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shagen454 says...

Give a fuck whatchya heard
Yeah fuck whatchya heard
Fore this real shit kicked your whole click to the curb
What, what...
But you don't hear me though

Run up bitch ta da death get gripped my steeze is ballin' out
Of control whatchyou know 'bout bubblin'
Hustle bones comin' out my mouth

Hustle bones comin' out my mouth [repeat]

That hot lic a shot
Never not strapped
Wit a Glock tongue cocked
Run it back
That knock a cop off unconscious Molotov
Cocktailin' sound bomb a snitch
Flat line of chalk drawn round the clock
Too many marks dropped ta count the stiffs

Stuck on the fence
How does it feel
It don't make sense
Nothing is

That rip you a new one trick I'm the true one,
And only never know me never will no son
Leave ya laid out ta fade out
Show a cunt the door
Hit and run
Hustle bones comin' out my mouth

Hustle bones comin' out my mouth [repeat]

That can't wait ta blast
Blood stained knuckle brass gives a fuck sick wit it flav on
That ex con
Hard to da bone
Darkness from the zone
Mastered and pushed far beyond

Eons beyond the line never crossed,
By dem punks livin' soft while I ride that bomb
Dr. Strangelove
Into the sun
Look no hands megatons
Rode like man we can't lose
No shit, no shit

That hit it till it drip wit
Da blood of the raw way
It was fore dem forgot
Why doin' dirt, make slang sound tough gong original
fuck da wrong way
Only one real way to work
That shit out da
Beat street spit
Über freaked heat lit
Hell flame to your brain
Blood thirst
What what...
Run it back, run it

Run up bitch ta da death get gripped my steeze is ballin' out
Of control whatchyou know 'bout bubblin'
Hustle bones comin' out my mouth

Hustle bones comin' out my mouth [repeat]

Criminal intent anti-legal ill
Thief in da night peel your life back spin the wheel

Run it back, run it

george carlin-how language is used to mask truth

Babymech says...

I know this is what he and a lot of others want to think, but for most of his examples, just like his example of stupidity vs learning disability, there are actual and reasonable grounds for the name changes. PTSD vs shell-shocked, for example, isn't a case of trying to be 'less offensive' - shell shock was an informal term coined by soldiers to describe a range of experiences and symptoms, and combat stress syndrome, PTSD, etc, were developed by professionals who wanted to make an actual diagnosis (to me, shell shock sounds a lot less harmful than PTSD, because I'm not 80 years old). It's a case of people with more expertise and knowledge than Carlin trying to create concepts that are actually useful. You could call it 'murder crazy' if you want to be 'raw' but that doesn't get us anywhere. This is the problem with Carlin's thesis - he brings in terms that he doesn't understand, describing situations that don't affect him directly, and tries to cram it into some 'old white man post-relevance get off my lawn syndrome' (OWMPGOMLS).

I know that a lot of people agree with what they see as his underlying point. I'm just saying that his examples here don't support that point.

asynchronice said:

I think you're taking a very narrow view on the point he eventually arrives to at the end. Shellshocked/PTSD/Battle Fatigue is the perfect example of the exact same thing being watered down into it's least offensive 'sounding' form. It's not two different things (say stupidity vs dyslexic).

The Last Audio Cassette Factory

poolcleaner says...

I have Circle Jerks Golden Shower of Hits on cassette. What you state is true. Its so true. Its really the perfect format, dirty, raw, quick and cheap.

Enzoblue said:

Punk sounds so much better on analog. Not even a nostalgia thing, it's true.

george carlin-how language is used to mask truth

asynchronice says...

I think you're taking a very narrow view on the point he eventually arrives to at the end. Shellshocked/PTSD/Battle Fatigue is the perfect example of the exact same thing being watered down into it's least offensive 'sounding' form. It's not two different things (say stupidity vs dyslexic). By using the raw form for something unpleasant, we don't get to mask the ugliness from anyone and we perhaps have a greater chance of dealing with it in some way.

He was certainly ahead of his time; I had a friend's FB post come up requesting 'tone-policing' because he felt the term 'hookers and blow' was disrespectful to sex workers. It makes my brain hurt.

Babymech said:

Still, I know a lot of the Sift audience wants to think that Carlin's point rings true. But does anyone think that it would be more useful, more constructive, and more honest, to call every learning disability 'stupidity'? How would that help us in any way? What could we accomplish with the help of this 'honesty'?

