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"Hunter Biden Spent $872K on Hookers" - Facing 9 Indictment

newtboy says...

Waiting for what?
One of your propaganda videos to NOT be discarded?
For one of your idiotic accusations to grow legs and catch on?
For MAGA to stop eating itself in a rage over its own incompetence?
To learn how to read?
For another explanation you won’t understand?
Waiting for what?
Keep waiting…try holding your breath, I hear it helps.

You are wrong….as usual.
Biden showed at Capitol Hill with his lawyers prepared to testify….publicly.
He refused to testify behind closed doors before a sham pure partisan impeachment hearing at least until it’s legitimized with a vote (why would he?), a vote MAGA won’t hold because they know they don’t have the votes to start an inquiry (or that if they do, it will cost them multiple seats in swing districts), but he was still willing to testify before the sham “impeachment inquiry” despite it being illegitimate if it was a public hearing.

Republicans said fuck no, but can’t explain why they don’t want the public hearing what he actually says, despite saying for years that that’s what they want, publicly or privately. They backtracked because they don’t want any part of this “inquiry” to be public because every bit of it is utter nonsense and they know it will destroy them if it comes out that this made up stupidity and baseless claims with absolutely no evidence is all they’ve done for the last 3 years.

Epic fail. You are correct there. Epically failing to further the fake illegitimate “investigation”.
It’s side splittingly hilarious that they can’t enforce the subpoena because the “investigation” isn’t legitimate thanks to the very rules Republicans created to protect Trump from multiple impeachments. 😂

Edit: I would like to point out, Joe could easily pardon Hunter for every charge against him and would if he was 1% as corrupt as you claim. In fact, according to Trump who just made the claim in court, as president he has no obligation to the constitution or country at all.

bobknight33 said:


still waiting.

Hunter bailed and failed to show up to testify.

Epic Fail

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ooof- on Friday the appeals court gave the green light to police who were injured in Jan 6 to directly sue Trump personally. They can use Jan 6 rioters at trial to prove they rioted because Trump told them to. In a civil trial, they don’t have to prove he intended the riot/failed coup, only that his words instigated it, and every Jan 6 defendant has already said that under oath at their trial. Even if they lose, it will cost him tens of millions to defend against them, but they will most likely win, and in the 8-9 figure range. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You’re really deepthroating Elon’s Nazi loving cock lately.
You claimed you sold all your “all in on one” stock before the crash (you said that after the crash to pretend you didn’t lose your shirt, not before or during)…it’s pretty obvious that was another lie or you wouldn’t be such a fan boy still pushing everything Tesla.

Wait for actual customer reviews of the cybertruck, not Tesla propaganda. They never come close to their own hype. Customers of their cars complain about build quality constantly…that’s going to be a killer in a pickup that needs great construction to take the abuse a pickup is designed to take…especially at over $100k.

This truck is years behind promised delivery, with 2/3 the towing capacity, less range, and double the price promised. No bullet proof windows (what a failure that was), and there are MULTIPLE better options available. This idiotic looking truck won’t sell 1/2 what Ford does of the lightning, which costs 1/2 the price and looks great, not like an origami project.
Also, Fords aren’t publicly tied to Naziism, fascism, or extremist far right lies like Elon is…and electric vehicles are clearly marketed towards people who believe in issues like climate science, so liberals. Liberals are less likely to buy a car from a company who constantly and nastily uses their money to advance politics they abhor, which explains the poor Tesla sales since Elon came out as a far right extremist, racist, abusive boss with a 4 year old’s temperament.
Driving a Tesla today is literally funding racist fascism, and the customer base doesn’t support fascism, and you fascists don’t buy EVs.

Ohhhh….Trump was just caught illicitly moving $40 million out of his NY businesses for personal use without reporting it to the court appointed monitor he has been ordered to report any transfers to. Expect a huge fine or remand. 😂

CycberTruck Beats a Porsche 911

newtboy says...

