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2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

wtfcaniuse says...

"Flopping" onto your side often leads to spinal injury. I'd rather a mangled foot...

newtboy said:

Different test, driver side vs passenger makes a difference, but almost all those trucks seem to have ended up with the wall crushing the footwell or worse. I would rather flop on my side that lose a foot or leg any day.
Ejection is only an issue if you aren't wearing seatbelts.
Imo, the jeep still seems like the winner.

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

newtboy says...

Different test, driver side vs passenger makes a difference, but almost all those trucks seem to have ended up with the wall crushing the footwell or worse. I would rather flop on my side that lose a foot or leg any day.
Ejection is only an issue if you aren't wearing seatbelts.
Imo, the jeep still seems like the winner.

Mordhaus said:

Here are some other vehicles in the same test.

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

newtboy says...

Do jeeps not come with roll bars anymore? Mine has a full cage with 4 point seatbelts, it's nearing 50 years old.

I'm also curious to see other cars tested this way. I bet most flop over in this test, that or have the front wheel or crash wall inside the cab at the end. Yes, 4x4s roll easier, but most are made stronger AND have extra safety like roll bars. If you wear a seatbelt, you wouldn't be ejected.

helicopter dick

makach says...

Helicopter dick, helicopter dick, helicopter dick, helicopter dick. You can tell a proper flick from its opposite, as it is both soft and quick and seems like there is a lot of it, which may or may not be an optical illusion. The danger be your cocks is full of bruisin’ if you fuck it up. There are a multitude of factors. I found a club in which a bunch of dudes do practice helicopter dick, helicopter dick, helicopter dick, helicopter dick.

At the totem of the storeroom I showed them how to relax and to tell a proper flick from its opposite as it is both soft and quick, strong as an apocalypse. Don’t knock it Miss. It is a ritual of manhood. A man should preserve it like canned good, not that there’s very much choice in the matter. Young boys innately know the joys of hey batter, batter, picking up stick to swing in a rock. Isn’t any shot because they know the grip flicks swish to their own cock quicker than they learn to love the lick of another boy’s lollipop, not undermine the sucking of dicks.

Live in love my brothers. Teach me some of your tricks. It is not my own area of expertise. I only know my own dick as I check to squeeze. I got on it tighter than you might expect, but if my rhyme is so tight how would I ejac-ulate is what you contemplate, but if you really want to know it ask your mom for the tape, because I came to cockcenteric Centrifusions, stretch out with your feelings and sense the hugeness. Oh, the impulse to prove this newtonian concept of the universe, whether through boners or non erect dudes rehearse their mystery over gravity, magically flinging their anatomy as they battle the old enemy of Adam and Eve, not the devil, not the serpent, but the apple, drop in the knowledge on their heads like my rappel du-tee-de you, mother fucker.

Helicopter dick, helicopter dick, helicopter dick, helicopter dick. Can stop to check if you are rocking it properly, wouldn’t want to let you be flopping it sloppily, ladies in the house, don’t let us with the monopoly; Ying to the Yang, to the wang – to the follow me. Helicopter dick, helicopter dick, helicopter dick, helicopter dick.

You can tell about the flick from its opposite as it is both soft and quick and seems like there is a lot of it. Don’t throttle it, ease up on throttle. You can got a lot of lift with a little bit of twaddle, which is like twiddle but from the bottom in the middle, pop-up to the top, flop back down like a griddle cake, or the smack with a little shake.

The more you practice helps you mitigate the inaccuracy of hitting shapes not exactly within the state of helicopter dick, helicopter dick, helicopter dick, helicopter dick, helicopter dick, helicopter dick, helicopter dick, helicopter dick, helicopter helicopter dick. []

THE IRON MASK Official Trailer (2020)

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

bobknight33 says...

Yep still laughing Newt.

1 big flop and a disgrace to the Dem Party.

Not one witness has testified that they have personally herd any other wrong doing, just their perspective. NO actual proof.

No evidence and a fundraising bonanza for Republicans. While the DNC is basically broke with no donors in site. No is is buying what the Democrats are selling.

YES shift will march forward and impeach and then the Turtle win get it and Republicans can finally call wittiness .

No smoking gun, no smoke and no gun.

I gather that you were 1 of those who cried on election night. Get get more tissue Newt, your going to need more.

Dems have lost, you know it, I know it and Americans know it.

newtboy said:

Still laughing Bobski? I am.

Trump has no facts on his side. Not one. Even his best defense, the money was released without the announcement of the investigations he demanded, is laughable since that came AFTER the drug deal was being investigated publicly....just like his angry denial on the phone of "I want nothing, I want nothing, no quid pro quo" came after he knew an investigation had started, he probably thought the question was a set up and was being taped by investigators. You don't get credit for dropping the money bag after being caught stealing it.