*It's also not 'just' the listener's experience

ant (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

A surprisingly large percentage of security camera footage is cammed, either because there is no easy way to get the raw files or because people don't know how to do the required extraction and video editing.

Pointing a phone at the screen is a really easy way to grab a few seconds of footage

ant said:


woman destroys third wave feminism in 3 minutes

enoch says...

/claps hands..
now we are getting somewhere!
is it time to make out yet?

on a good note.
we agree more than disagree.
so it appears anyways.we may vary on the particulars but i think it safe to assume we can agree on the bulk i.e:human rights,fairness and justice.

(or it may be because you are just as disgusted by those overly privileged whiners as i am,snapping their fingers and shouting about "safe places")


i used sommers as a reference because she identifies as a may dispute if she is in fact a feminist but thats how she identifies.i thought i was being deliciously ironical,but i digress.

here is a far better,and bipartisan source for your consideration from 2011:

notice everything is sourced and noted.

the key in our discussion is how we comprehend data,and data in raw form can be just as confusing and misleading if the right questions are not asked,which makes it easy for us all to be manipulated (which i think you mentioned as well).

so just for the record:
i am not anti-feminist,but i am anti-bullshit,against weak and facile arguments to create an emotional response in order to promote a political agenda.

because we all lose in the end,and it detracts from the real issues and real grievances.

why certain rabid feminists thought it perfectly ok to threaten this woman with death and violence,and yet,with zero sense of self-aware irony will use the threat of violence to THEM to promote their politics.

all because she disagreed with them.

anyways..thanks for hanging in there mate.
ill be right over for our lil make out session.

Smarter Every Day - You won't believe your eyes

yellowc says...

I don't think the purpose here was really about being tricked or not. These are illusions, people know their eye/brain are being tricked.

He just wanted a deeper understanding of "Why?" the eye is tricked, which far less people would be aware of.

The spinning thingy you may be able to "see the trick" because it's a rather raw implementation. I don't think you can say you can "see the trick" of a normal movie, you just know it's made of still images in quick succession.

The Professor does say the eye has the ability to tweak the parameters, so perhaps this is what your experiencing but I don't believe it goes as far as you being able to just stop your eyes from being eyes.

Or maybe you've got super powers?

Sagemind said:

Ok so, Judge me with your opinions here...
But, I knew all this, intuitively.

I knew what was happening. I understood the persistence of vision as a given phenomenon. I can actually induce this persistence of vision on things as I look at them. Slowing down and increasing this persistence. Not a great amount, but I can do it enough to observe it. This means I can look at any normal object and move my head slowly to the side and watch the image degrade on my retina as I move my direction of vision to the side.

Now Destin, immediately saw this as a trick that fooled the mind into believing the image was a solid. But I wasn't fooled. Why wasn't I fooled? HAve I just been exposed to this before, and my mind is telling me the truth, thus negating the illusion?

I've seen similar tricks like this before, like on a wheel, to create an image, but if I concentrate I can see and immediately comprehend what is happening. I can stare long enough to break up the image and loose the illusion, and then have it come back.

I hope I'm making sense here.
So what I want to know, is, "does everyone have or not have, see or not see as I do?" I assumed we all did. So much so, that I've never had a question in my mind as to how this worked or that it was a trick.

Tell me I'm crazy, that's fine. But I'm interested in what other people are perceiving.

Bicimaquinas: Bike Powered Machines

Buttle says...

A generation or two ago I doubt that poor Guatemalans could get fat, regardless of culture, because they simply didn't have access to the surplus energy required. This surplus energy shows up in nitrate fertilizers used for agriculture, powered tools of all sorts, and manufactured goods, like used bicycles.

It comes, of course, from fossil fuels.

A bicycle may seem a simple and primitive device, but just try to build a bicycle chain in your home workshop and you will see that making safety bicycles is possible only in a modern industrial state. It's not surprising that the development of the safety bicycle only barely preceded that of the automobile and the airplane.

The bicimaquina raw material is discarded bicycles from richer people -- nothing wrong with that, it's good, frugal engineering. But it should be borne in mind when plotting the future that hardly used bicycles are not a renewable resource, and require energy and infrastructure to produce.

Bicycling does give one a good appreciation of the value of energy. For example, 125 Watts is a respectable output for a touring cyclist; keep that up for 8 solid hours, and you have one kilowatt-hour. One kW-hr is a day at hard labor. A typical household in the developed world uses the equivalent of the labor of three or four hard-laboring slaves every day.

