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mark fiore-america for sale-let free market reign

poolcleaner says...

The whole capitalism versus socialism thing is so anticlimactic because you'd imagine any pattern in existence has the potential to provide a service; and in order to find the most optimal setup, you'd need a combination of all types of ideas. You don't discredit gravitational force because you like electromagnetic force better, citing the horrors which gravity has wrought upon mankind.

VoodooV said:

There's always going to be some form of capitalism. Want all the latest toys, bigger house, luxury car, yeah you're going to have to have a high paying job for stuff like that.

It will take a long time, but people will eventually draw some lines and decide that certain things are immoral to make profit off of or at the very least regulate such things heavily to keep greed in check.

We have to find a better mix of capitalism and socialism.

Do We Expand With The Universe?

Cargo Plane Falls Out Of The Sky

How Guys Will Use Google Glass

chingalera says...

You can expect very quickly a great deal of the near-future visions of Gibson, especially the ever-present and high-tech, private security industry becoming ginormous.

In about 10 years bio-computer implants I expect, will be the craze similar to piercings and tats

I pray for the electromagnetic destruction of all satellites in medium earth orbit or an ultra-massive coronal event focused directly at Earth by 2015.

Orz said:

Every time someone mentions Google Glass all I can think about is William Gibson's novel "Virtual Light"

Magnetic Field on Japanese Metro Car

Magnetic Field on Japanese Metro Car

Magnetic Field on Japanese Metro Car

Catching the Invisible Light

GeeSussFreeK says...

In certain cases, this would cause an energy drain rather than boost. Infrared light is pretty much the electromagnetic form of radiant heat (thermal radiation). In many places in the world, it is usually the times of cold that more energy is used; as the heat deltas of a cold winter are much greater than the heat delta of a hot summer. So, heat from the sun, as sparse as it is in the winter, is still radiating into your house. Blocking it, and turning it into electrical energy, then turning that back into heat energy is most surely a loosing proposition. Depending on the needs of the user, this might inflict a greater cost than cost savings. So while there are times that blocking thermal radiation and turning into electrical energy would be of worth, it is a regional issue that has a lot to do with local climate swings and average annual temperature; the colder the average temperature, the more of a waste this could be.

Chinese Farmer Creates Wind-Powered Car

KrazyKat42 says...

If you had to frequently speed up and slow down, you might get a small net gain in efficiency. When your foot is off of the gas (?) pedal, the electric usage is zero, but the fan is still producing energy.

A similar idea is used in electric cars with magnetic brakes. They slow the car with electromagnets and charge the battery at the same time.

Swarm Robots Cooperate with AR Drone

Jinx says...

Nah, its clearly Seige Tanks and Science Vessel

Ok, so they use different frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum to select different robots. I was doing that when I was 12 years old. My brother and
I both had remote control cars. If we wanted to use them at the same time we had to use different frequency crystals. Planes are equipped with a transponder which broadcasts an identification and sometimes altitude so ground radar can tag them more effectively. Couldn't you basically do the same thing with these robots, or just use the same process as in this video only instead of using the visible spectrum just use a lower frequency wave and all its advantages.

Or, you could actually use the advantages of high frequency and "point" at the robots you wanted to select rather than broadcasting to all of them and selecting through a process of elimination (which could take a while if you wanted to select multiple robots out of a large group).

So yah, I agree with everybody else. Unless they have some very specific design contraints this doesn't seem like a very elegant solution (although it does utilise the hardware they already have - cameras and lights).>> ^Payback:

Seige Tanks and a Banshee? Better hope you're playing against a total noob Zerg.

Real World Telekinesis (feat. Neil Turok)

Real World Telekinesis (feat. Neil Turok)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Minutephysics, Real, Telekinesis, Magnets, Sun' to 'Minutephysics, Real, Telekinesis, Magnets, Sun, electromagnetic, field' - edited by messenger

Perpetual Motion Machine

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Kalle:

One serious question that bothers me is.. why isnt it possible to use gravity as an energy source?
Would such a machine be a perpetual motion machine?

Gravity is REALLY weak. Like 36 orders of magnitude less than the electromagnetic force. 36 orders of magnitude is massive...larger the the total number of stars in the known universe. For instance, a fridge magnet is defeating the ENTIRE gravitational force of the earth AND the sun. Gravity makes for a great way to bind the macro-universe together, but it is shit as an energy source.

