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Titties are not Pockets

BSR says...

I remember waaayy back in the 50's, my mother sitting on the couch and picking me up to dress me. She had me stand on her lap so she could put my shirt on. As I was facing her I noticed her cleavage from a point of view that I had never noticed before.

I remember taking my finger and poked it in her cleavage and asked her "What's this hole for?"

She lightly slapped my hand away and simply said, "Not for you."

The Party of HATE

newtboy says...

Protesters and looters are separate groups.
Not one video shows what led to these attacks. Considering the source, that's not surprising, nor will it be surprising when they are shown in full and every "victim" either instigated the violence (like attacking a crowd with a sword) or the attackers were actually more right wing thugs posing as antifa/leftists to paint them as violent out of control monsters.
Stupid bitch...the one's arrested starting riots and with explosives were boogaloos...a Right wing, pro Trump group caught repeatedly now trying to start race riots dressed as antifa....and the FBI found no Antifa involvement in riots or vandalism in DC.

Police fire (paintball?) at residents on their front porch

eric3579 says...

(edit) removed comment regarding finding a embed other than FB

Police or National Guard? I'd assume NG would be in more military dress.

Also probably not paintball as she seemed to wipe it off.

Joe Biden response towards Tara Reade allegations

newtboy says...

Creepy Trump the repeated and admitted child sex abuser (yes, forcing your way into young girls dressing rooms to leer at them naked is sex abuse, and he's admitted it with pride), molester (admitted with pride), rapist (admitted when he said "when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything."), and his own teenaged daughter's lover (not quite directly admitted but hinted at strongly and obvious) should definitely avoid this road. He's got enough on his plate with 65000 dead Americans, 90% of which could have been avoided if he had acted just two weeks sooner, a self inflicted depression, unprecedented massive unemployment, debt and deficit growing at light speed, and the biggest corporate socialist handouts ever, not to mention the billions (now trillions?) funneled into his big donors pockets. Getting into a "who grabbed more pussies" contest with Biden is a Trump level dumb idea.

bobknight33 said:

Creepy Joe the molester won't make it to 2020. Trump will demolish him.

Tim Minchin | Leaving LA

eric3579 says...

Love the use of Zoetropes for the video. Well done.


Check the locks and leave the keys
Mouldy bath masked with Febreeze
Something's dead behind the refrigerator
Some poor fuck will deal with it later

I’ve spent the last ten weeks
Squeezing out the sponge of friendships, plugging leaks
I've talked until there's no more to say
I’m going away
I'm leaving LA
I'm leaving LA

And the tourists say
"Please give me the directions to the Hollywood sign
I always dreamt of coming here to see the Hollywood sign"
But on their way back down we'll ask
"Did you have a good time?"
They'll say "it's just some fuckin' letters on a hill"

I wander through the Bronson Caves
One more OK coffee at the Oaks Gourmet
I'll watch the players at the UCB
Trying to improvise their way out of ennui

Walking trails in the creeping dark
Up to the observatory in Griffith Park
There’s too much light for stars anyway
I’m getting out of this place
I'm leaving LA
I’m leaving LA

And the studio executives who never made a thing
Blaming other for their failures, taking credit for their wins
Wiping the blood of dumb artists from their chins
Singing, "kid you oughtn't take it personally"

On Hollywood and Vine a dime-store Spider-Man
Shouting at a stoned Emma Stone, dressed à la La La Land
And in the distance, in both its glorious dimensions
The sign projects its shadow on the hill

Rushing by machine-gunned cops at LAX
Malfunctioning departure board says we're boarding next
Belt off, shoes off, jacket off, hat
Don't need the attitude, but I quite enjoy the subsequent pat-down
And I’m sat down
As the A380 engine roars
Pushed backwards as this tube of monkeys rumbles forwards

I'm looking forward to another twenty hours on a plane
Nothing but shit films and my brain
I've been going slowly insane
I've seen your sport and I don't wanna play
I'm getting out of this place
I'm getting out of this place
I'm leaving LA

And the actors at Gratitude drinking undrinkable juice
And the agents taking ten percent in their sneakers and suits
And the writers in their Teslas trying to punch up Act One
Driving home on the 101 in the relentless fucking sun
And the needy and the greedy and the hopeless and horny
And the deals done on treadmills at ten to six in the morning
And the Captain's on the PA saying "look for the sign!"
But I find it's just some fuckin' letters on a hill
Just some really ugly letters
On a pretty ugly hill

I'm leaving LA
I'm leaving 'ell

The Witcher - Geralt of Rivia Theme (Hurdy Gurdy cover)

Khufu says...

check out the black sails hurdygurdy theme... awesome.

