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Let's talk about questions and the Potter case....

newtboy says...

There you go again, insisting that if police can’t kill with impunity and immunity, then anarchy will rule, there will be no police, and crime rates will skyrocket, making the US into Thunderdome in months.

Infantile, ignorant, and asinine, police in almost every other country kill far less than American police who kill around 3 people per day on average. In many countries they don’t carry guns, without a massive jump in crime. Imagine that. Are you saying US police are so incompetent that every other nation can police itself without letting them murder over nothing but contempt of cop, but divided America is totally incapable of that type of policing?

I would remind you, in the racist, sexist fantasy time period Trumpists wish to return to, police murdered non whites routinely and without fear. Wanting to return to that is pure racism…not surprising. Also, the Uber rich payed over 90% in taxes, without going bankrupt or just shutting down. Your “capitalist utopia” doesn’t exist without taxes at 3 times what they are now without loopholes. D’oh!
(For tax years 1944 through 1951, the highest marginal tax rate for individuals was 91%, increasing to 92% for 1952 and 1953, and reverting to 91% 1954 through 1963. For the 1964 tax year, the top marginal tax rate for individuals was lowered to 77%, and then to 70% for tax years 1965 through 1981)

I would also remind you how you screamed and cried over that terrorist bitch that was shot attacking the capitol with hundreds of armed violent cohorts that had already murdered and disabled dozens of police. You absolutely wanted that officer prosecuted if not just lynched….for a good shoot of a violent attacking murderer (part of the violent murdering mob makes you a murderer). Your blatant undeniable racist prejudice and obvious hypocrisy are showing, Bobby.

If police need to murder unarmed citizens over misdemeanors, they should absolutely stand down as that makes them the murderous criminal gang, not the police.

bobknight33 said:

Crime will go up and police will do less.
Already at record highs but will go even higher.

Cops should just stand down.

Horrific Multi-Car Freeway Wreck - Los Angeles

BSR says...

I didn't see him get out either but I think he climbed over the divider where it was safer. He's in the dark but you can just see his silhouette moving around at 1:05 all the way to the left.

Digitalfiend said:

On another note, I wonder what happened to that dude in the red shirt that got back into his car just before it was hit.

New Rule: Words Matter | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

bcglorf says...


thanks for clarification.

So in your view, do you see the left objecting to any of the following things that kinda speak to Maher's point, and I think fits to the point of the 'left' being upset with him,

-Defending Chapelle which left would decry invoking their definition of dog whistle, transphobia...
-Pointing out a correlation between violence and Islamic extremism which left would decry as islamophobia
-Believing sports/olympics should divide competitors based on biological sex rather than gender identity == Transphobia
-(Big any famous celebrity accused of sex crimes) and suggesting they deserve a fair trial == failure to believe victims/survivors

Those are all things that have been pretty commonly defended by large groups of the left from what I've been seeing. Am I wrong?

TX law & tattoos

Anom212325 says...

^ That's about 2/3 of the world's population.

"Texas's loss" LOL!! Somebody haven't been keeping up on migration in the US. People are fleeing the blue states like no tomorrow. Texas is the fastest growing state in the US...

This is just another example of how divided your country is.

Keep fucking over each-other. You dumb fucks are doing your enemy's job for them. Like I said to you 4 months ago. Enjoy your war and draft. +- 8 Months left of your life as you know it. US have never been so weak. The sharks are circling.

I’m 100% Serious

newtboy says...

Unbelievably *terrible idea.

Never in a million years, and it shouldn’t happen, and wouldn’t help. Trump would show for the money and do nothing but bash Obama as a foreigner Muslim illegitimate “so called president” (who won two more presidential elections than Trump), would blame all his failures on either Obama or Biden, and would interrupt Obama’s every thoughtful point with rambling, self congratulatory nonsense. Trump has no interest in unification unless that means everyone unify behind him and he’s emperor. Trump is a divider, his entire platform is “blame the libs for everything wrong, take credit for anything that’s working, even if he opposed it”. He has nothing to offer but hateful lies.

Trump is incapable of having a nice discussion. If the other people speaking aren’t just praising him, he thinks they should just shut up and let him praise himself. It’s an impossibility for him to sit and have a productive conversation with a non sycophant, especially one as intelligent and knowledgeable as Obama that would outshine him like a supernova beside a black hole of ignorance. He wouldn’t make it 5 minutes before his first temper tantrum.

Obama doesn’t need the money, he’s a real, successful, happy, self made multi doubt he would donate any payments to the needy ….Trump does need the money, he’s an unhappy failed businessman and broke trust fund baby with dozens of criminal court cases pending and hundreds of millions in unpaid doubt he would pocket every penny...and Trump is considered by most Americans as personally responsible for the worst attack on Washington since 1812 as an attempted coup....and the idea is to give him another high profile platform from which he can try again to make his baseless and highly divisive case that he's not a loser, like he does at his shrinking rallies and random paid events at his properties.

If you want to unify America, you need to remove Trump from the equation, he divided America more than slavery. Division is his only real accomplishment….how does this guy think he’s the one to help unify?

It's like saying Jim Jones or David Koresh should be publicly debating the Dalai Lama to unify people around religion in positive ways, they both just had that one little slip up and their remaining people still believe in them for the most part.

Kevin O'Leary 3.5 billion people in poverty is fantastic

newtboy jokingly says...

