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Buttigieg Shuts Down Loaded Fox Question

Trump and Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

luxintenebris says...

it's a shame that when president said he has tested positive for covid, the response for many was "what's his angle?"

not surprising for either incident or for the orangettes' "don't be mean to him" (like hill folk have no sense of irony) but this was...

can say haven't found much schandenfreude in his deadly hubris or in his precarious situation but did find some dark humor from this...

...that is fair game.

rather he loses the presidency, and recovers enough to face his trials, true place in history, and witness the steep fall off of the fat-head chasers. take his rightful place among the legacies of paterno, cosby and epstein.

Trump and Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

newtboy says...

It's apparently spreading through the Whitehouse like a California wildfire in an unraked national forest, and sounds like in the Senate least one segment of the senate. Good thing for them it's just a hoax, one big nothing burger.
Reports are Hope tested positive Wed morning, but Trump still held an intimate fundraiser with top donors Wednesday evening knowing he had been exposed. Now, with his campaign out of money, he's put his biggest donors at high risk, and they are mostly elderly too, a high risk category.

Trump is in at least 3 high risk categories. Elderly, obese, and with heart conditions.

Two words seem to sum up the irony of the "nothing burger" president contracting and personally super spreading the virus that he's downplayed in every way since the outbreak......poetic justice.

Trump and Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

newtboy says...

I don't believe it, and I won't until we see video, (not still pictures they could easily fake,) of him being intubated for a respirator and clearly near death.

He, and those around him, have no credibility. The fact that Trump is saying he has it statistically makes that claim very likely to be a lie.

I think this is an excuse to skip the second and third debate after his train wreck in the first one, and try for some sympathy vote.

(Sometimes I think we need an irony channel)

Back-To-School Essentials | Sandy Hook Promise

wraith says...

Thank you for your reply Harlequinn.

I beg to differ: The rate of gun deaths in the USA is only low when compared to countries that are either active (civil-) war zones or basically run by drug cartels. When compared to other, similar developed countries, it is at least 4 times as high (when excluding suicides/accidents) .
I would call that a significant deviation from the norm and stand by my use of "staggering".

You compare gun deaths to deaths from car crashes. Others have already pointed out that one of the main differences is that cars are not tools for killing that are put into public hands and furthermore, since I asked you the question (that you did not answer): "Is the reason for the Second Amendment worth the amount of gun violence in the USA?", my follow up question would be: I can show you the (financial, societal, etc.) benefits of cars (i.e. individual travel by car) for the society, what exactly are the benefits of private gun ownership?
(Whether cars are really worth it, is a whole other discussion.)

Regarding suicide rates, this seems to be a compelling argument until you notice that suicide rates in some, equally developed countries and some lesser developed countries are higher than in the USA and that the number of gun killings that are not suicide is still way higher than in comparable countries (see above).

I do not think that gun violence in the USA can be blamed on mental health issues though <irony>unless you count gun/power fetishism among mental illnesses </irony>.
Edit: Saying that whoever commits an act of gun violence must be mentally ill is tantamount of saying that any criminal must be mentally ill and thus not responsible for his/her actions.

One nice observation about this gun fetish (not by me, I think it was Bill Burr): Another common argument pro guns is that people are in it only for home security, if that were the case you would have tons of photos of people with their new door locks or magazine-covers with girls in bikinis in front of security doors.

I applaud your stand on public (mental-) health policies though.

Now to your main question:
Have I ever encountered interpersonal violence against me or others?
Yes, but not on a level that bringing lethal force to the situation ever seemed warranted. Thankfully. One obvious reason for that is that I live in a country where I don't need to expect everyone else to carry a gun.
Would it be possible that I would think otherwise, if it would have been the case? Yes.
Would I be correct in thinking that way? No.

To explain: I am not a friend of passive aggressive "stand you ground" thinking. The sane response chain is: 1. Try not to let yourself be provoked, 2. try to de-escalate, 3. try to evade/flee, 4. try to defend yourself.....And of course: CALL THE COPS!

