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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Elon is being praised by Putin for cutting Ukrainian communications during a military operation.
SpaceX may lose their government contracts because Elon has made his companies unreliable, proven when he cut Ukraine communications and killed Ukrainians by doing so.
Twitter/X is going down hard.
Teslas in flooded areas are bursting into flames at reported rates much higher than other EVs.
Another MAGA hero turns out to be a narcissistic failure.

Bonus - According to Romney, who is not a liar, Trump would have been convicted of his second impeachment but MAGA senators convinced Republican senators that voting to convict would put their and their family’s lives at risk from his terroristic cultists (like you) and they changed their votes out of fear.

Sydney Powell tried to get her charges dismissed by admitting to all the crimes she’s accused of but claiming that her coconspirators authorized her to go in after hours and tamper with voting machines and copy voting records using third party companies (owned by her co-conspirators).
Not a good defense to admit to the charges, but say “my friend the bank teller gave me permission to rob the bank, even gave me a key to come in after hours. Sure, I robed it, took every dollar, but I had authorization to do it, can’t charge me!”. It’s not going to work out for her…or the rest.
Remember, thanks to RICO, if one is found guilty, they all are. Powell just admitted guilt in her filing…with a nonsense excuse attached. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’ve been slacking….

176 Darrell Gilyard, Jerry Falwell protege, must really be some preacher, convicted of child molestation, on parole and back in the pulpit. So they ban children from the church

177 Conservative Baptist minister Matt Baker murdered his wife

178 Richmond County Republican Party official Brett Bennie Langham was indicted for child molestation.

179 FOX News Latino VP, Francisco Cortes - sexual harassment

180 Eric Bolling, formerly FOX News - sexual harassment

181 Kimberley Guilfoyle - FOX NEws - sexual harassment

182 David Garland, President of rightwing Baptist Baylor University, covered up rapes, said women willingly became victims.

183 Political hack and professional hypocrite Ken Starr covered up rapes while Chancellor at Baylor

184 Stephen Dalton Baril just got not jail time even though he took a plea for rape, perhaps because his grandfather was John Dalton, a former governor, and his father Steve Baril ran for Attorney General.

185 Greenville County Sheriff Will Lewis, Republican, indicted for rape, stalking, obstruction

186 While Oklahoma Republican representative George Faught did not commit rape and incest (as far as I know) he said it’s all part of God's will, so he joins the list of rape enablers.

187 Connecticut Republican politician Christopher von Keyserling was arrested and charged with sexual assault. Trump’s his role model. He said it, not me.

187 Bob Jones University Blamed Victims, not Abusers

189 Rhode Island state Sen. Nicholas Kettle, a 27-year-old Coventry Republican, of twice coercing a Senate student page to have sex with him

190 Milo Yiannopolous defended pedophilia, saying older men can show younger men who they are

191 Caleb Bailey, Trump delegate - child pornography

192 Paul Travis Williams, former Lumpkin Co GOP Chair, child pornography

193 Bishop Raymond Burke of Missouri said John Kerry should not get communion, excommunicated all sorts of people, but not pedophile priests

194 CJ Maheney covered up sexual abuse in his churches

195 Megachurch pastor Bob Coy raped and molested a girl from age 4 until she was 14 and his Republican pals helped cover it up, sealing his divorce file, not investigating the complaint

196 Baptist Megachurch Pastor Matt Chandler punished a woman for divorcing her pedophile husband. Did not punish the husband.

197 AZ GOP State Sen. Scott Bundegaard - domestic violence, not arrested at the time because cops believed him when he said he had immunity while House was in session

198 WA GOP state Rep. Matt Manweller is accused of sexual misconduct with students and legislative aides.

199 TX GOP state Sen. Charles Schwertner accused of sending sexting grad student, sending dick pic

200 Indiana Republican Attorney General Curtis Hill - groping

Party of debauchery. Waiting for you to post the list of Democrat politicians with similar convictions…it’s going to be short and a one time only thing…I’ve got at least 38 more pages to go listing high power conservative sex abusers just from this one list, and it’s not all inclusive. Who could be surprised? Your leader is a repeated publicly known pedophilic RAPIST and incestous creep.

