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newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh, @bobknight33, they found the culprit that made the fake Biden robocalls in New Hampshire.

PS- I love how Trump reminded everyone how disastrous 2020 was, and how mentally feeble he is by bringing up “supply change” on OAN, claiming “no one had ever heard of the supply change before Biden” (he meant supply chain)…clearly forgetting that “supply chain problems” entered the current lexicon in 2020 when store shelves actually were bare because factories and ports shut down leading to SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES. No TP, no sanitizer, no medicines, no eggs, no milk, no pork (NO BACON!), ports closed, cargo ships waiting offshore by the thousands, trains full of cargo left in bad neighborhoods for thieves to empty because there was no one to unload them at warehouses and no place to store them, neighborhoods near ports absolutely filled with abandoned truck trailers for the same reason…all under Trump, suckers!
THANKS TRUMP for reminding your low IQ voters with no memory that “supply chain problems” were first created by Trump who botched Covid worse than any other leader on the planet. 😂

Oof…the failed impeachment just keeps getting better. We now know what Greene was talking about when she claimed the Democrats “hid” one of their members who ruined their little vote… Rep. Al Green of Texas was having surgery and the vote was scheduled to try to make sure he couldn’t vote, but he left the hospital and voted, ruining the tie vote they expected which would have let the speaker cast the deciding vote. Yet another sneaky underhanded MAGA attempt to subvert democracy foiled. D’oh!

😂 No immunity for Trump really has MAGA shitting their pants. Good job Trump, now you either get denied by the Supreme court and likely start in June and end your treason trial in September or you get them to hear you (and again rule against your obviously wrong interpretation of checks and balances as defined in the constitution) and his trial should end in late October, far too late to replace him on the ballot but with him disqualified…leading to massive landslides across the board for Democrats as MAGA doesn’t show up to vote if they can’t vote for Trump. 😂

Bonus- Residents of Eagle Pass Texas now say they are far more worried and afraid of the out of control angry nutjob MAGgots that showed up there than the migrants.

Oops Project Veritas again admitted lying about voter fraud, this time a fake accusation about Pennsylvania post masters mishandling ballots.

OH SWEET ZOMBIE GEEBUS! Look up MAGA loser Solomon Peña who lost his election in 22…he of course baselessly claimed fraud and tried to intimidate election officials to not certify the election, intimidate them by shooting their houses up, in one case missing a Senator’s 10 year old by inches as she slept.
Now both his first and his second hired attempted assassins have plead guilty to shooting up election officials houses at Peña’s direction (he paid them to do it, and personally shot up some of the houses with them). They could both get life.
Another day, another MAGA bunch of terrorists.

Trump Supporter CHANGES MIND on Biden in 60sec

newtboy says...

As usual, you have it all 100% backwards. Not surprising since you are a Russian propagandist.
Russia secretly invaded Ukraine in 2014 as pure expansionism, when they finally admitted the invasion their excuse was Russians in Crimea were being poorly treated and a fear extremists would take over Russian military bases, having absolutely nothing to do with NATO.,Russian%20military%

NATO is now “creeping into buffer countries” because Russia started and continues an expansionist policy and threatens its neighbors. Russian expansionism started first. There have been 3 rounds of NATO expansion since Russia started retaking now sovereign lost satellite territories in 2014.
There was never an agreement that NATO wouldn’t accept new members, just as there’s nothing stopping Russia from making allies.
Ukraine was going to be an EU country until Russia’s installed “president” ignored the people and chose Russia over Ukraine and was deposed and expelled so Ukrainians could democratically choose their own leadership which they did. Then Russia invaded.
There was absolutely no chance of them joining NATO until after the invasion, now it’s a near certainty.

Democracy in Europe IS our business. We will be fighting this war at some time, either now while Russia is weak and poor through a proxy or later when we are in a much weaker position fighting them with American soldiers directly…much better to choose now for less money and zero Americans, I know you would prefer to just let Putin re-annex the Balkan states and expand as far as he chooses, returning to socialist communism under his tyrannical leadership, but the free world would prefer to stay free.

