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Vermont Becomes The First State To Pass Wolf PAC Resolution

VoodooV says...

The only way to have a level playing field is to eliminate all private money from elections.

disband all parties, People have the constitutional right to peaceably assemble and throw their weight behind a candidate, but that doesn't mean government has to acknowledge it or give them legitimacy.

A candidate should stand or fall on their ideas, not whether or not they have an R or D behind their name and not how many billionaires they've cozied up to.

Give every candidate a publicly funded wikipedia-like website that only the candidate's staff can edit where they can put their stances on ideas and their platform Hell, give them a basic camera so they can upload videos to the website if they want, but no professional production studios

Cliven Bundy Shares Some Peculiar Views

chingalera says...

Marching in lock-step to your demise, child. Your comments on this matter read like a dutiful slave to your own oblivion.

One of the things no one has even cared to mention about this event is that the federal government, enforcing a civil affair (non-payment of grazing fees) sent armed swat teams to enforce the matter. The citizens of the United States who chose to show up in support of Bundy (a dumb-ass for the shit he's said of late, that the media has completely used to distract the putties with racism being an opportunistic side-issue in this entire debacle), who did so with guns as well-were within their rights to do so, breaking no laws. For this, they are called all manner of names and labeled as agitants, crazies,etc., by people without a clue as to how they are being ass-fucked.

The media, an arm of the state's machine, focuses upon this and continually pumps their brand of newsspeak, loaded language (like newtboy here repeats and foments to his own audience of parrots), and in doing so guides the story in a direction that further ignores facts while blatantly promoting the further erosion of individual rights under the constitution in favor of bigger, stronger, more restrictive government.

We are going to see more and more of this in the coming decade, as well as more people who favor the cozy protection of government control over individual responsibilities and accountability.

newtboy said:

Yeah, I was amazed that so many people jumped to the defense of a crazed violent felon who (along with his wife) threatened state and federal agents with being shot if they tried to enforce the laws of the land. I am pleased to see his support evaporate, even if it's because of a non-sequitur position he takes on race. Most of his support was based on BS far right wing stories in the first place, and on hatred of Obama, who is equated with the federal government in so many people's minds since 08.
I was most disappointed that the authorities "allowed" the armed tugs to 'steal' the cattle that had been confiscated, killing some cows in the process. The authorities absolutely should have stood their ground and shot anyone advancing on them, and arrested those not following legal instructions to disperse, they were all armed criminals at that point, threatening public officials with violence, that's a felony in most states with guaranteed prison time attached. I hope they got good video of everyone there and find them in the near future for prosecution, or this will happen again and again.
If you don't believe in the federal government, you are a traitor to the USA, not a patriot. The U in USA is for UNITED, which is what the fed is all about.

Obama's secret plan for nuclear war with Russia

chingalera says...

Willing to guess..that the so-called heckler there who asked Obama aloud his inane shit and reset the wannabe president's unscripted ass, was followed home by assholes, or is inna box being questioned somewhere as we speak so....fuck all you Obama dick-riders out there, you suck sweaty, unwashed and hope-ridden ballzack

Oh wait! You can vote for someone else in one of the 2 parties that makes you feeeeel goood because of what you heard while trying to decide what frappa-latte-jizmo yer gonna have for the fast-breaking, non-nutritive brain-lozenge before unconsciousness grips you and then beddy-bye.

There's yer choice peeps. 1 of 2 shit-heals, whoever they may be.

Election 2016-As flat 'n refreshing as an un-fizzy soda pop found in a bus terminal with some hideous shade of lipstick on the cap and you drink it anyway...cause yer whore-mongering ways are so, so cozy....

....gonna write-in 'cocksucker' when floating by the polls next go-round, maybe watch some Finnish porn after-

Why The Full Moon is Better in Winter - MinutePhysics

coolhund says...

Winter (and its full moon) also means that you cant watch stars or planets nearly as well, since the light of the moon is interfering a lot. Also the cold weather is bad for telescope mirrors because they will fog up or even freeze over.

Not to mention that I like winter because its so dark and making siting at home very cozy. Having a full moon all night long destroys that feeling.

The Problem with Civil Obedience

chingalera says...

You simply can't SEE a scenario without force, because you've drunk the Kool Aid, Stormsinger, we all have.