Bonus’s E Jene Carrol already won her second defamation case against Trump the rapist…it’s going straight to the damages phase just like Giuliani and the poll workers. Wow your team sucks slimy donkey dicks in court, losing completely before you even start defending yourselves repeatedly!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump just lost his $100 million defamation suit against his niece, 3 reporters, and The NY Times for exposing the decades of tax fraud he and his father engaged in to build their fortune (as well as redlining) that got them a Pulitzer. 😂

The suit was so frivolous he has to pay all their attorney fees because….get this…his lawsuit was trying to go after them for what is clearly PROTECTED FIRST AMENDMENT SPEECH! Trump absolutely HATES paying lawyers.

So much for his public (but not tried in court because it’s nonsense) defense that his trials are about first amendment protected speech which he reveres….but clearly only for himself.

At some point, he should realize he hasn’t won in court in years and isn’t going to win any of his criminal trials either. His lawyers are all getting disbarred and put in prison, which should be a good indicator of the quality of their legal advice. Never hire YES men to be your lawyers…often your lawyer’s job is to tell you NO!

As a bonus, filings indicate Trump inflated his net worth by 50%, but I think that’s minimizing his exaggeration since in some cases like Maralago he was claiming in sworn financial documents it was a single family residence he could sell for $750 million but in reality it’s valued by the county at $19 million and is only zoned as a social club, not a residence. D’oh! How funny will it be when he can’t come up with the $250 million judgement even after selling his interest in all his properties. He already can’t pay his criminal attorneys and judgements…he couldn’t even come up with $200k bail, he needed a bond!

As a second bonus, the case to disqualify him on the 14th in Michigan has been filed. It’s a winner. But by all means, don’t let that convince you to stop supporting him blindly. We want him to be the nominee, it’s a guaranteed sweep for Democrats if he is.

Proud Boy Joseph Biggs is going to be standing back and standing by for 17 years! He should have gotten 30 with a terrorism enhancement, but his Trump appointed judge felt sorry for him. Cried a river at sentencing. 😂

😂 In Trumps deposition in NY he blamed all the fraud his company committed on his son Eric (omitting Don Jr who was clearly in charge during his presidency)…not sure how he thinks that’s a defense, Eric and Don Jr only ran it (on paper) after 2017, but the crimes charged go back decades.
He said he just didn’t have time to run his businesses, but must have forgotten he had plenty of time to fly to different states (or countries) to play golf at least 298 times during his tenure (at a Cost to Taxpayers of About $144,000,000 according to the GAO)
So, he blames his dumb son for absolutely no defense, just as deflection that reminds everyone what an absentee “always on vacation” president he was. That’s the loyalty he has for others. This is you guy, this you pick.

Is Donald Trump a Fascist? | Robert Reich

newtboy says...

Another flat denial with absolutely zero facts…that’s what’s called infantile whining, bob.

“Stupid and gullible”…
Says the man who has gotten every single fact wrong over the last 10+ years.
Says the guy who says Jan 6 was a false flag.
Says the man who claimed the election was stolen (and believed the hundreds of lies that went along with the big lie).
Says the man who said it was a great time to go all in, mortgage the house, borrow all you can and buy all the Tesla stock you can when it hit $400, and continued the same advice as it plunged to near $100. Oddly enough, when it hit bottom, you stopped telling people to buy! WTF!?!
Says the man who denies climate change.
Says the man who said Jan 6 was non violent.
Says the man who said Mr Pelosi was attacked by his gay lover, not a typical violent MAGA nutjob trying to murder Nancy.
Says the man who said covid was a nothing burger requiring absolutely no action.
Says the man who said vaccines are more dangerous than the disease.
Says the man who was alive in 2020 but still tries to say Trump was great for the economy and Biden is bad.
Says the man who still believes the NEXT whistleblower against Hunter will finally be a real whistleblower with proof, not another Chinese spy or another paid actor with zero proof of anything.
Says the man who bought every single idiotic racist lie from Qanon for the last 8 years.
Says the man who, when presented with hundreds of high level republicans convicted of sex abuse and child sex crimes (and lists of hundreds and hundreds more in the wings), including your officially a rapist ex president, says “democrats, the party of debauchery” without being able to show any debauchery by democrats.

