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Hitler's normal, non-official tone, voice

harry says...

It's certainly true that the idea that nazi's were all very much human is a much more disturbing thought than the idea that they were all psychopaths or monsters. In fact, I think that that last statement is just too easy an explanation. It's too easy to dismiss it as "oh, they were just crazy and evil". They were, most likely, not. And that is far scarier.

Olberman: Worst Person in the World - Glen Beck

Januari says...

Pretty unbelievable even for him. Just wish this kind of think mattered to the people who live and breath by what Glen Beck says. The truth is that those who drink his particular brand of coolaid will never hear this correction of his disturbed thought process and even if they did, i find it unlikely they'd care.

How is Ron Paul So Far Behind? by Arsenault185 (Playlist)

10236 says...

There are some things I just do not understand. First our country was founded on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, why do we not learn them? Second, even when people in a free nation find something wrong they say nothing and do less. Third, in a free republic, no one should be afraid of there government. Fourth, laws for the people should not fill libraries when even lawyers only learn parts, however; the people can be prosecuted on any of them, even in the face of ignorance. Fifth, why is it we invade and occupy other countries trying to be the police of the world? Is this the free nation so many have died for? Is this the nation we wish to leave to our children?

I joined the army to support and defend our Constitution against terrorism. I am finding the real terrorist are ourselves. We have turned a blind eye to our government and let them do as they please. Income tax is unconstitutional so they passed the 16th amendment, we let them. Yet in 6 months of looking I cannot find the law that Congress passed outlining income tax. According to the Constitution, the Military can only be governed by Congress, not a hand-full of appointed people, article 1 section 8 paragraphs 12-16. We can only go to war with a declaration of war, war on drugs, war on terrorism, and war on poverty, all unlawful. Conflicts are another issue, reading the Constitution, I can only find two reasons to commit troops; defense of invasion and declaration of war. The people holding office have sworn to uphold the Constitution; we need to hold them to their oath. We are responsible to know and enforce the Constitutional law; full understanding of it should not be in question. It is the Supreme law of our land, it should be the one law every American knows passionately and intimately it is not open to manipulation.

There is NO LAW anywhere stating we must pay or file income tax, out of fear we do. The Federal Reserve is not a department of any branch of our government; it is not subject to audit or investigation by any outside organization. It somehow has the right to print our money and control the interest rates. Our government borrows from them and pay’s it back with interest. The Constitution says we will only “Coin” money to keep its value true and real. We watch as our fellow Americans are jailed and stripped of every thing. We have let them set up the CIA, FBI, NSA and Department of Homeland Security, to spy on us and everyone else doing nothing. We have let the Department of Education tell us what to teach our children. Department of Protective Services tells us how to raise our children. Departments of; Transportation, Energy, and many more you can look up.

The inefficiencies, and contradictions, are astounding. The vast majority of them could be abolished and we would be better off without them controlling our lives and business.

We all live in fear and are intimidated by our government, the phrase “You can’t fight City Hall” or “What can you do about it, it’s the government.” Our police, enforcing blind obedience, treat us as criminals all the time even during traffic stops. Put in handcuffs just to be taken in for questioning. We are required to show identification if asked. Registering cars, boats, guns, pet’s, even ourselves. We must ask permission to get married, drive, skill trades, hunt, fish, build a house, or alter it. As an added insult we must pay for the privilege. Does this sound like Land of the Free, the Home of the Brave? They can take our lands if they decide it is in the Public’s best interest, without vote, or consideration of the land owner. The most disturbing thought is we have people who have been serving in Washington and the military for 20 plus years. Why have none of them done any thing to fight for it? The obvious fact would be they do not think we can make decisions for ourselves, or as we give up our freedoms the power over us increases and they like the power. I would like to see anyone who has knowingly compromised the Constitution pay back every dime they were paid and put in jail. The device of control they so carefully implemented.

I have yet to meet anyone who says they know all the laws, even Lawyers going to school for 8 years or more only learn to specialize in one area. Our Republic was not intended to repress or control every aspect of our life. Freedom should mean Free. Free choice, right or wrong, is ours to make. We as the People of a Free Republic, looking out for each other in common respect, would not need tomes of law to live in peace. We need to know we are not a capitalist democracy. We do not need our government to dictate how we live, think, believe, behave or raise our families. Here is a fact about our legal system, Alaska has 683,000 total population, Texas has 706,000 in the correction system, the prison budget of 52.4 billion (2006) nation wide, once in the system there is a 90% repeat offender rate. It does not look as though the correction system is working!