So the top of the line Tesla truck costing over $100k can beat an old base model Porsche while towing up to 2300 lbs (my guess is it’s probably just a shell at +-500lbs) under Elons supervision in a 1/4 mile. How many runs did it take to get this shot? Absolutely more than one.

Total fake. Let’s see it in real life booby, with a new 911 turbo that’s sub 2.2 seconds 0-60mph (road and track said 1.9 seconds), not an old used base model against a race prepped truck and not using launch, in fact not even reving the motor for a fast start, you can barely hear it, but you hear the truck tires chirp. Also, given another 200 ft, even that Porsche would have won, of course EVs have better off the line acceleration, a leaf beats a Porsche in a 1/8 mile. Nice try Elon.

Elon is still butt hurt because Porsche beat him at Nürburgring last year, taking the lap record from a special plaid using a standard Taycan (which is cheaper too), so he’s trying to save face with this fake comparison.

He’s promised big before and fell flat on his face, remember bullet proof windows?
Notice the specs he lists are his claims for an unloaded high end special >$100k model, not the base model and absolutely not the race we saw.

Don’t you hate being lied to? I do.

How Bad is The Cost of Living Squeeze In the US?

newtboy says...

I’m still waiting for you to explain how 75% inflation over 22 years becomes 150% increased prices under Biden as you claimed. Please, I need your expertise in mathematics to make the world make sense. 😂

To my dumber than a bag of hammers-
😂 🤦‍♂️ 😂
So that’s a “yes”, you do think the economy is worse now than in 2020 solely because inflation is doubled and you don’t understand earnings/purchase power . 🤦‍♂️
I grant you, inflation is still elevated, but down near 2/3 and well below what other countries are experiencing, so is getting better not worse. Hyperactive economies can tend to have inflation issues, and the Biden economy exploded like it was made of lithium deuteride.

Yes booby, prices have gone up on average, they always do…and on average everyone makes more too….much more. If prices go up 3% and wages go up 6% you have 3% more buying power, A GAIN…that’s pretty basic math for it to go so far over your head. In 2020 prices went up near 1.5% (for items still on shelves) but wages went DOWN near 6% (for those who were still employed) for a >7% LOSS in buying power. See how Bidenomics is better yet?

Probably not…ask a 3rd grader…is being able to buy 3% more yearly better than only being able to buy >7% less than last year?

Earning power is rising fast, double inflation, so are GDP and employment rates unlike under Trump when not only was there still inflation (granted much less thanks to the floundering MAGA economy) but wages actually went down significantly GDP went NEGATIVE and up to 20 million jobs evaporated thanks to mismanagement (NZ didn’t have that problem).

When inflation is barely above 3% and wages are rising at near 6%, yes, things cost more, and average people can also BUY MORE you fucking idiot.
I know, that’s keeping two things in your head at once, so impossible for you to comprehend, but trust me, that’s reality. You should try it some time.
You think you have something because inflation went up, largely thanks to Trumps horrific last year of hyper spending and the economic crash his mismanagement caused but also due to Biden’s economic recovery outpacing the most optimistic predictions…but you are too dumb to see the other half of the earning equation…wages. Since earnings are rising at double inflation, people can buy more.
Again, in 2020 wages went down almost 6% with 1.5% inflation (during a massive negative gdp) so earning power went down by almost 7.5%…today inflation is 3.24 but wages are rising at nearly 6%, giving a RISE in earning power of 2.75%. That is a >10% difference, going from a 7.5% loss of buying power in 2020 to a 2.75% rise this year…and no recession. That’s called winning.
Inflation is only one part of the equation, buddy, and is absolutely meaningless without the other parts.

Yes, I repeated myself…I hoped by saying it over and over some might get through.

Interest rates…😂😂😂 true, Biden didn’t lower rates to zero and still have a stalled economy, he had to raise them to combat inflation…it worked, and hasn’t stalled the boom yet. You claim to be rich…high interest rates shouldn’t mean a thing to you…or do you really carry massive debt and aren’t really rich at all? 😂

As a side note, the stock market is also booming, paying great for those who are invested. Similar to wage growth since many (like me) live off investment earnings.

