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McCain Booed By Arizonans For Defending Obama

McCain Booed By Arizonans For Defending Obama

EndAll (Member Profile)

rougy says...

Hmmm. I haven't thought about it that much, but I think that people like that are more useful to "the system" than people like me, liberals who understand that government control of the people is only possible because we now have corporate control of our government. The cons in general just don't understand that.

I really don't know what's going to happen to us, to our country. I do know that I want out of here as soon as possible.

Sometimes I see glimmers of hope, but for the most part I see one long, slow slide for the worst.

The year that I moved away from Denver was the year that the Broncos won their first Super Bowl. Maybe if I move to Europe or Canada a similar "dream come true" will happen for America as a whole.

I can just see myself finally getting ensconced into a cozy life in Amsterdam or Ottawa, and California will finally legalize pot and the USA will finally have a real health care plan for the people, and one that works despite the efforts of the AMA and all of the other greedy hucksters who use and pimp this country as if it were their private whore.

I'm glad Obama got elected instead of McCain, but I'm pretty disappointed with him on the whole, and have my doubts as to his effectiveness.

You? What do you think?

(P.S. - I freaking love your Flickr account)

In reply to this comment by EndAll:
Shaking my head.. straying a bit off topic here, but I've had a hunch for a little while now that the gun-toting Republicans in the South will be the first "threat" identified and subsequently removed.. then it will be cake for them (those in power) from there on. Agree/disagree?

Auto-Tune the News 3 (Feat.. Ron Paul)

calvados says...


EH: I think this is an ignoramus statement
Umm, I was even a person who thought
You know what, power to Joe the Plumber at that point
SG: Before he went around laying his pipe all over town
EH: Well, Joe the Plumber is not invited
Anywhere around me
EG: Does baby need a tissue?
Thinking about the time the plumber kissed you
Before you caught him creeping with the shitzu
RM: As republicans, the party does seem to be in chaos
RP: They need to change their attitude, attitude
Their attitude, attitude
MG: Ay, tells us what your homeys can do
To make a change
RP: You know, they talk about personal freedoms
They have to believe in it, you know
MG/RM: We know!
RP: To believe in it, you know
MG/RM: We know!
RP: To believe in it, you know
MG/RM: We know, we know, we know you just got to believe
RP: To believe in it, you know
MG/RM: We know!
RP: To believe in it, you know
MG/RM: We know!
RP: To belieeeeeeeeeve! Lieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve!
MG: You saying Republicans on crack
Are you cozy with the Democrats?
RP: I just don't think that either party
Right now offers a whole lot
MG: You'll see some real change
From the 3rd party at my house
Poppin champagne, bacardi; gettin crunked out
Triple rhymin with Joe Biden
While we Imbibin Hennessy
Come on over--drinks on me, homey
HK: We'll be friends with you
AZ: And bff with you
Main Damies with you
HK: And colleagues with you
AZ: I'll be in your crew
HK: I'll be in yours, too
AZ: Jumpin rope with you
HK: Playin Donkey Kong with you
AZ: Hatchin plans with you
HK/AZ: invade Tajikistan with you
HC: We do not believe either Afghanistan or Pakistan
Can achieve lasting progress
Without the full participation of all of your citizens
Including women and girls
AZ: Having a barbecue
HK: Grilling a goat with you
AZ: Grilling terrorists, too
HK: Getting matching tattoos
HC: The rights of women must be respected and protect--
AZ: --Picking flowers with you
HK: Hot showers with you
AZ: Falling in love with you
HK: Nude at the zoo
AZ/HK: Making memories at the pottery wheel, rubbing clay on you all afternoon
KC: It would be one of the most dramatic
Foreign policy about faces ever
AG: To what do you refer, shawtayee?
KC: A bipartisan bill in Congress would end
The 47-year-old trade freeze with Cuba
AG: Ojalá congreso le gusta esta
KC: It has only spotty support so far
But President Obama's already taken some baby steps
Letting Cuban Americans visit family members
And send them money
But for most of us it's still a place that is
Strictly off limits
AG: Not for this G
I just went there illegally
Speaking of which, will you buy drugs from me
On national TV?
Don't fret--the people think I'm joking
But guess what (what?)?
I've never joked in my life; ooh-wee, shawtayee
KC: The trade embargo made sense a half century ago
AG: That's 50 years
KC: During the Cold War
Fidel Castro took sides with the enemy
But the Soviet Union is long gone
AG: Disbanded:
KC/AG: Long gooooone!
SG: Dick Cheney. Rush Limbaugh or Colin Powell. Who's your damie?
DC: Well, if I had to choose, uh
In terms of being a Republican I'd go with Rush Limbaugh
My take on it was Colin had already left the party
SG: I don't think that actually happened
[awkward silence]
This is an awkward silence;
I guess I'll fill it with ad libs
Oh! Shawty! Yeah
EG: Whoo! Aaaah
KC: Now it's up to Fidel and Raúl Castro
AG: Esos Castros locos. Cuidado
KC: President Obama says he wants to see Democratic reforms
Particularly on human rights and free speech
So congress will be looking for signs of change
After almost 50 years
AG: Ay, that's half a century
KC: U.S. policy will not reverse overnight
Relations remain chilly
But for the 1st time in generations
A thaw is possible
AG: A thaw, but what sort of thaw?
What exactly is thawing?
KC: Very, very, very, very
Very thin ice
AG/KC: Very thin ice, very thin ice, very thin ice

