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An entrance to remember...

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

DerHasisttot says...

>> ^berticus:

don't you hate that feeling? actually i get that feeling mostly from videosift. like how the fuck did i not know jonsi from sigur ros had his own album until OVER A YEAR AFTER IT WAS RELEASED?
i love the knife, and i find that video beautiful and hypnotic. apparently karin wrote the song for the drag queen in the video, who is a celebrity in sweden!
also olof's dancing is HOT. total crush on both karin and olof.
.. oh no, i've said too much!

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
wtf, this song is awesome. the video is just good. Why have I never heard/seen this??
In reply to this comment by berticus:

If I tried to strip I think it would evoke a similar feeling that you get from watching this, possibly with the same end result.
>> ^DerHasisttot:
>> ^berticus:
good heavens! this is most gracious. ♥
In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:

Strip for us berti!

Quit stallin and strip already! ;-)

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

berticus says...

don't you hate that feeling? actually i get that feeling mostly from videosift. like how the fuck did i not know jonsi from sigur ros had his own album until OVER A YEAR AFTER IT WAS RELEASED?
i love the knife, and i find that video beautiful and hypnotic. apparently karin wrote the song for the drag queen in the video, who is a celebrity in sweden!

also olof's dancing is HOT. total crush on both karin and olof.

.. oh no, i've said too much!

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
wtf, this song is awesome. the video is just good. Why have I never heard/seen this??

In reply to this comment by berticus:

If I tried to strip I think it would evoke a similar feeling that you get from watching this, possibly with the same end result.


>> ^DerHasisttot:

>> ^berticus:
good heavens! this is most gracious. ♥
In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:

Strip for us berti!

Henry Rollins - Man Test Part 2

Government Goons Threaten Jurors' Rights Activists

Lawdeedaw says...

You know, I can respect this reply very much. The analogy is just that, similiar but different. It is hyperbole, but along with the flag burning, as we both agree, it puts things in perpective.

The tree is a slippery slope. I find permits completely appropriate because of certain situations that may arise. Say, for example, two groups book one event. One is the skin heads, and they booked their protest to meet with the black panthers... Chances are, there will be blood...

Next is an anti-gay protest/march, right into a gay activist parade (Coupled with floats and driving drag queens in little punch buggies.) This protest by the anti-gays would be completely lawful if there were no permits yet would be disasterous.

Besides, these three proved you can hold a "protest" without a permit. Just deny it is a protest.

I respect your opinion and wish we had valid freedoms in all walks of life just like you do. However, freedom is sometimes our worst enemy. People will always f-things up to where laws have to be made...

See, freedom allows you to walk past a 15 year old girl being raped and do nothing about it (Has happened in America.) It allows you to take a picture with your cell phone of a man who has been shot while trying to protect his family (Has happened.) It allows motorists to yell at someone just run over and dying to, "Get this fucking trash off the god damn road!" Freedom is the antithesis to community, sadly... But would I live anywhere else but a "free" nation? No... I just wish we had more responsibilty towards one another.

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
I would also not call burning a flag speech. Burning a flag has nothing to do with speech and everything to do with private property. Using speech laws to either prevent or protect it is silly. While this is a better relationship to the context of the conversation, I still find that burning a flag is super dissimilar to passing out information on the street. While burning a flag "sends a message", that is the secondary point to the real issue of burning something (FIRE!). Burning your own house down should come under the same kind of freedom of being able to destroy your own stuff. In the city, that can get a bit more complicated, and most community agreements forbid such actions (in Texas, lean laws are vvveeeeeeerrrry strong, like jail time strong).
"I fail to see how you cannot wrap your head around my argument. Rape is a force. However, rape as a protest is both protesting and using force. This is simple. Just like arson is buring the flag and free speach... There is nothing hard to understand here."
This analogies fails yet again. You can't just say "I rape you as a protest instead of rape". That isn't how things work. Rape is rape first, and whatever strange thing you want to make it second. As such, you don't NEED speech laws against rape to prevent it, it is already against the law because of force. Simply put, you can't use rape as a protest, because control over someone's body that isn't yours is not a freedom you have. In other words, you can't have rape that is a protest that isn't still criminal.
You could put the shoe on the other foot and say that all murderers are just expressing free speech...but that doesn't matter, because their other actions where closed. I think your flag analogy is a better one, though. Even so, these couple of dudes are even more understated than even the most mild flag burning.
I think a major complication is that we have blurred the lines of what protest and speech are in all legal matters regarding them. I think your flag burring is a perfect example of that. And in post analysis I think I see the tree you are trying to climb. That since it is illegal to burn stuff like your house down, that the freedom of speech laws override that burning stuff law and make burning your flag legal. However, I think it is the opposite that is true. You can burn anything down that you want that is yours, and there are special case instances where you can't (like you are on someone elses property ect ect.)
The litmus test for most freedoms is easy. People are free to pass by, to refuse their offers. They are less obtrusive than your average commercial, billboard, or advertisement. And look to be as threatening as a basset hound with a bad hip. If you want to live in a world were people like that are criminals, fine, but I don't.


entr0py says...