And again, it is our business as I clearly explained to you repeatedly because we signed, and actually directed the trilateral disarmament agreement in 92 when we agreed to secure their borders against any incursion and they gave up nuclear weapons the collapsing soviets couldn’t afford to secure themselves. You would make any future agreements, and any current treaties moot and impossible to guarantee because our guarantee is worse than worthless. So shortsighted and not smart. It’s important to keep your word internationally, I know as a MAGgot that doesn’t make sense, just like telling the truth even if it hurts you doesn’t make sense to you…honesty and honor are foreign concepts to your ilk.
It would be nice if you could remember being so wrong so I didn’t have to correct you over and over and over on the exact same topic…but you can’t admit you are wrong so you will forget you were proven wrong, again, and spout the same ignorance, again, forever. So sad and mentally defective….it’s a main feature of MAGA, severe brain damage.

Walk away MAGA policies would hand the world to China, Russia, and N Korea without a word of complaint, then confusion over where our allies are when they come for us.
Ukraine is a war Russia started, one that’s being won by Ukraine with help, and one that has crippled Russia for decades to come WAY cheaper than any American policy could have. Give Joe credit, fine, Joe bankrupted Russia and destroyed their military…I don’t give him that credit, you do.

No, leftists said he would bring us into ruin, and that if he followed trough with his stated intentions he would bring us into war…but he never follows through and caved to China and Russia instead of standing strong for American ideals, interests, and Western democracy. He nearly did start a war by assassinating Iranian government officials and Syrians. I remember when you said ISIS was a nothing burger and not worth paying attention to, right before they took near half of Iraq and Syria, started attacking Americans, and we went to war with them in 2017…who was president then?
We were still at war in Afghanistan when he left office, he had just surrendered unconditionally to the Taliban and Al Qaeda under an agreement they broke repeatedly, but we were still there until Biden (poorly) facilitated the retreat Trump negotiated. Trump/MAGA didn’t avoid or end wars. Nice try at revisionism.

The policy bringing the US near war today is our Israel policy that is the same unthinking blind support for Israel from both parties, same from both presidential candidates. We are in direct military actions endangering American soldiers daily because of THAT conflict, not because of Ukraine. The unbridled ignorance is disappointing even from you. 🤦‍♂️

Ending wars by capitulating like Trump did with Crimea and surrendering unconditionally like Trump did in Afghanistan is not “winning”, it’s losing without even trying and hands the world to dictators.

bobknight33 said:

The kid is asking the wrong question.

The question is Why is Russia invading Ukraine.

The answer is NATO creeping into buffer countries that was agreed on after the fall of Russia.

NATO has not stopped expanding since the fall of the Soviet Union, growing from 17 countries in 1990 to 30 today, several of which were once part of the Soviet-led Warsaw pact.

Finally Ukraine is not a NATO country----------- This is none of our business.

Biden failed Policies have done nothing but keeping pushing for war --

Ukraine is a lost war.


You leftest said if Trump was POTUS - He would bring us into war--- Never happened.
MEGA 2024 to end wars.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ok, I won’t watch it then, I know it’s all biased commentary and deceptive edits. It always is from that moron, I won’t waste my worthless time.
I will note from its YT description, all I’m willing to give it, it’s apparently some attempt to portray Trump’s team as winning the day with their argument that the president can illegally assassinate people including political rivals and, if not impeached before leaving office, can’t be prosecuted…pure insanity and obviously not a winning argument, and if accepted means Trump is ripe for a death squad hit. Even you aren’t that stupid, and that’s a subterranean bar.

Side note, Trump dropping at 33%, Haley rising at 29%, Christy out with 13%, dropped out to support anyone but Trump, meaning Haley. Haley can’t win, she’s a fer-in-ur and a lefty, Trump said! 😂
Among voters 65 and older, the conservative base, Biden is ahead 60% to 37% for Trump. Oof.