Does that harm my male ego? Yes.
Does that matter enough to me for me to risk killing another human being? No.

harlequinn said:

Thanks for the good questions.

a) yes
b) yes
c) no
d) yes
e) n/a

If you exclude suicide, the USA doesn't have a staggering rate of gun deaths. It is high compared to some other western countries, but on a world rate it is still very low.

When looking at public health (which is the reason for reducing gun violence) you need to be pragmatic. What will actually give a good outcome for public health? In this case there are about a half a dozen things that kill and maim US citizens at much higher rates than firearms do.

E.g. you are much more likely to be killed in a car crash than murdered by someone with a firearm. Cars by accident kill more people in the USA each year than firearms do on purpose. That's some scary shit right there. Think about that for a second, cars are more dangerous than firearms and people are not even trying to kill themselves or someone else with one. So as an example, you'd be better off trying to fix this first.

Or fix the suicide rate in the US. People aren't in a happy place there.

Obesity kills more people. Doctor malpractice kills more people. Etc. But these are hard issues to tackle that will cost billions or trillions. The low hanging fruit is firearms.

Free health care and mental health care, a better social security system, and various other means would all have magnificent outcomes on everyday life in the USA. But again, they cost a lot and require a paradigm shift.

Have you ever encountered interpersonal violence against you (i.e. had someone attack you)? Or have you maybe worked in a job where you often come into contact with people who have been attacked? I find people change their mind after they realize that they were only ever one wrong turn away from some crazy bastard who wanted to hurt them badly.

What Do Cynical People Really Want?

newtboy says...

The irony is palpable.
This hyper cynical assessment of cynicism and cynics is some serious Jr high psychology in video form.

I'm clearly a cynic.
I had a decent childhood, with minor neglect but nothing that hurt me, just taught me to enjoy solitude. Like others, I've suffered loss of loved ones, both by death and choice, more often than I deemed fair. Like mom used to say," who told you life was supposed to be fair?" There's no secret hurt I'm brooding over.
I do have worldly experience, I traveled more by 18 than most do in their lifetime, studied at some excellent schools (and some horrific ones) for over a decade after high school, I have plenty of love and kindness in my life, more than I want or think I deserve sometimes. I've been happily married to the same woman for 21 years.
I thought this video was a slap in the face to honest cynics...dismissive of our valid, empirical evidence of how fucked things are, how crappy humanity is, and how little chance there is of solving our problems before it's too late, and infantalizing us as irrational babies lashing out because we've been hurt. Maybe we just refuse to pull the wool over our own eyes because we much prefer ugly truth to beautiful lies.
Edit: also, there's the idea that if you always expect the worst, you're never disappointed.

*rant over

Prove Apple wrong about data recovery and get banned

Jinx says...

I wonder if this stems somewhat from their marketing - they are trying to sell you a fashion accessory or perhaps symbol of status, not a gadget or a gizmo. At best it's a tool for trendy creative types, in the same way a wand is a tool for a wizard; Its a magic box not a glorified computer, a single crystal grown deep beneath The Valley of Silicon which the tech-priests then ensorcell using incantations passed down from the late grand master. An Iphone cannot be repaired because it does not break... it dies. Never forget the memories you shared with it, because they are irretrievable otherwise. Admitting it can be put right after a light drowning would perhaps dispel the magic.

That's my take anyway. Oh, and that they'd rather sell you a new thing that repair an old thing.

I suppose the irony is that most people will never see the genuine artistry and engineering excellence that goes into these things.

Mexicans Are Stealing The Wall

Payback says...

Yeah, because Americans would never do shit like pad their invoices and charge for work that was never done on the Wall to begin with.

This seems more like a protest to me, something your Constitution has encased in steel and concrete.

