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the enslavement of humanity

enoch says...

how the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 6:30 a.m,
leap out of bed,
force feed,
brush his teeth and hair,
and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else,and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so?
charles brukowski factotum 1975

First Bob Ross Episode (posted by his channel to YT)

HenningKO says...

Life lessons garnered:

"YOU can paint a picture."

You don't need to "go to school half your life."
You don't need to be "blessed by Michelangelo at birth."
You don't need 1500 colors. 8 will do.
"You just need a dream in your heart and some practice."

Your base needs to be firm. "If you start with a thin, loose paint, you're going to become a mud-mixer."

Large strokes live in your mind. Details live in your brush. "You just need to push them out."

Don't lose the trees for the forest. Think about the small world that lives in your painting and it will be much richer. "This is where they live [these creatures]... In these bushes"

Painting will teach you to look at Nature and see things that have been there all your life, and you've never noticed. "Look around, look at what we have. Beauty is everywhere."

"In the time you sit around worrying about it and trying to plan a painting, you could have completed a painting already. Let it happen."

"We need dark in order to show light."

Woman Executed by Cop Because She “Might Be Smoking Pot"

Stormsinger says...

And you have to see that your claim of "no good cops" totally ignores those who have not yet witnessed any problem. Perhaps they're new to the force, perhaps they work in an honest precinct. But it's absurd to claim they don't exist. Whistleblowers -do- continue to show up, which is solid proof that some cops are not corrupt.

And yes, I absolutely do believe that tarring the good cops with the same brush is every bit as bad. "...better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer...", as Ben Franklin said. Moreover, if you want cops to be honest, it's completely counterproductive to blast them -all-, both good and bad, for being corrupt. Especially when not doing so is as simple as adding the word "most" or "many" to your bombastic claims. I really don't understand why you're fighting against being accurate in your statements. That's not how I've come to perceive you over the years.

newtboy said:

OK, but you must see that if, once a cop behaves 'good' they are no longer cops, that means there are no cops actually being good?
Tarring those extremely few, only momentarily 'good cops' (since as soon as they're 'good' they are no longer allowed to be cops) with the same tar as the 'bad' cops is NO WHERE NEAR the level of evil that protecting murderers, violent thugs, thieves, kidnappers, etc. is. Please. Be reasonable. It may be slightly unfair, but not even in the same league of wrong as protecting murderers from prosecution.
If you are for locking up bad cops, including those that cover up crimes, you must concede that that means 90%+ of cops need replacing, right? (I think I'm being incredibly generous to allow the possibility that 10% aren't complicit, I think the real number is closer to 2%).
I have explained why they are all complicit/participants. There is evidence that they, at best, turn a blind eye to the bad one's, and more likely/often actively help the 'bad' ones escape prosecutions. The only way they aren't 'turning the blind eye' to their fellow officers almost daily is they are so inept they actually don't notice their fellow officers being they're also 'bad' this instance meaning ineffectual cops. MmmmK?

Woman Executed by Cop Because She “Might Be Smoking Pot"

Stormsinger says...

Believe it or not, I do understand the problem with the "thin blue line" mentality. I'm quite sure I've spoken out about it more than once here on the sift. But I strongly object to painting everyone in any group with a single brush. Hell, I even know some decent Republicans.

Claims that one case, or a hundred cases, prove that there are no good cops are absurd and unsupportable. Just as absurd and unsupportable as those claims made here and there that there are no bad cops.

newtboy said:

One more instance of cops covering for each others murders. I only wish I could be surprised by this, but sadly this is exactly how criminal cops are treated almost every time. It took over 4 years to get any charge at all, and that only came about because of public shaming and investigation (the only investigation in this murder) by the local news, and there must have been not only absolutely zero investigation but actual cover up at the scene by the entire force (at least every one involved in any way with the 'investigation') for his story to have held up at all in the first place. There was clearly no GSR test done on him, or it would have shown he shot her...and the investigators had to actually HIDE the testimony of most or all of the witnesses to further his story that she shot herself (with his secured gun) and actively help him claim he wasn't involved.

That, @Stormsinger, is why so many people no longer believe in the 'good cop'. That doesn't mean the cops can't EVER act properly or 'good', it means that, in this and far too many other cases, entire forces are obviously, unavoidably complicit in crimes up to and including murder (if you help cover it up, you're complicit...that's the law), and murderers are bad, period, no matter how many little old ladies they help across the street or how professionally they act when they're not being actively or passively criminal.

(before someone jumps on the 'passively criminal' phrase as ridiculous, please note that it's the law that an officer MUST act to stop any serious crime they are aware of, and not doing so is being actively criminal by intentionally shirking their sworn duties).

Bill Maher: New Rules – October 16, 2015

MilkmanDan says...

"Access to guns" certainly plays a role, but I'm not convinced that it is even the biggest factor. In web researching gun violence rates and mass shooting rates by country *per capita*, I've found that the US isn't really as much of a "wild west" / lawless nation as the media portrays it.

