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Colbert Discusses Foreign Relations with Lara Logan

Obama Reaches Out To Iran

Lara Logan on Obama's Foreign Policy Strategy

Wonder how 'UsesProzac' feels about comments by 'thepinky'? (Politics Talk Post)

thepinky says...

>> ^UsesProzac:
Oh, and thepinky, I downvoted that comment earlier in thread because I think that was a ploy for attention. I think I established earlier that I feel that's your whole intention.
And yeah, I deleted the comment you left on my profile. Are you going to get all up in arms about that, too?

You think that all I want is attention and this is the reason that I comment? I'm sorry, but this is simply not true. I usually comment on videos because I feel strongly about them or I feel that I can add something to the conversation. Sometimes I say things out of anger or frustration (this is what is seen as trolling by some) or I respond waspishly to disrespect, but I do not do these things for attention. I think that you have an attitude about me that causes you to project intentions and attitudes into my words that I never had.

I really wish that you would stop downvoting my comments. At first I didn't care, but now it is somewhat disheartening to go back to nearly every one of my comments to see that it has been downvoted by the same person with no explanation offered. It is especially discouraging to see comments from the last couple of days downvoted because since Deedub posted this thread I have been making an honest effort to be better. Could you at least occassionally tell me the motives behind all of the downvotes? Then perhaps I could do something to change the things that so offend you.

For example, why these?

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
Very nice, Deedub. But no votes, of course.

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
Upvote for the feminism.

At the risk of being melodramatic: When she was talking about the sexism she encounters, I was reminded of some of the comments made to me on the sift when I still had a photo of myself for my avatar. People accused me of "knowing that I was cute" and "using it to get ahead" and "trying to make people like me," etc. Even other women said that if I wanted to be a real feminist I should change my avatar. These comments surprised me because I was using that picture for the simple reason that while I was quickly creating a profile a friend suggested, "Why don't you use such-and-such picture? That would be perfect." (i.e. it was the right size, a closeup, and the facial expression was a good representation of me.) I wasn't trying to use my looks to get anything from anyone, and it is pretty insulting when people assume that a woman is intentionally using her appearance for personal gain. (Well, I suppose we all want to look good for selfish reasons, but you know what I mean, right?)

Maybe only my weird mind sees the parallel. Of course, Lara Logan as a journalist has it much worse than me on VideoSift.

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
Great video. We complain about more than just technology, don't we? Most of the complaining that I've seen in recent years has had something to do with government, war, and economy. When I hear complaining, it seems like Americans grieve about the state of our nation not because we have it all that badly, but because we are concerned about the dying soldiers, the poverty-stricken families, preserving the Earth for the good of our children, etc. That's why it is okay to be dissatisfied with the world. Hopefully it will result in positive change.

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
Everyone likes the idea of representatives who carry out the will of the people until

1. they are one of the minority
2. they are one of the majority, but the representative ignores the majority.

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
Thanks for noticing. I actually have a good sense of humor, but most people are too pissed off while reading my comments to notice.

They seem harmless enough to me.

By the way, I appreciate the upvote, but I thought it was ironic that the only comment of mine that you have upvoted is also one of the few comments I'm actually ashamed of posting.

In reply to this comment by thepinky:

Well, at least your morals don't conflict. (Excuse me while I vomit.) But, seriously, if you don't think infanticide is wrong, then being pro-choice would be a logical choice for you, albeit immoral and repugnant. It's these people who don't see the difference between infanticide and abortion that I don't understand.>>

It's arguments like these that make me glad that I'm not only pro-choice, but also don't have any qualms regarding infantcide.
Oddly enough, I'm against the death penalty. Strange how that works, isn't it?

I DO understand the difference between infanticide and abortion very well. I don't know why I wrote that.

Videosift Hero Lara Logan interview for GOOD magazine.

thepinky says...

Upvote for the feminism.