Gas prices have dropped sharply, today below $3 in 1/3 of the country and $.22 lower than a year ago on average. That’s costing LESS! Try again.

Many staple food prices are lower too. National average turkey prices were cheaper than last year, so are eggs. Try again.

According to Edmonds, “ The good news is that, in general, prices have been on the decline since late 2022. In May 2022, the average selling price of a vehicle was about $721 over MSRP. Compare that to July 2023, when the average selling price was about $714 below MSRP.”. Try again.

American's purchase power is rising, under Trump it plummeted like never before. I know, you just don’t understand. It’s ok boob. Adults understand.

I bought a bag of hammers for $10 at a yard sale…it was incredibly smart of me. I got about 10 hammers including 3 small sledge hammers and 2 metal framing hammers. My bag of hammers purchase was quite smart. 😂

Boob, get a brain. You might ask the scarecrow how he got his, because you really need help. I’ve never met a person as dumb and delusional as yourself, and I’ve known some real idiots.

Try this simple example.
Last week a soda cost you $1, and you made $12 an hour ($1 every 5 minutes). This week a soda costs $1.20 but your pay went to $15 ($1 every 4 minutes). Yes, the soda costs more this week…INFLATION!…are you better off now or were you better off with cheaper soda last week? Show your work. (I’m pretty certain that second grade math is just too hard and I won’t see a reply).


bobknight33 said:

" it’s better by every single measure used to measure any economy."

Gas , food , cars, interest rates all cost more.

-Your dumber than a bag of hammers.

How Bad is The Cost of Living Squeeze In the US?

bobknight33 says...

" it’s better by every single measure used to measure any economy."

Gas , food , cars, interest rates all cost more.

Your dumber than a bag of hammers.

Newt, grow up.

newtboy said:

Shows your delusion perfectly.
It’s not worse, it’s better by every single measure used to measure any economy.

Inflation has turned around and is down to 3.24% with wage gains outpacing it by almost double, and wage gains were the highest ever at 15.28 % in April of 2021 under Biden and a record low of -5.89% in April of 2020…who was president then? Low inflation doesn’t mean shit when unemployment is at record highs wages are actually going DOWN, shelves are bare, and GDP is NEGATIVE!!
Negative wage growth is the same as inflation…it lowers earning/spending power…so does losing 15-20 million jobs!
So, combine wage growth and inflation then average in the unemployed at $0 income to get average earning/spending power, you will see earning/spending power was much LOWER in 2020 under Trump even for those that kept their jobs…when you could actually find anything to buy that is. 🤦‍♂️
I know you don’t remember a hour ago, but many of us remember 2020, the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year in so many ways ending in a coup attempt.

Good management turned what Trump left, a triple decker shit sandwich in a festering sewer and guaranteed recession at best according to every economist, into a boom so great inflation spiked higher than just thanks to Trump wasteful overspending and pure handouts to business owners with completely unregulated no background check no repayment PPP loans, but Biden’s fed handled it and inflation is barely above average and well below all other G7 nations by far.

You think the economy is worse now than record high unemployment record low wage growth record low gdp record discretionary federal spending and record business closures!?!…by what measure buddy? What measure? Inflation is down, earning power is up….WAY UP. Your feelings don’t mean shit….in fact, fuck your feelings snowflake.

How Bad is The Cost of Living Squeeze In the US?

newtboy says...

Your mantra.
“I can’t deny that Bidenomics has improved every single measure of our economy significantly after the record setting abject disaster of Trumps last year in office and the lingering effects of its apocalyptic mismanagement, but it will get worse someday, so Bidenomics is a failure.”
You can’t point to a single metric of economics that hasn’t significantly improved under Biden. NOT ONE. “It will get worse.” is not related to reality, it’s just your own wishful thinking, hoping for America to fail.

