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Driver has no option but to slam at 70 mph into stopped car!

RFlagg says...

Korean story on this:§ion=section26§ion2=%EC%82%AC%ED%9A%8C%EC%9D%BC%EB%B0%98 (Chrome translates it, not sure about other browsers).

Seems it was a he as the article says he is asking what is going on. This is a black box recording of the accident on a Hyundai Sonata YF along with a dash cam. It was apparently an older gentleman. I have to guess that it is easy to armchair it in and say shift into N or kill the engine, but if your car suddenly starts accelerating faster than you are pressing the accelerator then panic probably kicks making rational thought go out the door... plus if I don't know about Korea, but at the local BMV, I often see older people given lots of chances to see the flashing light... " you see the light now? On the right?" "Oh! Yeah!".

House Party Cat Jams Out To Electronic Music

jmd says...

Correction, cat follows idiot waving around a flash light while recording said cat, and then overlays music which would have surly scared the ever loving crap out of said cat if it had been played in real time.

Battleship the movie!

Long Truck is Long

MarineGunrock says...

Yup. That's a state trooper, alright. I've seen them enough in my rear-view to recognize 'em anywhere. >> ^aaronfr:

The blue sedan that pulls up at around the :36 second mark is police. He stops in the intersection and gets out of the car. And there must have been a lead car as well since the truck is driving on the wrong side of the road. Also, the cars on the opposite side of the intersection are sitting there waiting for it to pass so someone must have stopped them. Police escorts, just no flashing lights.
>> ^Porksandwich:
No police escort that I could see. They usually make trucks hauling oversized loads or especially long loads hire police escorts or at least have follow vehicles ahead and behind to make sure it'll fit under all the bridges and places coming up and one to follow to make it really visible that this truck can't avoid things and other reasons I assume (visual problems with load, etc).

Long Truck is Long

Porksandwich says...

Yeah I see his flashing lights and him get out now on a rewatch. I was watching the rear of the load to see if someone was dumb enough to pull up behind it even over the median since it stuck out so far.

Kinda shocked traffic stayed put for the blue car to pull into place.

>> ^aaronfr:

The blue sedan that pulls up at around the :36 second mark is police. He stops in the intersection and gets out of the car. And there must have been a lead car as well since the truck is driving on the wrong side of the road. Also, the cars on the opposite side of the intersection are sitting there waiting for it to pass so someone must have stopped them. Police escorts, just no flashing lights.
>> ^Porksandwich:
No police escort that I could see. They usually make trucks hauling oversized loads or especially long loads hire police escorts or at least have follow vehicles ahead and behind to make sure it'll fit under all the bridges and places coming up and one to follow to make it really visible that this truck can't avoid things and other reasons I assume (visual problems with load, etc).

Long Truck is Long

aaronfr says...

The blue sedan that pulls up at around the :36 second mark is police. He stops in the intersection and gets out of the car. And there must have been a lead car as well since the truck is driving on the wrong side of the road. Also, the cars on the opposite side of the intersection are sitting there waiting for it to pass so someone must have stopped them. Police escorts, just no flashing lights.

>> ^Porksandwich:

No police escort that I could see. They usually make trucks hauling oversized loads or especially long loads hire police escorts or at least have follow vehicles ahead and behind to make sure it'll fit under all the bridges and places coming up and one to follow to make it really visible that this truck can't avoid things and other reasons I assume (visual problems with load, etc).

Ambulance, gets hit by car, crashes, and flips over

Mekanikal says...

What it looks like is that the minivan driver wasn't paying any sort of attention to oncoming traffic, green light or not. There's nothing obstructing his view, in fact the car going the same direction as the ambulance sees it behind him and stops. Ambulances slow down at red lights usually for the cross traffic that may not see them. It's a rare day when they get clipped by someone making a left turn in front of them. You would think they would see a van with flashing lights screaming towards them.
>> ^solecist:

>> ^Trancecoach:
Can't imagine what was so important for that minivan to get in the way of the ambulance which I presume was in the midst of a call, sirens on and everything.
That kind of selfishness is really appalling.

ugh, how selfish of them. they wanted to crash so badly that they pulled out in front of an ambulance!
or, from a non-insane perspective, it looks like the driver of the van didn't see the ambulance in time while turning during a green light. even ambulances are supposed to slow down at red lights, to make sure that nearby drivers are aware of their presence before crossing. does it really look like the driver of the van was making a mad berserker dash across the path of the ambulance in an attempt to save precious time?

