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The Secret to a Perfect Body - Genetics

artician says...

I love GATTACA, phenomenal and valuable film.

Aside from that your argument is flawed, because it assumes that human will is not part of its genetics. While I completely agree with the message that the film GATTACA has, because any intelligent, responsible human should immediately recognize the downside of inequality and prejudice, human will, feelings and drive can be as linked to a person's genetics as much as their physical makeup.
This is why mental illness, dementia, autism and all the perceived negative emotional and behavioral disabilities are as readily passed between relatives and lineage as physical traits. People just haven't advanced to the point yet, or just haven't been paying attention enough, to realize and allow this into our collective realm of awareness.

Yogi said:

The best argument against Genetics vs Perseverance that I've seen is Randy Moss vs Jerry Rice. Moss is taller, faster, and just has greater natural gifts than Jerry Rice. Why don't we call Randy Moss the GOAT (Greatest of all Time)?

Perseverance. Rice had that over any natural athlete that came to every NFL camp he went to. Rice was there before everyone, weeks before, and left later. He'd win a superbowl, wait a week and then right back to training. He's the best there was because Genetics doesn't do everything, just watch GATTACA.

But why don't I shut up. Calvin Coolidge said it better than I can.

Bilderberg Member "Double-Speaks" to Protestors

newtboy says...

It would be a just a distraction if so many politicians/powerful people didn't believe (or pretend to believe) this obvious BS along with the under-educated voters. Sadly, the incorrect views of this misled portion of the population is all too well represented. It may not be a main concern of Bilderberg, but that was not my point.
Allowing obviously completely wrong statements about vital processes to be stated as fact without at least attempting to correct them is not in my makeup. One more character flaw.

Trancecoach said:

This is just a distraction. Obviously the attendees at Bilderberg are not doing anything about "climate change" one way or the other.

(The Roman Republic also had Tribunes of "the People" who could veto laws. It made no difference at all to the lifestyle and activities of the Patricians, Senators, and military men of the Republic.)

Die Antwoord - Pitbull Terrier

Drag Queen Gives Impassioned Speech About Homophobia

lantern53 says...

These people call themselves 'queer', do they not? How is a man dressed as a woman with fake boobs, makeup etc, not a freak? If you said, hey baby, let's get freaky, would it be okay if they cross-dressed? What if you saw this dude at the next urinal, you wouldn't think it a bit strange?

What constitutes unacceptable behavior to you people? So far, it's just me calling him a 'freak'.

Photons on eyeballs, or full realized human beings?

Photons on eyeballs, or full realized human beings?

Wil Wheaton's Response to a Child's Nerd-Bullying Question

ChaosEngine says...

@SDGundamX, first just to be absolutely clear about this up front, I do not believe anyone should be bullied for being a nerd/geek/whatever. There is nothing wrong with being any of those things.

Ok, my point was that if you reduce everything down to you just being a product of your environment/genetics at what point are you.., well, you?

Does Usain Bolt not deserve accolades for his ability? I mean he's clearly a product of both an incredible genetic makeup and an environment that gave him both the opportunity and the impetus to excel.

I get what you're saying, but I think that society as a general rule has decided that judging people on their taste is a valid choice. We all do it, even if it's in a mostly positive fashion (i.e. people become friends over a shared taste in music/books/games/whatever).

I do agree with him when he says "you shouldn't apologise for it", and changing to fit in just doesn't work (although there are behaviours which you can avoid that will just make your life easier).

The second part I'll admit I didn't explain well. I got diverted while writing it and didn't finish it properly. Yes, absolutely the bully is the problem. If it looked like I was trying to apportion blame to the victim, that was not my intent at all.

I had a pretty hard time in school, and my parents, etc would trot out the tired line of "they're just jealous" or some other platitude. And it's simply not true. The good looking girls are not jealous of the plain girls. The "jocks" are not jealous of the "nerds". They don't even register.

Yes, there are kids that bully because of a bad home or something, but they're the easy ones to deal with. The hardest thing comes from just the constant isolation and torment that everyone does... because they can.

Deus Ex Human Revolution Fan Film

Tracey Spicer on society's expectations of women

gorillaman says...

You can sign me up @bareboards2. If there were some broad agreement on terminology I would switch to gender neutral language instantly. Fucking sick of it.

Coincidentally I was thinking about this just this afternoon, because luckily I have nothing better to do at work than stand around contemplating gender politics; pleased and proud as I am of genderqueer crusaders trying to wrestle pronouns into shape, I've been generally unwilling to join them. For fuck's sake, I spend enough time every day arguing about the excess syllable in the number sev, I can't afford to multiply that by every sentence with a person in it.

Singularising plural pronouns is offensive to me on a practical and aesthetic level, Spivak's no damn good, you've got your zes and your hirs and your hens, it's a pain in the ass but as soon as we get some consensus and momentum it's going to be cool.

Can't see that feminism really has anything to do with all this, well, I have trouble seeing that feminism has anything to do with anything. Not to go all Trancecoach here with male world problems but they're similarly told that to be professional they have to knot a piece of cloth around their neck for no reason or slice the hair off their face every day for no fucking reason. The situation is that we have a bullshit tribal culture with endless absurd customs and arbitrary rituals which is perpetuated by morons.

So we should always be rationalising - language, culture, behaviour, expectations.

Gender neutrality is obviously the way to go. If you get shoved in a box you don't become the champion of the box and work to make your box the best box it can be; you break out and start beating your captors over the head with box fragments.

I don't give a fuck about women's problems; I don't give a fuck about women, but I'm glad to consider anyone who stops wearing makeup a part of my team because I don't wear makeup for the same reason I don't shave my stupid face.

Anyway that was my choggie impression for the day. Too much caffeine, not enough sleep, not enough time spent bathing in the blood of my enemies.

Tracey Spicer on society's expectations of women

oritteropo says...

I'd tell my daughter that makeup is war-paint: Wear it to intimidate your foes.


Tracey Spicer on society's expectations of women

Boggie: Noveau Parfum - a heavily photoshopped video

Greetings from Chuck (The epic christmas split)

Emma Watson - Talks about herself

Jordan Vs Muhammad Ali Epic Rap Battle

aaronfr says...

I'm not sure what that all meant, but I can sense that you are surprised/disappointed by my comment. Not to backtrack, because there is something that certainly struck me as odd and upsetting when I realized what the makeup artist had done here, but my comment was pithy to a fault; inappropriate was the wrong choice of words.

I have thought several times about it since I first made the point, and 'offputting' or 'disturbing' might have been better. I am not offended (specifically because I am white, so what the fuck do I have to be offended about) by the use of makeup in this case nor do I think that it violates some moral code (of which I am but a subjective arbiter). Rather, I think it was so poorly done as to draw attention and detract from the end product.

Blackface can be done right (a la Robert Downey Jr in Tropic Thunder) and it can be done wrong (e.g., every privileged white kid who dressed up as Trayvon Martin this Halloween). In this case, it was done wrong, if only subtly so.

chingalera said:

Black face being inappropriate to your personal sensibilities regarding historically offensive stereotypes but not offensive at all when prompted by a passionately opportunistic "trigger" for your particular brand of robotic pontification, the "evil" of racism being the most IMPORTANT and most DELETERIOUS indicator of ignorance or a lack of current-events knowledge or moral character.

Fuck making blackface an issue, it's as tired as the cardboard box of enlightenment you stand on to set yourself above the huddled masses...

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