Such idiotic nonsense. Nothing has been worse for the economy than Republican leadership. Every recession in recent history was under Republicans because of republican policies, every economic recovery was under Democrats thanks to democratic policies. The vast majority of inflation was due to Trump spending like a drunken sailor with mommy’s credit card and increasing the debt by 8 trillion and deficit by trillions or tens of trillions more before his policies expire. Biden’s policies, Bidenomics, averted a recession/depression you (and many economists) insisted was coming by 2022 and reversed inflation faster than the most optimistic economist predicted.

Bidenomics has saved American pocketbooks from the results of 4 years of federal financial malfeasance.
Trump ended his term with a negative gdp, huge exploded deficit, rapidly growing debt, worst unemployment in living memory, a historically easy to defraud never repay ppp loan program every Republican congressperson scammed, tens of millions of disabled taxpayers and a million dead taxpayers. Trumpenomics had us on the fast road to unavoidable recession/depression in Jan 2021….Bidenomics avoided it and created a boom. 🤦‍♂️

Republican bickering has already led to our national credit rating being downgraded once, costing the nation billions in increased loan interest alone with nothing gained besides the degradation of our congress and the national union. You would happily have that continue until it bankrupted the nation irreparably then blame Biden.

bobknight33 said:


Better to have Republicans bicker and get nothing done than to have Bidnomics destroy American pocketbooks.

It will get worse.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Again, let me remind you this was a primary, and nothing was proven, but it’s the right thing to rerun it in this instance since there’s plenty of time to do so. If you read the article you linked (and understood English) you would have known you had everything wrong.
No conviction, and no candidate involved. The Democratic Party wanted a rerun too. Not the case when Republicans have been caught…there, candidates were involved and the RNC tried to fight for the fraudsters, against fair elections.

For you -

Another Republican representative arrested for kiddie porn, hours before the election.
Brad Benson, who was running for Place #4 on the Granbury City Council in Texas, was arrested on Nov. 6. He stayed on the ballot.

It’s not a true one or the other choice, but if I had to choose I would much prefer a candidate with one possibly criminal employee he disavows strongly over an actual child porn purveyor.

And don’t forget the armed drug dealing poop schmear…

I’ve only scratched the surface bob. On top of daily new scandals, I’ve now shown you 300 convictions for severe moral turpitude with thousands more to expose for you, but I do realize no number will convince you because you abandoned facts and reason a decade or more ago because of your racist hatred of Obama and now just make up nonsense in your head to excuse everything your people do, including child rape. 🤦‍♂️

276 Frederick Eugene Wall, Republican candidate for state senate in SC, is charged with child pornography and sexual exploitation of a minor. He threatened reporter who asked him about it. He denies he was charged, but he has the same name, age, and address.

277 Gary Schaffrick, State GOP Treasurer in CT - child endangerment that sounds a lot like sexual assault (Bathing nude with 5 yr old boy who he sits on his lap while both are naked, sharing a bed)

278 Elected @GOP state legislators who oppose changes to state statutes of limitation so that victims of sexual assault and exploitation will be able to come forward and get justice. They are on the side of rapists and child molesters

279 GOP Rep. Michael Capps of Wichita - child abuse of foster child, overturned on a technicality, party withdraws supports, asks him to withdraw but he won’t

280 Roy Bolden, Chair of the Providence GOP - first-degree and second-degree child molestation, and third-degree sexual assault.

281 Elliott Broidy, former RNC Finance Chair, mega-donor - sexual abuse

282 Iowa GOP staff Jim Friedrich cost Iowa taxpayers $2.2 million with his sexual harassment of women

283 Former GOP State Senator Shawn Hamerlinck, sexual harassment - cost taxpayers #2.2 million

284 Iowa state Sen. Merlin A Bartz - sexual harassment

285 Iowa GOP aide Ed Failor Jr - sexual harassment

286 Iowa GOP state Sen. Rick Bertrand - sexual harassment

287 Iowa State Sen Bill Anderson - inappropriate conduct, comments

288 Iowa State Sen Tim Kapucian - inappropriate comments/conduct

289 GOP NV Assembly candidate and LEGAL brothel owner Dennis Hof was under investigation for sexual assault, though his death 10/16/18 will probably end the investigation

290 ID state rep Mark Patterson - pled guilty to attempted rape, lied about it, also said his constituents aren’t interested in that.