Anarcho-Capitalism sounds good in ether, eliminate the state's influence on yer shit. Hire private security firms to dole-out justice, and fuck the police. Sounds REAL good. Privatizing currency structures, anything goes. Sounds righteous and fair-Keeps out gangsters who will eventually become masters.

Eliminate compulsory taxation. Good thing. Ombudsman-like dispute resolution rather than laws and a punishment to follow. Sounds fucking SANE to me. Problem is , with all the robots programmed by the state for the past 100 years, it's kinna hard to convince idiots that something like this could free them from the inevitability of the failure of the current paradigm. About the only problems I can see with a switch would be how to maintain environmental impact standards, but these problems' solutions would become evident when people become responsible for themselves, for another's well-being within the social structure, and their own destinies.

Democracy (the meaning, 'rule of the people') has been lost to the rule of a very few, and historically it never works for very long before assholes find a way around it.

You're in a pot of water being slowly heated, Stormsinger-Warm 'n cozy now, melting skin from your screaming carcass later.

Stormsinger said:

Free Market Anarchism...what an oxymoron. You cannot have a free market, without laws to prevent (or authorize) the use of force. Without laws, too many of the big guys would just take what they want, and screw everyone else. At least with a government overseeing things, they have to take the extra step and effort of corrupting/co-opting the mechanisms of government.

Then we can have a bloody revolution, execute the perps, and start a new organization, that can, if we're lucky, last a few decades before the next crop takes over. It's beginning to look like that cycle is about the best we can hope for.

Obamacre Navigators Exposed Coaching Applicants to Lie

RFlagg says...

Hey Republicans. Don't forget, you invented the individual mandate. You tried to pass it into Federal law many times yourself. Don't be all ticked off just because some black guy finally did what you couldn't. Typical move the goal post behavior. What's changed since the Republican version that was endorsed by the insurance industry? Let's see... they now need to cover pre-existing conditions, yeah, that's horrible, making insurance companies cover sick people and not charge them more, how horrible... and they changed it from catastrophic coverage to comprehensive coverage, so now the insurance companies have to pay for far more services... hmm... I wonder why Republicans suddenly oppose their own idea? Perhaps because suddenly there is less profit in the suffering of millions of people? That is all that matters to Republicans, profit over people. To undue the damage caused by unions in giving people 40 hour work weeks and make people work 80+ hours a week again so that the fat rich cats can keep more and more of the limited resource called money... so that nice little income gap can continue to grow. Hey, perhaps someday soon the US will be like the old Soviet Union with long bread lines, the Republicans clearly want to see that. After all hundreds of them chanted "Let them die!" at the Republican debate... that was the moment that I decided even if I got my faith in god back, I'd rather be in hell then in heaven with people like that, apparently they forgot all the teachings of Jesus about how the rich can't get into heaven, how to help the needy and the poor, how to be lovers of peace and not war, how love was the greatest commandment, and everything else that the Republican party is opposed to.

I don't get why people get upset at the keep the insurance plan. It isn't the government shutting it down, it is greedy insurance companies shutting it down. It's like jobs going to China, people get mad at the government rather than the rich ass hole who sent the jobs oversees so his own personal profits could be higher. I seem to recall the people who are complaining, defended oil company profits by pointing out that per dollar earned/gross profit margin oil was down at 17 or so, while banks were number one followed by a small gap, pharmaceuticals were number two and insurance number three with a nice gap to number 4 and on to the rest of the list. So yeah, if changes in how they have to cover people means they might fall off that list of top 3 most profitable bushiness, then I would expect them to drop the less profitable plans to maintain their multi-billion dollar profit off the suffering of others so a few rich people can have a nice cozy life while millions suffer for their greedy gains.

Health insurance shouldn't be about huge profits. It should be about getting people the health coverage they need... of course I could also argue that the health care industry as a whole shouldn't be so profit driven... nor should the education required to train our healthcare workforce (nor education at all really)... We should have gotten what Obama promised in the first place, a single payer system, or at the very least a Government Option, rather than caving into the Republican Right and turning the money over to a multi-billion dollar industry... and now look, they still oppose it even though it was their idea... If they were going to oppose it no matter what, he should have made it worth everyone's while and given actual reform.