The Cable News "Fascist-Socialist" Apocalypse

enoch says...

the misuse of the terms "socialism,fascism" in order to incite feelings of dread and fear has been a fear-mongering tool of political media types for decades.
the manipulation becomes evident when the definition of those words is known.
understanding history,and the definition of the words being bantered about on order to sway public opinion,is the best defense to counter such manipulations.
this was not the capitolism that milton friedman and adam smith had in mind.
they envisioned a equal playing field,a free market where survival of the fittest not only brought wealth,but innovation.
not the constricted,stacked-deck,bloated corporations-sitting in their own decaying malfeasance economy we have today.
the only nod i will give to the "fascist" analogy is how cozy corporate america sits with legislature.
i would like to see the obama camp recind many of the executive powers that dick cheney aquired for the executive branch during bush's two terms.
that in itself is a danger.
im none too comfortable with a politician with THAT many executive powers,
and "trust me" is not an acceptable slogan..
cuz i dont trust politicians.
put it in writing,make it binding,then...maybe ill trust.

Chris Dodd Admits to AIG Loophole Language in Stimulus

silvercord says...

^It doesn't really matter. Dodd is on the front line . . . and he DID lie. The New York Times puts it in perspective:

“Across Connecticut, anger is erupting against Mr. Dodd, the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, whose stature in Washington once reflected the state’s beneficial ties with the financial industry. Now, he finds himself a symbol of the political establishment’s coziness with tainted corporations and a target of populist wrath over their excesses. . . . In dozens of interviews, residents said they were appalled by Mr. Dodd’s ties to financial firms and believed that he had damaged himself as he prepares to run for re-election next year.”

No kidding.

measuring......measuring.....measuring..... (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

Wrestler gets mobbed takes on fans

Sagemind says...

Common, They were mobing him, He was the Victom.
Ever seen someone with Claustrophobia? They're doing fine until they are surrounded, then everything starts closing in, panic sets in and it's all they can do to get out of the situation.

My wife gets this all the time. She will be sitting on the chair wraped in a cozy blanket, then one child will climb up on her, trapping her, then the other child will climb up and sit on the arm of he chair over top of her... Then my wife begins to feel it, and she asks the kids to get down, they don't. Then she tells them to get off, they don't Then She tells them to get off, right now,they still don't (they are kids after all). She then starts to tense up, closing her eyes and and then BAM she squirms and tries to bolt out of the chair, both kids fly to the floor, bouncing. as my wifefranticly tries to get free of the blanket.

