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Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

newtboy jokingly says...

Q: Why are divorces so expensive.
A: Because they're worth it.

My brother says his divorce cost him well over $100000, sometimes he says closer to $200000, and just in lost assets and legal fees, not alimony or child support. His marriage lasted two weeks, but they had kids before the marriage and fought over custody for years. Ouch.

Saved by my 13-year-old Son | Saving Lives At Sea

newtboy says...

Reminds me of hiking the Milford track in 89. Cold and wet, and my cancer ridden dad started having heart problems, passing out 1/3 of the way up the highest pass, 3700ft. My older much bigger brother saw he was having trouble, so he took off leaving me to deal with him. I had to carry him and both our packs on my back up to the lunch shack at the pass where he finally rested enough to make it down slowly (we almost missed the last boat across the sound). I weighed about 140, he was well over 200 and each pack was 30-40 lbs. He bought me an espresso machine as a reward. I hope he kicked my brother's ass privately too, but I'm not sure.
Good times....good times.

Fire Burns Under Austin Freeway at homeless camp

newtboy jokingly says...

Well then I should direct them to the family ranch my aunt swindled and bullied me and my brother out of. Too bad it's all the way out by Lakeway.

Mordhaus said:

Hard to say, due to the current laws on 'camping' in Austin, the police and other services have been hands off on the homeless.

Fire Burns Under Austin Freeway at homeless camp

The flight that almost killed me

BSR says...

I just a love a good dad story.

When I was about 10 years old, dad and I went fishing down to the Delaware River between NJ and PA. We would walk across the railroad bridge and make our way to the top of the pier and fish from there.

Google Maps,-75.204665,78a,35y,102.75h,61.26t/data=!3m1!1e3

As we walked with our fishing poles and fishing box across the railroad ties he would tell me stories from when he was a kid. Told me his older brother tried to get my dad to jump from the bridge into the river. My Uncle had done this many times but dad had no desire to try it.

He said my Uncle tried to push him off the bridge once but dad held on real tight to one of the steel girders.

He told me, if I looked real close at that 2nd girder over there, I could still see his fingerprints embedded in it.

I think I laughed for 5 minutes straight.


BTW, that's Easton PA on the waterfall side. Home of Larry Holmes.,-75.2056761,3a,25.1y,100.05h,92.73t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suS_MxvwqsYa-rGO1dXt0Lg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

newtboy said:

When I was 17, my dad took me to some cliffs south of San Francisco to learn how to hang glide. The class met at a cliff to watch experienced pilots take off before going to a practice slope. The first launch we watched took off, made a smooth arcing turn, and crashed at full speed directly into the vertical cliff about 150' high and fell. He broke both legs at the least, but survived at least long enough for the ambulance to get there.

Dad cancelled my class, I never learned to fly.

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

It reminds me of the time my dad and I took my 21 year old brother's 32 year old girlfriend out to dinner at Churasco's, a Brazilian steak house. (I was 18) I ordered the churasco, a two lb steak, two baked tatos, vegetables, and bread. She bet me "anything I wanted" that I couldn't finish in an hour. Wrong move. I did, and tortured her for weeks over the vile sexual favors I was going to force her to preform on me with my brother's knowledge before finally settling on a pair of Godzilla slippers that roared. Good times.

Also, I expected her to say "butt stuff....with you receiving!" She screwed up such an unbelievable opportunity.

BSR said:

I like the way you think. LOL

The Worst Gun Control Bill I've Ever Seen

newtboy says...

Not really the first, but the most ridiculous in quite a while.

Some democrats don’t care about sensible gun laws. Some do want little more than actual background checks for all sales, like me. I don’t want violent felons to have easy access to them, nor people with active charges for kidnapping, murder, stalking, terrorism, etc. I don’t see any need for a public registry, although a closed/non public registry would make tracking firearms found after being used in a crime easier, as well as removing guns from people deemed a threat due to real, diagnosed mental defect or disease. This bill was insanely lax in defining what qualifies there, one of many things that made it not just bad, but horrific....and doa.

It’s odd, my brother, who lives in Austin too, says the same thing. He loves to blame ex-Californians for crazy laws, but most of the laws and regulations he complains about don’t exist here. I guess we got rid of our nuts? Thanks for taking them off our hands!

I’ll watch it later when the wife’s asleep.

Mordhaus said:

It's just the first salvo. The underlaying message is the same. Democrats don't care about sensible gun laws, they just want to make it very hard, very expensive, and very punitive for people to own modern firearms of any type.

Thanks to people moving from liberal states, Texas is purple now. Living in Austin, the ultimate far left stronghold, has made me immune to being surprised when a Texas politician submits crazy bills.

In any case, give it a watch. Brandon is funny even when he is upset.

One last look back

newtboy says...

No, but I like him. A British brother from another mother? Quite the loquacious perspicacity without a hint of my usual pedantic sesquipedalianism. ;-)

Disappointed that, when he brought up the "no true supporter of mine would ever resort to violence." he didn't remind us of Trump promising to pay the legal fees for anyone that would beat up reporters or liberal protesters at his rallies 5 years ago and never stopped supporting and calling for violence from his supporters.

BSR said:

Watching that was like trying to hop onto a moving train while running along side with one hand on the handle and not being able to jump on or let go of the handle. Whew! Loved it!


Trump Is Gone! - Billy D Washington

Nina Simone: Mississippi Goddam

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More Republican voter fraud for you....a Republican Florida attorney, Bill Price, held a Facebook event where he instructed the Republican crowd on how exactly to fraudulently claim they were moving to Georgia so they can register to vote there and fraudulently vote. He even offered up his brother's address as one they can use on the forms as their new Georgia address. Repeatedly when asked by audience members if they could really do this he told them yes.
His excuse, it was a joke. His problem, he had actually already fraudulently registered to vote in Georgia using his brothers address as he instructed others to.

Once again, a vote fraud case is discovered that's a Republican scheme. I guess you think Democrats must just be supergenius criminal masterminds since they never get caught but Republicans are caught constantly?

lurgee (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

FreshPotix | How Dave Grohl manages coffee addiction

BSR says...

That settles it. Brothers in caffeine. 🤜 🤛

Never did alcoholic coffee unless it was Baileys Irish Cream at Christmas time.

newtboy said:

Do you let it ferment? Otherwise it's just plain coffee...and that's no fun.

I started with the hard stuff, quadruple espresso with near equal parts sugar....often followed by a second, at 16 years old. I calmed down to just 1/2 a pot of strong coffee daily now, still full of sugar and cream. I never liked coffeehol....alcoholic coffee....but I am a confirmed coffee addict. ;-)

Meanwhile In Alabama...

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