At the risk of being melodramatic: When she was talking about the sexism she encounters, I was reminded of some of the comments made to me on the sift when I still had a photo of myself for my avatar. People accused me of "knowing that I was cute" and "using it to get ahead" and "trying to make people like me," etc. Even other women said that if I wanted to be a real feminist I should change my avatar. These comments surprised me because I was using that picture for the simple reason that while I was quickly creating a profile a friend suggested, "Why don't you use such-and-such picture? That would be perfect." (i.e. it was the right size, a closeup, and the facial expression was a good representation of me.) I wasn't trying to use my looks to get anything from anyone, and it is pretty insulting when people assume that a woman is intentionally using her appearance for personal gain. (Well, I suppose we all want to look good for selfish reasons, but you know what I mean, right?)

Maybe only my weird mind sees the parallel. Of course, Lara Logan as a journalist has it much worse than me on VideoSift.

Lara Logan Interviews Barack Obama in Afghanistan

bcglorf says...

>> ^spoco2:
Basically, what I see here is a politician who is very well spoken, has a good head on his shoulders and can speak clearly, and intelligently without a teleprompter.
Same can't be said for who has been running your country for the past 8 years, or the running candidate for the 'other' side.
This trip of his is a smart political move though, it's really a case of looking and acting like he's already president, and getting people really comfortable that he would work in the role.
I do hope he is your next president.
I also was watching a program last night here in Australia on John McCain and it showed one of his new supporters, who used to be a Clinton supporter, saying that he was going to vote for McCain because he had been in the airforce and shot down and a prisoner of war, and so that meant that he had what it takes to lead the country.
How the hell can people be so dense as to think that because you got SHOT DOWN, and then spent time as a prisoner of war, you have ANY... I mean ANY greater claim AT ALL to be a good leader of a country? Wow... and I've heard many others spout that because of his military record he would be the better leader.
For god's sake people... being a member of the armed forces does NOT immediately make you a fine leader.
(Being a member of the armed forces who showed great bravery and strategic and diplomatic knowledge maybe, but not just automatically 'armed forces = good').

Well, I'd say he showed some bravery when he refused a prisoner exchange that would see him released early because of who his father was. Also showed some diplomatic knowledge of what his staying would deny his captors. That said I agree there is a lot more to being president, but his military record is exactly what one would want from a president. He's pretty certain to condemn the use of torture and understand what the cost of war is on the soldiers fighting it. I still favor Obama, but Mccain isn't half so bad as most McCain=Bush folks want to believe.

Lara Logan Interviews Barack Obama in Afghanistan

bcglorf says...

>> ^dead_tofu:
chubby or not, there is not a single prove that any of the hijackers had connection to osama. i know that sounds far out, but prove me wrong.... there isnt any prove...oh, there was a 100.000 dollars transfer to muhammed atta from a pakistani general.... pakistan being a military dictatorship....supported by u.s......this is so weird.... ever seen "zeitgeist"?

Have your tinfoil hat sources made mention of an Ahmad Shah Massoud? I'm sure they have been careful to ignore any mention of him. He was the military leader of the "United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan". In April 2001 he spoke to the EU and warned them of strong ties between the Taliban and Al-Qaida, and that a major terrorist attack was imminent. On Spetember 9th, 2001 he was assassinated in Northern Afghanistan. His death on the 10th made papers all over the world, but the next day's events left his death largely forgotten. Would you still like to insist the tapes are fake? Even though a prominent Afghan military leader who warned of Al-Qaida planning exactly the kind of attack made on 9/11 was assassinated 2 days prior to it?

Lara Logan Interviews Barack Obama in Afghanistan

Lara Logan Interviews Barack Obama in Afghanistan

NetRunner says...

>> ^MINK:
what. the. fuck. is. the. battle. against. terrorism.

Several things at once:

1. The battle for politicians to benefit from people's fears after 9/11
2. The battle for revenge against the people who perpetrated 9/11
3. Preemptive attempts to destroy the support systems for people who might be thinking of another terror attack on the U.S.