And hey, if you oppose it, come up with something better. Something that will help the millions of people working at places like retail and fast food that can't get employer sponsored coverage. Make sure every American is covered and can afford health care, not emergency treatment, but going to see a doctor for preventative care and affording any medication that the doctor may prescribe.

CIA Admits It Was Behind Iran's Coup in 1953

chingalera says...

Freedom of Information provides a way for peeps to feel warm and cozy about their government acting unilaterally to ends deemed necessary by a small cadre of monkeys, while providing the mechanism for unchecked bullshit to continue unhindered.
OH, it also makes for marginally effective tabloid journalism, creating overnight sensations through banal, pompous delivery seasoned with an over-abundance of narcissistic swagger.

"CIA releases information"......Oxymoronic??! Haven't peeps with the ability to dissect newsspeak and "official statements" known that the CIA orchestrated the Iranian coup for over 30 years?

For the tiny morsels cretins like Cenk use to further distract increasing numbers of folks with regurgitate editorializing, the huge chunks of abuse of power sit rotting on a Nation's dinner plate, served nightly by whores of media everywhere. Cenk, yer a tool.

Sen. Elbert Guillory: "Why I Am a Republican"

enoch says...

politician speaking like a politician.
using 200 yr old political ideology to defend his decision in the present time is kinda lame.

i understand it,i just dont agree with it.
neither party represent the fundamentals which started their consequent parties.

they are all just paid whores now.

but i like his sentiments.very cozy and charming.

ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

I hope you're not too heavy...we don't need to fly in a plane...I have fairy wings remember?

Cyberworld domination will have to wait for another day though as I'm too tired now to fly anywhere but to my nice cozy bed.

Goodnight my partner in crime.

ant said:

You can have #1. I will be your #2. I can't fly or drive (disablities), but you can carry me! Wait, why were you on a plane earlier?

Kitten Refuses to Leave Warm Bath

Small, efficient NY apartment

chingalera says...

Coolas hell...efficient. A home with that always-on-holiday feel. Grew up in apartments in the south and despise them then moved to San Francisco where apartments are more tastefully designed and in more comely,stimulating surroundings. Soon grew to love our cozy 720 sq ft single room flat, loft bedroom-So much so the floor plan that I incorporated aspects in a small garage apartment designed for myself years later. No Murphy bed those things!

What Gay Guys Think About Vaginas

Bain-Controlled Company Owns 2012 Voting Machines

deedub81 says...

This rigged machine theory is based on actual reporting on Tagg Romney’s Solamere and its cozy relationships with many businesses interested in lobbying the government. However, there is absolutely no evidence that this crony capitalist network extends to interference with voting machines. Furthermore, Hart Intercivic machines are only being used in two counties in Ohio. Though it is not implausible that the election could come down to two Ohio counties, it seems like quite a gamble to plant these supposedly rigged machines so sparsely.


How Eminem's 'Kim' Almost Killed Eminem's Kim: Words & Deeds

chingalera says...

may we add that this boy needed to resolve some heavy shit before getting into the,"relationship" thing-Can't forgive his mom maybe, projecting his bullshit on women who cozy-up to him??...Dunno. My motto?, "I am Not A Mental Health Professional"...but I do know good music from her vibe and talented yes-....Woman hater, too?? Maybe you like the infrequenting of the uncured sausage as well??....Just guessing....

Your daughter would be the righteous judge at some stage....get a grip, asshole!

The World's Coolest Candy Shop

Deadrisenmortal says...

Thank you, I had not seen that before. I met him just recently at a very cozy book signing here in Victoria, BC. He was promoting his new book of collected stories, magazine articles, and interviews; "Distrust That Particular Flavor". He is everything that you imagine him to be, shy, quirky, ironic, brilliant. Truly a rare individual.

>> ^aurens:

There's a badass interview with William Gibson over at The Paris Review, in case you haven't already seen it.>> ^Deadrisenmortal:
The first time that I ever heard of the term cool hunting or a cool hunter was in the William Gibson book Pattern Recognition written in 2001-2002. Regardless of any proof otherwise I am going to continue to believe that, just as he termed the phrase "cyberspace" and in essence predicted the prevalence of the internet in society, that he also invented the term cool hunting.
=) You go WG!
>> ^PHJF:
Obviously using "cool" in the hipster sense of the word.

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