It’s fantastic, because only one of those 3.5 billion people only needs to kill 85 people and divide their money to double all of their net worths. Pull themselves up by their bootstraps…assuming they have boots or straps…by putting in a little wet work. Oleary’s plan…so start with him….aaaaannnnd…GO!

Physics Professor loses $10k, face, to Veritasium

spawnflagger says...

Yes, given the evidence solely in the previous video, he presented a valid alternate hypothesis, and even 80% convinced Bill Nye.

My only problem with him (as it was presented in this video) was that he seemed sooo confident about the "divide by zero" infinite force denominator part of the equation "obvious error" that he didn't go further. "well they must be wrong because this math makes it impossible".

I do give him kudos though, because he paid on the bet.

olyar15 said:

The professor did not lose face. He had valid questions and issues with what he saw, proposed alternative possibilities that could explain the phenomenon, and accepted the answer after further experimentation and explanation.

That is how science works. Science is not a pissing match (or at least, it shouldn't be).

Buttle (Member Profile)

Buttle (Member Profile)

How Road Barriers Stopped Killing Drivers

spawnflagger jokingly says...

I just had an idea - instead of storing crashed cars in junkyards, use them as highway dividers. They are already tested for head-on collisions, and when someone crashes into it, can just leave the freshly-crashed car there as more filler (drain the fluids).

Virginia Officers Respond To Armed Suspect

bobknight33 says...

Most Cops do practice good policing .
Media just likes to focus on the bad.

As you state
"stark contrast to the daily barrage of cops gone wild, boys in blue behaving badly videos that come without repercussions"

Is a bold false narrative propagated by media to divide Americans.

You imply that day in day out across America cops routinely bead down as a matter of fact.

This is not the case.

newtboy said:

Sadly, fools like @bobknight33 can't understand that good policing is supposed to be the norm, not a once in a blue moon occurrence to be celebrated and rewarded in stark contrast to the daily barrage of cops gone wild, boys in blue behaving badly videos that come without repercussions....nor does he grasp that one right doesn't erase one wrong, it takes a thousand good deeds to atone for one evil deed, some might say it's a debt you can never repay.

Where BLM co founder spends their money

newtboy says...

Such bullshit *lies @bobknight33. Nice try trying to hurt BLMs ability to generate donations with these unfounded accusations, but it's pure bullshit as usual from you and your ilk. Liars.

There's absolutely zero evidence a single dime of BLM money was used, nor is there evidence these homes were actually owned by her or her family, or even evidence they were owned at the same time. The houses described in the articles were two were small homes in South Central and Inglewood, severely depressed areas you would call ghettos, the modest family home in Topanga, not near Beverly Hills as claimed, has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a tiny guest "house" (shed) and sits on just over a quarter of an acre-sized lot, so not a mansion but a small family home, the fourth reported purchase was a home in rural Georgia, so not worth much.

There's actually no evidence she bought anything. Dirt’s article, which is the source that all of the stories and posts about the Topanga home purchase are based on, didn’t report that Cullors purchased the home with BLM donations. It said the home was sold “to a corporate entity that public records show is controlled” by Cullors, but didn’t name the corporation.

Besides being a public figure who is paid to speak at events, Cullors is a best selling author who last year signed a lucrative contract with Warner Brothers, so she has her own money, and filings show she was paid a total of $20000 a year by BLM until 2019 when she stopped taking a dime. There's zero evidence BLM had a thing to do with these purchases, no timeline of when they were purchased or sold, no mention of who lived there....There's nothing but supposition by dishonest people like yourself who have no problem making up hurtful lies about their enemies like 4 year old snot nosed spoiled little girls trying to make themselves feel lying little crybaby snowflake.

We don’t have enough information from the Dirt or Post story to answer questions like: Were these homes consecutively purchased, lived in and sold? Were other parties involved in the reported purchases? Were they lived in by family members? Did any of the addresses crop up due to errors in public records databases?

Such utter bullshit and *lies Bob. Another factless racist and just stupid attack against non whites who you think couldn't possibly buy a house without stealing the money for it.

Gonna leave this here, but I know Bob isn't interested in finding out how his game of radical right wing telephone started so he won't read it.

Btw, this isn't fear, isn't philosophy, is only Wtf because Wtf are you thinking posting these baseless accusations, and only fail because you once again failed to be honest. It's pure political lies by the party of lies that repeatedly make the argument that they aren't required to tell the truth about anything. Facts have a liberal bias, and truth and honesty are for liberals and have no place in your party. You're such a dishonest tool.

Edit: with Trump dividing the country and starting a failed coup with his election fraud fraud he used to bring in hundreds of millions in donations to fight against, a fight he never fought and instead put those hundreds of millions he duped you and your ilk out of into his own pockets to pay off his massive debts, including not just his failed campaign debts (that he still didn't pay for the most part) and his own private debts, it's just hilarious you would try this lie, knowing full well Trump did what you accuse Cullors of a hundred times over AFTER the election with proof he took the money, but not one scintilla against Cullors. 🤦‍♂️

Let's talk about Chicago and strobes....

bobknight33 says...

The strobe didn't get the kid shot.
The kid got shot because he had a gun, shooting ( him and his thug buddy) in the middle of the night .
He should not have run.
Chased by cops with gun in hand and ditching it and turning around at last moment got him shot. The kid is 90% responsible for his death.

Strobe, cop and all other factors 10%.

This is a non story except by fake media to divide Americans.

Police in America - Where Are The Good Apples?

CNN Director ADMITS Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’

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