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They knew and now we know the President knew

newtboy says...

Just FYI-
BARNETT, Richard

Case Number:
Obstruction of an Official Proceeding; Aiding and Abetting; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon; Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon; Entering and Remaining in Certain Rooms in the Capitol Building; Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building; Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building; Theft of Government Property

This is the guy who broke into Pelosi’s office hunting her then sat at her desk, feet up, stole documents, made some phone calls, and allegedly (but not charged) did other damages to the Capitol building (like smearing shit on the walls).

Guilty on all 8 counts today.

BSR (Member Profile)

Detective Allegedly Forced Black Girls Into Sex Slavery

cloudballoon says...

Have he demonstrated here on VS enough that you can confidently sub "think" to "know"?

newtboy said:

Ashley Babbitt.

I think if he’s Republican and his victims are democrats, you think it’s ok. You would even find a way to claim its the women’s fault.
I also think you say it never happens.
I think you say if you don’t fuck with police, there’s nothing to fear from them.
I think you deny the pervasive racism in American police forces.
I think this, and thousands of other cases, prove that to be incorrect.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS!!! Gotta keep an eye on the roaches or they take over.
He’s not living rent free either…and his pathological need to stay in the public spotlight is costing him everything, hundreds of millions and maybe his freedom.

Pelosi has lived in your head for a decade rent free, and no amount of MAGA terrorism will evict her!
Clinton’s been in there three decades, stomping on the floors and overflowing her toilet.
Biden moved in 6 years ago, and so did his son Hunter soon after.

Trump will be out of mine the day he’s sentenced and his anti democracy moronic insurrectionist insane clown posse disbands or goes to prison with him.

If actions are any indication, you are sadly mistaken. He’s never demonstrated even slightly above average intelligence nor any knowledge on any subject….ever. Lol. Don’t forget, according to him, he lost more money than anyone in America more than one year in a row, and went bankrupt what, 6, 7 times? His only claim to fame is inheriting hundreds of millions and doing worse financially than if he had simply put it in low yield CD’s. He’s also facing criminal charges in 4 states and federal court, and more civil cases that I can keep track of including one upcoming for restitution for raping a woman and another seeking $250 million (that he’s unlikely to win). D’oh!

I retired at 30 with a nice comfortable life and few responsibilities. WINNING!

I would ask….since he says his strongest ability is reading people, what is it about him that make SOOOOO many of his “best and brightest” turn on him and according to him become the worst dishonest liars on earth the moment they lose favor or stop benefiting from stroking his ego? His unimpeachable honesty and high level intelligence? I think not.

Now, have you grown enough spine to discuss Ashley Babbitt?

bobknight33 said:

Trump living rent fee in that little head of yours. LOL

Trump in infinitely brighter than you. So don't worry about him Just take care of yourself.

Why Geography Makes The US Insanely OP

noims says...

Taking that video at face value (as I don't have the time or expertise to evaluate it factually) that's so extraordinarily interesting tat it deserves an instant *promote.

In particular, it gives better explanations of of America's disgraceful treatment of Cuba, and the the environmentally terrible practice of fracking than I've ever seen, let alone from a single source.

Not only that, it's also demonstrated the value of a few practices I've personally seen in Russia (and read about elsewhere), such as the move from globalisation to self-sufficiency, and the value of control of boundaries/borders, regardless of the short-term and local impact.

What it doesn't go into is the American push to control the cultural narrative globally, particularly in the western hemisphere, but that's more a consequence of their supremacy in other areas, and doesn't depend on geography. i.e. while I ramble about further aspects, the video stayed expertly on topic. Bravo.

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy says...

It’s what he is trying to stop the FBI from looking at (3 weeks after they seized it-HA). Sorry, do you think the public will get to see the unredacted list of exactly what secrets they found there? Good luck, that’s classified. What we do have is a list of how many, and what classification was found, and that includes the highest level of classification never allowed outside secure locations (nuclear secrets would be in that category).
Be clear, nuclear secrets covers a ton, not just the launch codes some suspect.
P.s. based on past behavior, he may still have nuclear secrets too.
Also be clear, Trump’s legal team has made no moves at all to ask for more openness or less secrecy, the media has. Trump’s team has made a half assed attempt to keep even the FBI and DOJ from reviewing them with clearance in secure locations, trying to hide what he stole from anyone. Lol.