She would never try to hurt the kids, of course, but when that panic sets in, and she says get off, it's because her world is closing in, and panic is taking over.

This wrestler guy was pinned down, he couldn't go anywhere... He was trapped, no security and panic set in. Was he bigger, yes. Was he bigger than the entire mob surrounding him, absolutely not. Did he have a clear path out of the mob, no he didn't. People don't always have a choice on their reactions when this happens, instinct just says "Get Out, Fast"!

So he tried!

Interview with the new Dr Who, Matt Smith

Hat trick: Raigen, Ornthoron & Gorillaman all hit Gold 100 (Science Talk Post)

thinker247 says...

Raigen, congratulations. You are one of the insightful thinkers on the sift, as proven by your wooly cap. I'm not sure how that proves intelligence, but I guess we could call it a brain cozy?

Ornthoron, you've had some great sifts. My favorite is the "Can you hide your geekiness?" Because I think someone who plays accordion knows that answer. Good song in that video, by the way.

Gorillaman, in honor of your achievement, I think we should grant your wish. We are going to execute everyone whose opinions differ from yours.


Santas Disable Traffic Cameras

14099 says...

Hmmmm. A point perhaps lost in the reaction rather than the response. Born chilled sounds cozy, me own mum must have shook it up and heated it a bit.

Cameras are for making money.Period.

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

legacy0100 says...

I'm still in the lower positions, STILL struggling to get my 100th star point. And it won't be awhile till I start concerning myself with problems like 'I achieved everything here. I'm getting bored with videosift, and I need more.' type of stuff.

Farhad was the top user of Videosift in regards to star points. Obviously he figured out the system and it works out for him. It's natural for him to find new challenges.

Perhaps it's a serious question that admins should look into. But to their defense, such occasion is not so common since not everybody manipulates the system as well as few top rankers like farhad. So such problems (i.e. lack of challenge & progress for the top dogs) has never been issued here before.

So perhaps if you wait a bit more and lurk around, there will be a day when the admins of Videosift would come up with a reasonable solution for top dogs to partake in neat little group activities or little niches, find ways to make it cozy and tight and introduce more ways to challenge one's self and reward their contributions to the community.

BOTTOM LINE: You don't have to be as active as before. But still lurk around for awhile, let your voice be heard, and see what happens.

P.S. I still think you're a flaming idiot when it comes to our political arguments, however


legacy0100 says...

I'm still in the lower positions, STILL struggling to get my 100th star point. And it won't be awhile till I start concerning myself with problems like 'I achieved everything here. I'm getting bored with videosift, and I need more.' type of stuff.

Farhad was the top user of Videosift in regards to star points. Obviously he figured out the system and it works out for him. It's natural for him to find new challenges.

Perhaps it's a serious question that admins should look into. But to their defense, such occasion is not so common since not everybody manipulates the system as well as few top rankers like farhad. So such problems (i.e. lack of challenge & progress for the top dogs) has never been issued here before.

So perhaps if you wait a bit more and lurk around, there will be a day when the admins of Videosift would come up with a reasonable solution for top dogs to partake in neat little group activities or little niches, find ways to make it cozy and tight and introduce more ways to challenge one's self and reward their contributions to the community.

BOTTOM LINE: You don't have to be as active as before. But still lurk around for awhile, let your voice be heard, and see what happens.

VideoSift 3.2 Roundtable thread (Sift Talk Post)

Sarzy says...

>> ^doogle:
Sarzy - I'm thinking you're looking at videos posted on VideoSift having the right of being Sifted, instead of the priviledge of being sifted.

I actually wasn't addressing the current, ten-vote escape system -- which I like for the most part and think works fairly well -- I was addressing MINK's proposal of jacking up the escape threshold and allowing only the most popular videos to get sifted, giving everything else a nice cozy home in the PQ. If the sift were to work that way most videos would never get seen by anyone beyond their queuing time, because PQed videos are pretty much invisible to 99% of the people who come here.

The Politics of Dancing

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