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Baffled by Stupidity: Richard Dawkins

shagen454 says...

And if you haven't actually done it yourself - down voting is down voting through your own ignorance of not having experienced something that bewildering. I'm still surprised that I had enough courage to let it all go to witness the unknown but I do not regret it at all. It takes HUGE balls.

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

Digitalfiend says...

I think there is a lot of truth behind this and, in my opinion, Ms Holten does share in some of the responsibility for at least the existence of these pictures. Being a young and likely naïve person without much relationship experience (which can apply to both men and women), she allowed her boyfriend to take those intimate pictures. Loss of private information is not a new occurrence and there have been some big stories about data theft or loss in the past decade or so. Ms Holten must have realized that these intimate pictures might still have ended up on the internet even if her boyfriend hadn't posted them: phones get lost or stolen all the time; personal computers and cloud storage services are not always secure, etc. Ms Holten seems like an intelligent woman, so I think one can assume that she was at least aware of the risks and, at the time, accepted them.

If Ms Holten's boyfriend had taken the pictures without her knowledge and then released them to the internet, she would clearly, at least in my opinion, have zero responsibility. That is not the case though. She willingly allowed the creation of the original erotic pictures and accepted the risks associated with their existence. That does not make her any less of a victim, but she is partly responsible for the existence of the pictures; if the pictures didn't exist, her boyfriend couldn't have put them on the internet and she wouldn't be subject to the ridicule she is receiving now.

A good example is sharing your banking username and password with someone. This is intimate information that you might only ever share with someone that you trust completely. Even so, many banks are very clear that this is a violation of their terms and conditions and can result in you being held responsible for any monetary losses incurred from unauthorized use. Another example: Enterprise administrators are constantly admonishing users for writing down their network credentials and leaving them lying around. While someone shouldn't use your credentials without your consent, that doesn't mean they won't and therefore you have the responsibility to protect that information. To me this is a demonstration of common sense: don't expose information that you can't afford to lose control of. With that said, Ms Holten's boyfriend absolutely committed a crime and should be punished. Furthermore, it's likely that many of the unsolicited emails that she received overstepped the line between opinion and harassment. I have no argument with that.

Lastly, releasing nude images of herself in order to regain control of her life is admirable and shows courage, but it's naïve to assume that it will shame or impact, in any way, the lives of her harassers; the media headlines about her "getting revenge" are laughable and nonsensical. Ultimately, the new nude pictures probably just gives her harassers more material to enjoy. Still, if it helps her move on, power to her. After all, it is her choice. I'm curious if Ms Holten will post a follow-up about the response to her new images.

SDGundamX said:

However, in terms of responsibility of people for putting themselves in the position to be victimized, there is a huge range of possibilities--but often this range of possibilities isn't examined for fear of someone shouting "Blaming the victim!"

Real Time with Bill Maher: Self Censorship vs. Free Speech

Hazel Findlay, Spice Girl. First Female E9 - Scary!

KrazyKat42 says...

It's not about a woman's abilities. It is about the courage to attempt the climb. I will admit., she has bigger balls than me. Congrats!

ChaosEngine said:

Holy crap, that's a hell of a climb.

I'm kinda surprised about the emphasis on "no woman ever climbed this, etc". I would have thought that climbing would roughly the same for both genders? Surely the loss in upper body strength would be compensated for by the lower body weight?

enoch (Member Profile)

Conan's Thoughts on the Charlie Hebdo Tragedy

necessary illusions-thought control in democratic societies

enoch says...

i do not understand why chomsky confuses you so pretty much have the same criticism on every video you watch of him.

his premise is fairly consistent and self evident:he is critical of power.

while i do not disagree with your assertions on personal responsibility and i suspect most people would agree with you on that point.i do not see chomsky making an argument against personal your point in that regard is moot.but to ignore massive monied and powerfully influential political and corporate institutions and their affects on society is naive' at best and venal at worst.

you appear to be made uncomfortable by the criticizing of the power structure and institutions of the west (i do not know where "here" is for you).which suggests to me that you have confused ideology with reality,made clearer by your suggestions:
1.taking advantage of an education system that more and more translates to debt peonage and a high percentage of not even working in the field utilizing that education. thought.
ok i have to admit this one made me giggle.
everybody has free thought but the irony here is relevant to the very video on how that thought is manipulated and your comment reveals in ironic delicousness.
3.certain rights.
yes we do have certain rights.rights that have been systematically chipped away at due to abstract wars on:terror,drugs,immigrants etc etc.rights are becoming more a suggestion than actual rights.

your conclusion has the suggested flavor that since chomsky benefited in this society that he should just shut up,sit down and behave like a good little boy,and that those who admire his courage to criticize the most powerful country on the planet are "followers".

since you do watch the videos of chomsky( you do watch them dont you?),yet have the exact same criticism every time,maybe it is time you actually read one of his books?
just an idea...
you may find much of your confusion in regards to chomsky will be clarified.

Pregnant Woman Blasts Antiabortion Protesters Outside Clinic

newtboy says...