For example:
has interesting data. It is *clearly* biased / written with an "agenda", and there are other problems with it (small countries with one or two incidents rule the top of the chart), but it is interesting nonetheless.

I think culture has as big or bigger impact as anything else.

As to your final paragraph, I'm hesitant to paint all "terrorists and mass-shooters" with the "pathetic little shit" brush. I think the tendency to dismiss them in that way when trying to delve deeper into the questions of *why* does us a disservice in terms of preventing and/or limiting those people and incidents.

It's sorta like examining Hitler. Went about as evil and wrong as a human being has ever gone, and so we often want to just leave it at that. But I think that there have probably been plenty of garden-variety non-famous people who have been as evil and wrong as Hitler, but simply didn't have the unique level of power and opportunity to, uh, "sink to his depths".

EMPIRE said:

Because access to guns is a lot more difficult. That's the second part to this problem.

I do think he's unto something. I have thought about it myself. Terrorists and mass-shooters all seem like pathetic little shit who are completely sexually repressed and/or sexually frustrated.

Just Another Black Man Almost KIlled By Cops

newtboy says...

You took my comment wrong. I'm not ADVOCATING shooting cops, but I'm pointing out that some people DO paint entire groups with one brush (like the cops do, and turnabout IS fair play...but not always smart), and to many of those people ALL cops look like criminal thugs you should defend yourself against. Those people just might have firearms, and a small percentage of them may actually go out and use them. It IS the same mentality that cops use, and is not proper civil behavior, but it is absolutely foreseeable. That's what I meant.

That said, people CAN reasonably assume cops are racist assholes because they're cops because study after study shows that the job apparently MAKES them racist assholes, even the minority ones. It also seems to attract them, and absolutely doesn't exclude them. It seems likely to me that the prevalence of racist behavior among cops is based in the overwhelming negative contact they have with people, and a lack of positive contact. It's also obvious to me that it's getting worse, more prevalent, more institutionally accepted, and at least seems to be getting more deadly (but that could just be reporting trends).

I wish the police would re-instate the 'community policing' methods they used to try, where officers live in the community they police and are incentivized to participate in positive community activities...that would be better for everyone. Unfortunately I think those programs have all but halted.

ChaosEngine said:

Don't get me wrong, the cops who do this kind of thing should be sanctioned, and severely so, but surely tarring a whole group of people with one brush is the problem here?

Cops shouldn't assume people are criminals because of the colour of their skin.

People shouldn't assume cops are racist assholes because they're cops.

You're participating in the very behaviour you're complaining about.

Just Another Black Man Almost KIlled By Cops

ChaosEngine says...

Don't get me wrong, the cops who do this kind of thing should be sanctioned, and severely so, but surely tarring a whole group of people with one brush is the problem here?

Cops shouldn't assume people are criminals because of the colour of their skin.

People shouldn't assume cops are racist assholes because they're cops.

You're participating in the very behaviour you're complaining about.

newtboy said:

And the police wonder why people are shooting at them, and not on their side anymore? They must not be very bright.

More studies confirm Calcium still doesn't prevent fractures

artician says...

It could also be my monitor causing the subtleties to stand out, but If you kind of step back and look at him, he's quite yellow in some areas, quite red in others, and you can see brush strokes between some of the layers of makeup.

eric3579 said:

Not sure what that's all about But *promote and *quality the information contained within.

I Could Do That | The Art Assignment

lucky760 says...

"They're freaking amazing scribbles."

Umm... no.

Of course she chooses examples where there's more explainable depth in the artist's intention (e.g., the clocks) or where there's actual skill required (e.g., straight lines with oil paint), but what about examples of paintings made up of random smudges and brush strokes? Not only am I sure I could do something like that, but I've been loosely considering making something like that to hang up at home.

Last week Tonight with John Oliver - Lessons in geography

Last week Tonight with John Oliver - Lessons in geography

ATLAS Walking Robot In A Forest

Work Hard? Jeb Bush Has A Plan For You & You're Not Gonna Li

newtboy says...

70 years old for retirement!?! You can suck it, buddy! I bet he hasn't ever actually worked hard in his life, certainly not since he had to clear brush at Niggerhead Ranch as a teen (his family ranch, in case you've forgotten).
Interesting he's proposing a retroactive tax on the elderly with his plan by not paying out on the benefits they already paid for. I would think that wouldn't go over well with his constituents...but they mostly can't follow logic, only talking points, so they mostly won't even notice I bet.

Hand Lettering Vintage Race Car

AeroMechanical says...

That guy has mad touch. I like the technique he uses supporting his brush hand with the bar thingy. That's clever.

ed: Anyone know what the thingy is called? I may have to buy one some day.

Coconut Oil - The Magic Elixir

dag says...

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I've tried most of these things. the tooth brushing thing is really popular among certain circles - but too gross for me.

My one, single awesome tip for coconut oil is that popcorn cooked in it is absolutely awesome. Like cinema popcorn only 10 X better.

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