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New Rule: Distinction Deniers

newtboy says...

If you said "no" and she forcefully continued, that is absolutely rape, legally and rationally.
You are certainly free to feel it wasn't a devastating or violent rape, but forcing you to continue a sex act for even one second after recognizing you are saying"no" is rape, whether from a man or woman, whether to a man or a woman.
Her reason for it is even worse in my eyes. Tricking or forcing someone into parenthood should carry a minimum mandatory 20 year sentence of hard labor with zero contact with the child. That's what they're trying to trick/sentence their partner with for doing nothing wrong, 20+ years of hard labor, and the child is the product of the crime.

JiggaJonson said:


NSFW warning:

I've had bad dates where I've been made to feel awkward. Believe it or not, I've been in a sexual encounter where I've been forced to hmmm... finish... inside a girl when I didn't want to. We had been together a short time and she was ENAMORED with me, and I felt 'meh' about her. (don't put your dick in crazy)

Long story short, I'm strict about using birth control so I'm not making kids when I don't want to. Although, in the heat of the moment, I'm not above a tried and true pulling out for lack of a better option. This had been the plan going into the sexual encounter, but when I let out a warning about a climax, instead of helping me push her off, she pushed her hands against my shoulders and clamped her thighs onto me. I objected "wait!!! no!!!" but not being a fucking Buddhist monk with complete control over every muscle in my body, well, you can imagine where it went from there.

Shortly thereafter, she started asking me what I thought about this or that baby name and it became clearer what she was really after. (yes really)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Why The Cops Won't Help You When You're Getting Stabbed

bigbikeman says...

Ok, so....

Cops should just jump on people they think *might* commit a crime because: Reasons .

Good call, citizens!

Due process. Due fucking process.
It exists for reasons beyond your cynical worldview...or even worst case scenarios. It exists to protect the rest of us. The majority.

The cops were right there to take the guy away once he did something stupid. They were also "correct" in not doing anything beforehand. Right before he pulled a knife and stabbed someone, he was just being an asshole, nothing more. That's not illegal. Sorry.

and no: you don't want the police "protecting" you. That's what the Mafia does.

So what's the alternative? Preemptive police takedowns? That happens too, and people scream all the same.

Difference is: I'd rather live in a free society where cops wait for somebody (maybe me) to actually do something wrong, than just leave it up to them to decide when you (or I) *might* be a risk, and then taze or shoot you or me dead.

The police are not there to keep you safe. For one, there is no such thing as "safe" in absolute terms, and in my opinion, if there was, you sure as shit don't want the state prescribing that "safety".

But...that's just my opinion.


7 LIES You Were Taught At School

ChaosEngine says...

"There's no gravity in space"
Eh, it depends who you're talking to. If you're explaining to kids why things float in space, that's a reasonable approximation. If you're teaching physics to high school students, you're really doing it wrong.

"Trojan horse"
When was this ever presented as fact? I actually remember learning about the search for a possible real world site of Troy and I remember being taught the STORY of this, but given it was in the same story about a guy who could only be killed in the heel, we weren't expected to believe it was 100% accurate. Talking snakes on the other hand? Totally real.

The rest are reasonable enough.

Jim Gaffigan - Disney

ChaosEngine says...

He's doing it wrong.

going to disneyland as a kid: awesome!
going to disneyland as a parent: sucks.

going to disneyland as a stoned twentysomething?


90-year-old Bugatti Type 35 thrown up FOS hill

How Passive Aggressiveness Makes For A Loving Relationship

Crazy Cat Attacks Man

An authority figure offers an intelligent rebuttal

Asmo says...

45 votes and counting...

The problem you have is that you cannot look any further than the last post you disagreed with. There are dozens of videos showing good police officers doing their job, ie. helping the community. Negative commentary goes hand in hand with cops abusing their power or breaking the rules because they think they are above the law.

If you believe cops can do no wrong, you're as fucking moronic as a person who believes cops can do no right. Fortunately, both groups are an absolute minority around here.

NaMeCaF said:

Good luck getting this upvoted on VideoSift mate. With the pathological cop hate here, you'll need it.

