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Michele Bachmann (R-MN): Carbon Dioxide Not A Harmful Gas

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

The nub of Banshee's comments are correct. There does not currently exist any form of energy that can replace fossil. The manufacturing, industrial, business, and residential power demands far outstrip 'green' energy's ability to supply power. Even a massive multi-pronged approach using geothermal, wind, tide, solar, methane farms, et al would barely make a dent. If we want to get off coal, we need to move to nuclear. There is no other viable option.

That doesn't even touch the massive expense of green energy. Green energy is not cheap by any stretch. It is actually the MOST expensive energy that exists. In acerage, material, maintainance, production cost, and distribution - green energy is on the order of 5-10 times more expensive than coal depending on which kind you are talking about. So unless you are prepared to quadruple your electic bill, you better pray that coal doesn't go anywhere or that the enviro-nazis untwist thier panties a few notches with nuclear.

Barak Obama said he wasn't going to raise taxes on the middle/lower class. Yet is stated desire to put the coal industry out of business would put an 'energy tax' on all Americans to the tune of several thousand dollars a year.

Rep. John Shimkus: God decides when the "earth will end"

Lolthien says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Man-made global warming is the biggest hoax--and crime--ever perpetrated on the human race. It's the same wealth and freedom-destroying socialist horsesh;t only wrapped in green tinfoil.
It wouldn't have gotten this far without egotistical half-wits like Al Snore given a spotlight, but more so from legions of Gaia-worshipping rabid enviro-mental-cases, who want to see all human life destroyed to "save Mother Earth".
"Bible-Man" may be delusional but he doesn't think he's God or feels qualified to rule others without question.
Unlike the statists.

Ok, you got me, I laughed out loud, literally, and my co-workers looked at me funny. You get +1 internets for the day! Well done!

Rep. John Shimkus: God decides when the "earth will end"

honkeytonk73 says...

>> ^Maze:
>> ^quantumushroom:
Man-made global warming is the biggest hoax--and crime--ever perpetrated on the human race. It's the same wealth and freedom-destroying socialist horsesh;t only wrapped in green tinfoil.
It wouldn't have gotten this far without egotistical half-wits like Al Snore given a spotlight, but more so from legions of Gaia-worshipping rabid enviro-mental-cases, who want to see all human life destroyed to "save Mother Earth".
"Bible-Man" may be delusional but he doesn't think he's God or feels qualified to rule others without question.
Unlike the statists.

Instead of being so angry about it, why not educate yourself? Global warming wouldn't have gotten this far without people muddying the waters and ignoring the science.

Unfortunately ... far too many do not 'believe' in what science states, and as a result, in their minds,it isn't true. The logic? I believe in Leprechauns.. thus they are real.

Having a brain is not a prerequisite to being a living entity. This fact is often reinforced by the blindly religious.

Rep. John Shimkus: God decides when the "earth will end"

Maze says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Man-made global warming is the biggest hoax--and crime--ever perpetrated on the human race. It's the same wealth and freedom-destroying socialist horsesh;t only wrapped in green tinfoil.
It wouldn't have gotten this far without egotistical half-wits like Al Snore given a spotlight, but more so from legions of Gaia-worshipping rabid enviro-mental-cases, who want to see all human life destroyed to "save Mother Earth".
"Bible-Man" may be delusional but he doesn't think he's God or feels qualified to rule others without question.
Unlike the statists.

Instead of being so angry about it, why not educate yourself? Global warming wouldn't have gotten this far without people muddying the waters and ignoring the science.

Rep. John Shimkus: God decides when the "earth will end"

quantumushroom says...

Man-made global warming is the biggest hoax--and crime--ever perpetrated on the human race. It's the same wealth and freedom-destroying socialist horsesh;t only wrapped in green tinfoil.

It wouldn't have gotten this far without egotistical half-wits like Al Snore given a spotlight, but more so from legions of Gaia-worshipping rabid enviro-mental-cases, who want to see all human life destroyed to "save Mother Earth".

"Bible-Man" may be delusional but he doesn't think he's God or feels qualified to rule others without question.

Unlike the statists.

Earth Hour 2009 tonight, 8:30pm (Eco Talk Post)

rougy says...

>> ^imstellar28:
I understand the point, I just don't agree with it. Real change doesn't come on the wings of hope or superficial gestures; it comes with dedicated thought and labor.

But you don't even know if that CO2 measurement that you cited is remotely true.

Yours is the superficial gesture.

You're just being a contrarian.

Just like Malkin, and Limbaugh, and the Rand fans mentioned above. Nothing that they did was for the sake of the Earth, or for raising awareness, it was just to piss off the "enviro-nitwits."

Because burning more energy than you actually need proves...what?

