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Buying small arms in Somalia

Nithern says...

You know, a fresh coat of paint, better looking wood stalls, and some germanic ancestory sellers there, and I'd thought it was a Texas gun show. Not much of a difference between the seller's and those I've seen at some gun shows. And the prices aren't to off either...

Seriously, if your going to make an arguement for or against, showing stastics that heavily favor your arguement will never win over the other side.

If firearms did deter crime, why is crime still taking place in those areas? Last I checked, a firearm can't protect you from identity theft, nor a chemical spill. They do not protect you from guys on Wall Street, selling you a derviatives future contract that will ulimately fail, cus they engineered it to fail (i.e. Goldman Sachs). Or your business of shrimp, cus some group of idiots short-cutted design plans that spills 18K of oil barrels/day.

Yes, a firearm would protect me, when some mugger attacks to. So would my man-eating dog, platoon of USMC's, or Ashbringer (WoW sword). So to, to being observant of the enviroment and hence, not walking in to an ambush in the first place!

Rachel Maddow: Racist Roots of Arizona Law

enoch says...

>> ^burdturgler:

>> ^lampishthing:
With all this uproar I haven't read anyone offering a different solution. Any ideas?..
I don't agree with the racial profiling but it's worth keeping in mind that this law will be popular until they have an alternative to solve the problem and if the law is taken away by the feds while it's still popular it will make things worse - make the people angrier and more ruthless on the issue.

^Integration is the key. Make it easier for people to legally immigrate and you'll have less illegal immigrants. Trying to stem the flow of people who want to join our country is not the answer. Spend the money on speeding up and creating easier access to the legal immigration process. America is not supposed to be about building walls, it's supposed to be:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

totally agree with you bud.
one problem.
that would be really bad for big business.
i mean..workers realizing a common cause and a common foe?
then actually joining in defense of their interests?
no no no no no..
elites dont share with peasants!
they pay a LOT of money to keep the legislators churning out sweet heart deals and they spend the rest of the money keeping us either sedated with mind numbing programming or they create a fear enviroment with their massive propaganda machine.
divide and conquer and then lull us into a television induced coma.
they have gotten better at it over the years and they mean to subjugate us using the very tools we thing are their to benefit us.
it is the ultimate lie and they have done a damn good job of it.

what you propose BT is based on common sense but who would it benefit?
normal,regular you and i..since when did any elite give a rats fuck about you or i?
the only time..and i mean when we,as people,have let it be known it was in their best interest but we have lost that fight over 30 years ago and the majority have no idea they lost.
too wrapped up chasing their own tails.
they gotcha..
they gotcha by the balls.
you dont want to work overtime for no extra pay?
we will find someone who will..good luck paying your balloon mortgage.
bah..i could ramble for hours on this subject but i hope you get my drift.
corporate media=does not work for you and it never has.
capitol hill=bought and sold by your bosses and no longer work for you
judges=nope..not them either.

yet they have actually convinced people it is the brown people who are the problem.
/the mind boggles

BF: Bad Company 2 - PC Specific Features

westy says...

Battelfaild games have always been far more saphisticated than modern ware far.

Modern warefare 2 plays like a mix between Golden eye on the N64 and Unreal 2003 with Modern wepons and a wepon unlock system.

Battelfaild Has far more saphisticated game play interms of game enviroments that acomidate team play far better and give far more freedome to the player.

for me modern ware fare is good if u want a quick death mach or a jump in game sessoin where as battelfaild games offer the choise of a quick game or something more stragic.

another grate thing with battelfaild games is that they real accomidate difrent play typs and alow players mid game to swich from sneeky slow paced game play to In your face fast passed actoin.

As for gun unlocks and all that in gneral i think its a bit shitty id rather just have all the guns avalable from the start i dont see the need to have to unlock everything all you end up doing is puting new players at a disadvantage and the fact is after the game has been out for 4 months 70% of the players will have unlocked everything annyway making it piontless.

Mr. 9/11 Forgets About 9/11

Nithern says...

