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school of life-what comes after religion?

bobknight33 says...

Really, your hanging your morality hat on atheists. Ok lets buy you argument its not Christians or atheists ( 10% population and you hang you hat on it.) for this morality issue. Then what all is really left is ideology. at that point there are only real 2 types those who are conservatives and those who are liberals.

Which demographic is more at fault for this morality decline?
Which ideological group is more responsible for the decline.
The liberals control all major media,(news and entertainment) schools ,( local and universities). They push their liberal ideas day in and out.

Which group promotes abortions ( murder)?
Which group promotes pre marital sex?
Which group routinely promoted adulterous affairs as entertaining?
Which group promotes "morality decided by self"
Which group promotes enslaving the poor?

newtboy said:

If you look at the actual statistics, atheists are the one group nearly missing in the criminal grouping. They make up well over 10% of the population, but only .02% of the prison population (.07% in Federal prison). The facts kind of ruin your 'morality comes from religion' argument.
The same goes for divorce and lack of education (a major factor in criminal behavior). Both are far more prevalent among "Christians" than atheists.

If only it were true that 1/2 of kids would grow up without religion, we would be moving in the right direction, sadly that's not true.

Health care in Canada

starrychloe says...

I don't owe $200k either, because I chose to buy insurance. You seem to believe that you have a right to breath and a heart beat, and you would be correct. However, you are incorrect in believing that you have the right to force someone to take care of you, to enslave them to provide you with medical care. If you are such a nice person, why don't you appeal to someone's sympathy to take care of you?

Have you even considered why medical care is expensive? Why are there so many barriers to competition that keep prices high?

BoneRemake said:

I do not owe anyone 200+ grand for being able to breath and have a heart beat, My opinion is that I don't give two shits what you call it or anyone else. IT IS WORKIN FOR ME ! and it can work for you !

Bill Bailey - Insect Nation - Cosmic Jam

radx (Member Profile)

enoch says...

my god...
i have to agree with your assessment and i have been watching putin and his politics for awhile.
that man is one savvy player but as you stated..he knows when to open the table up.
im not giving him a free pass for some serious fucked up shit he has done but we cant ignore his political chops.

i think we all see whats starting to play out and we think to ourselves "no way they would go that far.that would be suicide,on multiple levels".
nevermind the deaths...
or the injured and disabled.
nevermind the collapsed economies leading to death,disease and starvation.
the political fallout alone would ruin many political players...forever.

but i posted a report awhile ago and it has always stuck in my head.its not all conspiratorial and shadow government stuff.its the real power elites and they truly dont care.

the man makes the case that all wars have been bankers wars.
that debt is the new currency and war is their favorite way to enslave a people.
and they have been doing it for centuries.
with globalization and sovereign boundaries not as traditional as they have been,due to the internet and mass communication.
nationalism and religion are not quite the motivating force they once were.

if you look at what russia has been doing with its oil reserves and how it has been dealing with its debt and military.the interview you shared takes on whole new dimensions..and those dimensions are frightening.

its the bankers.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

Have you ever heard of Anton Wilhelm Amo? No? Me neither, until last week.

I only bring this up, because he seems to have been a hell of a human being. Let me just mention some bullet points:
- enslaved as a child by the Dutch West India Company
- handed over to the Duke of Brunswick as a present
- freed, baptised and educated by the Duke
- first black man ever at a European university (Halle, later Wittenberg)
- acquired Magister degrees in philosphy and natural sciences
- fluent in six languages
- went back to Ghana after his patron died and the overall climate in Germany become considerably more reactionary than before
- died in a Dutch slave camp in Ghana

Amo was mentioned in a French documentary about the history of capitalism. Apparently, he was (one of) the first to publicly recognise the dangers of separating the economic logic from the reality of a society and human behaviour.

The fact that I had never heard his name even once prior to this documentary frustrates me to no end. The major consensus narrative all but erased him from history...

TYT - Ben Affleck vs Bill Maher & Sam Harris

lucky760 says...

Strictly speaking, I'm still not following your line of logic.

First, Islam is a religion, not a race, so anything regarding the religion by definition can not validly be called racist. But that may just be semantics.

Second, the discussion is about Islam's sexism and homophobia because the majority of people who follow the religion are on board with sexism and homophobia and encourage it as a group activity, but more importantly, people within the religion who are actually against sexism and homophobia are deemed heretics and worthy of execution.