291 Southern Baptist Seminary leader Paige Patterson pressured women to not report their rapes, told a woman it was good she was raped. He’s not the rapist, but he helped the rapist rape more women.

292 ME state house GOP candidate Mark Bedell - domestic violence

293 NH state Rep. Eric Schleien to resign amid allegations he sexually assaulted 16-year-old student.

294 ME GOP state house candidate Chris Hoy - violating a protective order, domestic violence, assault, pled guilty

295 GOP Voters - More Republican voters would vote for a candidate accused of sexual harassment than would not. They have embraced their role as the party of sexual abuse.

296 John Boswell, Republican donor-activist - sexual assault. Arrested twice, first time at Trump inauguration, paid a $50 fine.

297 OK Republican George Faught makes the list for claiming rape and incest are God’s will. Rape culture on steroids.

298 State Rep. Rob Brooks - R-WI - racist remarks and sexual harassment

299 US Rep Ralph Norman thinks sexual assault is a joke, cracking a joke about it during a debate

300 Former executive director of SC Republican Party Todd Kincannon - domestic violence. He may be mentally ill.

bobknight33 said:

Bridgeport Election Overturned After City Official Pleads 5th To Ballot Harvesting.
A Bridgeport, Connecticut judge ruled on Wednesday to overturn the city's Democratic primary election after video emerged of a woman who appears to be the city's vice chair of the Democratic Town Committee, Wanda Geter-Pataky, committing ballot fraud.

Those cheating Democrats.
Democrats can't win with out cheating.

Cost of living 2001 vs today

newtboy says...

Why, since the cost of living increase claimed here is over 22 years, is the description “cost of living under Biden” @bobknight33? Do you think Biden ran the country since 2001?

Cost of living 2001 vs today

newtboy says...

Totally *debunked *lies and bullshit. I saw this on YT and laughed at the stupidity.

1. That was not $81 worth of groceries in 2021. It was a minimum of $175 at full price. I buy groceries in California and I pay attention to prices.
Soda prices have actually gone down in California significantly since since the pandemic ended, so has milk and bacon.
More ridiculous MAGA lies.
He had to cherry pick non sale high price brands to make it that expensive…where’s the video of him buying the same brands not on sale two years ago at 1/2 the price?
Have prices gone up? yes….by 10-15% since 21, not 100%+. 🤦‍♂️

2. Who is the “they” who “printed $10 trillion” @bobknight33? It’s not the Biden administration. I know where at least $8 trillion went…and wouldn’t be a bit surprised to find another $2 trillion spent off the books by the former administration. In fact, if I recall the Trump billionaire tax cuts were expected to cost about $1 trillion per year indefinitely, while the tax vacation for wage earners ended with most paying far more today than pre-Trump….so you can blame almost $3 trillion of Biden’s debt on Trump policy. 😂

Edit- OK, I misheard, I thought he said $89, not $81, and 2021, not 2001…since 2001 prices have gone up almost 75%…still not well over 100%, no where near 140%.
I was thrown by the $10 trillion figure given at the end, because since 2001 the fed has “printed” $30 trillion, not $10 trillion. $10 trillion is what MAGA nuts claim Biden has added.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh shit…Lecturngate is blowing up in Arkansas where MAGA governor Sanders is in deep shit for using taxpayer funds to take her insurrectionist girlfriends to Paris (and thousands in smaller personal purchases), then trying to hide it by changing how Arkansas replies to FOIA requests in special session with anti transparency laws that would exempt her from explaining the thefts.

