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Black Mesa: Xen Trailer

Black Mesa 1.0 Launch Trailer

Democrats Are Getting MORE Unhinged Over Supreme Court Leak

luxintenebris jokingly says...

the speaker in the video just finishes calling others dumb...then says Thomas was the first black man appointed to the Sumpre Court - - beautiful!

nothing so lovely as a self-own. a thoroughly good* self-diss.

should have checked w/MTG. she should be brushing up on martial** law.

* hint
** hint

The Best Female Swimmer in the World!

BSR says...

I don't know if you have any children but how would you feel about it if one of your children went ahead and had a sex change some day regardless of how you felt about it? Would you be able to forgive them? Would you be able to forgive yourself?

Keep in mind that your children would get to pick your nursing home. 👴

bobknight33 who said: "It puts real women at a true disadvantage."

You've got a lot to learn about women. They ain't finished with us yet. Remember, we're here to protect them until they don't need us anymore.

bobknight33 said:

It puts real women at a true disadvantage.
Even a fruit loop like you should see this.

Guess your head still up you ass and you are living in the dark listening to your own echo chamber..

Insane $3000 Steam Punk Puzzle Box! - Solved!

cloudballoon says...

Maybe it's the model builder in me, but for that money, I'd go for any DeAgostini model kits. The construction is super intricate that'll take more than a few hours, the finished models are like museum-level art pieces.

Hmm... maybe sell me this puzzle box in pieces that I can build myself in 70+ hours for $200 and I might bite. The process of building it must be more enjoyable.

Thank you 81 million, thank you!

newtboy says...

Ok, I’ve proven with video that the commie/Russian flags were repeatedly flown at RNC and Trump rallies…which shut you up about let’s take on the “energy independence “ lie.

2017 we imported about 10150 million barrels of oil per day.
2018 around 9950 million barrels per day
2019 around 9150 million barrels per day
2020 (pandemic shutdown all travel and most business) we still imported just over million 7850 barrels per day….and let’s not forget he intentionally nearly doubled how much we bought from Russia in his tenure up to the highest levels ever in 2020.
Our dependence shrank slightly under Trump, and that’s good, but never were we independent, that’s a bold faced lie.

2021 with the economy in excellent shape and growing at least 3 times faster than ever under Trump we are back to just UNDER 8500 million per day….better than any non pandemic Trump year.

So…when exactly do you think we were energy/oil independent under Trump? Because it never happened, he just said it….he says a lot of stuff, most is utter bullshit.

I’ll give you a while to let that sink in. I won’t confuse you by debunking more than one lie at a time. Deal?

P.S. let me throw you a bone and remind you that the Keystone pipeline wouldn’t be finished today even if there had been no cancelation…..and that oil was destined for overseas markets in the first place unless the oil industry was nationalized.

bobknight33 said:

I dont see the commie flag at RNC rallies. That your side.

What administration...

ended our energy independence

Scuba Diver Makes Vortexes with His Hand

Meeting invaders with some friendly advice.

vil says...

Ok now the International Judo Federation has stripped Putin of his honorary presidency.

He is finished. Thats like Trump thrown out of Mar-a-Lago.

What Makes Hans Landa One Of The Most Terrifying Villains

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ruh roe.
Turns out the Trump campaign paid people to go to the coup, at least 60 of the rioters. That’s not good.
Double ruh roe, turns out they also paid for the “command center” in the Willard hotel that Giuliani and others involved in the planning and instigation of the coup attempt worked from, negating the non existent claim of executive privilege for non government work done by his campaign that is required to be public record in the first place.
Triple ruh roe, the Trump campaign “forgot” to list that expenditure, and the work done by Trump’s campaign workers planning the attack against American democracy…a blatant and unambiguous campaign finance violation.

New felonies coming to light daily as NDAs dissolve and people are finally free to say what they witnessed in the least transparent and most criminal administration in the nation’s history by far. Just look up Trump administration official convictions, you won’t be able to finish it today, it’s too long, and still growing. 11 at the absolute highest level of government convicted of nearly 100 high crimes and misdemeanors, the numbers of lower level officials convicted is likely in the hundreds if not thousands, most charged with multiple crimes.
Or just look up his pardons, every one of which is a conviction for things like stealing tens of millions from “build the wall” donors…stealing from his people….pardoned. Lying to the FBI, pardoned. Working with Russia to undermine American policy before taking office, pardoned. Millions in tax fraud by not reporting millions made working as an unreported foreign agent, pardoned.

The most positive thing Trump did was remove Bush from the “worst president ever” position.

Also, Republicans only won in Tennessee because of voter fraud. He’s not the real governor. Never will be. Tennessee has no governor. Enjoy 4 years of that.
Funny how Republicans insisted there was SO much voter fraud happening in that election…until Youngkin was declared the winner when suddenly there was no fraud at all according to them. Almost like you guys are lying worthless pieces of shit who say anything without a hint of concern as to its veracity.
Also funny how Youngkin refused to have Trump campaign for him at all, never seen together, not even in the state, but of course Trump takes 100% of the credit for his “win”….a win that’s uncertified and fraudulent. You know it’s true.

Cathie Wood 1700% Tesla & EV Growth WRECKS Legacy Auto

JiggaJonson says...

Don't get me wrong, I want all electric vehicles on our roads; but your lord and savior made it harder to buy Teslas by allowing the tax credit to expire during his term

"Tesla vehicles purchased after 12/31/2019 are not eligible for these tax credits."

Hmmm who was president in 2019? Dunno. Dems are working on a plan to restore the credit to Tesla and GM, but I assume it'll be killed by McConnel and Manchin

Even WITH the tax credit, it's a hard buy for most of us. I just finished paying off my first new car @ about $25k, but I DO make trips longer than 250 miles in a day somewhat regularly. So even the $40k model wouldn't do for me. $52,000 is simply out of my price range. Shit, even 40k is too much for me. SHIT even 35k is too much for a person without a car payment as of a few months ago. No thanks.

I'm gonna ride this car until the wheels fall off, I get 43mpg and I'm satisfied with that.

Tesla stock meanwhile seems to vary wildly. Go get some boring mutual funds brother. Easy come easy go, they say.

The History of Portal

Cristal Baschet (an instrument that needs to be wet)

noims says...

Monty Python and The Muppets separately had sketches about animals trained/tuned to squeal at a particular pitch when hit. They were assembled into an instrument that allowed a sadist play tunes on them with hammers.

Between the timbre of the notes and the look of the 'keys', from start to finish I couldn't stop thinking of this instrument as the same, but using pleasure instead of pain (if you get my meaning).

Drawing strangers on the NYC subway

vil says...

Please dont overthink this, those techniques take TIME to finish.
People on the subway dont have that much TIME. Also the subway train MOVES. The artist needs a STEADY hand and paper (and good light).

Drawing strangers on the NYC subway

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