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Snow collapse on football stadium

Snow collapse on football stadium

Minneapolis Holiday Lights Synched to Xmas in Hollis RUN DMC

The Quantitative Easing Explained

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^nock:

GeeSussFreek, it is generally accepted in mainstream economic theory that deflation is a bad thing for a developed economy... I can't say much more than to invest in a basic economics book and read up on "deflationary spiral".

Are you saying that all cases of deflation result in deflationary spiral? If so, I refer you to this from the Federal reserve bank of Minneapolis. Why do you not have the same fear of the ever prevalent hyper inflation hand in hand with deflationary spiral. Money systems blowing up, or breaking down is really the same thing...bad. And controlled by people you don't vote for.

Pedobear on the News

Truckchase says...

At least they didn't arrest Pedobear. Dress up like a zombie in Minneapolis and you might get the crap beaten out of you and arrested. In their defense though, everyone knows when you dress up like a zombie you do crave brains. Same thing for Pedobear. You can see it in his big brown eyes... he wants the kids.

Pat Robertson - Haiti made a pact with the Devil

Trancecoach says...

Intercepted Correspondence Letter from Satan to Pat Robertson:

Dear Pat Robertson,

I know that you know that all press is good press, so I appreciate the shout-out. And you make God look like a big mean bully who kicks people when they are down, so I'm all over that action.

But when you say that Haiti has made a pact with me, it is totally humiliating. I may be evil incarnate, but I'm no welcher. The way you put it, making a deal with me leaves folks desperate and impoverished. Sure, in the afterlife, but when I strike bargains with people, they first get something here on earth -- glamour, beauty, talent, wealth, fame, glory, a golden fiddle.

Those Haitians have nothing, and I mean nothing. And that was before the earthquake. Haven't you seen "Crossroads"? Or "Damn Yankees"? If I had a thing going with Haiti, there'd be lots of banks, skyscrapers, SUVs, exclusive night clubs, Botox -- that kind of thing. An 80 percent poverty rate is so not my style.

Nothing against it -- I'm just saying: Not how I roll. You're doing great work, Pat, and I don't want to clip your wings -- just, come on, you're making me look bad. And not the good kind of bad. Keep blaming God. That's working. But leave me out of it, please. Or we may need to renegotiate your own contract.

Best, Satan

Lily Coyle, Minneapolis

Tasered In The Neck While Hands On Hood Of Car

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Tasered, Neck, Hands On Hood, Car, Minneapolis, WCCO' to 'Tasered, Neck, Hands On Hood, Car, Minneapolis, WCCO, fascist cop' - edited by therealblankman

Another Cops Beating The Crap Out Of Arrested Man Video

curiousity says...

Video in link below shows a small portion where the man was just out of his car and the police officer put him in a neck hold. But it's been edited also, so it's hard to see anything before that.

Derryl Jenkins, 42, was stopped for speeding in February. A criminal complaint obtained by FOX 9 says Jenkins was driving 15 mph over the speed limit in the area of Dowling Ave. and Penn Ave. in north Minneapolis.

At the time, Minneapolis police said Jenkins smelled of alcohol, refused to give his license and became irate. When Jenkins attempted to get out of the car, an officer pushed him back in. The two then started fighting, before several more officers arrived on the scene.

The officer statements obtained by FOX 9, say several police officers kicked him and punched him because he was resisting. A Taser was also used to subdue Jenkins.

Jenkins' attorney says charges in that case where eventually dropped, but he's now considering a lawsuit against the Minneapolis Police Department.

Minneapolis Police Chief Tim Dolan has reviewed the dash cam video of officers beating a man stopped for speeding and says he will ask the FBI to review the video

After reviewing the video, Dolan released the following statement Monday:

"I have reviewed the videos of the arrest of Mr. Jenkins by Officer Walker. Hand to hand fighting with a suspect on the street is one of the most dangerous encounters for police officers. Officer Walker’s actions all appear to be very appropriate.

Some of the actions of responding officers, specifically the kicking of the suspect, give me concern; because of this, I am asking for an outside review by the FBI. Additionally, the incident has been referred to my Internal Affairs and Training Units for a review of our arrest procedures in dealing with suspects resisting arrest."

10 Drugs You Shouldn't Be On While Driving

Memorare says...

pfft, acid is perfectly fine while you're driving.

it's when you come to a stop and the rest of the world Keeps On Flying Past You that's disturbing. O_o

Driving on acid in winter in Minneapolis is WheeeEEEeeeEEEeeeEEE!!!

Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben Speaks Against Porn

thepinky says...

I chose selections from an article about male porn habit that addresses the subject for your reading pleasure. I have a few problems with the article. It seems to assume that only lonely and hurting people use porn, and that isn't true. Still, it makes some good points:

"How addictive is pornography?

‘I'm frightened of real sex, which is unscripted and unpredictable so I engage in pornography, which is totally under my control. But it brings intense disappointment because it is not what I'm really searching for. It's rather like a hungry person standing outside the window of a restaurant, thinking that they're going to get fed.’ That’s how one man described his porn addiction to Edward Marriott...

...Like many men, I first saw pornography during puberty. At boarding school...long before my first sexual relationship, porn was my sex education....Being away from home, my friends and I longed for love, closeness, acceptance. The women over whom we masturbated - surrogate mothers, if you like - seemed to be offering this but, of course, were never going to provide it. The untruths it taught me on top of this disappointment - that women are always available, that sex is about what a man can do to a woman - I am only now succeeding in unlearning.

...'Just like drugs, pornography provides a quick fix, a masturbatory universe people can get stuck in. This can result in their not being able to involve anyone else.’

...Men, as much as women, hunger for intimacy. For many males, locked into a life in which self-esteem has grown intrinsically entwined with performance, sex assumes a freight of demands and needs...

...It is into this troubled scenario that porn finds easy access. For in pornography, unlike in real life, there is no criticism, real or imagined, of male performance...

...Women in porn are always, in the words of the average internet site, ‘hot and ready’, eager to please...

...Men, say psychologists, also feel threatened by the ‘emotional power’ they perceive women wielding over them...they are at the same time painfully aware that their only salvation from isolation comes in being sexually acceptable to women. This sense of neediness can provoke intense anger that, all too often, finds expression in porn...

...The porn industry, of course, dismisses such talk, yet occasionally comes a glimmer of authenticity. Bill Margold, left, one of the industry's longest-serving film performers, was interviewed in 1991 by psychoanalyst Robert Stoller for his book Porn: Myths For The Twentieth Century. Margold admitted: ‘My whole reason for being in this industry is to satisfy the desire of the men in the world who basically don't care much for women and want to see the men in my industry getting even with the women they couldn't have when they were growing up. So we come on a woman's face or brutalise her sexually: we're getting even for lost dreams.'...

...As well as ‘eroticising male supremacy’, in the words of anti-porn campaigner John Stoltenberg, pornography also attempts to assuage other male fears, in particular that of erection failure. Pornography answers men's fetishistic need for visual proof of phallic potency...

...Pornography, in other words, is a lie. It peddles falsehoods about men, women and relationships. It seduces vulnerable, lonely men with the promise of intimacy, and delivers only a transitory fix. Increasingly, though, men are starting to be open about the effect of pornography. David McLeod, a marketing executive, explains the cycle: ‘I'm drawn to porn when I'm lonely, particularly when I'm single and sexually frustrated. But I can easily get disgusted with myself. After watching a video two or three times, I'll throw it away and vow never to watch another again. But my resolve never lasts very long.’

Like many men, McLeod is torn. Quick to claim that porn has ‘no harmful effects’, he is also happy to acknowledge the contradictory fact that it is ‘deadening’.

Extended exposure to pornography can have a whole raft of effects.
By the time Nick Samuels had reached his mid-20s, it was altering his view of what he wanted from a sexual relationship. ‘I used to watch porn with one of my girlfriends, and I started to want to try things I'd seen in the films.’ Married for 15 years, he admits he has carried the same sexual expectations into the marital bedroom. ‘There's been real friction over this: my wife simply isn't that kind of person. And it's only now, after all these years, that I'm beginning to move on from it. Porn is like alcoholism: it clings to you like a leech.’

...Even when in a loving sexual relationship, men who have used porn say that, all too often, they see their partner through a kind of ‘pornographic filter’. This effect is summed up by US sociologist Harry Brod, in LynneSegal's essay Sweet Sorrows, Painful Pleasures: ‘There have been too many times when I have guiltily resorted to impersonal fantasy because the genuine love I felt for a woman wasn't enough to convert feelings into performance. And in those sorry, secret moments, I have resented deeply my lifelong indoctrination into (pornography).’...