When that failed she forged official documents to pretend she had used her insurrectionist friend’s company to buy a $20000 lectern (not for the$20000 trip they took together). Turns out the lecturn they showed trying to continue the fraud was a fake knockoff lectern that would only cost $7000 if it were real and is worth a few hundred dollars at most…a total fraud.
After being caught repeatedly tampering with original public records, a felony, now the AK GOP is going to reimburse the state for her vacation she claimed was a fake lecturn.

Again, MAGA governor Sanders stole well over $20000 for personal use, then used her power to try to hide it by changing FOIA with the GOP complicit in the act, then lied about what it was for when it became public knowledge anyway, and now the GOP are paying the state back for the theft and pretending that was always the plan despite all evidence and anti-transparency legislation created to the contrary.

Another MAGA governor using the office as a personal piggy bank to enrich herself and her friends while shirking their duties and breaking the laws….as usual.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

, MAGA Shaman and the other treasonous idiots, and the morons you post talking about them are your boys, you gullible fool. (Why do you always capitalize the word tool…because it’s your identity?).
😂 You don’t think I’m actually wasting my time watching your idiotic propaganda trolls troll for their home studios, do you? You don’t think I’m gullible enough to believe their conveniently edited sound clips represent reality, do you?
I don’t trust a word a MAGgot says, and it’s never been a mistake to not trust you.
Silly boy. 😂

As far as damage to the nation, Jan 6 was worse. 9/11 brought us together, unfortunately our Republican leader took advantage of that and lied and took us to war with the country that tried to kill his daddy, not the Saudis that attacked our country. The exact same Saudis that Trump now cozies up to and sells classified top secrets to for billions in bribes to his son in law/daughter and rents his properties to at 10 times market value, often renting entire floors for months with no occupants, but no, it’s not a bribe, nooooo. Attacking the wrong people brought us apart again.

Remember, republicans voted to forget 9/11 and its victims, defunding the funds that support and care for them. Jon Stewart shamed them out of their defund 9/11 funds plans. They sure think Jan 6 is more important.

Obama taking out the Saudi leader of the Saudi terrorist organization brought us back together temporarily.

The Jan 6 insurrection and failed coup attempt by a terroristic political party nearly ended America, and has divided the country to near civil war since. Internal terrorist enemies are far more dangerous than foreign powers.

More people died in 9/11. The MAGA response to Covid proved American deaths don’t bother you one whit, completely ignoring the 500000-750000 deaths caused directly by Trump’s lack of policy or support for sane public health measures (turns out he went anti mask after trying one once but it smeared his clown makeup badly and he refused to ever wear one again!).
More damage was done to the union on Jan 6. Well over $500000000 in direct costs for Jan 6 too….before investigations, prosecutions, and incarceration, so make that $750000000 and the continuing possibility of dissolving the Union before it’s done.

Note- I addressed every nonsensical accusation you made. You failed to address any I made against you and instead just whined and rage posted unrelated nonsense. This is typical.

bobknight33 said:

This is you boy. Sad that you follow this crap, Then again you are a gullable Tool.

"Jan 6th Was Worse Than 9/11" - HEATED Argument with Lincoln Project Founder

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Hunter, not Joe. 😂
Sucker. That’s the best you’ve got? Quit now in shame. Hunter isn’t a politician, Trump is.

“Tool and Propagandist” Says the guy who still unflinchingly supports a serial rapist, pedophile, convicted charity thief who stole from the needy including disabled vets to the extent he’s permanently barred from any involvement with any charities, and repeated multiple million dollar fraud and thief who tried to foment a coup and sold classified state secrets, even repeatedly handing top secret highly classified military secrets to foreign powers, sometimes for cash and sometimes for nothing more than attention. 😂
I don’t post ridiculous fantasy propaganda claiming it’s news, then pretend I never did that when invariably it’s proven to be nonsense slander you made up or intentionally “misunderstood” and just refuse to acknowledge you’ve ever been wrong when, in fact, you’ve almost never been correct, not even a little bit. I provide statistics, facts, and reliable references where those facts and numbers come from, you offer at your best random internet trolls making up nonsense to trigger your hatred of the “other”…also called propaganda.