I am a Soldier sworn to defend and uphold the Constitution; I will spend the rest of my life doing so. I have read and reread the Constitution, it is very clear as to our role in World politics, trade but not interfering with the internal politics of other Countries. We have 106 bases outside the U.S. securing our interests. We are given live ammunition and the right to apprehend anyone trying to cross someone else’s border but not our own. Try if you can to imagine China, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iran, Russia, France or any other nation having one of their bases in the U.S. When I look up the definition of terrorist, then look at our behavior world wide and internally, I see true terrorism. We the people have let down our founding fathers. We the people have to make it right. Congress, down to your local townships, must understand we are in charge. Write letters, form groups, learn the Supreme Law, and push to implement it. No law maker any were at any level can write a law that is in conflict to the Constitution. This includes the military, no regulation that removes rights is Constitutional, only congress can govern us, they were not given the right to govern us out side the Constitution. I am very disappointed with the unprofessional silent obedience the officers have demonstrated over the years, for us to get to this point the military, law enforcement, politicians and the courts have all failed to do there civil service. For more than a hundred years we have let things go, without a doubt it will take time to correct.

One more thing, just to ponder on a small group working for GM developed an electric car called the EV1. They built 4000 of them leased them to people in California for 4 years. Not one person who had them had any complaints about the car or its performance. At the termination of the lease GM refused to sell the customers the cars. GM sent an employee to the scrap yard to insure every one of them went through the shredder not just crushed but shredded. With the lack of maintenance and repair, the car would not be able to be sold for enough to make the same profits as the inefficient internal combustion engine. Big business has gotten out of control we must wake up and take our republic back. Anyone who is not willing to fight even die for their freedom does not deserve freedom and should consider leaving. I will gladly stand side by side with anyone fighting for freedom, and a fight is coming.

Obama's, I Have a Dream (Blog Entry by choggie)

10236 says...

you all need to look and read up on Ron Paul. we do have a choice this time!! There are some things I just do not understand. First our country was founded on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, why do we not learn them? Second, even when people in a free nation find something wrong they say nothing and do less. Third, in a free republic, no one should be afraid of their government. Fourth, laws for the people should not fill libraries when even lawyers only learn parts. However; the people can be prosecuted on any of them, even in the face of ignorance. Fifth, why is it we invade and occupy other countries trying to be the police of the world? Is this the free nation so many have died for? Is this the nation we wish to leave to our children?

I joined the army to support and defend our Constitution against terrorism. I am finding the real terrorist are ourselves. We have turned a blind eye to our government and let them do as they please. Income tax is unconstitutional so they passed the 16th amendment, we let them. Yet in 6 months of looking I cannot find the law that Congress passed outlining income tax. According to the Constitution, the Military can only be governed by Congress, not a hand-full of appointed people, article 1 section 8 paragraphs 12-16. We can only go to war with a declaration of war, war on drugs, war on terrorism, and war on poverty, all unlawful. Conflicts are another issue, reading the Constitution, I can only find two reasons to commit troops; defense of invasion and declaration of war. The people holding office have sworn to uphold the Constitution; we need to hold them to their oath. We are responsible to know and enforce Constitutional law; full understanding of it should not be in question. It is the Supreme law of our land, it should be the one law every American knows passionately and intimately and should not be open to manipulation.

There is NO LAW anywhere stating we must pay or file income tax, but out of fear we do. The Federal Reserve is not a department of any branch of our government; it is not subject to audit or investigation by any outside organization, yet it somehow has the right to print our money and control the interest rates. Our government borrows from them and pays it back with interest. The Constitution says we will only “Coin” money to keep its value true and real. We watch as our fellow Americans are jailed and stripped of everything. We have let them set up the CIA, FBI, NSA and Department of Homeland Security, to spy on us and everyone else doing nothing. We have let the Department of Education tell us what to teach our children. Department of Protective Services tells us how to raise our children. Departments of; Transportation, Energy, and many more you can look up.

The inefficiencies and contradictions are astounding. The vast majority of them could be abolished and we would be better off without them controlling our lives and business.