...Running through all pornography use, according to David Morgan, is the desire for control...

...The user of pornography is also psychologically on the run.
Welldon says: ‘people who use pornography feel dead inside, and they are trying to avoid being aware of that pain. There is a sense of liberation, which is temporary: that's why pornography is so repetitive - you have to go back again and again.’...

...For John-Paul Day, an Edinburgh architect, the experience of being a small boy with a dying mother drove him to seek solace in masturbation. He says he has been ‘addicted’ to pornography his entire adult life. He has attended meetings of Sex Addicts Anonymous for 12 years...

...Like drugs and drink, pornography - as Day has realised - is an addictive substance. Porn actor Kelly Cooke says this applies on either side of the camera: ‘It got to the point where I considered having sex the way most people consider getting a hamburger. But when you try to give it up, you realise how addictive it is, both for consumers and performers. It's a class A drug, and it's hell coming off it.’

The cycle of addiction leads one way: towards ever harder material

Morgan believes ‘all pornography ends up with S&M’.
The myth about porn, as a witness told the 1983 Minneapolis city council public hearings on it, is that ‘it frees the libido and gives men an outlet for sexual expression. This is truly a myth. I have found pornography not only does not liberate men, but on the contrary is a source of bondage. Men masturbate to pornography only to become addicted to the fantasy.'

Read the whole article here:

Other articles on the sibject of porn "addiction":

What is a browser?

oinkinstein says...

maybe its a new york term. i know a guy that lives in Minneapolis and they call ATMs time machines there because of the old time is money saying. different places have different terms. or these people could be fucking retarded haha

Lebanese food in Pittsburgh

One in flight movie you don't want to see

LittleRed says...

I was flying back from London to Minneapolis on Friday the 13th, and the in-flight movie was Cast Away. The person that sets up all those movies is either really dumb or has a weird, sadistic sense of humor.

Rachel Maddow - RNC Spends $150,000+ on Palin's Clothes

burdturgler says...

This is just what's been disclosed since September.
"A review of similar records for the campaign of Democrat Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee turned up no similar spending.

But all the spending by other candidates pales in comparison to the GOP outlay for the Alaska governor whose expensive, designer outfits have been the topic of fashion pages and magazines.

What hasn’t been apparent is where the clothes came from – her closet back in Wasilla or from the campaign coffers in Washington.
The answer can be found inside the RNC’s September monthly financial disclosure report under “itemized coordinated expenditures.”
It’s a report that typically records expenses for direct mail, telephone calls and advertising. Those expenses do show up, but the report also has a new category of spending: “campaign accessories.”

September payments were also made to Barney’s New York ($789.72) and Bloomingdale’s New York ($5,102.71).
Macy’s in Minneapolis, another store fortunate enough to be situated in the Twin Cities that hosted last summer’s Republican National Convention, received three separate payments totaling $9,447.71. The entries also show a few purchases at Pacifier, a top notch baby store, and Steiniauf & Stroller Inc., suggesting $295 was spent to accommodate the littlest Palin to join the campaign trail. An additional $4,902.45 was spent in early September at Atelier, a high-class shopping destination for men."

The Weakerthans "One Great City!" (in kinetic typography)

calvados says...

I grew up there and (years before this song) it was not uncommon to hear people say "I hate Winnipeg" and mean it -- I've said it too. Reasons:

  • The winters are punishing (I remember in the early 1990s once we had five days in a row of -70C with windchill, and usually in January at least it's around -40C, which is also -40 in Fahrenheit if you're having trouble with Celcius).
  • The summers are thick with mosquitoes -- YWG has the worst number of them in North America after the Everglades.
  • It's isolated, being at least five hours' drive from the next fair-sized city (eg. Fargo), seven from Minneapolis, 13 from Chicago or Calgary. Six hours from Montreal, OTOH and for example, will get you to Quebec City, Ottawa, Toronto, all Vermont, Boston, and NYC.
  • It feels more like a big town than a proper city, which I grant some might prefer, but not me. It's also kind of hick, being in the middle of wheat country. I grant also that Winnipeg has a surprisingly vibrant arts community (and a great summer folk music festival that is a huge draw for both artists and audiences, far and wide) but still.

That said, it's not an ugly, dirty, or crime-ridden city and I don't hate it now that I'm not stuck there. To sum up, however: cold, mosquitoes, and dull.

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