Metaphorical irony there...

bobknight33 said:

Trump was right. Mexicans are criminals, well some of them.

Anthony Jeselnik: Thoughts and Prayers

cloudballoon says...

Oh the irony...

I'm a Christian, and I hate those people that only offers "thoughts & prayers" to steal the spotlight as much as the next guy. The arguments I get into with my fellow Christians about the danger of passivity is intense, you just don't know about it.

Comedy by mocking people is one thing, as the targets so often do deserve scorns. But not offering any solutions or demonstrably doing anything more than mocking others, thus not making the world better is also "less than nothing."

North Carolina's Voter Fraud May Require A New Election

Drachen_Jager says...

Are you using that phrase intentionally? "Nothing to see here." is typically used purely for irony.
So... you're either
a) A self-aware troll inserting hints he's just messing with us
b) A troll who doesn't have a 100% grasp of English idoms.

Which is it, tovarisch?

bobknight33 said:

I live in this 9th. -- No fraud going on, nothing to see here.


Mordhaus says...

Basically the Emperor, a human who was effectively immortal due to his psychic power constantly regenerating his cells, began to be considered a god because of a combination of lies from the chaos lords and because some of his followers simply couldn't reconcile his existence without him being divine. He constantly fought against it, telling them he was not a god.

Due to the chaos lords interference, a cult formed that would accept him as nothing less than a God. They fought a huge war and the Emperor was triumphant, but was so wounded that he was going to die. Unfortunately, his mind and psychic powers control FTL travel and some other stuff, so he had his people modify a 'throne' he had been creating to help him control the daily duties his mind performed easier. The modifications would keep his mind functional even as his body rotted and decayed.

The great irony is that he began to be worshiped anyway and his skull is the symbol of the imperium because it shows his willingness to sacrifice himself to 'protect' Mankind.

The effect of trillions of human beings expressing a deep faith in His divinity has massively empowered the Emperor's mind and soul. Whatever He may have been before the Horus Heresy, the Emperor now truly is a God within the Warp, equal in power to any one of the four major Chaos Gods, and very likely as powerful as all four of them combined, as He has become perhaps the strongest spiritual force for Order in the Milky Way Galaxy. His mind must claim the life energies of 1,000 human psychics a day to empower FTL and other functions of the imperium.

moonsammy said:

My knowledge of 40k lore is limited, perhaps someone can fill in a bit. I know these dudes are both generic archetypes from the game, and are zealous supporters of their God-Emperor.

Is there a bit more info anyone knows that would add some layers of understanding to the interactions here, particularly at the end?

Deadliest cat on Earth

Science Moms

ChaosEngine says...

This. So much this. And just in case anyone was wondering here is an actual quote from a recent discussion about vaccines in NZ:

"your belief in vaccines is an article of faith.

Vaccines are a purification ritual. A cult. And you couldn't care less about evidence and logic.

You will just shift the goalposts.

Since the widespread use of vaccines, childhood disability rates in the US have risen ten fold, healthcare expenditure has increased to be four times what it was as a per cent of GDP and currently one in two children have a chronic illness.

now rationalise away

This should be great to see all your religious, faith based reasoning as to why you should maintain your delusional faith in your cult."

The irony would be hilarious if the outcome wasn't so tragic.

newtboy said:

This already has a *quality and *doublepromote, but that's just no where near enough. We need to applaud and support people like these as much as humanly possible.
These are the real super heroines of today, standing up to ignorance and misinformation knowing they will be blasted with backlash and attacks from zealous believers who actually know nothing but are dead certain of their (totally wrong and ignorant) beliefs and are willing to pretend to have fact and knowledge backing them up.

The Daily Show: The Facebook Effect.

Vox: Why so many sitcoms look the same.

moonsammy says...

It's quite the bizarre irony that completely dull lighting like that was a brilliant innovation, but it makes sense given the limitations and requirements at play. Thanks for posting this!

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