I don't understand what you mean about the police.
Unfortunately, recently, much more effective opposition to freedom of choice has come in the form of ridiculously transparently designed, unscientific, non-medical laws requiring completely un-needed expensive medical equipment and irrelevant abilities (like 'admitting privilege' at the nearest hospital, as if the hospital won't take an emergency patient without a Dr. 'admitting' them).
I have never heard of any campaign to sabotage execution machines or assassinate executioners or wardens. I guess THAT kind of "state sanctioned murder" is OK, but the kind science and law has repeatedly and conclusively said is NOT murder... people involved in that get threatened, harassed, and sometimes murdered the "anti-murder" people. WHAT?!? I am glad that most of those people do lack the 'courage of their convictions' as you put it.
Ahhh, but aren't these actions are diametrically opposed to these people's stated ideology, of love and tolerance for other people's ideas and customs?...and doesn't giving to Caesar what is Caesar's means following the law (as I've had it described), and thou shall not kill mean no murdering Doctors...ever? (I'm assuming they are a Christian group, if this one isn't, then ascribe my comments to those that are)

What if others fervently believe the Greeks were correct, and it's really proper to not consider a baby a person until they are one year old, until then it's fine to just leave them outside to die or toss them off a cliff? (I'm not really saying that we should go back to that, I'm just pointing out that there are extremes on the 'pro-choice' or 'anti-unwanted children' side with historical and religious context to back them up). We would say it's fine to hold that ideology (well, legal to hold that ideology, maybe not fine), but certainly not legal or fine to act on it.

I feel that it's not meaningless to criticize a person's inappropriate actions, no matter the 'reason' for them, if it's backed up with consequence. Most people, as you noted, don't have the 'strength of their convictions' to risk going to jail, or even public ridicule for acting inappropriately, even if they sincerely believe it's for a good reason.

gorillaman said:

Aren't the police complicit in this scenario? Historically, effective opposition to state-sanctioned murder often takes the form of campaigns of sabotage and assassination. We ought to be grateful pro-lifers generally lack the courage of their convictions.

It's meaningless to criticise a person's actions when they fall in line with their ideology. Whatever you see in the video, as well as much more extreme measures besides, is totally justified if the pro-life position is correct.

Pregnant Woman Blasts Antiabortion Protesters Outside Clinic

gorillaman says...

Aren't the police complicit in this scenario? Historically, effective opposition to state-sanctioned murder often takes the form of campaigns of sabotage and assassination. We ought to be grateful pro-lifers generally lack the courage of their convictions.

It's meaningless to criticise a person's actions when they fall in line with their ideology. Whatever you see in the video, as well as much more extreme measures besides, is totally justified if the pro-life position is correct.

newtboy said:

If they were really murdering children, calling the police would be the appropriate reaction, not subjecting everyone to disgusting images in order to try to...I don't know...disgust someone out of an abortion?
I think their beliefs AND actions are wrong.

360lb Man Loses All His Excess Weight - Loose Skin

Xaielao (Member Profile)

enoch says...

bravo my friend.
very courageous to share such a profound experience and subject yourself to possible ridicule.
i salute you!

Xaielao said:

I know exactly what he means and have the same thought.. unconditional love for all after having a spiritual 'awakening'. Mine however wasn't born of psychodelic use but rather spiritual pursuits such as meditation during the most stressful time of my life. It was like my mind broke and a new me was born. It utterly changed how I think and feel. If I were religious at the time I'm sure I would have taken it as a sign some god had chosen me and for this reason I don't consider people who 'find god' or are 'born again' to be bat-shit crazy. They've simply had a similar experience.

I never understood exactly what happened to me physiologically to cause such a radical shift in the way I think and feel so I'm glad science is researching this phenomenon. That 'event' happened 20+ years ago but it still affects me every day.

Canadian Sergeant-At-Arms back on duty the next day

speechless says...

I would just like to say, there is an 'ignore' function.

Nothing you or anyone else says is going to reason this person out of their views. Because they didn't arrive at them from a point of reason in the first place.

That doesn't mean that everyone with an opposing point of view is wrong and should be shunned. But when you're confronted with a person like BK , you have to ask yourself, "Am I making things worse by responding?"

One third of the comments on this sift involve this troll. That sucks because this video is about a truly courageous man, but instead some jerk is getting off on your attention.

Yeah, I get the irony of making a post about him saying we shouldn't post about him. Paradoxical world we live in I guess.

Asmo said:

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but this video was honoring a person who defended others and you come around trying to make a political point out of it.

The world is a worse place with people like you in it... You can't let go of your petty point scoring for just a few seconds?

The guy in the video is a true hero, he doesn't seem to want the applause and it's obviously deeply upsetting to him. I'm sure he regrets what he had to do even though he would make the same decision every time.

You though. Like a vulture coming around to pick the leavings. You aren't wanted, aren't needed, you're a pebble in a shoe and the sooner you get tipped out, the better.

Shame on you.

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

Januari says...


At least have the courage to own it Bob... don't be a bigot AND a coward!... no one here is going to misinterpret your thinly veiled euphemism for anything other than the blatant bigotry you all to frequently display... just be brave enough to actually own it!...

Truly disgusting....

Doctor Disobeys Gun Free Zone -- Saves Lives Because of It

ChaosEngine says...

Yeah, it's almost like I'm dumb enough to think that someone was seriously suggesting genocide.

Seriously, though... grammar nazism?

I know that wit, originality, intelligence, decency, understanding, honesty, modesty, acumen, empathy, humour, logic, hygiene, taste, insight, imagination, integrity, courage, resourcefulness and self-awareness are not on your list of positive attributes, but you could at least try to come up with something vaguely approaching a decent comeback.

Trancecoach said:

Not quite. If you haven't learned basic grammar by the age of 36, I've little faith in your ability to grasp something as advanced as logic, but keep at it. The world needs folks like you.

Cowardly Wolf Flees from Sheep

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