I could continue this list of things you got wrong all day long, just like I could send you page after page of high level republicans convicted of child rape and sex abuse charges all day long. You believe stupid nonsense propaganda and deny facts and statistics as a matter of course. You are always absolutely 100% certain of what you claim despite having zero evidence and being told by people who lied to you dozens of times before.

There has never, not for one second, ever been another person 1/2 as stupid or gullible as yourself here on this platform. You get everything 100% wrong, then disappear when you’re twisting and lying doesn’t convince a single person of your lies, then you return in a week with a new set of baseless lies and nonsense.

I’ve spent years debunking the insane right wing lies you spout with facts and figures and references telling you where they come from….you don’t give references because where your “information “ comes from is embarrassing….random internet trolls and disgraced sources like Glen Beck and Alex Jones who both have repeatedly and under oath admitted even they don’t believe 10% of the nonsense they spread, but it makes money selling anger and stupidity to morons, and you just love to lap it up.

It’s actually impressive you are so self unaware that you don’t see how wrong you have been consistently for over a decade. It takes some serious head in the sand denial of reality to be you.

bobknight33 said:

I walk in peace knowing that there are a very stupid and gullible people like you walking around.

Is Donald Trump a Fascist? | Robert Reich

Sagemind says...

You're still around here Bob?

Anyway, there is no Propoganda here. He's stating facts.
Trump is dangerous to America.
I'm sorry you can't see it, but the rest of the world does.
This man is Power Hungry, and doesn't care about you or anyone else. He needs people like you to fight for him, and he will toss you under the bus without a second thought if it serves him.

Please open your eyes. Don't let Your country shelve democracy, It's already happening.

bobknight33 said:

pure anti trump propaganda.

Hate speech at its finest.

Pure bullshit.

Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund - What happen Jan 6

newtboy says...

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
In under 1 minute they blame Jan 6 on Pelosi. You’ve got to try a new lie, dummy. This long ago debunked nonsense only flies with delusional cultists, it turns real Americans away from the “not my fault” party because we all know better. We’ve known better for years and years.
Disgraced Tucker!?! That’s your “news” source now? 🤦‍♂️ 😂 You’ll just believe any stupidity as long as there’s no evidence to back it up, won’t you?

As Speaker of the House, Pelosi does not direct the National Guard, neither did McConnel. Pelosi was not a chair or administrator of any committee supervising the Capitol Police at the time of the insurrection. Further, as the Capitol came under attack, she and the Senate Majority leader called for military assistance, including the National Guard. Trump overrode the request and no help came.


Maybe if Republicans had cared to investigate they might know some facts, but nope, you wanted no investigation, no facts made public, definitely no trials. The republicans on the committee have debunked these, and a thousand other nonsense claims, and the maggots just ignore them.
Now Trump is lying again by claiming the entirety of the Jan 6 investigation has been erased, with no evidence or testimony available, nothing at all….another 100% lie, his lawyers are actually refusing to accept it because they don’t want to have to keep it in a SCIF away from Trump, who they know will immediately post snippets from it on social media despite court orders against it, likely getting him put in jail for contempt and adding more espionage charges.

Now the crimes you just deny are coming home to fuck your world, and I’m so here for every single second with a huge bag of kettle corn laughing my ass hole shut!

Where’s the rest of the footage that proves there was no violence at all and that all the brutal preplanned violence was perpetrated by BLM and the FBI to trick poor nonviolent innocent Trumpists into trying to lynch the vp and murder police? Where is it, Bob? Why’s disgraced Tucker hiding it and allowing hundreds of MAGgot convictions he could prevent?

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

😂 silly boy.

So, another random Twitter account named DC Draino (no bias there) tells you something stupid and already proven false and you just believe it over all the evidence. Typical. You’re such an easy sucker for nonsense.

Not clicking your link. You post links to fake sites hosting viruses, and they wouldn’t have any actual information anyway, just fact free spitballs shot by ignorant children.