I'm sure the state department was pissed they were bypassed by Trump's idiot lackies pushing extortion schemes, their job is to safeguard our national interests and national safety and Trump was actively engaged in private unsanctioned operations in direct opposition to our national interests, policies, and laws using private citizens to form and implement secret foreign policy that directly contradicts long term public policy, hurts our standings, hurts Ukraine, and helps Putin. The only winner is Russia, who sold moronic Trump a previously thoroughly debunked fantasy, and he was so eager to suck more Putin cock that he discarded the entire intelligence community's warnings and the state department and instead believed a pair of Russian tied Ukrainian crooks and liars, and did their bidding for a bribe.

Any reasonable American is pissed he stupidly sold out the country for a lie.

Giving aid and comfort to an enemy of the state is called what? There's no question that withholding the aid to Ukraine gave both aid and comfort to Russia, a hostile foreign power and enemy of America.
What did Trump say we should to to those who committed treason?

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

Meanwhile at a Democratic Socialists Convention...

newtboy says...

Fair enough.
I think both mentioned ideologies bear some responsibility for zealous extremists from their groups. Disavowing them and their extremist views mitigates that responsibility, but doesn't erase it.
Mainstream Islam has done a better, more consistent job of late in disavowing Islamic extremists, the "right" flip flops from condemning right wing extremists to calling them "good people", "patriots" and "our base" while publicly creating, supporting, and repeating the extremist views and conspiracies repeatedly cited as the motives for terrorism.

bcglorf said:

I'm Canadian, so as much as American politics and media is pervasive up here, some of it still foreign to me.

That said, it feels like I'm observing a not undeserved observation that white-national and anti-immigrant ideologies are dominating mass shootings in the US. I guess where I get wary is with the sources most adamant about demanding that leadership on the 'right' acknowledge and address it as their own problem. Those same sources when discussing terrorism dominated by those claiming Islamic ideologies are adamant that Islam not be unfairly tarred by bad actors.

I'd have an easier time swallowing the line if either side were consistent in their approach. Either you blame BOTH Islam AND the 'right' for terrorist acts claiming common cause, or you reject BOTH Islam AND the 'right' being blamed for a few bad actors...

What is the Second Civil War

newtboy says...

Ok, so you don't condemn him because you don't know what he's done since "repenting" (but continuing to swindle the poor and elderly)....but you have seen numerous videos here of him using his religious position to claim the end is here, so you need to buy buckets of food from him to survive Armageddon. He's a pure charlatan huckster who preys on the elderly and poorly educated, and always has been.
He is one of the originators of charismania along with Tammy. He felt bad he got caught, but he never changed.

I'm certain enough that 99% + of the fish flopping is a put on, faked to get adulation from the flock as someone touched by God. The rest is epilepsy or another disorder. Same goes for speaking in tongues.

What did the bible say about those claiming to know the will of God, or the date of Armageddon? He does both, for profit, not as a prophet. Nuff said.

shinyblurry said:

Please don't count my lack of condemnation in this instance as an endorsement. I am sure there is plenty to call Jim Bakker on. I know he did some very despicable (and illegal) things in the 80s and 90s. He supposedly repented of them but I haven't investigated to see whether that is true or not. I definitely wouldn't trust his theology after watching this video.

The disturbing nature of the video is a phenomenon we in the church call "Charismania". It comes from the charismatic church, which has largely become apostate from biblical Christianity by embracing experience over truth. Many of them do nothing else but follow around people like Rick Joyner to hear tell of some new vision or to have a supernatural experience in one of his meetings. I know you don't believe in the supernatural, but they are having a supernatural experience when you see them flop all over the place and jerk spasmodically. It's a real experience but it isn't from God.

I would never recommend anyone listen to anything like this. Instead, people need to systematically learn the bible for themselves so they can evaluate these sorts of claims and recognize them for what they are.

What is the Second Civil War

shinyblurry says...

Please don't count my lack of condemnation in this instance as an endorsement. I am sure there is plenty to call Jim Bakker on. I know he did some very despicable (and illegal) things in the 80s and 90s. He supposedly repented of them but I haven't investigated to see whether that is true or not. I definitely wouldn't trust his theology after watching this video.

The disturbing nature of the video is a phenomenon we in the church call "Charismania". It comes from the charismatic church, which has largely become apostate from biblical Christianity by embracing experience over truth. Many of them do nothing else but follow around people like Rick Joyner to hear tell of some new vision or to have a supernatural experience in one of his meetings. I know you don't believe in the supernatural, but they are having a supernatural experience when you see them flop all over the place and jerk spasmodically. It's a real experience but it isn't from God.