NYC's Best Burger, Explained

transmorpher says...

The feeling of shame is usually your subconscious reminding you that you are acting against your better judgement.
If you feel shame when you read a scientific fact, then take the time to explore that feeling.
If you aren't doing anything wrong then no amount of scientific facts would make you feel shame.

newtboy said:

People only think other people love being food shamed.
Those people are wrong.

Top Democrats All Agree with Trump's Immigration Plan / wall

vil says...

Its basically all in the video, there are physical barriers already out there, it is a long term problem that has been improving lately, there is probably not much more protection a big wall would provide over a symbolic fence (only effect is length of tunnel/ladder required). Everyone agrees on illegal vs. legal, prostitution and drugs can not be eradicated, only limited, by making the little girls illegal you push them in peril. One could improve the situation by cooperating with the government of Mexico and border states, border towns, by making the legal waiting line clear and bearable, Trump is the elephant in the porcelain shop on all of this, making things worse.

Simple solutions to complicated problems... never mind.

Are americans really competing with illegal immigrants for jobs?
Is it that hard to get an education in the US that would get you past the dish-washing stage? IDK.

Why are the rules for employing illegal imigrants so hard to uphold? Could it be because it is impossible? Because no-one else would be willing to do the work for the money available in the local economy? How would the overall situation change if rules on "legalising" some of these people were relaxed instead of tightened? If they can hold a job for months or years without commiting any law violations besides going past the validity of their work permit they deserve at the very least permanent residence over all the trash living on social security just because they were born a few miles north.

If they are living and working and not doing any wrong, you should keep them regardless of... whatever.

BTW I happen to agree with what you wrote about that commercial 100%, Bob. Just probably from a different point of view. Its propaganda fairy-telling without a good point.

If I really wanted to move to the US I would make absolutely sure I had a plan on what to do there. Not just get in at all costs. Like the Budweiser guy (but better beer).

Bill Burr Doesn’t Have Sympathy For Hillary Clinton

SDGundamX says...

Why does it have to be one or the other? It's pretty clear a huge group of racist/misogynistic people rallied around Trump for saying the things that they thought but couldn't say out loud in public. Him saying those things and not getting absolutely destroyed for it (thanks to mass media which just ate it up as fuel for ratings) brought them out of the woodwork, if not the woods exactly.

On the other hand, Hillary herself failed time and again to capitalize on his gaffs. Clearly her strategy of just letting him implode without actually trying to push him off a cliff herself backfired. Burr is right that the advice she got not to sink to his level, not to outright challenge the outrageous stuff he was saying (and now doing) was wrong. She picked the wrong team of people to advise her. She didn't campaign in key swing states. She (and to honest most Americans) vastly underestimated the desperation of the poorest blue collar workers around the U.S. She never had a clear campaign platform other than to show up, look smug, and essentially say "Hey, at least I'm not THAT guy!" There were people who took that to mean she represented the status quo. They might have hated what Trump was saying but they hated the status quo even more and voted accordingly.

So, in my mind, it's both things. She absolutely made mistakes AND a shitload of emboldened bigots came out to vote. It was the combination of these things that caused her downfall.

The Proper Way To End Your Film

Another School Cop Body Slams a Girl

Mordhaus says...

At the end of the day, we are talking about an unarmed teen girl. There are levels of reasonable force and levels of excessive force. This is clearly in the excessive region.

The sad thing is, it seems to be a maneuver that cops are wont to default to with kids. In the related video, a school officer body slammed a 12 year old girl. Elsewhere in Texas, an officer bodyslammed a teen girl for being at a pool party without a pass. That case is being taken to court, by the way, with the taxpayers possibly on the hook for 5 million.

We are doing something wrong when the only move that an officer can do to take an underage individual down is a bodyslam. This isn't fake wrestling, that isn't a canvas ring with some shock absorbing capabilities, and she isn't an actor who knows how to take a fall. Real and permanent damage could happen.

Esoog said:

Don't fight in school, and you won't get body slammed.

It's OK for her to punch another student in the face repeatedly though....

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