I don't know what it is, I can watch movies where people are acting and dressing up and be entertained, but cosplay makes me cringe hard.

cool instrument though!

Truth from an Iranian

drradon says...

uhhh, any of you guys ever lived in Iran??? You know the place, it's where they beat women on the street with sticks if the religious police don't think they are dressed properly...
She clearly has an agenda, and can't be taken at face value, but anyone that listens to the media without questioning their agenda is nothing short of foolish...

How can you not see the pool?

Who will go out on a Thursday night to just dance?

Rhino Flips Out

bremnet says...

If you dress up your car like a zebra, you should expect to be rolled by a rhino. Mortal enemies, don't ya know. You've never seen a Chevy Impala in the lion pen have you?

Antifa Surrounds Man & Daughter During Portland

newtboy says...

Once again, you ignore fact to spread dishonest propaganda.

This sure looks more like idiot right wing man took his daughter into an Antifa crowd to start a fight he wanted recorded.....again....and repeatedly abandoned his daughter in the process of trying to start fights for the camera.
Who waded into the opposing crowd with their "I hate you" messages? Who is dressed for battle? Who has a metal weapon? Who tried to hit multiple others with that weapon first?

Why don't we see the instigation, only the response? That's obvious to those with a brain....because right wing moron intentionally started a physical fight with a crowd with his child present.

What happens if you wear an AOC shirt at a Patriot Prayer rally? Or an "i hate Trump and the right" shirt? Far worse than this every time.

Republicans now happily include the KKK, Bob. Democrats abandoned racism in the 60's when the Republicans turned to it for survival.
They gladly courted the American racists to get Trump "elected", and for 3 years now have furthered the racist agenda....and you love continuously call it winning.
Democrats denounce Antifa, Republicans say the KKK are good people, patriotic Americans, and gladly welcome in the Republican party, even as representatives.

You know every word of this, but disingenuously spread totally dishonest and divisive propaganda like you get paid in rubles.
So dishonest and dumb, Bob. You don't convince a single person to adopt your dishonest viewpoint with this lame propaganda.

bobknight33 said:

One can argue that Antifa are the fascist.

Antifa is the 21st Century terrorist arm of the Democrat party.

Guess Democrats moved on from the 19 and 20th Century KKK form of terrorism. Democrats do own the black vote now they are going after all the rest.

Is this what the Democrat party slogan of Move Forward represent? KKK to Antifa.

Bird Or Bunny

FPV drone pilot is invited to film a power plant demolition

vil says...

He may be cool but he aint no film director. There is a learning curve to filming weddings and demolitions. Behind and away from the action. Everyone seemed happy enough though. If you want respect dress better or count on having to earn it. I hope his business card says "Fucking Famous Drone Racer".

mxxcon said:

...fucking idiots...fucking famous drone racer...Competent demolition companies...

Photographer portrays two different worlds in a single image

ChaosEngine says...

I don't see any evidence of that. Sure it definitely does happen, but it's equally ignorant to say that this kid is miserable simply because .... what? she's got a dress (and maybe a hijab... can't tell from the crappy low res video ) and is standing beside an older man?

newtboy said:

One half is happy in school, the other half is a child bride/slave who would be murdered for trying to go to school?

Vox: Why drugs cost more in America.

Sagemind says...

Seven executives of top pharmaceutical companies were grilled before a congressional panel Tuesday about the nation's skyrocketing drug prices

Sen. Ron Wyden, the ranking member of the committee, blasted Big Pharma as "morally repugnant" and accused the companies of operating in an "unacceptable" way. He grew testy when he believed the executives weren't being forthcoming about reducing list prices.

"All of this other stuff is window dressing," Wyden snapped. "You are stonewalling on the key issue."

At one point, he pressed the chairman and CEO of AbbVie, maker of the arthritis drug Humira, which, according to a recent New York Times story, has doubled in list price since 2012, from about $19,000 a year to $38,000. Wyden wanted to know whether the company makes money on drugs in Germany and other Westernized nations where patients pay, on average, 40% less than Americans.

"Yes, we do," CEO Richard Gonzalez said.
If that's the case, Wyden said, "you can do the same thing in the United States."

"How is that not gouging the American consumer?" he asked. "You are willing to sit by and hose the American consumer and give breaks to those overseas."

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