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Tesla’s TOTAL DOMINATION (new data)

newtboy says...

So, time to end the subsidies and tax breaks for Tesla then. No more government handouts for them.

They’re not going to be so dominant when actual competition is available, coming soon from every maker. (High demand, low inventory, double sticker price gas cars aren’t a fair comparison.).
They also wouldn’t be so profitable if they paid taxes.

It was not a good move to program the self driving unit to run stop signs. (Yes, they programmed it to just “rolling stop” at stop signs recently which is not just illegal it’s also dangerous.). That’s the kind of upgrade you get with Tesla, without warning. How many recalls now?

Also not a good move for Elon to admit he’s far right, pro corporate subsidy, anti tax. It alienates most of his customers.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Name 5 examples of this in the last 100 years….by name, not “some swimmer” “some weightlifter”. An actual trans athlete consistently dominating their sport with the stats to prove it, not one win.

Trans athletes have competed in the Olympics for almost two decades, yet non trans women still win the medals….explain.
It’s pure snowflake drivel, and since you’re a Republican it’s obvious you are somehow guilty of the thing you rail against. You guys always are. Are you competing as a trans athlete, or is it your boyfriend/wife? I know there’s a connection.

Let’s all remember, this is exactly the argument once used to keep blacks out of sports made by the same group making that argument today.

bobknight33 said:

Sadly some transgender will enter and win hands down.

Vote While It Counts

newtboy says...

Not in the rest of the world. Why can’t America do what almost every other country can? Why do you degrade and hate America so much?
Other countries with voter id laws usually have ID laws that require everyone to have ID voter or not, and they’re usually free. They don’t require anything new or extra to vote.
They don’t have new requirements for an ID that costs money, requires physical documentation many poor people don’t have, can require multiple visits for hours to a dmv hours away only during business hours (sometimes forced into taking 3 full work days off just to get an ID) and they don’t routinely try to close places you can get a photo ID in areas dominated by their political opponents, Trumpsters do.

Close every photo ID outlet in every REPUBLICAN heavy county, reopen any closed in DEMOCRATIC districts, make it free, simple, and require no paper documents (a SS# and fingerprint should suffice), no appointments and no getting it done at AAA, and make drivers licenses not valid for this purpose….then we’ll talk. Until then, it’s obvious voter ID is a voter suppression attempt by the party that openly admits it cannot win any free and fair election ever.


bobknight33 said:

Voter ID is a must.

Larry David calls out bald man study

newtboy says...

I’ve had hair to my ass, and been totally bald. I never noticed a difference. If you don’t have an unattractive skull, either is fine with most ladies.
Now 1/2 bald like Larry, he’s right. They are seen as less attractive, confident, and dominant….and not just by ladies. Pick a lane! I went directly from 40”+ hair to 1/4”, then shaved once I tanned.

China’s New Bio Weapon Targets Race and Ethnicity

fuzzyundies says...

Here's the entirety of what the Reuters article says that could be considered at all pertinent to the utterly false and clickbaity video title:

The technology could propel China to dominate global pharmaceuticals, and also potentially lead to genetically enhanced soldiers, or engineered pathogens to target the U.S. population or food supply, the advisors said.

Reuters has found that BGI’s prenatal test, one of the most popular in the world, is a source of genetic data for the company, which has worked with the Chinese military to improve “population quality” and on genetic research to combat hearing loss and altitude sickness in soldiers.

That does not come anywhere near supporting the claim being made without tremendously more specific, pertinent evidence. Starting with your chosen conclusion and working backwards is a clear sign that you're probably wrong.

Olympic Medals Table - Top 15 Nations by Gold Medals (2021)

noims says...

Something interesting this lead me to check out. Obviously the US seem to dominate the golds, but in the years the USSR competed, they got 395 to America's 373. Each had one home Olympics in that time, in which the other didn't compete.

I haven't gone into this any deeper, I just found it interesting in a 'today I learned' kind of way.

What Are You Doing With Your Life? The Tail End

StukaFox says...

I don't often say this, but fuck this video.