There were undercover agents there, but not instigating violence or destruction, they documented it. There’s not one second of video showing an agent instigating violence, but hundreds, thousands of hours of MAGgots instigating and perpetrating violence, hundreds of court cases where it was proven. Trump himself instigated violence and destruction, advocated for it publicly…for months. He’s been indicted for it. “Jan 6 is going to be wild”. It sure was. “Stand back and stand by (until Jan 6 then come armed)”. “Fight hard or you won’t have a country”. “You can’t let them certify this election or you won’t have a country”. “Stop them from stealing the election using trial by combat”. “Go to the Capitol and fight hard, stop the steal…I’ll be there with you”. “Take your country back.” They tried. He tried to pardon them, and has promised to pardon them all if re-elected.

You’ll get all the tapes after Trumps trial, but Tucker has all 44000 hours of them, talk to him. The fact that he released only <5 minutes of highly edited video shows you exactly how weak your position is, if it were true you would already have proof of undercover agents committing violence and destruction, but you have nothing, nada, zip, zilch, Nunca. Just >5 minutes of spliced together video snippets of people walking the halls looking for victims, that’s all he could find with no violence shown. Sucker.

Jan 6 was PURE MAGA sedition and violence, the definition of a failed coup. A display of MAGA hatred of democracy and fairness. There was no one outside the cult instigating anything. Proven by the Jan 6 investigation you ignored. It will be proven again next spring in Trump’s public trial, one of how many now?…and you still won’t believe it.

There is none so blind as he who will not see, and you’ve been squeezing your eyes shut since Trump rode that escalator into your brain (because he’s afraid of stairs and ramps). 😂

You complete and total sucker. They still have you hook line and sinker.

Meanwhile, Daniel Rodriguez (defended by MAGA leadership) was just sentenced to 12.5 years and $100000 for repeatedly tasering a capitol police officer in the neck during his violent attack on congress at Trump’s request and direction, causing a heart attack and permanent brain damage ending his career. He bragged online about it, and after sentencing shouted “Trump won!”. Must be an fbi plant. 😂

Another violent cultist who admits his violence against police for Trump as part of a plot to perform a violent coup….THEY’RE ADMITTING IT…in court under oath. Dummy. 😂

bobknight33 said:

They’re ADMITTING it

How many cops & federal agents were undercover that day? How many instigated violence & property destruction?

Release the J6 tapes!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Did i misunderstand? Are you actually trying to say the rapist Trump only spitballed ideas? Are you so delusional you bought the stupid lie that he’s being charged for exercising free speech!?! 😂

Good luck with that…because he’s not charged with spitballing ideas, or lying about the election…he’s charged in this indictment with conspiring to impede official proceedings, taking actions to impede official proceedings, and attempting to defraud the government by submitting fake electors, and attempting to deny millions of voters their rights of participation in the process by stealing their votes. He’s charged with trying to “delay” the final certification to give his dishonest ploys to steal the election by fraud more time, a major felony…and his fucking lawyer went on TV and admitted he did it! 😂
You morons!

Keep chugging the flavoraid. Jim….I mean Don will be there to personally usher you into MAGA heaven when it’s over because he loves you and is well known for helping the little guy.

P.S.- a second judge has now said Trump is a rapist, and dismissed his counterclaim against Carrol for calling him a rapist. Enjoy!

bobknight33 said:

Spit balling ideas are not illegal.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid. Lots more of that coming your way.

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

Lol….who cares what disgraced, sanctioned, up for disbarment, Epstein friend and child fucker (Giuffre) Dershowitz says?
He’s proven himself a complete fraud willing to make any claim or accusations in the last 4 years…that or he has complete full blown dementia. He’s a loser…one in the parade of losers…not worth 30 seconds, forget 30 minutes. Get real.

Whatever he said, I’ll bet $ to $ he’s misdirecting at best, more likely totally lying. The case isn’t about Trump’s right to free speech any more than arresting a mobster that set up a hit would be…he only spoke, others did the crimes. Derp…doesn’t work that way sucker.

101 Republican Township Supervisor Robert Holland pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 92-year-old nursing home resident in 2006. He was given a two-to-four-year sentence.

102 Antigay pastor Leonard Ray Owens told a woman who had miscarriage she was possessed by a sex spirit and lesbian demon so he raped her.
103 GOP State Rep & House Minority Leader Galen Fox convicted of molesting a woman who was a flight with him from Honolulu to Los Angeles

104 Albert Andre Zimmerman, a GOP-appointed spokesperson for the State of Florida Department of Children and Families, producing child porn. See also The Wrong Voice

105 The Republican Mayor of Collins Missouri, and Pastor of the Temple Lot Church in Collins, Allen D. Kauffman caught in internet sting by an adult pretending to be 13

106 Dana Rorabacher's aide Jeffrey Nielson, sex with underage boys

107 SD State GOP Rep Ted Klaudt: rape, sexual exploitation of a minor, witness tampering, stalking. Five victims, three foster children who lived with Klaudt.