Yes, Hunter had a drug problem 5-7 years ago after his brother died…and he went broke…this is not news, it never was.

Trump has a current rape problem, a lying (slander) problem, multiple felony bank and tax fraud problems, felony business fraud problems, serious treason problems, election fraud problems, Trump also pays for sex (WAY more than Hunter ever did and every time he gets some) and is also broke….but Hunter isn’t running for public office.

If Hunter could access the fund (and I’m not saying he did, you are not a credible source of information, and you don’t use credible sources), it wasn’t hers.
My parents set up a trust they (and I) couldn’t access, good thing too, I would have had nothing by the time I went. Parents raiding their children’s college fund is not abnormal, especially in Trump’s economy when this allegedly happened.
Hunter’s children can go to any college they are accepted at thanks to Joe.

It seems you have no evidence of what he did with it if he took it, just guesses. Maybe he gave it to her mother for safe keeping. Maybe he spent it on her. You don’t know, in fact you don’t know if any of this is true. Your sources simply aren’t a bit credible.

I guess you’ve abandoned the utterly ridiculous lie about him being paid billions by the Chinese and Ukrainians, because there’s not a person in history that could survive $2 billion in crack and hookers, and he wouldn’t have had a low balance if they had. Another of your dumb lies destroyed by the next even dumber lie. 😂

Your story is Hunter told his bankers to liquidate what they can and he loves them both? 😂

Funny you don’t want to talk about Trump running away from court like a coward instead of standing up to the judge and prosecutors like he swore he would, or dropping his dumb lawsuits that will still cost him millions like a coward because he’s terrified of being deposed and knew he would come off looking like a criminal idiot.
Funny you don’t want to discuss him getting tossed from the Forbes richest men list because he’s actually in debt and his net worth was always nothing but self reported lies 2000%-10000% contradicted by what he reported on his taxes, there was never a scintilla of truth to his financial status, never.
Funny you don’t want to discuss the fraudulent loans he took, sometimes from criminal elements or hostile powers, always under fraudulent statements of his net worth or his collateral’s value.
Funny you don’t want to discuss the thousands of contractors he ripped off, never paid, and often drove into bankruptcy by not paying his bills, or their children who didn’t have a college fund because Trump stole the money. 😂

You really need to stop the “Hunter” stupidity. No matter what he’s done, he’s not running for office so it’s meaningless and is only a good opportunity to compare his problems with Trump’s abject criminality and disgustingly abusive sexual behavior including repeatedly paying porn stars for sex while married, lusting after his young teenage daughter publicly, sexually abusing young teenaged contestants at his beauty competition, and treating all others with distain and hatred if they aren’t groveling at his feet, even those he hired.

bobknight33 said:

Your just a TOOL of the left. A propagandist
Hunter Biden Raided Daughter's College Fund For $20,000 To Buy Hookers And Drugs: Report.

On Dec. 17, 2018, Hunter's money managers warned of his extremely low balance, according to records obtained by the Daily Mail. That's exactly when, according to Hunter's Memoir, he was in his "penultimate odyssey through full blown addiction," when he was dropping thousands of dollars on prostitutes and crack cocaine.

In response to the warning, Hunter ordered the bankers to transfer $20,000 from his daughter Maisy's educational savings account, early withdrawal consequences be damned.

"liquidate what you can' and 'Live [love] you both," Hunter wrote

Agents Discover Gold And 1/2 Million In Senator’s Home

newtboy says...

No sir.
Menendez was caught with cash and gold, seemingly from local businessmen, but not yet a smoking gun proving it was from bribes. Thanks to Republicans rewriting the rules on bribery to protect the Trumps, he got off last time. He might again.