Homophobia and sexism in Christianity is not worthy of the same type of discussion not because most Christians have paler skin than most Muslims (hearkening back to your "racist" claim), but because like the good Christians they are, most (except fringe groups like Westboro Baptist Church) ignore what the bible and their god told them to think and they tend never to preach about encouraging homophobia and enslaving women.

(You really seem to be unflinchingly practicing exactly what Sam Harris described and treating any even totally valid, objective mention of indisputable issues in the Islamic religion as racism. The facts seem very cut and dry to me, so I can't help feeling like I must be missing something. I mean does this scan... at all?)

billpayer said:

yea... because there are no sexist or homophobic christians.
Oh how many female presidents ? Hmmm

Police officer sucker punches man, charges him with assault

lantern53 says...

I think the guy stripped his own dignity when he got drunk.

But what about this possibility? The black cop and the black drunk share a black history, they understand each other, and when the black cop punches the guy in the face, both know that the drunk will understand it.

Anyway, the black cop probably learned from slavery that punching black men in the face is acceptable, and the black drunk knows from slavery that getting punched is what happens.

So...somebody tell the lawyers.

Bottom line...fault lies with white people, who enslaved black people.

Another way to handle it would be for the cops to ignore drunks, and when the drunk falls face first into an alley and the dayshift cop comes across him, he just calls the squad, who pack the guy off to the detox center. No harm, no foul. We just raise taxes to pay for all the additional detox centers and ambulances. People will be happy to pay extra just so there is peace on the street...and the occasional drunk to step over.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Predatory Lending

bobknight33 says...

Truly disgusting taking advantage of someone in need. I get the Co making some money on the deal but to enslave the customer is just wrong.

If the state is in bed with the crooks then use local government to ban them in you town.

The Story of Your Enslavement

SquidCap says...

Has a underlying "taxes are theft" theme hidden inside. It also totally sidesteps a lot of important steps needed when large number of people live inside finite space, infrastructure, order, sustenance. It all needs to be managed, otherwise we are back to tribes instead of nations. We are free but responsible, if nothing else than to our fellow humanbeings. Being totally free also means freedom to kill, maim, destroy. And we are all a bit evil, selfish, enough so that taxes are not voluntary.. It is so easy to say that taxes enslave us when you don't give out any alternatives that would work.. Anarchy does not work, it's the power of the strongest, anarcho-capitalism is a horrible idea. It is about as equally terrifying as Ayn Rands ideas.

Yogi (Member Profile)

billpayer says...

Saw a doc about this.
Treating your workers well increases their productivity for sure.
And that's great when there is abundance.
But if there is shortage, the land owners no longer want all the thousands and thousands of happy workers to share their food and resources with.

EDIT: Found it..

Yogi said:

This is nothing new especially. There's a lot of literature about social engineering. That if you spend a little money on things like childcare for your employees they'll work harder for you. Same with making the workplace just more enjoyable. They'll work harder and have an investment in their workplace so it makes sense to treat them nicer. Make them feel like they belong with significant things rather than just propaganda about how we're all a corporate family bullshit. People don't fall for that, unless they're already really indoctrinated.

In many cases though corporations won't do something like that even though it'll make them more money. Why? Because there would be giving up some control. It's not all about money, it's also about controlling your workforces.

Wall Street Gets It - Income Inequality Bad for Wall Street

VoodooV (Member Profile)

ChaosEngine says...

That was exceptionally well said.

I wish I could double vote or promote that comment.

In some ways, I think there's a broader point there about conservatives in general and libertarians in particular.

They are absolutists. Either you have total freedom or you are enslaved.

Context and circumstance are dirty words.

VoodooV said:

The fallacy though is that there is a strong anti-gun movement. There isn't The pro-gun people desperately cling to that strawman fallacy any time there is a call for gun control.

The number of people who are actually "anti-gun" in the US are too small to politically matter, but who knows, as @ChaosEngine pointed out, maybe that will change someday as attitudes and technology changes, but that day is not today.

However, the majority of people ARE for gun control/regulation. The vast majority of Americans have no problem with armed citizenry. The debate is ACTUALLY about the level of armament. They want stiffer controls to keep them out of the hands of criminals and the mentally disturbed. And maybe some required training/certification for those that do choose to own firearms, just like we test periodically for drivers licenses.