I would never recommend anyone listen to anything like this. Instead, people need to systematically learn the bible for themselves so they can evaluate these sorts of claims and recognize them for what they are.

newtboy said:

You're going to have to explain how you think Christian teachers should be evaluated by scripture, yet you don't condemn Jim Baker. He has been a charlatan his entire career, swindling mostly the elderly to make his fortune and live the high life.

Kavanaugh: No More Nineties Reboots, Please | Full Frontal

Mordhaus says...

1. I completely agree, assuming that he did do it.

2. If you spent all of your life in a field of endeavor and someone came to you saying, we would like to add you to (as you said) one of the most important roles in the USA and the absolute defining pinnacle of your life's career, would you feel perfectly fine if you did not get that position because of something you did as a drunken minor and never repeated again?

Now, assuming you would not feel fine with #2, how would you feel if you had that shot ruined because of a false claim? I am willing to bet Merrick Garland is still pretty salty over having it denied to him, which it shouldn't have been.

My biggest issue with this is that if this had been announced when it was first known, we could have had an investigation. If he had been proven to have done it, off with his head. But everything I am seeing continually points to delaying tactics designed around the midterms. The Democrats and Republicans both know that if a couple of seats flip flop, then neither one will get the candidate they want. So the Reps want to confirm Kavanaugh no matter what and the Dems want to delay no matter what. I don't think a single one of them on either side gives two shits about Dr. Ford, she is just a means to an end even if she is telling the truth.

ChaosEngine said:

If you're hiring someone for life for one of the most important roles in the USA, I feel like any accusation is worth investigating at the very least. It's very difficult to get a conviction for sexual assault at the best of times and after so long, it does basically come down to his word against hers. And while I believe her, I also think that my belief is not enough to convict someone.

But for the sake of argument, let's assume he DID assault this woman and look at the other part of this.... the people saying that it was a "youthful indiscretion" and it shouldn't "ruin his life".

I do agree that you can make a mistake (even a serious one) in your youth and that shouldn't ruin your life, but with two caveats:
1) you need to acknowledge your mistake, and make reparations. In this case, it would mean Kavanagh serving time for assault and apologising to the victim.
2) Not being allowed to sit on the Supreme Court is not "ruining your life".

Hold my Blunt

Rick Wiles Says 'Every Christian Should Disavow Alex Jones'

newtboy says...

Absolutely not.
Jones Jones is a lunatic who spouts pure insanity, and your chosen president believes the nonsense is news. Your ridiculous equivocation is absolutely insane.

You aren't the only conservative voice here, but you are a minority.

Your admitted fraud, pedophile (miss teen America), pedophile supporting (Roy Brown), incestuous (daughter lusting), adulterous (with his friend's wives), consummate liar, political flip flopping (see any interviews before 2000), Russian stooge, ally debasing, repeatedly failed businessman has debased American values, and your ilk have gone along hand in hand, erasing those values from your mind as he violated them.

Open borders exist only in Trump's deluded lies he sells you to get you riled up and unthinking. No one in power advocates open borders, that's just a bold faced lie. Your willingness to repeat it only demonstrates your gullibility and naivete.

bobknight33 said:

CNN is unhinged just like MSNBC. Each wacked. Like Jones Jones is just more theatrical.

You bet. I use You people. Since there is no conservative voice here. It’s me against you people. The lost degenerate soles who desires are to debace America values and dilute its citizenship with open borders.

Trump wants all to be proud.

Star Citizen 3.0 - First Hour in - 4K Ultra Widescreen

ForgedReality says...

I love how this thread has nothing to do with the video. This game is gonna be such a flop if it ever releases.

Been using Bluesnews pretty much since day one, back when there were Quakecasts and everything. I still visit almost every day. Anybody remember sCary's Shuga Shack (now Shacknews)? I never go there. Blue won that battle.

Trying to explain bitcoin

Mordhaus says...

Funny, but a tangible item is much easier to market.

It's only been in recent human history that we have decided to accept currency sources that are technically not backed by a physical equivalent and. Even then, until bitcoin and other recent crypto-currencies started appearing, we required the force of a large body behind it like a government.

At least with items like gold and silver, people knew that it was an unknown new item that had limitless potential. Imagine a person coming up to you ages ago and saying, "I've filled an empty mine with rocks, but every 1000th rock is blue. I am the only one that can allow access to the mine, so I can manage the rarity of the blue rocks. What I want you, and the other people to do, is treat these blue rocks as valid trade items." I can almost guarantee that you, or anyone for that matter, would say that you would do that only if that person speaking to you guaranteed to make the blue rocks redeemable for valid currency from him at your discretion.

That is one of the problems many have with crypto-currency, the guarantee factor of being able to convert to a more recognized form of monetary unit. It's changing now, but it is still going to be a rough road since the only true guarantee at the moment is that multiple places are starting to recognize it as currency. It could be amazing, but it also has massive potential to financially cripple a lot of people if they trade goods/services for it and it flops.

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