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radx (Member Profile)

deathcow (Member Profile)

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radx (Member Profile)

How Goldman Sachs Robbed You Of Five Billion Dollars - TYT

socialism comes to america-workers buy window factory

Yogi says...

This is a great thing, and it makes perfect sense. The workers should own the factories.

However why is this considered Socialism Coming To America, when Goldman Sachs and GM and basically any fucking huge corporation is supported by Tax dollars? When the big crash happens just like always they "Socialized" the hit, and used tax dollars to bail them out. That's Socialism, but you can't call it that because The Market decides everything, The Market is God.

It's complete propaganda, Socialism has existed in America since the beginning but it's not to the benefit of everyone but the super rich.

"Yeah, I would like to raise my debt limit."

chingalera says...

China is buying Gold like gangbusters and the price is again on the rise-Cypriots are feeling the first test-run of the world banker's looting of everyone's shit-tickets as the worker-ants and bees of the world sit around talking about not burning Goldman-Sachs to the ground. Being at the center of the empire only means we get the worst end of the security thugs who protect the cunts when everyone wakes up and gets militant with these pricks absconding with every one's blood,sweat,and property.

Got a short-list of the ones to assassinate first in case anyone wants to implement Phase 1...

Trancecoach said:

What this parody fails to recognize is that, being in the center of the empire enables us to sell the debt to other countries... As long as there are others there to purchase the Fed's newly minted fiat, there's plenty of music left in the calliope... that is, of course, until the music stops (and China decides to buy gold and diversify out of the dollar....

➎ The Five Fingers of Rick James ➎

doogle (Member Profile)

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TYT - 64% of Republicans Believe Obama Born Outside of US

Stormsinger says...

>> ^lantern53:

Makes you wonder why so many are interested in whether Obama was born in the US when there are so many more important things to be concerned about, such as the national debt, the economy, foreign relations, why Ronan Farrow makes $115,000 a year pushing 'global youth issues' when the youth here in the US are chronically unemployed, why Democrats are avoiding their convention, Obama's 'laser-like' focus on jobs (lol), his record-setting golf outings and fund-raisers, why he won't meet with CIA chiefs or even his cabinet...
so much to be concerned about...

I'll say it again...change his skin color and name, leave his policies and actions exactly as they have been. Drop Obama 15 years in the past, and the Republicans would hail him as their conquering hero, the new incarnation of Saint Reagan.

His every action is that of a big-business Republican. His healthcare reform...a Republican-created plan. His economic advisors, from Goldman-Sachs and Wall Street, every one. His handling of the wars...nothing changed, just keep pumping money to the mega-corps we hired on no-bid contracts.

He IS a Republican, in all ways that matter. But to the Republicans, apparently the only ways that matter are skin color, a funny sounding name, and that he claims to be a Democrat. Actions are meaningless and count for nothing to them.

EA in a Nutshell

Quboid says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

I guess you're gonna vote for Obama and Goldman Sachs again this year as well?
>> ^Quboid:
This video is trying to tell me that EA remake the same shitty game that idiots buy over and over.
However, what it actually tells me is that the maker of this video is a hipster asshole who thinks his opinions are worth more than other people's, and who thinks because they don't like Call of Honour, then people who do are simple minded, gullible sheep. This asshole is so full of his or her own opinion that anyone who disagrees must have fallen for EA's evil marketing because anyone actually thinking independently would surely have the same opinion as them, as they're so fucking special; they're the only sane person.
EA, Activision and Ubisoft do produce many shitty games and are involved in underhanded tactics like buying reviews. However, that doesn't mean all their games suck and it doesn't mean people who like an EA game, even an uninnovative sequel, are wrong. The implication that we should all follow what this guy thinks (or if you prefer, independently come to the same conclusion) would make us sheep.

What? You know this is a video about EA, not a political thing, right? I can assure you I am not going to vote for Obama or Goldman Sachs this year but this has zero to do with me thinking this guy is a prick for setting himself up as some sort of superior being.