Trump was caught with hundreds of stolen top secret documents after twice swearing he had returned every classified document he ever took….with HIS fingerprints on them, and those of his assistants, foreigners, press, likely even random visitors to Maralago that found them (definitely photos of that). His son in law was caught selling classified info to Saudi Arabia for $2 billion he still has. His daughter took $36 million in bribes from China during trade negotiations she still has. Trump made deals with multiple foreign nations to use his properties at way above market value like the LIV tour as a thanks for protecting the prince from murder charges, many going unused but paid for like entire floors in his hotels rented out for months or years but never occupied by the Saudis…there’s way more evidence of Trump bribery than Menendez, and Menendez is certainly guilty based on the evidence …but with mountains of red handed evidence on 91 charges and dozens of convictions already you still think there’s nothing on Trump, because you refuse to see. There is none so blind..

Hilarious. The left thinks it’s shit doesn’t stink?!? 😂 Just more silly projection, every single accusation is an admission, friendo.

The worst kind of person to hear from is a cultist propagandist that refuses to consider reality if it might hurt their cult or its rapist charity thief, liar, fraud, and total failure of a businessman they call leader (all already proven in court so not libel or slander) and constantly regurgitates the ridiculous debunked lies he’s been told to believe without ever investigating their veracity. This describes you, sir.

Conversely, I posted the news of Menendez being indicted, and showed you how this as yet unproven criminal behavior is treated by the left, like criminal behavior unacceptable in leadership…unlike how like criminal violent treasonous coup behaviors, stealing top secret highly classified military dossiers, attempted election fraud, rape, bribery by foreign governments (exponentially more than here to himself and his family), another attempted election fraud, massive tax fraud, illegally profiting from the office by directing government business to his businesses, stealing campaign donations, etc (91 more felonies and counting) are treated by the right. There’s way more evidence against Trump on each and every one of these charges, and dozens of convictions already, but you just deny it all because it’s inconvenient, not because there’s a shred of evidence to support you.

With infinitely less evidence, the left is calling for Menendez’s removal because even the appearance of impropriety from leadership hurts the nation, but for the right that’s unthinkable, it’s what’s good for Trump that always comes first, what’s good for the individual politician second, what’s good for their family third, what’s good for their donors fourth…the nation isn’t on the list anymore so they intend to shut it down again with no thought to the cost or harm or hardships that will cause.

But let’s get past your complete blind spot about Trump…compare the response to Santos. Now what’s your excuse for the diametrically opposed responses? Why does the right continue to stand with thief, liar, and fugitive Santos when there’s zero question about his guilt on a dozen charges?

BTW- Trump’s lawyer, Habba, says it’s just fake news, not one bit real but a pure fake distraction from Hunter Biden (who himself is a distraction from her client).
So what’s your choice…he’s a total criminal with overwhelming proof or it’s a fake distraction like Trump says?

bobknight33 said:

I do.

Bob was caught red handed, with the smoking gun.
Fingerprints on the envelopes full with cash in his suit jackets hanging in his closet, from the people who bribed him. Let along the gold bars and all the other evidence.

Trump --- all that there is there is a belief of some crime (s). No smoking gun, no red handed evidence. This will play out in court and probably appealed.

Before you post your stupid diatribe, Think.
I know you think you can. You are right but only as a hard leftest elitist whose think their shit don't stink. IE the worst kind of person to hear from.

It's OVER For San Francisco

newtboy says...

Market Street/downtown has been a declining shithole for decades. Other parts of the city are thriving. It’s not one of the most expensive cities in America because of the weather.

Yes, petty theft is a problem, but incarceration didn’t solve it, it just cost the state hundreds of millions to house shoplifters. I don’t have the solution, but clearly effectively decriminalizing theft isn’t it.

Looked at the source’s videos, apparently according to him every city in America is failing rapidly and will be a wasteland by 2024….but then he said America’s economy was over, total collapse imminent 9 months ago….and the auto industry was collapsing, tech sector collapsing, Turkey collapsing, Chicago collapsing, New York collapsing, California collapsing, China collapsing, global shipping collapsing, stock market collapsing.
This guy is ridiculously pessimistic even by my standards….and tends to ignore most of the facts. Booooo.

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