So, Bush didn't have a terrorism attack during his eight years, and Obama did? Which USA is this guy living in? Its not the one from planet Earth.

Let see, if I were to hold you, in a country that is proud of....right to a speedy trial, access to a lawyer, no cruel or unusual punishment given before, during, or after sentencing, right to cross examine, to see ALL information directed towards you, and question witnesses fairly....and then did the following to you:

A) Kept you in a prison without seeing anyone, including a lawyer.
B) Never put you on a trial for charges that landed you in prison in the first place.
C) Waterboarded, treating you as sub-human, electric shock, and other 'approved enhanced interrorgation treatements' that are not considered torture, unless the person doing it, thinks it torture. And then make sure, since your black, that person is a Grand Wizard of the KKK.
D) You are not allowed to see any of the evidence, regardless of how flimsy it is, because its 'national security secrets', 'classified', and 'top secret'. Nor are you allowed to test the authenticity of such evidence.
E) You can only defend yourself within a very limited, and structed enviroment. Your judges (since there are 1-3 of them), are hand picked by the people who captured you originally, and have been torturing you...for months, with impunity.
F) You never get to see the witnesses who say you actually did something wrong, much less, hear their words.
G) You are designated something new, because, P.O.W. would mean you were human.
H) The whole concept, this nation, to which you living in a hellish existance, prides itself on the humane treatment of other human beings. But you have yet, to see once example of human dignity.

Yeah, I can't imagine what would drive someone that saw our country as the evil, satan, after going through that crap for years. And yes, that would give the person, ALOT, of motivation to get some pay back on such nation. Its absurd that those in the conservative end of the spectrum (read: extremist thought), do not understand, that they have just made America MORE of a target, then less.

In recent news, our President is taking responsiblity for things that happen on his watch. When did Mr. Bush, or his minions, take real responsiblity for things they did?

Schwarzenegger: "Sarah Palin Is In The Stone Age"

crillep says...

Curse me for saying this, but I agree with both Arnold and Palin (have mercy on my soul). Promoting development in green energy is great for the economy, the enviroment, and the day we run out of oil. But taxing the crap out of CO2 is not good for alot of countries, as it doesn't remove oil dependancy, only makes it more expensive. Add that to our current economic crisis and it's gonna hurt!

I vote nuclear!

BBC Newsnight Heated Debate Over "Climategate"

westy says...

Well the problem is that TV oversimplifies things inorder to maintain its retard audience and allow its producers to have an easy job fiting in just enough compacted shit before the advert brakes.

Tv is fundamentally fucked and it has been for ages if you watch tv debates or the news you will see what I mean subjects that require a good 2-3 hour discussoin are gone over in 6-10 minute segments its a fucking joke and a diservice to the public.

the climate change thing will not be a simple case of YES EARTH IS DYING OR WE ARE HAVING NO AFECT ON ANNYTHING

the rality will be in some cases pumping gass and random shit into the enviroment will do damage in others it will be neglagable compared to enviromental factors , and in other cases it will be just a mixture of things so much so that you would not be able to scentifcly prove or study it, In the same way that we can only predict tomorrows weather with 60% certainty despite having huge super computers and established mathematical models working on it.

The important thing is that We don't let the media and generally moronic people combine all the issues into one single issue that is then debated.

Im pretty sure that regardless of what affect things have on the weather a human breathing in toxic chemicals is not good for your helth, im allso prity sure that reducing bio diversity allso reduces avalable food sources. allso polluting and abusing fresh water removes our ablity to drink and servive.

so regardless of if the earth is heating up because of us or not the fact is we need to look after things that are important to our survival.
and regardless of it being a natural or man made fenomnum it dose appear to be happening so we still need to work out ways to deal with it.

aside from the global warming debate if we actually move away from limited fuels that also happen to pollute then we will start to find sustainable fuels that not only do less damage to the environment but also don't run out reducing the need for wars.

Dumb Moose Hunter (almost) Gets the Rack

rottenseed says...

>> ^westy:
I don't mind if they eat it , it be far better if people had to go out and hunt meat to eat it , if meat was wiled it would have a happear life + less of aburdon on the enviroment.