Antibiotic resistance and evolution

westy says...

also this clip just shows the one reaction to antibiotics which effectively wipe out 99% of bacteria where as natural enviroment things only wipe out small sections and the survivors are not necessarily survivors that had to have a fult of some kind to suvive whatever it was that killed a part of the populatoin,

Atari Punk Console

westy says...

i think you are missing the whole aesthetic of glitch music,

im not i totaly apreceat geting sounds out of random things and i can see the charm in that , but thats what you are doing when you are playing with a sinth on a pc ore when you are playing a gutar ore whatever as long as you apreach annything that produces sound with an open mind set you will be able to play with it and get interesting sounds. its just a fact that u get very little controle over the way these devices produce sound so yah its fun hititng scraping things in the enviroment to get sounds from them, but its not worth the hyp these people have bult into it.

say i go around hiting things and yah some things might make a sound i like which is cool and then id be like ohh how could i improve that ore use it to maintain my intrestead and eventualy you would probably invent an instrement,

i allso like the idea of geting an unintended sound from something that was designd to do somethign else now these people make it out to be some lade da artsy thing but the fact is the music industry asa whole has done this repeatedly and its a realy comon way for artists to generate a nesh for themselfs, like the tpan efect , ore bob marly playng the gutar in a unconventoinal way.

iv watched a number of documentries and know a cuple of people that do this stuff alot and thay feal like thay have to suport it in some strange way, its like limography in photography its fun and gr8 u can spend alod of mony on random camra bits but the fact is you can achive all the afects using photoshop, and infact at least with photoshop its intentoinal so thers an eliment of skill there, yes maby u just want a random afect and thats the charm but when that random afect costs alot of time and mony than it would to produce using othe rmethods. i would say the cheapest least time consuming method of achiving the same output is the best.

( if you like something on a subjective level fine i cnt argue that but if you have a conversation with that as the assumption all discourse is irrelevant)

westy (Member Profile)

Irishman says...

This isn't said enough.

In reply to this comment by westy:
Drug abuse realy anoys the hell out of me , i dont mind people bing responsable say having a cuple of beers maby wine with friends or when thay eat, i dont mind people having a joint maby eating some pot in responsable amounts, and same with salvea its afects totaly depend on the amount you have, the people that get negative afects are people that are taking to mutch of it in one go and in the wrong typ of enviroment,

before you do anything wether it be drugs ore anny activity do a bit of research before hand.

Guy Has the Chillest Bad Trip on Salvia

westy says...

Drug abuse realy anoys the hell out of me , i dont mind people bing responsable say having a cuple of beers maby wine with friends or when thay eat, i dont mind people having a joint maby eating some pot in responsable amounts, and same with salvea its afects totaly depend on the amount you have, the people that get negative afects are people that are taking to mutch of it in one go and in the wrong typ of enviroment,

before you do anything wether it be drugs ore anny activity do a bit of research before hand.

Ron Paul on the Dollar: Given 1 Minute to speak: Bailout USD

Interventionism and Democracy (Blog Entry by Farhad2000)

Farhad2000 says...

We are seeing more world unity and cohesion through the emergence of global business then actual policy, as we grow closer economically between nations large conflicts are reduced as the nations with the most military might do not want to engage with nations with which they are economically tied.

But at the same time it leads to a situation where the American government cannot press China into relaxing its state controls on the populace and giving more democracy. However the silver lining is that as China grows more economically prosperous we will have a technocratic middle class emerge that will be more involved in the government and business enviroment, however this kind of change is glacial.

The world government idea is becoming more and more possible with the advances in technology, specifically in terms of communication connectivity and information gathering which would allow for tailor suited policy adjustments in different areas. I personally believe that national specialization would be beneficial for the world, if country A is good at producing cars, and country B is good for making computers there is trade and reliance between both nations, leading to increased cooperation.

America is disgusting. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

Payback says...

Someone needs to start a fast healthy food restaurant that actually has food that tastes good and has complete meals for less than $5.

It's the only way you'll beat the Big Boys. McDonalds, Burger King, etc.

hehe, and make people lineup on conveyor belts moving AWAY from the cash register...

oh, and ban drive-thrus. More exercise, help the enviroment, and cut back on foreign oil all at once!

1975 VW Bug converted to electric power

westy says...

Sumone needs to develop a solor pannel psu that conects to a pc like all in one unit. if you got evan 1/4 of pc users to do that it would save a tun of pawer .

i think distrabuted pawer network is probably the solutoin im not sure on the facts but sending electricty for miles over huge cables rusults in a lot of waistage.

if i remeber corectly solor pannels are like pure eval interms of materals possibly worse than crt, fridges on the enviroment so it might be that thats not evan the solutoin.

annyway im not having kids so what do i care and after usa has nuked the hell out of the world it wont matter.

Lost Generation

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