We all live in fear and are intimidated by our government, often quoting the phrases “You can’t fight City Hall” or “What can you do about it, it’s the government.” Our police, enforcing blind obedience, treat us as criminals all the time even during traffic stops. Putting us in handcuffs just to be taken in for questioning. We are required to show identification if asked. Registering cars, boats, guns, pet’s, even ourselves. We must ask permission to get married, drive, skill trades, hunt, fish, build a house, or alter it. As an added insult we must pay for the privilege. Does this sound like Land of the Free, the Home of the Brave? They can take our land if they decide it is in the Public’s best interest, without vote or consideration of the land owner. The most disturbing thought is that we have people who have been serving in Washington and the military for 20 plus years. Why have none of them done any thing to fight for it? The obvious fact would be they do not think we can make decisions for ourselves, or as we give up our freedoms the power over us increases and they like the power. I would like to see anyone who has knowingly compromised the Constitution pay back every dime they were paid and put in jail. The device of control they so carefully implemented.

I have yet to meet anyone who says they know all the laws, even Lawyers going to school for 8 years or more only learn to specialize in one area. Our Republic was not intended to repress or control every aspect of our life. Freedom should mean Free. Free choice, right or wrong, is ours to make. We as the People of a Free Republic, looking out for each other in common respect, would not need tomes of law to live in peace. We need to know we are not a capitalist democracy. We do not need our government to dictate how we live, think, believe, behave or raise our families.
Here is am interesting fact about our legal system: Alaska has 683,000 for a total population. Texas has 706,000 in their correction system. Almost the entire population of one state resides in the correctional system of another. The overall budget for the national prison system is 52.4 billion (2006). Once a person enters into the system there is a 90% repeat offender rate. It does not look as though the correction system is working!

I am a Soldier sworn to defend and uphold the Constitution; I will spend the rest of my life doing so. I have read and reread the Constitution. It is very clear as to our role in World politics. It is to trade but not to interfere with the internal politics of other countries. We have 106 bases outside the U.S. securing our interests. We are given live ammunition and the right to apprehend anyone trying to cross someone else’s border but not our own. Try if you can to imagine, China, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iran, Russia, France or any other nation having one of their bases in the U.S. When I look up the definition of terrorist, then look at our behavior world wide and internally, I see true terrorism. We the people have let down our founding fathers. We the people have to make it right. Congress, down to your local townships, must understand we are in charge. Write letters, form groups, learn the Supreme Law, and push to implement it. No law maker any were at any level can write a law that is in conflict to the Constitution. This includes the military. No regulation that removes rights is Constitutional, only congress can govern us. They were not given the right to govern us out side of the Constitution. I am very disappointed with the unprofessional silent obedience the officers have demonstrated over the years, for us to get to this point the military, law enforcement, politicians and the courts have all failed to do there civil service. For more than a hundred years we have let things go, without a doubt it will take time to correct.

One more thing, just to ponder on. A small group working for GM developed an electric car called the EV1. They built 4000 of these then leased them to people in California for 4 years. Not one person who had them had any complaints about the car or its performance. At the termination of the lease GM refused to sell the cars to the customers. GM sent an employee to the scrap yard to insure every one of them went through the shredder, not just crushed but shredded. With the lack of maintenance and repair, the car would not be able to be sold for enough to make the same profits as the inefficient internal combustion engine. Big business has gotten out of control we must wake up and take our republic back. Anyone who is not willing to fight even die for their freedom does not deserve freedom and should consider leaving. I will gladly stand side by side with anyone fighting for freedom, and a fight is coming.

If you do not know the truth then you need to. If you do, why have you not taken steps to correct what you know is wrong? I will be spending all my time and effort to educate as many people as I can. You should all be doing the same. Please help us, help each other, please help yourselves. The consequences of doing nothing would be catastrophic.

Sincerely Patriot and Servant,
David Williams

I'm Listening to What You're Saying But I Hear What I Want

The Elegant Universe - Welcome to the 11th Dimension

Fletch says...

String theory is fun and looks good on paper, but I've read that many (most?) of the graduates who got into the field because it was the next big thing and didn't want to be left behind, have now abandoned it. It can never really be proven (as far as we know now). Which, for me, really brings up a rather disturbing thought. What if the "answer to everything" is so complicated and strange that it is simply beyond our grasp or ability to understand, and always will be. Religious folks, I know that leaves a pretty huge hole to insert your respective dogmas, but that wasn't my intention. I think it's just fascinating to believe that we are so intelligent we will eventually find any answers we seek, yet String Theory brings us to our knees. Hell, I'm still blown away by the double slit experiment. Maybe reality itself is a dimension of some kind. I can't wait to read what the LHC turns up.

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