy THAT MORNING, the only logical explanation is that something happened to it, more then likely while it was in the planes care. And if they can't prove misconduct on the airlines part, I believe they forfeit any rights to sue for the loss of not only his money, but his pet. So, yeah. I'd want my own autopsy on it, too.

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