If the video just criticised EA's game production system and how it results in a massive lack of innovation, and how PC gamers tend to get shafted, fine. I agree. But this guy implies that players who buy the latest FIFA, Battlefield or whatever are fools and that's insulting. I bought BF3 because I liked BF:BC2, not because something shiny was dangled in front of me and not because IGN gave it good marks. Likewise, I bought FIFA12 because I played FIFA11 lots and even though little has changed, I've still got many, many times as much gameplay from it than I've got from most other games from developers and publishers big and small.

My complaint isn't that poor little EA don't deserve the criticism. My complaint is that he seems to think people who don't share his opinion must be fools.

EA in a Nutshell

GenjiKilpatrick says...


I guess you're gonna vote for Obama and Goldman Sachs again this year as well?

>> ^Quboid:

This video is trying to tell me that EA remake the same shitty game that idiots buy over and over.
However, what it actually tells me is that the maker of this video is a hipster asshole who thinks his opinions are worth more than other people's, and who thinks because they don't like Call of Honour, then people who do are simple minded, gullible sheep. This asshole is so full of his or her own opinion that anyone who disagrees must have fallen for EA's evil marketing because anyone actually thinking independently would surely have the same opinion as them, as they're so fucking special; they're the only sane person.
EA, Activision and Ubisoft do produce many shitty games and are involved in underhanded tactics like buying reviews. However, that doesn't mean all their games suck and it doesn't mean people who like an EA game, even an uninnovative sequel, are wrong. The implication that we should all follow what this guy thinks (or if you prefer, independently come to the same conclusion) would make us sheep.

Morgan Stanley Subpoenaed By Massachusetts Over Facebook IPO

Rick Santelli - Taxing the Rich will not Offset the Deficit

Bill Maher On George Zimmerman: He's a BIG FUCKING LIAR!

GenjiKilpatrick says...

OMFG, why is it so hard for you to see the FLAGRANT corruption that's going on here.

It's not like the police arrived, saw the "fight" ending, observed that Zimmerman was reasonably threatened and was justified in shooting, then interviewed and released him.

The cops lied. They failed to collect crucial evidence. The Sanford City Police INTIMIDATED WITNESSES FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

This case is far from "usual" in the just sense.

[Altho, "privileged man gets of scot-free" is pretty usual in Scam-erica i.e. Goldman Sachs, etc. ..whoa channeling QM there a bit]

Stop being blinded by your fantasies. The United States isn't a Just or Fair or Equal place.

It never has been, and as long as fools like you keep eating the crocks of shit the Oligarchs hand to you.. it never will be.

>> ^Darkhand:

If someone could tell me how long it usually takes a murder suspect to be put on trial I would be interested in learning. To me it seems like people get arrested and then it's months before the case comes to the courts. Having said that this case feels like a natural progression so far.
If they didn't find a reason to arrest him they aren't going to do an about face all of the sudden. They're going to wait till they have their case together then arrest him which I figure will be about the end of April?

Bill Maher On George Zimmerman: He's a BIG FUCKING LIAR!

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Kindly go fuck yourself overcast. I never called for vigilante justice so don't try to put words in my mouth.

I called Zimmerman was he is, a murder and a scumbag. I never called for his lynching.

Zimmerman is very clearly guilty of murder.

But of course, legal moralists like you and edgeman are gonna defend this whole "The United States is a nation of Laws" bullshit. "We have to let the system runs its course."

That shit is same reason why Goldman Sachs, etc. stole all our tax dollars and will never be brought to trial for it.

"Well if it's not illegal or there's no evidence to prosecute them then.. what are we supposed to do about?"

Stop pretending like "innocent until proven guilty" means anything.

It's just empty rhetoric you've been indoctrinated with so you'll comply with this fucked up judicial system.

Think about it Overcast and @Edgeman2112. What kind of society puts INNOCENT people on trial?

It's all a game and scumbags like Zimmerman's retired judge father know how to play to win. i.e. get away with murder

>> ^xxovercastxx:

innocent until proven guilty in a court of law is not "defending" anyone; it's the foundation of our legal system.
If it was up to people like you he'd have been strung up in a tree in the public square 3 weeks ago.

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