If you're 25, the end of your life is an abstraction and the whole "there's time to change things!" is a nice balm. When you're 55, your death isn't an abstraction, it's a fact of life that dominates more and more of what remaining time you have left. The awareness of impending mortality is insidious once you're passed 50. It creeps into every part of your life and every decision you make.

Let me teach you one of those amazing words the Germans come up with for describing various forms of existential agony: weltschmerz. Loosely, this is a form of sadness when one realizes what is versus what could have been. This is the compound interest of regrets and choices not made, or made poorly. Not only does weltschmerz grow with each year, its very presence amplifies itself because the more you know what could have been, the more you see what the cost of that absence is. Then, if that's not evil enough, that knowledge focuses the mind on the time remaining and how little you can do to negate the harm done, which then re-amplifies the weltschmerz.

You can slap whatever Hallmark bullshit you need on this to get through the day, but weltscmerz never goes away. It's always there. It's there at 3:00am when you wake up in a silent house and look at everything around you as consolation prizes for races not won. It's there when you see your friends succeeding in a million different ways that you didn't. It's there when you look at 6 million lines of text you wrote and realize you're not going to be Hemingway after all.

So fuck this video. I don't need a cutesy animated memento mori, I've already got a wall clock in my death row cell.

Here endth the rant.

(Nick Drake nailed weltschmerz perfectly in "When The Day Is Done". Here's the video to that song:

Swiss hockey coach tells it like it is

cloudballoon says...

As a Canadian, I'm not going to gloat, eh? Rather, I admire the coach for speaking the truth and he need not be embarrassed by this cold, hard fact: ALL NHL teams bribe European players to play in the league. It's just "money talks" that American & Canadian teams dominate at the very top tiers of international matches.

Just like the reverse is true for FIFA.

Where BLM co founder spends their money

Mordhaus says...

She didn't use illegal funds from BLM. She is a hypocrite of the highest order though. Of course, most rich people are, regardless of race.

1. She never took a salary from BLM: False. BLM stated they paid her 120k a year.

2. There is no proof she bought the houses or owns them: False, she admitted in interviews and statements she bought them for her family and herself. I question also that she is giving these homes to family, since she said herself that they disowned her and kicked out at 16 when she came out as queer. I can't find proof to counter that she gave them to family members, so that is just an opinion.

3. She is an avowed Marxist and Socialist, yet she is pursuing capitalist ideals hardcore. She tries to worm her way around this in her interview, but the Left themselves are criticizing her for doing this.

4. Wherever there is a white-dominant space, deep racism exists as well - no matter how progressive. If you cut too far into that progressive, if you do something that's too radical, white racism will emerge. - Patrisse Cullors: Also buys 1.4 million expansive property in Topanga Canyon district, which is 88% white and 1.8% black. Why would she want to live someplace where, per her previous quotes, deep racism exists?

Scary encounter with Mountain Lion cubs and mom

newtboy jokingly says...

He just needs to carry a good rock and be way more dominant. Too bad there weren't any rocks around.

Spear would have looked at that and thought "that's lunch", this guy seemed to immediately think " I'm lunch". What a giant pussy.

Mordhaus said:

Bet he never runs without a handgun again.

Tesla China - Shanghai Gigafactory production line

bobknight33 says...

EV will be 85% of all new vehicles sold on showroom floors in with in 10 years

Tesla dominates today and is ahead of all by at least 5 years in technology.

1100 shares and want more.

They build factories in 11 months.

Giga Shanghai factory 2 will be pushing out cars in about 2 months
Giga Berlin should be pushing out cars next march.

Tesla just adding super stamper in Fremont CA Factory and the new shanghai factory 2.

My guess, they will exceed their goal this year of 560,000 and will hit 600K

By end of 2021 their goal is 2 Million vehicles.

Battery day/ investor day is this Sept 22. This is the biggest event of the year.
Their Nevada battery factory in NV is large enough to hold 97 747 jets. And its not enough. I expect big news. The million mile battery is all but a done deal. IE after 1 Mil Miles the battery only degrades 5 to 8 %.

In 1967, this movie scene told the future.

Today the word is TESLA

wtfcaniuse said:

Keen to hear your answers.