Where is it? Either the FBI or DOJ.

If being curious enough to investigate the things I don’t know AND the things I do know to be sure I’m correct in my memory is elitist, fine.
If calling out made up nonsense and liars is elitist, I’ll accept that gladly.
If debating using facts from reliable cited sources and reason is elitist, mea culpa.

Can you define the mindset, or would any definition suit you more than me so it’s better to not define your insult?
Elite-the most powerful, rich, gifted, or educated members of a group, community, etc. I am none of those, I might be one of the better researchers with a decent, not great education. The internet makes us all equal in knowledge if you know how to research….hint, it’s not by reading one article that tells you only what you already believe. I’m not the most rich, powerful, or educated here…are you calling me gifted?
…and you say you’re rich, educated, and I bet you think gifted….aren’t you elitist? You definitely think you know it all despite being demonstrably wrong near 100% of the time on any subject.

No, sorry friendo, you are an immense asshole constantly to nearly everyone, both personally and politically. I’m an asshole to you, because I believe that’s what liars deserve, and you lie constantly and absolutely never admit you were mistaken (why I say you lie and weren’t just incorrect).

bobknight33 said:

Trump HAD nuclear secrets????????????
Sorry where is this information ?

Don't need to be rich to be an elitist. Its a mindset and you , my friend have the disease.

I'm rich and only a small fraction of the asshole you are.

Maddow on Josh Hawley running from the mob on Jan 6th

newtboy says...

Wow. What damning evidence. Criminal acts on display.
What “fucking bullshit”?

Your little tantrums?
The election fraud fraud?…yes, total fucking bullshit, as evidenced again today when emails between John Eastman and Giuliani on Jan 20 were released, suggesting they claim fraud in the Georgia runoff election from Jan 5, and IF they could find some fraud there it would help with the baseless claim of fraud in the November election, despite there being no evidence of fraud in that election (or the runnoff).

“ A lot of us have now staked our reputations on the claims of election fraud. And this would be a way to gather proof. If we get proof of fraud on January 5th, it will likely also demonstrate the fraud on November 3rd, thereby vindicating president Trump's claims and serving as a strong bull work against Senate impeachment trial.”

Admitting on Jan 20 in private that they have NO evidence of fraud, none, nada, zero, zip, zilch….none Bob…not a scintilla. Some rando nut job on Twitter suggested it and Rudy and the rest just ran with it, no verification of anything, he’s admitted that.

I wonder…when rabid Trumpists finally come back to reality and realize they are anti American terroristic traitors that attacked their country (and gave aid and comfort to traitors attacking the country)…how many of you patriots will rally and riot to “hang the traitors” then? Not enough.

bobknight33 said:

Wow What damning evidence. Criminal acts on display.

What fucking Bull shit.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. I’M narrow minded?!? ROTFLMFAHS!!!

Who told you that?! They lied.

Wiki-Five House Committees (Armed Services, Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, Judiciary, and Oversight and Government Reform) initiated their own inquiries soon after the attack. The Republicans on these five House Committees delivered an interim report to the Members of the House Republican Conference on April 23, 2013. The interim report, which contains the conclusions of the Republican majority staff, signed only by the five Republican chairmen of those committees and stated "This staff report has not been officially adopted by the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on the Judiciary, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, or the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and therefore may not necessarily reflect the views of their Members," was critical of the Obama Administration's actions before, during, and after the attack. Among dozens of findings, the report states that:

"Senior State Department officials knew that the threat environment in Benghazi was high and that the Benghazi compound was vulnerable and unable to withstand an attack, yet the department continued to systematically withdraw security personnel"
The "[Obama] Administration willfully perpetuated a deliberately misleading and incomplete narrative that the attacks evolved from a political demonstration caused by a YouTube video."
"... after a White House Deputies Meeting on Saturday, September 15, 2012, the Administration altered the talking points to remove references to the likely participation of Islamic extremists in the attacks. The Administration also removed references to the threat of extremists linked to al-Qa'ida in Benghazi and eastern Libya ..."
"The Administration deflected responsibility by blaming the IC [intelligence community] for the information it communicated to the public in both the talking points and the subsequent narrative it perpetuated."
Democrats on the five committees criticized the report, which they said had been written without Democratic input, as a "partisan Republican" work that was "unnecessarily politicizing our national security".