Of course, those slaves aren't the most efficient. You'll notice that the machines shown all use a direct mechanical drive. They could generate electricity, but that would cost -- multiply a few 90% efficiencies together and pretty soon you're getting nothing done by leg power.

Bicycle drive does allow good power production from human beings, and multi-geared bicycles are adaptable to people of differing strength. Not as much fun as flipping a switch, but easier than turning a crank.

It's plain that cheap fossil fuels won't last forever, indeed they may not last for much longer, and probably will never be available to much of the world at the same level as we currently enjoy in the US or Australia. Will we find ourselves scouring garages and cellars for disused bicycles?

iaui said:

Likely North American influence upon their culture. Many of the poorest in our countries are riddled with pop and fast food, so it makes sense it would be similar elsewhere.

How To Make A Bamboo Knife

lucky760 says...

Yes, next time I'm stuck in the wilderness and I need to fashion a knife out of raw materials, I'll be sure to remember how to create a knife myself... as long as I already have a knife with me.

Real helpful.

Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss

Xaielao says...

Wait.. overweight people don't have control of their lives?

Good food isn't necessarily just rabbit food. Organic food for example, tastes wonderful. Yes it's expensive to buy pre-packated organic foods in the grocery store but joining a local co-op or community of organic farmers in your area can save a lot of money.

Cook with raw ingredients, significantly cut prepackaged or fast food/restaurant meals. A lot of things considered unhealthy just a few years ago are being revealed to be very good for you, like butter, whole milk (especially unpasteurized). Meats are fine in moderation, even red meat is really good for you if you reduce over-all consumption of it.

Healthy food can be absolutely delicious, it just takes a bit of prep time and some cooking skill. Eating healthy doesn't mean 24/7 salad with a side of salad.

Why are there dangerous ingredients in vaccines?

ChaosEngine says...

Oh look, I found the comment

...pretty much every edible plant (sans chemical agents) is going to combat cancer in one way or another. Going full raw vegan is a good start. ....This will happen by itself with a good diet.

And I hate peanut butter and jelly....

Sniper007 said:

And you are the guy who rapes nuns on Teusdays for peanut butter jelly sandwitches. (Hint: Lies aren't don't become true just because you type them out.)

1000 Italians Play "Learn to Fly" by Foo Fighters

AeroMechanical says...

I'd like to hear a raw recording of what it sounded like live. That seemed to me to be mostly the front band with a bit of the others mixed in. I'm sure it didn't sound nearly as tight but it must have still been a hell of a thing to hear.

Barseps (Member Profile)

Instant Karma-MMA Champion Stops Thieves

artician says...

I understand the "justification", though I don't agree with it, I would have done even worse if I were there.

My reaction is more critical of the tone of the media than the subjects in the footage. Newscasters who will warn sensitive viewers when they might show raw meat or a dead bird onscreen, but almost applaud the violence as it's happening here. It sends a terrible and wrong message that brutality is okay if you're "the good guy".

newtboy said:

The rules are different for a citizen arrest from arrests by trained, well equipped officers. When an untrained citizen puts themselves in danger to effect an arrest of a violent subject, as I understand it they may use any force they deem necessary to keep the subject controlled, up to and including deadly force. Since the guy kept moving, MMA did have the right (but agreed, not the need) to keep my eyes anyway.
The guy also wasn't in submission, he was trying to get up (until the last 2 kicks at least).
A few 'extra' kicks to the head is the chance you take when you violently attack another person. It is only unwarranted when the suspect/perp is in complete submission or control, which he was not as long as he was still moving or trying to get up...or when his accomplice is advancing towards him with the obvious intent to 'rescue' him.
The attendant didn't have any weapons, but there's no telling what the robbers had. That makes the robbers a deadly threat until they are spread eagle on the ground with hands out.
Now if he (and his friends/co-workers) had shot this guy 47 times because he moved, that would certainly be excessive.

How to make a Hattori Hanzō katana (Kill Bill): Man at Arms

artician says...

Even if they screwed up the process, the process is what I love to see. I'm a fan of their art in general but I will eat up anything that shows me how to take raw materials of the earth and transform them into tools, process, and end-result. Very cool to see the slag and ore handling, and know how they constructed everything from scratch.

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