Bush championed #1 over everything, Obama wants all three.

I'm not particularly in favor of any of the three, but 9/11, and the reaction to it has poisoned America into thinking that at least #2 and #3 are totally justifiable, to the point where you couldn't win an election without some sort of warlike posture towards terrorists.

I still think using the military to fight terrorism is like trying to fight mosquito swarms with a bazooka, but in Afghanistan there's actually a real opposing force (the Taliban) we're fighting. Unlike with Saddam, the Taliban was actually involved in 9/11, so we at least have some reason to be there, and fighting there might actually have a positive effect along the lines of #3.

I'm thinking we need to stop pretending this is the Cold War 2.0 though, and get real specific about just getting our revenge for 9/11 and then getting over it. I don't want this to be the defining paradigm of American foreign policy for the next 50 years.

Lara Logan Interviews Barack Obama in Afghanistan

dead_tofu (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Dude, 10.000 that's like ten in American. Learn to write in American. If it was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me.

In reply to this comment by dead_tofu:
oh, and be careful when you speak off news outlet on the planet. there are 2 types, the u.s version and then the rest of the world version. when cnn europe reports a number of 100.000 civilian casulties in iraq in line with other newscasts in europe, cnn u.s reports 10.000, when its 1.000.000 in europe, its 100.000 in the u.s.

Lara Logan Interviews Barack Obama in Afghanistan

Women and VideoSift: Why I'm a feminist. Guys, I quoted you. (Terrible Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

This is an interesting discussion - and I agree with the main thrust of your argument. Women are under-represented here and sometimes the threads read like an all guy fishing trip. Minus the farts and beer.

To a large degree I think Farhad is right - much of the over-representation of males and attracive females is a larger sociological thing - but that doesn't make it right.

Men are very visually stimulated. A video of an angry Lara Logan makes us hot - we can't help it. And having this emotion, we're likely to express that in a comment thread.

I would like to make VideoSift more welcoming and comfortable for females. I like women and I don't want VideoSift to be a lopsided gender mutant sausage fest.

Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

Shepppard (Member Profile)

thepinky says...

You're very ignorant if you think that everyone has the same rights and opportunities. And degrading attitudes about women still exist today. The stereotypes that label men as rational, strong, decisive, and protective and women as emotional (irrational), submissive, weak, and nurturing are still very much alive. Just look at the top sifts of all time:
1. A very talented MAN playing the ukelele
2. Two talented BOYS' well-made lightsaber video
3. Autistic BOY being awesome at a b-ball game
4. Talented MALE robot dancer
5. Prairie Dog, generally accepted as MALE. Thus: Drama KING
6. Very clever rant about Pachebel. Again, a talented and clever MAN.
7. FINALLY, an intelligent WOMAN with integrity. But, wait! She's also very beautiful. Do you think this would be the #7 sift if she hadn't been so gorgeous? I don't think so. Listen to some of the comments:
"Plus, uhmm - she's like a hot Christiane Amanpour. But I like her integrity too."
"She's 40% Kylie Minogue and 60% Naomi Watts."
"...Plus, shes hot."
"Is there anything better than a hot, articulate, angry blonde ... I don't think so."
"Lara Logan is hot. Not only is she drop dead pretty, she is smart, she has an acerbic tongue and she tells the truth. Lately, she has been wearing tight tops with a push-up bra that really make her tits looks great. More Iraq stories, please............"
"shes hot and reaaaaaaly intelligent..."
"I want this woman to have my children."
"Lara Logan, will you marry me?"

I give major props to the guys of videosift for focusing FAR more on her integrity, intelligence, and how articulate she is. They really were very good about that. But I really, really think that a lot of those votes had everything to do with the COMBINATION of brains and looks. If this had been an ugly woman, it would not have received NEARLY as many votes, I'd bet you anything. Moving on.