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Incredible Opening Cinematic

Xaielao says...

Nice CG but I don't like the saber fights or force powers. Every since Ep 1 the saber fights have been a flurry of flashing lights, cool leaps and overpowered force powers where guys can throw around objects weighting many tuns as if they were throwing a toy.

I mean am I the only one who thought the old battles were better. The sword play was slower and more deliberate (and more realistic). The fights were battles of will as well as sabers. Throwing an object around took serious concentration and it was a rather cumbersome ability in the first place. Only the most powerful of jedi and sith had abilities like force lightning or the ability to throw around objects. It's almost as bad as that last superman movie with the superman who could live a continent made of kryptonite out of the ocean lol.

Ok rant over hehe. Cool CG, to bad the actual gameplay and saber duels look 'nothing' like that.

INSANELY fast PCI express solid state hard drive.

Source Code Trailer

Low Bridge - 13 Crashes in 13 Months

Morganth says...

I'm not feeling very sympathetic. It's posted and there's flashing lights. If you're in a truck, isn't it your job to be on the lookout for stuff like that and know your truck's height to the inch?

PC Magazine Apple iPad Video Review

KnivesOut says...

The App-Store "ecosystem" is there to keep porn out, so says Apple.

Gizmodo Liveblog
via Boing Boing

Q: Are there any plans for you to run unsigned applications, like on Android?
A: There is a porn store for Android to go to. You can download them, your kids can download them. That's a place we don't want to go. We're not going to go there.

It's tripe, total bullshit. The standards of quality? Yes, you're guaranteed to get the best flash-light or fart-simulator possible.

Australian Magazine Features 7ft Tall Model On Cover

westy says...

yeah there is a fetish for tall women , some men build miniature cities in there houses so they can watch there women stamp on the buildings and they can pretend there gf is like a god zilla.

as for this lady she looks more like a man not because she is large she just has a rigid face and is less curvy than a normal woman.

you probably need to ware a helmet and a flash light if you were to go exploring down there.

burdturgler (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

"Hush little Turgler
Don't say a word.
Is that a siren you just heard?
Here comes a car with flashing lights
Come to rob little Burdy of his human rights."

I remember when my mommy used to sing me that song...

Time Travel And Einstein's Relativity Made Easy

newtboy says...

>> ^Drax:
>> ^robdot:
if I where to shine a flash light in the direction I'm traveling then the light emitting from that flashlight should travel (relative to me) at the speed of light minus 500,000 mph. Otherwise the light would be traveling faster then the speed of light to someone not onboard the magical cosmic space
I think your wrong on this point, the speed of light is a constant. it will measure the same to all observers.

Then it -would- travel at speed of light minus the speed of the train to me, otherwise for someone "standing still" (whatever that is) the light would be traveling the speed of light plus the speed of the train.
I'm just gonna stop here before my HEAD ASPLODES.

This seems to be correct. Light travels at a constant speed through space. Unless your magic train is outside of space (and time) the light from your flashlight would travel at the speed of light, period. It is not affected by the speed of the emitter. The speed of light is a constant (yeah, refraction can make it SEEM like it changes, so can space expansion, but it's really a constant), and is not cumulative.
My question to math teachers was always..."If I'm going the speed of light in my chevy nova and I turn on my headlights, do they work?". Sadly, they never answered me, but the correct answer is "...kind of, define "work"." They would emit photons, but those photons would not go faster than the nova through space, and so they would not "light up" the space ahead of the car (as long as it traveled at the speed of light). My hypothesis is the photons would remain between the emitter and the reflector, and the "relative" speed of the car and light would be between 0 and twice the speed of light, but actual speed of each would remain the speed of light. There would not be a beam of light, but a point (or 2 points, one in front of or at the emitter, one in front of or at the reflector) where photons were traveling in the same direction, constantly gaining in "density".
A good question here might be, would there be a point where the photons reach a maximum "density" (where no more photons can occupy the same point in space time), and, if so, what happens when this point is reached?
Oh no! (head expands and pops!)

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