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Two Veterans Debate Trump and his beliefs. Wowser.

Barbar says...

War crime laws are an interesting concept. They're ignored when a real war is fought, and pretty much exclusively applied to the losing side alone afterwards. They serve as a tool to demonize and justify military action after the dust has settled, allowing the victors to say that they had just cause in committing all of their own atrocities. I'd be curious (and likely horrified) to see how far the US would go if it actually had to fight a war it had a chance of losing.

Mining Platinum From a Highway

newtboy says...

Oh...I guess someone didn't think about the fact that lots of that dust is brake dust....mostly asbestos. He didn't even have a dust mask...big safety FAIL.
I would like to know how much it cost him to recover that unmeasurably small amount of platinum. I note his 'calculations' show he counted his recovered amount as .001g, but that's not what his scale said even including the other heavy metals in his BB, so as @eric3579 said, he is full of shit!

Dissertation the Movie - I Spent 10 Years of my Life Writing This, Please Read One Page

upfront-noam chomsky on bernie sanders vs hillary clinton

elrondhubbard says...

Hey, man, just wait before you start writing his obituary, okay? :-) I mean, if a man as corrupt as Henry Kissinger can make it to 92 years of age, there's a chance Chomsky can leave him in the dust.

shagen454 said:

I'm legitimately going to miss this guy. And his role is not one easily replaceable; I cannot think of any other person who is so selfless yet inspired to continue to research the cold hard facts and saying it how it is. The status quo will be happy that he goes, but for millions - this guy remained a real inspiration. Someone who found the calling of anarchism at a very young age and never let go. He is someone who knows the historic truths as well as understanding the fabric of the mind to a somewhat tangible degree above others and without much personal infliction. The guy looks at facts and could care less about your opinion, or his own "opinion" or emotions on topics. He is an incredibly rare and crucial resource.

Kris Meeke's Citroën tears up rally stage

Stephen Colbert on the Democratic Debate

Khufu says...

Bernie said that climate change will limit resources like water and turn fertile soil to dust causing more struggle for what's left, which leads to more terrorism. Think Mad Max. He's right.

And no I don't mean social arts, I mean humans use social behavior to survive, and when civilization began around 10k years ago it allowed for proper division of labor, everyone pitches in and everyone reaps the rewards, symbiotic. Not a scary thing.

And when I said ignorant, I didn't mean it as an empty insult, only that anyone afraid of socialism is ignoring the facts.

Annoying Devil in London

shinyblurry says...

Job 4:18-19

If God places no trust in his servants, if he charges his angels with error, How much less in them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, which are crushed before the moth?

Satan perfectly obeyed God until he developed a desire to have the worship that God had for himself. How that developed, I don't know, but it isn't a sin to be tempted; it's a sin to act on it, thought or deed. Jesus was tempted in every way, yet without sin.

newtboy said:

Um...what kind of 'perfection' contains/becomes iniquity?

(the question is rhetorical)

war crimes-US attack on MSF hospital in afghanistan

newtboy says...

We're really going to have a hard time explaining this one away. We knew full well this was a hospital, and inexplicably we bombed it anyway. Even if the claim that someone was shooting from the hospital were true (and it seems it's not) there's absolutely no excuse for bombing it. None.
30 minutes of bombing?!? While being begged to stop bombing a hospital?!? In self defense (I note there's been absolutely zero evidence that there was a single insurgent there, no bodies, no guns)?!? And it went through the 'vetting' process and they still said, 'yep, go ahead and bomb a hospital into dust'?!?
Sweet Zombie Jesus! I actually DO hope everyone involved, from the guy on the ground (if they actually exist) to the general that gave the go ahead, is indicted for war crimes and convicted. If that doesn't happen, we can definitely expect this to happen again, and we can expect repercussions....we won't be so lax and relaxed about things if a major hospital in America blows up, will we?

EDIT: Also consider, this hospital was in what's now Taliban held territory, so we WON'T be rebuilding this, the only hospital in the area.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

I wanted to drop a few (dozen) lines on VW this weekend, when the first dust settled. But I saw this question posed and couldn't resist:

"Why did no one blow the whistle on VW emissions? Are US or German whistleblower protection or rewards insufficient?"

Easy. No one blew the whistle, because it was an open secret. Both Brussels and Berlin knew about it. In fact, they banned precisely this device a few months ago. And you can bet your ass that a) these are not the only tests VW cheated on, and b) they are not the only ones doing it.

Too big to jail, son. Same shit, different day.

Nuclear energy is awesome

ChaosEngine says...

First up, it's not 500 million years. Nuclear waste (typically Plutonium 239) has a half life of around 24000 years, an eyeblink geologically. Even if it wouldn't be too flash for life as we know it for a while, the planet will be fine, and life will recover.

But yeah, there are undeniably problems with nuclear energy, which are addressed in the related video (

We have essentially 3 choices:

1: ditch our energy rich lifestyle and go back to an agrarian economy with no cars, internet or whatever. This also means ditching lots of really nice stuff, like medical technology (drugs and MRI machines don't grow from pixie dust). Pretty unlikely, IMO.

2: Accept that the eco-system is basically fucked and learn to live with climate change. Depressingly, this is probably the most likely scenario.

3: Invest heavily into other energy sources. And, like it or not, that's got to include some form of nuclear. Renewable (solar, wind, tide) etc, will help, but they won't cover all of our energy needs and they have their own problems. So ideally, it's fusion, but practically, thorium seems the next best bet.

cryptoz said:

This is absurd. Current pollution could wipe out our speices and maybe all the animals... but the planet would survive and could replenish. Cover the place in radiation for 500 million years and its screwed.

I'm not against new forms like the end of the video talks about but sticking the nuke drug into the problem with the hopes that maybe someday we will have a treatment is a stupid crack pipe dream.

Frank Kelly - Fast, Sideways and Mental

Enormous Explosion In Tianjin, China

newtboy says...

Some more info on what happened here.....

Hundreds of people have been injured by a massive explosion at an industrial port in Tianjin in north-east China, caused by a shipment of explosives that went up in flames.
The explosion happened just before midnight local time (5.00pm GMT), but has caused secondary explosions and fires in the surrounding area, Chinese state television reported on their online microblogging site. The Xinhua news agency said a deafening bang was heard as flames lit up the sky, sending dust dozens of metres into the air.
Three or four hundred people arrived at the Tianjin harbour hospital after at least two devastating blasts, the Beijing News reported, quoting an unnamed medic who works there. Some were brought in ambulances but many arrived on their own, after emergency numbers were overwhelmed with calls

Very Scary Fire at Taiwan Waterpark

Jinx says...

To think I was going to make a flippant comment about a fire at a water park... Isn't that stuff basically coloured corn starch powder? So yah, dust explosion.

Also, if you're spraying that stuff that thick isn't it gonna cause all kinds of respiratory problems regardless of whether it ignites?

Snowball the parrot rocks out to Another One Bites the Dust

Snowball gets down to Queen's 'Another One Bites The Dust...

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