Even the pro-gun people should (I hope) agree that nuclear arms should be under tight control and not in the hands of civilians. Should a civilian be able to own a cruise missile? a tank? A battleship cannon? How about one of those new magnetic rail cannons being developed? If you agree that these types of weapons should not be used by civvies, then you are pro-gun control.

The question is just one of degree. I completely agree that "assault" weapons is too vague a term and stricter definitions need to be created to define what civvies should and shouldn't have.

Precedent is already set. We have a constitutional right to bear arms as well as many other rights, but rights have been taken away countless times (with the consent of the governed) for people who have proven that they can be a harm to others, so you can't really argue that the 2nd amendment is inalienable. Many, if not all, rights have conditions to them.

There are ALWAYS exceptions.

I've harped on it before and I'll harp on it again. Bill Maher is exactly right. There is no "anti-gun" party. We have a "loves guns" party and a "likes guns" party.

There is NO significant anti-gun movement in America. But the pro-gun people are scared so they try to bogeyman you into thinking there is.

The Unstoppable Walk to Political Reform

chingalera says...

A more reasonable path to a semblance of sanity with regard to the abject state of political and representative corruption at the state and federal level is to stop listening to the incessant rhetoric coming from the television during these predictable and mind-numbing campaign propaganda attacks on an individual's innate common-senses during these election cycles, especially since the trend is for growing numbers of peeps who more and more by the second, get their information from sources who are not simply soldiers and propaganda arms of the very machines screwing the world over by usurping rights, making laws to enslave people daily, and further entrench their own powers to control every aspect of human life.

I would hope personally, that during election cycles both state and national, that the underlying emphasis of speeches and campaign education would firstly be the complete insanity and insult to consciousness of there being only republicans and democrats to choose from, because these arcane delineations of part are the root cause of the reason nations (Especially the United States) are heading down the path of crony-screw-everyone-but-the-people syndrome. Start by discarding the two major parties, who have done absolutely nothing but bankrupt the nation as well as your minds.

Then comes the blood in the streets, the blood of these charlatans and liars who are attempting and succeeding in becoming the omnipresent omnigarchy of the 21st Century.

Remember in Mars Attacks when the leader of the martians vaporized the entire senate during that televised news conference?
Loved that movie....

Huckabee is Not a Homophobe, but...

newtboy says...

I would somewhat agree with VoodooV, except to state that there never was a biblical morality...much of what the bible teaches is completely immoral, like killing those that don't believe exactly what you do, or worship exactly as you do, or enslaving them, or raping them, or sleeping with your close relatives, etc. I could go on all day listing immoral suggestions from the bible, and I don't know it that well.
In my eyes, the bible was NEVER moral, or even intended to be, but was created as an immoral attempt to consolidate political power by consolidating religions....and it worked exactly as intended.

bobknight33 said:

Human morality surpassed biblical morality a long time ago.

You are sadly mistaken. Only the foolish think otherwise.

americas wars of aggression-no justice-no peace

chingalera says...

People that give a fuck about the true direction of the planet who like to blabber-on ad-naseum about which news corp is their favorite and which one is full of morons, and if you like them well then you must be a moron, or (insert meaningless label here) are the most gullible, the most extremely out-of-touch with what's truly going on. They have let their minds become a sponge for distraction and illusion by the very machine that rapes the planet of human and natural resources for personal gain and consolidation of power.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste on feeding the very machine that enslaves us all.

As a simple example of just how secondary oil would be as a universal commodity you need only to look at who controls the access. If we'd gone the direction of the Bucky Fullers and Teslas that pop-into the grid in every epoch, and shared collectively in a similar mind and vision, people who pick winners and losers would be non-existent or self-aware, and the real criminals on the planet posing as so-called leaders would be raving in asylums or extinct by now.

Why won't the planet use nuclear energy correctly and righteously for example...SAFE power from the atomic components that make up the experiential world?? Because assholes and criminals run the show. Period.

Same with oil. Same with slavery through economic monopoly, same with the mind-control apparatus that force-feeds the gullible their world views based on their insidious, contrived models.

There are way better drugs out there than politics kids......Use your fucking brains?!

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