Also “ Democrats on the committee certainly say this was political and politically constructed. They say there were many witnesses whose testimony wasn't released because it supported the administration and particularly supported Hillary Clinton.”

There were 8 Benghazi investigations, 7 of which were only done as political attacks on Clinton to hurt her presidential run, admitted by McCarthy and others on tape. That’s why, even though their Republican led investigations found no wrongdoing he called it a win against Clinton because the accusations hurt her politically.

You get what you call one point of view because one side, the anti democracy pro-sedition side, refuses to testify, ignores subpoenas, and hides and destroys evidence….the same “side” that boycotted the investigations and refused to authorize a non partisan outside investigation, then whined they weren’t being allowed to participate…the treason side….your side.
They have absolutely been able to present another side…under oath. Trump has an open invitation, as do all his co-conspirators that ignored subpoenas. They refuse, or are incapable.
There have been plenty of Trump officials who did give their point of view, and every one has said Trump was clearly attempting a coup, knew he lost the election early, knew his plots were absolutely illegal, and many quit on Jan 6 when it became obvious he was willing to violently attack America and his own VP intentionally to retain power by any means.
You know this, you just hope someone else is as dumb as you act and can be fooled into believing your nonsense that this is a partisan politically motivated hatchet job, not an investigation into the worst attack against America on the mainland since the Southern Insurrection (otherwise known as the civil war).

bobknight33 said:

You so narrow minded. It is truly sad.

Those other investigations had the other side to counter.

There is not 1 counter point of view - It is not allowed on this Bull Shit Jan 6 smear job.

The Jan 6 just a want to paint a false one sided narrative.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Since everything you believe about Trump is demonstrably wrong, proven repeatedly with evidence, and since every statistic you quote is so obviously and has been proven to be just made up, pure fabrications to try to make Trump look infinitely better than he was or is and proven to be or to make Biden look bad by comparison, don’t you think it’s just possible you are wrong about him?

No, probably not. That would require you to actually look at evidence or listen to someone not shilling for Trump, and you would be excommunicated for such blasphemy.

Once again, if he’s re-elected, he promised to change to immediate kangaroo trials without defense portions and immediate executions without appeal for any minor drug charges…like China. Trump wants to turn the US justice system into one just like China. He said that. He has telegraphed that he intends to send out death squads like in the Philippines to skip the kangaroo court part too…the kind that also murders political opposition and their families then plants some drugs to “excuse” the massacres.

This is you guy, this is you pick….but why?
Not because you like The United States. Not because you like a reasonable legitimate justice system. Not because you like democracy. Not because you like a functioning economy.
Is it just that he hates the same people you hate? What you must not realize is he hates you too, he despises the uneducated poor despite telling you he loves you, he just loves how easy it is to get your money and votes. Trump only loves one person on earth, and it’s not you.

Joe Biden's Actual "To Do List"

moonsammy says... Presidents and other national leaders attend a huge variety of functions, and aren't going to want to do a run-through for every single one of them. A brief overview of his role on a note card seems a very pragmatic solution. I do want to point out that it doesn't tell him what to say - the President's staff expects he'll be able to improvise something serviceable. Because he's an intelligent, capable adult human being.

Oh, and that clip of him saying something about "dropped dead unexpectedly" - that looks like stuttering to me. He seemed to be trying to say something else, and just couldn't get it out. His backup word choice was inelegant at best. Stuttering is something Biden's known to have struggled with for most of his life, and generally he handles it very well. Sometimes though he seems to still stumble on something, and this might've been a case of that. Maybe not - maybe he had a total brain fart / senior moment and we should be concerned... but it certainly didn't seem like a noteworthy incident to me.