108 Elyria Ohio city councilman, Republican Joseph Monteleone Jr. was found guilty of fondling underage girls

109 GOP County Commissioner Patrick Lee McGuire child molestation

110 Republican Mayor Jeffrey Kyle Randall was sentenced nine months in jail and six years on probation on charges that he molested two boys

111 Republican Judge Donald Thompson from Oklahoma, was found guilty on four counts of indecent exposure after using a penis pump while presiding over court cases.

112 Ohio GOP Caucus lawyer Stephen Linne - "Naked Photographer" a moniker suggesting his snapping pics of women in the nude was harmless. It was not

113 OP Sheriff candidate Eddie Frankum indicted for sexual harassment and illegally detaining women while police chief.

114 GOP campaign volunteer and national convention delegate Ted Bundy - kidnapping, rape, murder

115 Gun activist Cody Wilson - child sexual assault

116 Christian Television Network entertainer Ronald William Brown convicted for child porn, the rest is just too disturbing to go into

117 GOP state Senate aide Alan Berlin - internet child sex. I don't care about him being a furry. I know a few furries who are lovely people, including one of my nephews. They are not pedophiles and the headline is offensive.

118 Trump White House aide Rob Porter - domestic violence

119 Roger Ailes, Republican propagandist, sexual harassment

120 Jason Miller, Trump campaign staffer and Trump advocate on CNN - poisoned ex with abortion pill It's not the sex, it's not the desire for abortion, it's the doing it against her will

121 GOP megadonor Steve Wynn - sexual harassment

122 Former Republican Michael Cohen used threats and money to silence women and reporters who could expose sexual predator

123 GOP Sen Patrick Meehan - sexual harassment

124 GOP Congressman Blake Farenthold - sexual harassment

125 Former Republican WY Sec of State Ed Murray - sexual assault

Vox: How cruise ships got so big

newtboy says...

Interesting history.

My parents, already divorced, travelled on the ridiculously opulent QE2 in the late 80’s…(I thought it was its last Atlantic crossing but google says no.)

I’ve been on one cruise, on, which at the time accommodated 100 passengers and the same number of crew. It spoiled me for these giant ships. Crowds, buffets, kids, only major ports…ugh. The personal service, 5 star food and drinks, tiny unknown ports of call on exotic Virgin islands with no crowds, and only older respectful passengers was perfect…we were the second youngest couple there at 50. I highly recommend it despite the price.

If you loved the show "The Bear" *spoilers

cloudballoon says...

My wife can't get pass this "Christmas dinner scene w/ mom" scene and so we stopped watching the show. The show got increasingly more chaotic and way too loud. The multi-directional conversations/screaming/yelling/smartass one-liners and worse of all, the "Yes. no......Yes... wait, wait... NO!" split second lines are too annoying (or cranked up to 12 if you prefer). My wife and I are too old for this.

Aqua - Barbie Girl (Official Music Video)

Catching A Wild Bee Swarm

newtboy says...

I did this again this year about a month ago. I heard the swarm land in one of my apple trees and caught and installed them in an empty hive. It’s always nice to get free bees and give a swarm a home.
Yesterday I put the second large super on, they’re doing great. About 8/10 frames full of brood, pollen, or honey in the first super. I may get a third shallow box on this year at this rate.

Mitch McConnell Freezes During Press Conference

noims says...

Have they tried turning him off and on again?

... or does the idea of turning Mitch McConnell on just disturb everyone waaaaay too much?

For what it's worth, the problem with age limits is that they can be used against perfectly competent and fully functioning people. There's supposed to be a process to remove the incompetent, but that's called elections, and it seems to be more broken than Mitch McConnell.

(If my second comment didn't put you off, feel free to make your own joke about Mitch getting an election here)

Aqua - Barbie Girl (Official Music Video)

siftbot says...

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