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newtboy (Member Profile)

Were the Atomic Bombings of Japan Necessary?

newtboy says...

I’ve always thought it was a horrific decision, but not at all because of the immediate effects or massive death and destruction they caused in Japan….they fucked around and found out and deserved everything they got (and I was unaware the Russian Manchurian offensive timing, but it’s even more reason to not drop a second bomb or even a first if we knew it was coming).

I think it was horrific because we had no idea what the long term effects of even minimal fallout might be, and in fall/winter the jet stream runs from Japan directly to the highly populated West coast (which we knew well thanks to balloon bombs), so some portion of the fallout was guaranteed to fall on millions of US citizens. We lucked out that it wasn’t deadly a year later, and didn’t cause horrible birth defects with near zero exposure…we had no concrete idea at the time though just guesses, and still don’t have a clear idea of how much it contributed to higher cancer rates in the US.

Keep in mind, we had no idea what discussions the Japanese were having amongst themselves , so no idea how effective our bombs nor the Manchurian offensive were at persuading them to surrender. Hindsight is 2020, but at the time we were flying blind.

The uncertain risk there of possibly killing millions of ourselves or gimping or sterilizing or even Cronenberging entire future generations for the comparatively minimal convenience of not using conventional bombs, to me, is no where near worth it. There were just too many unanswered questions about too many factors. I’m sure the soldiers fighting at the time would feel differently.

*promote the history lesson, learned some new stuff!

surfingyt (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Could that be Hunter, the DC DA and the Georgia DA that all are now ‘sposta file charges…because reports are all 3 have begun that process.

She sent the same revenge porn in a non age gated newsletter to her constituents in Georgia, sending porn directly to children and posting revenge porn…two crimes in one.
That’s industrial level child sex grooming from the cuckholding manly tranny Greene. 😂

Georgia law- Revenge porn is an aggravated misdemeanor if the offender posts the photograph or video on any other electronic means. This offense carries a prison sentence of up to 12 months and a $5,000 fine. Repeat offenders face harsher penalties as second and subsequent revenge porn charges become felonies. In that case, repeat revenge porn is punishable by one to five years in jail and/or a fine of up to $100,000.

The second offense in one day, so it’s already into the “subsequent charges” phase. She sent it over 100000 times, she could get the longest sentence in history, 100000-500000 years just for Georgia! Holy shit!

Also Georgia law- (e) (1) A person commits the offense of obscene Internet contact with a child if he or she has contact with someone he or she knows to be a child or with someone he or she believes to be a child via a computer on-line service or Internet service, including but not limited to a local bulletin board service, Internet chat room, e-mail, or on-line messaging service, and the contact involves any matter containing explicit verbal descriptions or narrative accounts of sexually explicit nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or sadomasochistic abuse that is intended to arouse or satisfy the sexual desire of either the child or the person, provided that no conviction shall be had for a violation of this subsection on the unsupported testimony of a child.

(2) Any person who violates paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than ten years or by a fine of not more than $10,000.00; provided, however, that, if at the time of the offense the victim was 14 or 15 years of age and the defendant was no more than three years older than the victim, then the defendant shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.
Another 1-10 years for every minor that got her newsletter!

DC law- If the sexual image is shared with 6 or more persons through “publication,” either directly or by uploading to the Internet, then the offense is First-Degree Unlawful Publication of a Sexual Image. This is a felony offense punishable by up to 3 years in prison and/or a fine of $12,500.

Because this is a crime, not legislative activity, and transmitted both in the form of an electronic newsletter (uploaded to the internet) and statement to the press, she has no immunity….specifically listed in the speech and debate clause as exemptions to immunity.

Hunter also has civil cases in both DC and Georgia worth tens of millions each. Bye MTG. 😂

Not to mention the federal laws she broke by publishing the documents she swore under oath to not share or publish before she could see them.

surfingyt said:

suck it @bobknight33 bobby boy. yaboylost! LOL

newtboy (Member Profile)

Always Be Yourself Unless You Can Be Batman

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Er mer gerd….FOX (and I’m certain other righty propaganda outlets) is now complaining about hearing about Hunter Biden all the time! Last month FOX mentioned Hunter Biden 1300 times, more almost twice an hour 24/7….but GAWD DAMNIT WHY WON’T THOSE DAMN LIBTARDS STOP SHOVING HUNTER BIDEN IN YOUR FACE!?