True and bow hunting is more fair than gun hunting. But if he was a real man, he'd be armed with a homemade spear

Dumb Moose Hunter (almost) Gets the Rack

westy says...

I don't mind if they eat it , it be far better if people had to go out and hunt meat to eat it , if meat was wiled it would have a happear life + less of aburdon on the enviroment.

Does Science Rob the Natural World of Its Beauty?

westy says...

Because (dependent on your philosophy) it Is likely that things are infinatly devisable in complexity all scence can achive is to help make you more aware of things to have awe over, in no way can sceince damage awe.

Say I am in an expansive universe with little to no light , through science sumone could make a small light I can now see more to be at awe with than previously and would now have more to investigate and be excited about. over time through investigating the enviroment I would develop brighter and bigger lights allowing me to see more and more of my universe.

If you believe the universe is infinite , then over time progressive science would allow me to gain more and more awe , so if anything science creates Awe and is the single most significant and efficient methodology in developing technology to allow people to exsperance Awe.

I think what happens is people have a fallacy where they think of awe in the natureal world in the same way that thay think of awe with magic , Magic depends on a lack of information and misdirection to in effect Create Awe in places that Awe would not normally exsist (for a majority of people), I believe it is this contradiction that makes magic entertaining in the first place. but still it is not really an argument for people to be ignorant in order to exsperance awe, as you do not need ignorence inorder to exsperance awe in the natural world.

All that aside Awe is a subjective exsperance , and it is dependent on ones mental reflection of things rather than the stimulus itself , for one person a brick may contain as much awe as say the grand canoin , in actuality they are both made of matter and both objectively no more interesting than each other.

The 912 Teabagger Assault on Washington

Nithern says...

Videos like this are just purely facinating. One would laugh at the arguements being heard by fellow Americans, if the issue itself was not so serious. The woman at 3:02 wanted goverment out of her life, yet, takes in federal money in the form of social security checks (can you say 'hypocrite'?). In addition, if this person REALLY wanted goverment out of her life, then she should move out of the USA. I think its a fairly even bet, that she wont do such a thing.

The video is chalked full moments like these, in which average citizens simply display a total lack of knowledge or wisdom.

Seriously, I am worried for my country. Not from the President. Our country got a good president, and its unfortunate those of conservative/republican persassion can not come to terms with reality. Rallies like this, are consititional gatherings at best, and quite scary at worst. The fringe really crave stuff like this.

The other observation on this video (and it may not be true), is the number of people who are not germanic-white decendants. There are no hispanics, or blacks, or even asians. They rail a president, not because of the issue, but due to his color. Like the color of his skin really makes a difference on how good one does the role at. Its the same arguement on whether someone is right or left handed. Red, black, brown, or blonde hair. Stubby short, or Oh-My-God-Your-Tall!

Finally, this issue can be taken up in congress. Yes, its well within constitutional rules. In fact, if you read Article 1, section 8:

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States"

"...provide from the common defense and GENERAL WELFARE of the United States." RIGHT THERE! A health nation is very much in our best interests. Healthy in our enviroment, religions, schools, drinking water, and yes, our bodies.

Bush Was Warned About Katrina

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Dead horse

Amen to that. Not THIS again...

There's plenty of blame to go around on Katrina. The Army Corps of Engineers had people who knew the levies were bad for years and years. This is something that goes much further back than Bush. The ACoE wanted to conduct extensive building projects on the levees, floodgates, and all kinds of stuff as far back as 1997.

But they weren't allowed to do anything. Why not? A combination of local and national politics. In the 1990s, Clinton's administration gave strong weight to environmentalist lobby groups like the Sierra Club, Audobon society, and American Rivers. These organization strongly opposed any and all levee repairs or upgrades because they were concerned about the Sockeye salmon, the wetlands, and the standard array of enviro-nut agendas. They sued, stonewalled, and delayed levee repairs well into the 2000s. Then Katrina hit. Boom. Levees broke.