8. Awesome commercial. The wind is a tall MAN doing funny things. Love this sift.
9. Drug spiders. MALE spiders (Mr. Crack Spider, etc.), Male narrator.
10. Quantum Physics narrated and explained by a MALE scientist.
11. Clever prank, talented FEMALES. (Yay!) All old/overweight women are the ones being tricked, all beautiful and young females are the tricksters. Some sample comments:
"...also, they were hot."
"Those twins could prank me in the bathroom anytime."
"Twin hot German chicks in a bathroom is guaranteed to make #1."

Again, the majority of the comments had nothing to do with the way the girls looked, but on the prank itself. Cool. Movin on.

12. Jon Stewart (MAN) being funny and clever and awesome.
13. A pretty GIRL with a great bod doing something pretty cool. Comments:

"She can spin on my escalator any day she likes."
"This is cool and I think it's pure science. For example, it would be interesting also to rub her down in various oils and see how it affects the results. Or underwear versus no underwear for example. What would happen?"
"She's a hottie."
"oh and this is *nature too because humans are part of nature.
and *sexuality because those tight jeans make her look sexy to me."
"I predict a chubby girl stuck between the glass railings of a shopping mall escalator near you."
"Indeed, perhaps she will leave a trail of freshly erected posts behind her as she spins her way from town to town."
"I suspect she already left a trail of freshly erected posts, both at the original venue and among some of the male sift viewers judging by the comments."
"Videosift seems to have an immense fondness for rotating women."
"You males are all full of bull putty. If this was a 15 year old pimply faced fella doing this it have about 20 votes and an eia tag immediately."

14. Dolphins blowing bubbles
15. Cool music video. MALE band, MALE hands.

Most people see the world through the eyes of a man and they don't even know it. Men look, women are looked upon.

Top Box-Office Movies of all time: (I'm going to point out the gender of JUST the main character (protagonist).

Titanic (1997)- As far as I can tell, not having seen the movie, the MALE/FEMALE share the main character spot.
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) - Male
Shrek 2 (2004) - Male
E. T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)- Male
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) - Male
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) - Male/Female?
Spider-Man (2002) - Male
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)- Male
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)- Male
Spider-Man 2 (2004) - Male
The Passion of the Christ (2004)- Male
Jurassic Park (1993) - Male
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)- Male
Finding Nemo (2003) - Male
Spider-Man 3 (2007) - Male
Forrest Gump (1994) - Male
The Lion King (1994) - Male
Shrek the Third (2007) - Male
Transformers (2007) - Male
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) - Male
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) - Male
Iron Man (2008) - Male
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) - Male
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) - Male
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) - Male
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) - Male
Independence Day (1996) - Male
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) - Male
The Sixth Sense (1999) - Male
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) - Male
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Male/Female
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - Male
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) - Male
Home Alone (1990) - Male
The Matrix Reloaded (2003) - Male
Meet the Fockers (2004) - Male
Shrek (2001) - Male
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) - Male
The Incredibles (2004) - Male
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) - Male

I could keep going, but I think you get the picture.

In reply to this comment by Shepppard:
Alright, this is a video of someone doing what they love.
I don't understand the controversy. Just because I watched this doesn't make me think of a woman as an object. I see her dancing, and I see her doing something she loves to do. I'm not sitting here thinking "I'd hit that so hard she'd walk funny for a week" I'm actually sitting here enjoying it because it's a dance.

People need to seriously reconsider what they want to pick fights with. Society on the whole has come to terms of equality. Black, White, Yellow, Purple, brown, male or female, everybody has equal rights and opportunities.
No race is better then the other, and same goes for the Sexes.

People don't treat women as brainless objects anymore. You can vote, you can drive, you can work, the only thing you can't do is pee standing up. People have accepted that women are NOT objects anymore, and therefore can actually watch something like this and appreciate it as art.

Because we (at least not all of us), don't have our head in the gutter anymore and can accept it.

Lara Logan: Daily Show interview - TYT

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