Meanwhile, in actual important news: the J6 hearings have demonstrated the former President clearly made numerous efforts to remain in power despite having definitely lost in a fair election. (Well, fair in terms of having been run competently and without demonstrable fraud. Trump still had what I consider a significant unfair advantage in that Republicans have an inherent edge via the Electoral College. He just lost the popular vote by MORE this time around, leading to a loss of the EC as well.)

Rent: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

1) what part of that is a joke?
2) not all Cons are racists, but almost all racists are Cons.
3) All cons may not be blatant racists, but they all are willing to stand with blatant lifelong racists and support them and are willing and eager to support blatantly racist policies if the racists will support their candidates. You know a man by the company he keeps.
4) I rented 1/3 of an acre with utilities in California for $250 for 7+ years, when estimated rent would be up to $1500+Utilities, in order to give a needy person a home. After 7 years I raised rent to $300, 1/5 market value. Keep in mind my wife and I have lived on $30k a year +- for decades so she can work at a non profit blood bank helping the community. We could have used the money. Kindness isn’t monopolized by any one side/group, but it’s more rare from cons., as this video demonstrates.
5) if your siblings can’t afford to be that generous, you certainly shouldn’t force them to sell at that discount, and you should not take a dime. You control the estate, but you have a responsibility to distribute it evenly and fully, not give it away, not donate it to an elderly couple. You will ruin your family and your father’s legacy and they will be right to be mad at you for stealing their inheritance. Maybe offer it for $75k and take nothing yourself if you want to make a gift of it, absolutely don’t sell it at a discount without everyone’s agreement in advance. Trust me, I’ve been there.
6) are elderly people who need discounted rent really going to have $55k to buy even a discounted house? No bank would loan them money, they can’t pay it back. Is that a real offer?

bobknight33 said:


With my dad passing last month he left me to deal with his rental house.

Dad, being a racist white Trump supporter screwed his tenant, which are black . That's how Trump supporters roll, right?

Dad taught me well and will deal with them according.

Zillow estimates rent to be 1500$/mo. Lucky he raised his rent before his passing.

Dads wishes is that this couple in their mid 80's can stay as long as they want with the same rent agreement as signed back in 97.

Dads rent went up 20$ to 695/month. Way below market value.
The other 3 kids want me to sell it. I offered this house to them at 50% market value. House is worth around 110K$

Deceiving the brain with the rubber hand illusion

moonsammy says...

I've seen this demonstrated before, but the individual finger / knuckle reflex testing was new, and damned interesting. I have a hard time making my individual fingers twitch on purpose, the instinctive response working that well is impressive.

Also, this guy seems high as *fuck* to me. Anyone else?

Amish response to covid

C-note says...

Growing up I lived with an amish family for 2 summers. As a city kid it was one of the first times I experience culture shock. They have their own way. Time and time again they have demonstrated they are willing to die in order to keep doing things their way.

Squid changing color - not just for octopuses!

newtboy says...

What do they mean “ Recently, scientists in Japan were surprised to find a species of oval squid raised in captivity could change its coat, depending on whether its tank was clean or covered in algae.”…are they students, because I saw this described and demonstrated in 88 in my marine biology class in Hawaii….then we dissected it….then we cooked and ate it as a class. Interesting teacher.

Absolutely not the first time they’ve been “caught” doing this…maybe the first time with high definition cameras, in one specific laboratory condition, with that specific species, raised in captivity, but this is every day behavior for many cephalopods, including squid, and absolutely not a new discovery.

Let’s see them decipher the intense flashings, strobing, color waves, slow fades, etc that they use to communicate and hunt. That might be a first….but I doubt it. Others have studied their insane chromatophores and their amazingly mailable mantles and how they use them for decades if not longer.

This is a neat bit of biology, but to pretend they just discovered this is outrageously dishonest. Get real, people knew squid camouflaged themselves amazingly well long before that guy named Jesus was fathered by a forced pedophilic inception. Almost like saying scientists just discovered newts like it moist, or that water is wet.

Golden eagle attacks 8 yo girl

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