Bush had no power to just roll in and repair the levees by fiat. Various lobbies both national and local (New Orleans unions) would not allow the ACoE to so much as spackle a levee wall. If Bush had just gone in anyway then the environut lobbies and other liberal activist groups would have screamed bloody murder like they do every time someone wants to drill in ANWR. Federal funds were given to New Orleans year after year specifically for the purpose of the city fixing the levies. But year after year the New Orleans political system (run by Democrats) frittered the money away and nothing got done.

Then - surprise surprise - the levies broke and then everyone is like "Wah wah wah - Bush didn't do enough..." Whatever. The stage was set for that particular mess long before Bush so much as printed his first campaign sign.

lesbians subjected to corrective rape

steampunks says...

as a south african, this is a horrible to admit but this is _NOT_ a misrepresentation of african culture. sure it may not be an universal opinion but considering our high rape rate here (1 in 4 women can expect to be raped) I actually find it quite insulting that you guys are comparing this to 'prison rape' or say this claim is racist.

let me fill you in, you have several 'traditional' cultures for whom it's a 'right' to sleep with a women. they are 'supposed' to be raped if they refuse, irrespective of their being lesbian or not. t

his isn't a south african thing tho. it's a 'african' traditionalist culture thing. not a result of 'white' vs 'black' this is just how it's been and what is done , since the time of shaka zulu. (read up on traditional zulu culture , you'll wanna throw up at points and at other's you'll be dreaming of the the nobal savage)

there is a culture "war" that is going on at the moment here.. 'modern' 'westernised' african culture vs. 'traditionalist' culture.

traditionalism is winning just look at who president zuma is , what is attiude is to aids and women. hell, he literally said in court in _HIS_ rape "case" that 'when a women is wares a skirt' she's asking for it. she has no right to deny a man.
and this man is an apartheit war hero , viva le revolution..

i bet i can do someting very few of you can do .. name 6 women in my imidiate every day enviroment that have been raped/gang raped for the sake of raping , no 'justice' no legal recourse ... nothing .. because the cops are way too closely tied to the communities and because they are just as tradtitionalist as the government pretends not to be. no evidence, it goes missing, no treatment because the community clinics think you 'deserved' it. hell, you ever wonder why aids is so high here???

the 2010 viva world cup is going to be truely interesting , i wonder how many of your women are going to be raped and what excuses will be used to explain it away. (american / eurpeans)

is Bi-polar really a spiritual awakening?

enoch says...

>> ^berticus:
>> ^rougy:
The scientists will never explain the soul.

prove that the soul does not exist.
then chalk it up to the "i dont know" factor,and dont even try the "prove it DOES exist" because i cant even attempt that futile argument is an exercise in wasted time.
i will suggest reading about the father of "humanism" the collective unconcious,carl jung.if you have taken any psychology courses you have heard of him.

well well well,i really didnt think this vid would get sifted,not only DID it get sifted,but seems we have a discussion going.
every person is in part a product of their enviroment and experiences,and each is different in their own right,people who purport to be of a spiritual nature are dismissed by both religious AND atheist as being weak-minded and wrong.
yet neither side can prove or disprove.
and that suits me just fine.
a religious person will use dogma and doctrine to make their point,oddly enough,so will the atheist.doctrine and dogma are based on tangible text,i can come up with a counter argument everytime using the VERY same doctrine.
but to disprove someones experience?
thats far trickier,and i am not so arrogant to believe i know everything.
i cannot discount this mans experience,and honestly,would drugging him up into a medicated zombie be prefferable to his way of dealing with his perceived existence?
just a thought.

Mythbusters detonate 1000 pounds of Thermite.

conan says...

know all the calculations that show that the averave american pollutes the enviroment like 50 times more than anyone else on this planet? those two are the main reason ;-)

Glenn Beck, bigger douche than i had thought - Earth Day

Mashiki says...

What I find entertaining is how much CFL's and FL's suck in general, and how they bug my eyes. Can I keep my incandescent bulbs, and can they just keep making them instead. The rest of the enviro-hippies can buy whatever they want.

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