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LGR Tech Tales - Bonzi Buddy: A Spyware's Tale

skinnydaddy1 says...

Oh, God. That nightmare is back.......
Tech support calls from hell. Trying to remove that damn purple monkey from people's computer caused a lot of drug and alcohol abuse among call center employees...
I actually told customers the only way to make sure it was removed was Fdisk, format, and recovery. Or take the system outside, douse with gasoline and set on fire or both just to be sure.....

RANT: 20 Things Your IT Guys Want You to Know

ulysses1904 says...

"job security"? We got outsourced to some offshore low-bidder whose call center was apparently staffed by AOL dial up veterans. The very first all-hands telecom was hosted by some guy on the other side of the planet, who actually spent 30 minutes reading off names instead of using some modern technology to capture attendance. I'm glad I got out of that racket.

draebor said:

I love how frustrated IT guys get with the very reason they have job security to begin with.

Why you don't fire people and force them to finish the day.

enoch says...

holy crap! you worked the maggot table too!
jesus..people just do NOT understand what a totally gross and repulsive job that is..oh,and call centers..lasted a week and pulled a half baked on the entire room.

fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
you're cool
and i'm out!

Why you don't fire people and force them to finish the day.

shagen454 says...

Yeah, a call center is fucking hell, managers are typically fucking idiots too, "oh you managed an Olive Garden here ya go a management position at a busy fucking call center with constant IT problems, just make sure these scumfucks get here on time and they stay in queue with their asses glued to the fucking chair". I've seen what it's like to take calls back to back with a never ending queue. What I saw were people quitting constantly, not so much firing. Training a bunch of twats for a month and they get burned out after only one more month lol

PAY MORE, HIRE MORE, STOP BEING GREEDY FUCKS and it should be mandated that there is 2 or 3 minutes downtime after each one of these shit calls lol

I only did that shit for 6 months but holy shit man, that gave me PTSD permanently.

Why you don't fire people and force them to finish the day.

poolcleaner says...

Are you kidding me? Call centers are like dark alleyways where you can do anything. Jesus, you moron. Every call center I've ever worked was just a cesspool of self assured dipshit managers and idiot idealist managers.

And not just call centers, I have been a game master at several different AAA game companies and the shit just happens. You're puzzled because you're a TOOL. Hire, fire, hire, hire, fire, hire, fire.

Get real. Sooooo shocking.

dogboy49 said:

I am a bit puzzled that the comments so far seem to be overlooking the actual underlying problem. This is obviously a management issue, and it is a shocking failure of management to foresee this business outcome. The manager who allowed this to happen is an absolute idiot, and should lose his job.

Or, maybe he was the first one to be let go.......

Why you don't fire people and force them to finish the day.

ex-jedi says...

And seems from the description that they closed the whole call center rather than just firing that one guy. Regardless, it's not the customer's fault, poor form to take it out on them.

NOX said:

well...if that is this guys real attitude he deserved to be fired anyway.

TDS: Minimum wage hike and the Pope denouncing Trickle Down

Mordhaus says...

You can print more money and hand it out to influence purchases also, but it is going to lead to dramatic inflation.

I had my wife watch this video, because she makes around 18 dollars an hour working in a skilled profession for a college. Her first comment was, "If they raise food workers to 15 dollars an hour, I'm going back to work at Dairy Queen because it was much easier than what I do now."

But that is where the slippery slope comes in, because the corporation is going to make that money back somewhere and it isn't going to be just 15 cents more per item. Why, you ask? Because the minimum wage rise means that skilled workers, like my wife, are going to expect a commensurate raise in their salary or they will look for easier jobs. You don't just raise the minimum wage without ALL wages eventually rising. But that's a good thing, you say, just like printing money and handing it out for free would be good.

It might take a year or two, but consumer costs will rise from inflation to make the new minimum wage just as low in buying power as it is now. Then we can repeat the entire process all over again in a couple of years. Corporations are designed to make the absolute maximum profit they can, so forcing them to pay more to employees is going to make them charge more for goods and services. As I said earlier, it will eat up the exact purpose of the raise, customer purchasing power.

Now, let's say that I am wrong completely. The one thing I DO know, having went through this before in 1996 when the minimum wage went up, is that companies will begin outsourcing even more. If you force them to pay wages above what they want to pay or what the market will bear, they will open factories and call centers overseas. I worked for Dell at the time and in 3 years, half of their support was outsourced to India. It wasn't just them, multiple companies did it, and the evidence points to rising costs due to government interference in the free market system.

I feel for the people who make minimum wage; I made it as well from the time I was 16 until I was 22. It sucked and I had a lot of debt, but after that time I no longer worked minimum wage. If you continue to work a minimum wage job into your 30's and up, there is something wrong with you.

India has successfully launched a rocket to Mars

Japanese kid destroys at YoYo championship

skinnydaddy1 says...

Years ago, I worked in tech support call center. One day the bosses came by and gave everyone a YoYo with the company name on it. 2 broken monitors and one dude losing a front tooth. They banned them and never gave us anything else......

Elizabeth Warren gets real: "I want to be blunt"

bmacs27 says...

Love the lady. I'm just worried about the strategy. I feel like she'd be well served to highlight their economic differences, not just their social differences. Massachusetts has a fairly sizable Catholic population. It's risky is all.

Anyway, my mom has been very active in her campaign. She's running call centers and even taking her retired, suburban self into low income Boston neighborhoods to register voters. They wanted her to appear in a commercial, but she turned them down on that one. She says she's doing it because she knows I can't be as active anymore. I'm quite proud.

How Could Assange Escape the Ecuadorian Embassy?

Yogi says...

