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GDGD (Member Profile)

Charlie Sheen in Ferris Bueller's Day Off

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Tags for this video have been changed from 'Charlie Sheen, Jennifer Grey, Ferris Bueller' to 'Charlie Sheen, Jennifer Grey, Ferris Bueller, drugs' - edited by ponceleon

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

5 Classic Movie High School that would Suck to Attend

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Tags for this video have been changed from 'michael, swaim, after hours, vampires, karate kid, fast times, ferris bueller' to 'michael swaim, after hours, vampires, karate kid, fast times, ferris bueller' - edited by xxovercastxx

lucky760 (Member Profile)

FERRIS CLUB: Ferris Bueller’s Cameron vs. Fight Club

The Bechdel Test for Women in Movies

ForgedReality says...

Ferris Bueller? Why is that on the "Did not pass" list? Hello? The daughter and the mom talked to each other through like half the movie. That was a whole complete fucking subplot. I wonder how many other of those movies she showed that were blatant lies and do completely pass this "test."

Sounds like an angry man-hating dyke ragefit to me.


Attack of the YouTube!

How to have sex with a....uh...

Ferris Bueller TV Show - With Jennifer Aniston (Short Lived)

George Peterson, Ed Rooney And The Dead Grandmother

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Tags for this video have been changed from 'ferris, beuller, jeffery jones, school, principal, see, body, hilarious, HQ' to 'ferris, bueller, jeffery jones, school, principal, see, body, hilarious, HQ' - edited by my15minutes

Ferris Bueller TV Show - With Jennifer Aniston (Short Lived)

Republican Hypocrisy Lives! Larry Craig still kicking (Politics Talk Post)

my15minutes says...

good stuff.
lots of tasty morsels here for a libertarian to munch on.

>> ^blankfist:
> I wish neo-conservatism was more like conservatism.

fiscally, yeah. you, me, ron paul, and a massive majority of the sift, and the internet in general, clearly wish that. which means the younger fiscal conservatives. the ones whose opinions will actually matter in 10 years.

> I don't know when the Republican Party changed...

for better, and worse, but undeniably pivotal. he changed things.

> ...but they've strayed so far from their original small government, non-interventionist platform.

no doubt. here's a quick outline of how i see some of the important bits.

basically, (fiscal conserv) republicans got sick of watching (fisc lib) democrats get so much mileage out of what they saw as often milking the middle class, with the false promise of helping the poor, with your tax money.
but often helping themselves first. the poor get some crumbs. that way, you'll always have more poor people around, to beg on behalf of.

but hey. the social safety net sells well.
getting up to debate it, and replying, "instead, i promise not to raise anyone's taxes, or coerce you with the comforting illusion of security, supposedly provided by a more powerful and centralized government."

no. we want smiling poor, soft pillows, and free beer.

that was a watershed where many republicans said fuck fiscal conservatism because otherwise we'll keep getting our asses kicked.
party fundraising is noticeably easier in the free beer tent.

ergo, neither party is fiscally conservative anymore.

so we'll take the same taxes, and instead of feeding the crumbs down to the bottom of the system, we'll feed them into the top of the system and let it just sorta...
aka corporate welfare, and a very un-free market.

which reagan's own vp, ghw bush, referred to at the time as...
anyone? anyone?
voodoo economics.

oh, and reagan himself wasn't really a neo-con. but enough of his cabinet was, and many were still-embittered nixon aides. some with ties to large defense contractors, hence...

> They're like the nation-building spendthrifts of the Democratic Party but with a heavy heaping of religious arrogance thrown into the mix.

and that was the other seismic shift with reagan. prior to that, it was the democrats who were perceived to be god's party. because they wanted (or pretended) to help the poor.

> I think the two parties just need to fuck and get it over with.

party at my place in november.

> Then we can just call that party the DemoPublican Party and we'll all continue to lose.

one of many alternate scenarios i'm clinging to:
whichever party starts getting real about fiscal solvency, continues to enjoy the kind of response ron paul has been getting.
often across previously well-established party lines.

lines drawn by those 2 parties, neither of which existed in 1776.

lines neatly down the middle, of what i believe to be the government we clearly started with.
socially liberal.
fiscally conservative

damn. that's so much more than i had intended to write, and i haven't even gotten to a 10th of what i wanted to say here. oh, hey. i've got one o them blogothingies, maybe i oughtta' use that again sometime soon...

Holy Crap. Top 10 Kicking Babies During Pregnancy

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