I'm all for these women improving their self-esteem. I just don't understand how taking a bath in makeup, and putting on an outfit that would make most drag queens blush does it. I'm pretty sure some stills were literally from porn videos. Does this really inspire or empower anyone? . . . if it works I guess it's okay. You just wouldn't think they'd benefit from objectifying their bodies further.

Though I do think the one at 0:31 was both sexy and self-respecting.

Low Point of Tim Burton's Career - The Futterwacken

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I really disliked this film. Terrible storytelling, weak characters, and an over reliance on CGI. It's the George Lucas Phantom Menace syndrome: Give a director a $200,000,000 budget, and they spend all their time figuring out how to spend all that money, rather than focussing on creating a worthwhile piece of art.

Johnny Depp's Mad hatter, whom gets almost as much screen time as the bland lead, consists of drag queen make up and an effeminate voice, which occasionally shifts to a Braveheart brogue. It comes across more as self indulgent mugging from an actor who has received no directorial guidance than any kind of actual insanity.

In Burton's earlier years, when his budgets were a fraction of what they are now, he told truly imaginative stories, with great characters and heartfelt performances. Movies like Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, Ed Wood and The Nightmare Before Christmas were cinematic masterpieces in my opinion.

The scene above is the precise moment when my disappointment turned to contempt. Issy and I actually turned to each other in the theater to verify that it was not a hallucination. (/disappointed fan-boy rant)

If you are reading this Tim Burton, here's your assignment, should you decide to take it:

Make a film for under 10 million dollars. You are not allowed to use your wife or Johnny Depp as cast members. The script must be original and not an adaptation of some previously existing work. Use models, stop motion, or whatever other effects you like, but keep the CGI to a bare minimum.

burdturgler (Member Profile)

Sift Roast Call for Sifters! (Parody Talk Post)

EDD says...

^My mom just called. She recounted how a blabbering drag queen dressed in what can be best described as SM attire made from trash bags and wine-bottle fishnets showed up at her work and attempted to molest her with a pencil. I hope it wasn't you, because I heard the security knocked out a couple of 'her' teeth when the guy tried to suck all of their dicks while being thrown out.

Drag Queen Harry Potter!!!

America's got Talent- Britney Spears?

spoco2 says...

Ok, that was painful. I have nothing against cross gender impersonators/drag queens, but for the show to try and suggest that was anything other than a man to begin with... with that jaw... was ridiculous.

And then, really, what did he do? Flounce around for a bit. That's not talent.

First commercial to feature gays - ran once in 1994 by IKEA

youmakekittymad says...

other than some mild stereotyping what is in bad taste about this? the only thing (other than their predilection for furniture) that identifies these men as gay is their relationship to one another. no one is lisping, shrieking, drag-queen-style effeminate, rampantly bitchy, or any of the myriad other gay stereotypes out there. is showing gays on television in bad taste? is it that ikea is identifying them as a separate market? given when this ad is from, it was admirably forward-thinking of ikea to run an ad like this.

Hot Bi-Curious Squirrel Threesome. [in HD]

So now I'm worried... (Sift Talk Post)

I KNEW the Victoria's Secret models were Cylons!

10722 says...

what are people upvoting? her ability to be blonde and walk down a catwalk?

Is my sound not working, and I missed some astounding commentary or funky slap bass?

If I was going to be an ass and critique her 'beauty', I'd say the following:

1) Face too masculine (I prefer girls to be cute/pretty rather than look like a drag queen.. thanks all the same)

(face being the most important part, she has already failed to impress a guy who is nothing special himself.. i.e. me)

2) People can be as fat or thin as they like.. she happens to be too thin for my tastes.

3) I honestly prefer smaller breasts... but a woman really should have some hips, thighs and buttocks to feast your eyes on!

Each to their own, I guess...

[and yes.. I am an ass]

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