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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wage Gap

lantern53 says...

I have a question. How much does John Oliver make compared to Chelsea Handler?

shouldn't they make exactly the same amount?

Or we could even compare how much he makes compared to every other person who works as a talking head at his network...shouldn't they all make exactly the same amount? I doubt they do.

How about NBC, which hired Chelsea Clinton? Did she make more money because of her last name? You betcha.

Oliver should stick to showing monkey videos, at least they are legit.

"Brutal Operation Taking Place In Our Name," in Israel

Alexa O'Brien's intense talk about the Manning trial at 30C3

Snowden outlines his motivations during first tv interview

radx says...

Actually, the proof that something did not end up in the hands of the Chinese, the Russians, or myself for that matter, is quite difficult, given that evidence of absence is impossible to obtain. However, the absence of evidence to the claim that they have gained access to information through Snowden himself is reason enough for me.

You want proof that nothing was transfered to them? Might as well try to prove the non-existance of the famous tea pot in orbit.

So the basic argument boils down to motivation as well as credibility of claims.

His motivation to keep access to his material restricted to the selected group of journalists is apparent from his own interviews. They are supposed to be the check on the government, they lack the information to fullfil the role, they need access to correct (what he perceived to be) a wrong, namely a grave breach of your consitution on a previously unheard of scale.
Providing access to Russia or China would instantly negate all hope of ever not drawing the short straw in this mess, as the US is the only country on the planet who can provide him with amnesty and therefore safety.

So why would he do it? For a shot at asylum? You know as well as I do that (permanent) asylum in China/Russia is worthless if the US is after you. Europe could guarantee one's safety, but given the lack of sovereignty vis-a-vis the US, it would not be an option.

That leaves credibility of claims. And that's where my first reason comes into play, the one you put down as "naive". His opponents, those in positions of power, be it inside government or the press, have a track record of being... let's not mince words here, lying sacks of shit. James Clapper's act of perjury on front of Congress is just the most prominent manifestation of it. The entire bunch lied their asses off during the preparation of the invasion of Iraq, they lied their asses off during the revelations triggered by Chelsea Manning and they lied their asses off about the total und unrelenting surveillance of American citizens in violation of their constitutional rights.

If you think supervision of the NSA by the Select Committee on Intelligence is actually working, I suggest you take a look at statements by Senator Wyden. The NSA even plays them for fools. Hell, Bruce Schneier was recently approached by members of Congress to explain to them what the NSA was doing, because the NSA refused to. Great oversight, works like a charm. By the way, it's the same fucking deal with GCHQ and the BND.

So yes, the fella who "stole" data is actually a trustworthy figure, because a) his claims were true and b) his actions pulled off the veil that covered the fact that 320 million Americans had their private data stolen and were sold out by agencies of their own government in conjunction with private intelligence contractors.

What else...

Ah, yeah. "Sloppy" and "stupid". Again, if he was sloppy and stupid, what does that say about the internal control structure of the intelligence industry? They didn't notice shit, they still claim to be unaware of what precisely he took with him. Great security, fellas.

"He could have allowed the press to do it's job without disclosing a much of what has been released."

He disclosed nothing. He is not an experienced journalist and therefore, by his own admission, not qualified to make the call what to publish and how. That's why he handed it over to Barton Gellman at the WaPo, Glenn Greenwald at the Guardian and Laura Poitras, who worked closely with Der Spiegel.

If Spiegel, WaPo and Guardian are not reputable institutions of journalism, none are. So he did precisely what you claim he should have done: he allowed the press to do its bloody job and released fuck all himself.

As for the cheap shot at not being an American: seventy years ago, your folks liberated us from the plague of fascism, brought us freedom. Am I supposed to just sit here and watch my brothers and sisters in the US become the subjects of total surveillance, the kind my country suffered from during two dictatorships in the last century?

Ironically, that would be un-American, at least the way I understand it.

And there's nothing gleeful about my concerns. I am deeply furious about this shit and even more so about the apathy of people all around the world. You think I want Americans to suffer from the same shit we went through as a petty form of payback?

Fuck that. It's the intelligence industry that I'm gunning for. Your nationality doesn't mean squat, some intelligence agency has its crosshairs on you wherever you live. It just happens to be an American citizen who had the balls to provide us with the info to finally try and protect citizens in all countries from the overreaching abuse by the intelligence industry.

In fact, I'd rather worry about our own massive problems within Europe (rise of fascism in Greece, 60% youth unemployment, unelected governments, etc). So can we please just dismantle all these spy agencies and get on with our lives?

Sorry if this is incoherent, but it's late and I'm even more pissed off than usual.

longde said:

No, they were not put rest. To prove that the terabytes of data Snowden stole did not end up in the hand the Chinese and Russian intelligence agents is actually what requires the extraordinary proof.

Your two reasons seem really naive.
-So what he has told the truth so far? He has an ocean of stolen secrets, all of which are true to draw from. This guy who has lied and stolen and sold out his country is now some trustworthy figure? OK.

-Snowden has actually proved quite sloppy and stupid. He was an IT contractor, not some mastermind or strategist. That's why he indiscriminately grabbed all the data he could and scrammed to the two paragons of freedom and human rights: Russia and China. What a careful thinking genius Snowden is.

He could have allowed the press to do it's job without disclosing a much of what has been released.

Lastly, I wouldn't expect a non-american to care about the harm he's done to my country. Just try not to be so gleeful about it.


Seekers of Truth, Speakers of Truth. Kill This Way of Life!

Yogi says...

To put Edward Snowden and CHELSEA Manning on the same list as Ted Nugent, Ted Cruz, Jesse Ventura, Ayn Rand, Ron and Rand Paul, Alex Jones, and Wesley Clark is the biggest fucking joke I can imagine.

Those two are to be respected for their service to the American People and the Constitution. Those morons on that list don't belong in the same universe as Edward and Chelsea.

Downvoted before I even watched it because of your retarded list.

The Forgotten Man: Bradley Manning

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

It's been all the rage on Twitter, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Snowden and Poitras also recorded this year's Christmas message for Channel 4 -- and as Jeremy Scahill pointed out:

"Amazing how any time we actually hear from Snowden in his own words, it bears no resemblance to cartoonish depiction of him by commentariat."

I'll be at the 30C3 this weekend and the keynote speech will be held by Greenwald with focus on Snowden/NSA. Alexa O'Brian (carwinb) is scheduled for a talk about the trial of Chelsea Manning and Assange/Appelbaum are due for their annual call for a revolution -- the anticipation is killing me here.

And while we're at it: happy holidays!

eric3579 said:

Guessing you have already seen this but just in case you haven't.

As the fans cheer,2 yr Old Makes Amazing Goal And Celebrates

Shepppard (Member Profile)

Conan O'Brien and Chelsea's Nude Shower Fight!

Chelsea Handler sexually assaults her staff

Father Spanks Man for Having Sex with His Underage Daughter

Aussie rules football -- how to make a play

Princess Chelsea - The Cigarette Duet

Nike Soccer Commercial with markers and marring

Yogi says...

In order they are...

Andres Iniesta who scored the winning in the World Cup Final for Spain plays for Barcelona

Cesc Fabregas who joined Barcelona this past summer from Arsenal

Carlos Puyol central defender from Barcelona

Sergio Ramos right back for Real Madrid (and hack when it comes time for El Classico)

Fernando Torres (Fatnando) who joined Chelsea for a a fee of 50 Million pounds.

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