Also, gravity has only one polarity...and it doesn't turn off. So for the EM force, we have 2 poles that can be switched around via electrical current to make lots of different energy related things. But for gravity, you just have one ground state, and once you are there you need to input energy to get away from that ground way around that. However, what has been done and is done in certain areas is to have a closed system where you apply energy at certain time and store that energy for later. The example most commonly used is in dams, where the will pump a large volume of water back up stream (potential energy) and store it (a gravity battery if you will) and release it as a later time when demand is high. This is always a loss based way to make energy; your going to spend more pumping it back up (heat loss and other losses including evaporation) than you will when you get it it is just a way to cause demand shifting towards other hours with additional entropy.

You have 4 fundamental forces to draw energy from; and 3 of those are the only practical ones. Strong (nuclear) force, the EM force, and the gravitational force (the weak force is actually the force that powers the earths core, but isn't useful to use in power generation for a similar reason gravity isn't).

The EM force is what we use in internal combustion engines and electrical motors. Chemical reactions are rearrangements of the electron structures of molecules, which makes gasoline engines possible via liquid to gas expansion pressures. Generators deal with EM fields, polarity and current which is what drives thermal reactors like coal or can drive a car with a motor via conversation of stored electrical energy(just a backwards generator). Nuclear reactors deal with the strong (nuclear) force, and combine that with kinetic/thermodynamic forces of same flavor as coal and other thermal plants.

Even gravity isn't perpetual, the orbits of ALL celestial bodies are unstable. Gravity is thought and reasonably well satisfied to travel in waves. These waves cause turbulence in what would seem calm orbits, slowly breaking them down over time...drawing them closer and closer together. Eventually, all orbits will cause ejection or collision.

As to what energy is best, I personally believe in the power of the strong force, as does the sun . When you are talking about the 4 forces and their ability to make energy for us, the strong force is 6 orders of magnitude greater than other chemical reactions we can make. The EM force is not to much weaker than the strong force, but the practical application of chemical reactions limits us to the electron cloud, making fuels for chemical reactions less energetic by a million to a billion times vs strong force fuels. Now, only fission has been shown to work for energy production currently, but I doubt that will be true forever. If you want LOTS of energy without much waste, you want strong force energy, period. That and the weak force are the 2 prime movers of sustained life on this planet. While the chemistry is what is hard at work DOING life, the strong and weak force provide the energy to sustain that chemistry. Without it, there are no winds, there is no heat in the sky nor from the core, no EM shield from that core. Just a cold, lifeless hunk of metals and gases floating in the weak gravitational force.

Sorry for the rant, energy is my most favorite current subject

(edit, corrected some typos and bad grammar)

ant (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

HA-HAH! Your avatar looks like a cross between Halloween and Xmas =oD

Ever since the Sift updated their servers 16 or so hours ago, I'm having big problems with it working properly. I stumbled around through email links to find one of my recent postings only to discover that a comment that had been posted to it didn't generate a response in my email inbox. I've sent two missives off to the powers that be ... but I'm not confident that they even received them. OR, if they've responded, the email didn't come through to me [I haven't had ANY emails from the Sift activity all day! That's unusual].

Ahhhh ... technology ... it's been the absolute bane of my existence ever since I've moved =o(

Lemme know iffen you hear sumthin' 'K?

[Hitting send while fingers crossed that THIS bridges the electromagnetic gap and I haven't just wasted a good amount of mental energy for naught ... I'm low on reserves as it is]

One R

3 Armed Magic Trick

spawnflagger says...

If you view in full screen, you get a better idea of the scale of this thing, compared to the hand that is turning the crank - i.e. it's much bigger than I thought viewing the first time.

one way that it could work, with magnets, is that each cup has a magnet, then under that a string that goes through the arm and down the back. Then part of the clockwork gears makes 1 of the 3 strings pull tighter which slides between the magnet and ball, causing it to "pop" off the magnet.

Then as part of the arms lowering, strings get loose again and pick up the ball with the magnet.

Or, there's a 9V battery hidden under there, and it's electromagnets

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