>> ^seltar:

Hire a flashmob / lookalikes to dress like him and show up outside, let Assange blend in with them, and then disperse in all directions!

That could work. The thing about how that could work as well would be as soon as he's away from the place of focus, he has a much greater chance of getting away. The problem would be of course if the police are tipped off and surround and block off the streets, detaining EVERYONE in the process. So you'd have to do this during maybe a high traffic hour...maybe with a lot of people who aren't afraid of giving the cops are hard time because they might have to charge them or something.

It could work, but there's a significant risk involved of bodily injury, so I don't know. The other thing would be sensory overload which is possibly a dangerous alternative. Set up a call center and start calling emergency services, bombarding them until it draws police away or at least harms communication and confuses them. The problem with that is obviously if there's a real emergency during that time, that person could be in real trouble.

How do Conservatives and Liberals See the World?

heropsycho says...

The problem is also that we as humans believe in a moral code that doesn't conform to natural law. With our moral code, only good people should get sick or hurt. People who work hard, regardless of who their parents are, etc., should have an equal chance of success. Etc.

But natural law and the social structures we institute don't enforce moral law, and often fly in the face of it. People don't need welfare just because they're lazy. They often need it because the system did screw them even though they did what they were supposed to.

I was on unemployment for three months back in 2004. Why? I was a public school teacher, and my wife got sick. We couldn't pay the medical bills and went into massive debt. So I busted by butt getting into IT for a few years while refusing to let my quality of work as a teacher suffer. After a few years of getting certifications and side work on top of teaching, in 2004 I got my first full time IT job at Microsoft Premier Product Support for Exchange. After being there for 2.5 months, MS axed every contractor support professional in that call center as they outsourced many of these support jobs overseas. I don't see how that's karma to me. I had no savings because I was in debt paying for medical bills for my wife, who certainly didn't deserve the medical problems she had.

This kind of thing happens frequently. To ignore that the system we've fashioned, or natural law for that matter, flies in the face of our moral code, is a selective view of reality. No one could possibly deserve being born with a genetic disorder - they hadn't done anything yet to deserve it!

That's the problem I have with honestly both harcore liberals and conservatives - neither side is right 100% of the time, so being ideologically rigid is insane. People do game for example welfare; others truly need more assistance than welfare currently provides, too. The answer isn't to infinitely expand welfare benefits nor to abolish it completely. We should improve on it. Same for other similar programs. The sooner people would accept that, the sooner we can actually accomplish something instead of having insane conversations that lead nowhere.

>> ^quantumushroom:

JONATHAN HAIDT: So karma, karma's a Sanskrit word, for, literally for work, or fruit. That is, if you do some work, you should get the fruit of it. If I help you, I will eventually get the fruit of it. Even if you don't help me, something will happen. It's just a law of the universe. So, Hindus traditionally believed it's, that the universe will balance itself, right itself. It's like gravity. If I am lazy, good-for-nothing lying scoundrel, the universe will right that and I will suffer. But then along comes liberal do-gooders and the federal government to bail them out.
So I think the conservative view, for social conservatives this is, is that basically liberals are trying to revoke the law of karma. Almost as though, imagine somebody trying to revoke the law of gravity, and everything's going to float away into chaos.

the story of your decade in 3 paragraphs or less (History Talk Post)

Shepppard says...

Ten years ago, I was, well, ten. My grandmother had recently died. I graduated from primary school. Graduated from Secondary school. Had my first girlfrend. Lost my first girlfriend. Started playing FFXI during the summer. Started high school. Figured out who I actually was, and what I stand for. Lost my friends for a while because they were assholes (But, it's high school, that shit happens). Got New friends, the two groups of friends merged, accidently broke a kids arm.

Got my first job, gained friends on a level I hadn't really achieved before (the kind that actually forgive you for things, and move on) Worked two jobs for a while, Produce clerk at a grocery store, and media specialist at Bestbuy. My sister also worked at the grocery store and started dating one of the full timer's named Aiden. Found out about this site. Stopped playing FFXI, started playing WoW. A combination of two jobs, new, good friends, and a new shiny MMo to play led to my school life lacking. Started not showing up.

Contract at bestbuy didn't get renewed, that summer I Worked at a place that recycles parts from a toyota plant. hated it with all my soul. Left after 2 weeks, and kept my produce clerk job. Finally in grade 12, 5 weeks before the end of the year, I got kicked out of school for not showing up anymore. My V.P. made me sign a contract that said I wouldn't show up on school property. We both had a good laugh at the irony.

Started up a full time job at a call center for Microsoft customer support, brought two friends from the grocery store, and one from high school with me. We worked 5pm-1am. Finally quit that after 4 or so months, when the job became unbearable because xbox live was down over christmas, and my job became 8 hours of people waiting in queue to bitch me out for something I had no control over. Got my GED.

Worked at toys R us for a while, the lady who hired me on later got shot and killed when she got off the bus at her stop. Crime to this day remains unsolved. Quit the job. Started working as a spotlight operator for a show put on by the Waterloo Regional Police Service, the show raised $90,000 for charity. Then, this week, my friends grandmother died, and my sister told my mom and I she and Aiden were through, but she hadn't told Aiden yet, and didn't plan to until later on in January. Made spending xmas day together horrible and awkward. Today, she called me and told me they had a fight, and she didn't bother waiting, after 6 years, 5 of which the two of them spent living together here with my mom and I, they were done. I feel like I've lost the only brother I've ever had.

Happy new year.

Local Tech Support

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'tech support, outsourcing, accents' to 'tech support, outsourcing, accents, tech support, call center, a lotta helpful' - edited by calvados

Broadview Security: Target Women

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