He’s constantly going on TV giving speeches…oh wait, that’s Don Jr, ok, he’s always posting coked out videos attacking his fathers enemies….oh wait, that’s Don Jr…we’ll, he’s intricately involved in his father’s administration creating disastrous policies and agreements while being unbelievably high on coke….oh wait, that’s Don Jr.. I wonder, besides right wing propaganda, how many times has Hunter been in the news? Once? Twice in 3 years? 🤦‍♂️

You ijits are just too fucking hilariously clueless. So pissed at yourself for being utter morons completely devoid of rational thought processes or factual information, but unwilling to admit it because that might be rational. 😂😂😂😂😂

Trump is going to be your nominee, that’s a given, he took over the party, but it bears noting he is not attracting new voters, not one. He’s playing HARD to his base, but not one bit to centrists, undecided voters, and especially not to Trump voters that switched to Biden. Can you think of a single person who is pro Trump today that wasn’t pro-Trump on Jan 6? He has the second hurdle of Covid, because MAGgots were infected and died at a 75% higher rate than democrats in the same areas, so hundreds of thousands more Trump voters simply don’t exist now or are disabled…directly because of Trump policies. He’s only lost supporters since his failed coup too, and all those RINOS (by which I mean actual republicans that hate Trump’s narcissistic fascism, hatred, division, and stupidity) aren’t voting for Trump. This all assumes he’s not in prison by election time…it’s clear avoiding prison is the only reason he’s running.

MAGA has turned out to be a comedy troupe, like the keystone cops but without the “trying to do the right thing” part. Keep it up, it’s incredibly gratifying watching the fascist MAGgot party crumble under the oppressive weight of their own hatred and stupidity. The massively unpopular 6 week national abortion ban promise from all your candidates for president guarantee you a loss, but you’re too dumb to see it. Loving those MAGA tears, so yummy!

Flag Desecration

newtboy says...

Big surprise, @bobknight33 can’t understand what’s anti American even when it’s clearly spelled out in the US code….but you can’t read or write English above a second grade level (proven once again by this barely literate post), so it’s not that surprising.

Being against fascism and for the freedom to do what you want with your own body are VERY American sentiments, buddy. Again, no surprise you don’t understand. You believe we should have Christian Shariah law and no freedom of religion or bodily autonomy, and want to Make America Great Again like you think it hasn’t been since women and non whites got to vote.

Wearing an American flag as clothing, or defacing one to make a political statement is 100% AntiAmerican. I know, MAGA loves to do both of those things, so without putting two brain cells together you just insist that’s wrong, despite it being clearly stated in US law. Truth is that’s the least unAmerican thing MAGA has done…but it’s still actually an anti-American crime that carries a one year sentence.

Supporting an abusive civil servant displaying an anti American terroristic gang symbol of division that’s also undeniably a desecration of the American flag on a police uniform is about as unAmerican as it gets. Derp.

Again, your damaged little brain misfires…I’m hell bent against corrupt abusive cops because I love America, ya ijit.
(Btw- having a bent means having an aptitude, natural ability, capacity, or knack…so thanks for the unintentional compliment when you said I’m good at opposing corrupt cops.)

Enjoy watching MAGA eat itself and the Republican Party with it. Bankrupt in multiple states and physically fighting each other at GOP meetings. Talk about trash people! There is no group more trashy than MAGA, untouchable orphans in India are less trashy. 😂

bobknight33 said:

This if you anti American? -- Grow up
You have such a bent against cops and America, just leave, and go some place that will make you happier.

If you want to see anti Americans just watch ANTIFA and that fruit loop community protesting -- Trash people

What happens if u toss a grenade in the pool

newtboy says...

Calling fake. I think it’s a toy grenade and probably a coke/mentos or dry ice “bomb” underwater to make the relatively safe explosion that’s so poorly cut in at the end.

Notice he calmly holds onto the “grenade” for 3 full seconds before tossing it just feet away. No sane person would do that with a real live grenade that has a 4-5.5 second fuse and a fatality radius of 5 meters. Were it real, it easily could have exploded before hitting the water and he would be dead or severely injured. He didn’t even have a safety shield to hide behind.

A real golfball grenade sitting on the bottom like that would punch a hole in the best made pool, especially right next to the drain like it was, and the shockwave through the water would likely crack the walls.

Here’s what it really looks like (explosion at 1:14)

Wait for it.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The Supreme Court just ruled that Trump’s attempted legislative coup (the fake electors) was completely illegal. They ruled that state legislators don’t have the final say on elections (so can’t just send a second set of electors), courts do, and courts can strike down or overrule laws or rules legislators put in effect. This kills the “independent state legislation” theory. This decision also declared your state, N Carolina, must let the court review and approve redistributing maps (meaning Republicans can’t gerrymander there anymore and will lose more political power).
Not good for his Georgia trial where his defense was the legislature had the ultimate power to decide elections unbound by votes…now there’s no defense…again.

They also declared Alabama’s districting maps blatantly racist and illegal, and started looking At Louisiana when they ruled. Both redistricted illegally in order to minimize the power of their huge minority populations for 2020 and 2022 elections, blatantly violating voting rights laws. Now it sounds like two more democrats will be seated from new districts in Alabama and Louisiana, and more will likely win elections in 24 with the playing field slightly less prejudiced. You guys were cheating hard all over the South and still losing, the next election may be Republican’s last. Libertarianism is becoming more popular! 🤦‍♂️ 😂 thanks Trump.

D’oh! Sounds like he just admitted to making copies of classified documents/“different plans” in a recent Fox digital interview. He says “what was said was absolutely fine and very perfectly”.

How Henson Puppeteers Bring Puppets to Life

Tire Remounts Itself

Three years of trick shots

Tire Remounts Itself

BSR (Member Profile)

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