Tesla China - Shanghai Gigafactory production line

True Facts: The Hummingbird Warrior

Coldmoon says...

Beautiful video and a lot of fun and interesting facts. My wife and I are big hummingbird fans, but we were a little disappointed after putting out a feeder that ended up being dominated by a very crafty and very vicious little guy. We put several more up, thinking that he wouldn’t defend them all, but he did. He was really attempting to injure and or kill the others, so we took the feeders down. Little bastard ruined it for everyone!!
I think that it wouldn’t hurt to maybe cut about 40% of the humor. I don’t think that some posters understand how distracting humorous comments can be, and how they can seem forced and entirely irrelevant to the subject.
You have a great voice for this sort of presentation!

Your Dog thinking You're the "Alpha" is NOT a Real Thing

newtboy says...

So, sounds to me like the alpha male theory is correct, just not the reasons why people think one becomes alpha and another doesn't.
Aggression and force are not what makes an alpha, strength, intelligence, and a calming temperament seem to be more representative of alpha traits.
Also, being the guy who feeds them makes a huge difference in the dynamic.
On top of that, when they're pups, I hold their nose/snout in my mouth gently but firmly. That's one way canines assert dominance without aggression or fear. I don't recall where I learned that, but seems to work.

I've never bullied my dogs into submission, I've only used positive reinforcement to train them, but when I command them I'm firm and there's never been any question about who is the alpha. They might run through a door before me, but they listen and obey when commanded, and have never once been aggressive towards me or challenged my authority, I'm on my fourth dog.
There's a definite difference in how they react to my wife, who would be beta in this scenario. They listen to her, but not as well and they take their time when she calls them.

Trump Threatens to Deploy Military in Response to Protests

newtboy says...

You [redacted] lying waste of skin. That's an outright verifiable lie. The only thing you said that's true is Trump is snot....but that's insulting to snot.

The vandals and rioters have been filmed working with police who not only protected them as they vandalized businesses but directed them on exactly how and what to paint/break so it looks like protesters did it. In one video of many, the white masked vandal started smashing the sidewalk just feet in front of a large police line as they watched until protesters stopped him and shoved him forcefully into the police who only then finally arrested him....or at least pretended to. No word on who he is or with what group, but it's obvious that protesters are doing more to stop rioters than police/Trump's government. In another, a fat white woman is seen painting BLM and other slogans on a building while police watch, they then suggest she add "George Floyd", which she obediently does.

Watch what he personally directed the secret service and military police in DC to do to PEACEFUL PROTESTERS, not a vandal among them, full mounted attack using grenades (flashbangs can kill) rubber bullets, clubs, hooves, boots, and tear gas. Barr, at Trump's order, personally directed them to clear the way for terrified Trump to crawl out of his basement hidey hole just so he could go have a photo op at a closed church (and they are pissed at being a prop for his divisive political ploy), pretending he isn't hiding behind hundreds of armed guards even after removing all protesters from the area, and pretending he regularly goes inside, but we ALL know he doesn't unless the congregation is replaced with cameras and he's the only speaker, giving a sermon on how great he is, better than Jesus.

Trump personally, and his administration, have been clear, clamp down on protesters, dominate them, shoot and arrest them, treat them like the vandals , because it's in his interest to demonize the protesters. He's even toyed with having any that can be identified by any means deemed domestic terrorists and putting them in prison for 10 years. Absolutely zero distinction between the protesters and vandals (who so far those caught on video vandalizing have all been masked whites, likely Trumpsters trying to make the protests turn to riots and blame non whites and democrats for his divisive lack of leadership that has if not caused this situation, at the least exacerbated it exponentially).

Yet more brain numbing, verifiability wrong dumbassery by a Trumptard. Remember last month when your ilk invaded government buildings armed to the teeth? Trump stood with those rioters, even as they burn governors in effigy on the front porch of the governor's mansion, Trump calls THEM patriotic good people, and peaceful protesters in the streets, those are THUGS he wants shot. *facepalm the dumb is getting dumber daily.

bobknight33 said:

Clamping down on rioters is what a government does.

Trump is snot clamping down on protesters.

Yet more fake spin by a Liberal

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