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Milton Friedman - Why Drugs Should Be Legalized

dystopianfuturetoday says...

....for anyone unfamiliar with Chile 1973.

In 1973 he collaborated with brutal Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet to force 'free market' reforms on the country by way of a coup. The coup used murder and torture to terrify opponents into silence. Business owners sympathetic to the coup allowed their warehouses to be used as impromptu torture centers to torture union members that had previously been employees. The national futbol stadium was transferred into a massive torture/rape/prison/execution complex where tens of thousands of Chilean citizens died. Milton said his coordinated economic plan for the coup would require some 'shock therapy'.

For more on this, read The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein. It details this incident and dozens of similar ones to impose 'free market' capitalism on the people by way of fear, torture, force, bribery and blackmail.

related sifting:

Milton Friedman and the Miracle of Chile

kranzfakfa says...

There aren't enough downvotes. My own country suffered a dictatorship not too long ago and sooner or later there are always people who show up saying:

"There were some minor problems but we were better with glorious leader."

"Then what about all the tortured people, the wars, the misery of so many, barely with enough to eat, no health, no education, no future?"

"Well, I was all good with it, so fuck you and your well documented suffering."

War On Democracy is great at exposing the kind of people that approve of this kind of regime. Entitled rich vampires that think the world was made for them and their family to shit on and distant armchair general intellectuals that imagine the whole world to be some kind of thought experiment made just to test their ridiculous ideas on.

Also, blankfist, I find it enormously hilarious that you think it's right and proper for the US to stay the fuck out but then conveniently forget that if not for interventionism, there would be no Pinochet to obey the dictates of the States, no so called "miracle". Chile would be Socialist and on Allende's path to provide jobs, health and education to the masses.

John Pilger's 2007 film "The War On Democracy"

John Pilger's 2007 film "The War On Democracy"

John Pilger's 2007 film "The War On Democracy"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'pilger, War On Democracy, War, Democracy, latin, america' to 'pilger, War On Democracy, War, Democracy, latin, america, plutocracy, corporatism' - edited by dystopianfuturetoday

8 Must See Documentaries

Hugo Chavez's response to threats of Assassination

USA commits 9/11 atrocities on Chile

cybrbeast says...

Very good and depressing piece. Only the narrator has a really annoying voice and way of speaking IMO. It's definitely worth getting the whole documentary "War on Democracy". It's also available on torrent...

Los últimos segundos de RCTV (The last seconds of RCTV)

qualm says...


Here is a report on the Venezuelan Supreme Court's decision regarding RCTV:

From the Guardian:

Television's role in the coup against Chávez

Saturday May 26, 2007
The Guardian

Dear Sir,

We believe that the decision of the Venezuelan government not to renew the broadcasting licence of RCTV when it expires on May 27 (Chávez silences critical TV station, May 23; Comment and Letters, May 25) is legitimate given that RCTV has used its access to the public airwaves to repeatedly call for the overthrow of the democratically elected government of President Hugo Chávez. RCTV gave vital practical support to the overthrow of Venezuela's elected government in April 2002 in which at least 13 people were killed. In the 47 hours that the coup plotters held power, they overturned much of Venezuela's democratic constitution - closing down the elected national assembly, the supreme court and other state institutions.

RCTV exhorted the public to take to the streets and overthrow the government and also colluded with the coup by deliberately misrepresenting what was taking place, and then conducting a news blackout. Its production manager, Andrés Izarra, who opposed the coup, immediately resigned so as not to become an accomplice.

This is not a case of censorship. In Venezuela more than 90% of the media is privately owned and virulently opposed to the Chávez government. RCTV, far from being silenced, is being allowed to continue broadcasting by satellite and cable. In Venezuela, as in Britain, TV stations must adhere to laws and regulations governing what they can broadcast. Imagine the consequences if the BBC or ITV were found to be part of a coup against the government. Venezuela deserves the same consideration.


Tariq Ali

Tony Benn

Colin Burgon MP,

Dr. Julia Buxton, academic,

Ruqayyah Collector, Black Students’ Officer, National Union of Students,

Jeremy Corbyn MP,

Jon Cruddas MP,

Megan Dobney, Regional Secretary, SERTUC

Billy Hayes, General Secretary, CWU,

Gordon Hutchison, Secretary, Venezuela Information Centre,

Kelvin Hopkins MP,

Chris Martin, Director, The War on Democracy

Joni McDougall, International Solidarity Officer, GMB,

Gerry Morrissey, General Secretary, BECTU,

Kaveh Moussavi, University of Oxford

John Pilger,

Harold Pinter,

Professor Jonathan Rosenhead, LSE,

Keith Sonnet, Deputy General Secretary, UNISON,

Hugh O'Shaughnessy, writer and journalist,

Rod Stoneman, Executive Producer, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised,

Jon Trickett MP,

Gemma Tumelty, President, National Union of Students,

Cllr Salma Yaqoob.

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