Also for your the congressional report on Trump taking bribes from foreign powers like China and Saudi Arabia came out, and unlike Hunter there’s an undisputed record of these foreign powers paying Trump over $8 million in the first two years of his presidency to change policy, which he did in spades giving them what amounted to favored nation status and selling over a hundred billion in advanced weapons to them (for a total of $3.5 billion in kickbacks to his daughter). After finding these bribes and the indisputable proof he took the money, Republicans ended the investigation and tried to hide and destroy the evidence…but failed. Once again, every accusation is an admission, and the Hunter accusations are no exception. Every crime they have accused him of committing has fizzled out when it’s time to produce evidence, and every crime has been discovered to have been committed by Trump to an exponentially greater degree, like hundreds of millions in tax evasion (more if his current estimate of Mar a Lago is close to correct, then he would owe well over $700 million just for its back taxes).

bobknight33 said:

Here is some real news -- the biased commentary you can disregard

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump argued in court that a president could order seal team 6 to murder his political rival and would be 100% immune from prosecution (unless he was first impeached) because ordering seal team 6 is an official action of the president which Trump’s team is arguing makes him immune until impeached, and that a president cannot be impeached after leaving office, meaning if you commit the treason or murder (or any crime at all) so near the end of your term you can’t be impeached before leaving office you get off Scott free…even if you leave early to escape prosecution.

Hate to tell you, they’re 100% wrong and they are going to lose…one of the judges asked the question about assassinations using seal team 6. Trump’s lawyer fucked the infantile answer so badly it’s now being forced to carry his stillborn progeny to term.

Note, if they say he’s not guilty of the 91 counts not because he didn’t do them but because absolute presidential immunity is a thing, Biden can have him assassinated tomorrow as an official act and as long as it stays classified until January, no crime no foul! Trump will have just made presidential assassinations 100% legal. Thanks Trump! 😂

Trump also argued he could pardon himself, so Biden could do that too….if Trump “wins” in court.

What’s hilarious is they clearly haven’t thought it through at all….if his argument wins AND he wins the presidency (and isn’t assassinated on Jan 6), his entire term will be impeachment hearings over the 91 felony charges he’s facing because he will be president again and double jeopardy doesn’t apply because he was never in jeopardy before since these cases get thrown out without prejudice. Winning in court and winning the ballot is a HUGE LOSS for Trump…unless he immediately quits and his vp pardons him.

As a bonus, Trump’s team presented “new evidence” (not allowed) in his appeal that was an anonymous undated fake “election fraud report” actually drafted by his own team member, Liz Harrington, not election fraud experts, and it’s chock full of arguments that have already failed in court…that and his own tweets.

Planes Collide And Explode At Haneda Airport

ant says...

And decade like delayed Olympics, assassination of Shinzo Abe, etc.

newtboy said:

Adding injury to injury, the plane hit was heading to rescue earthquake victims.
You’re absolutely right, it’s definitely not Japan’s year so far.

Democrat’s Tricks On Adult Site Result in SHOCKING Loss

newtboy says...

Republicans committed a sex crime, then bragged about it. That’s what this video is about.

Also, this was barely news last summer. She was a candidate, not a representative Bobby.

Here’s some elected officials committing sex crimes since that interests you @bobknight33

251 Pennsylvania Republican State Sen. John Peterson, later elected to Congress - sexual harassment, grabbing a woman’s breast. See the screenshot
252 Neil Bush, the S&L grifter of the Bush family, sex tourism in Thailand and Hong Kong. We know what sex tourists are looking for in Thailand.

253 James Woods, actor and right-wing provocateur, was accused by Amber Tamblyn of trying to pick her up when she was underage. Since then many other women have come forward

254 Ted Nugent, alleged musician and right-wing provocateur who joked about assassinating Obama, beloved friend of moralist Huckabee - sex with underage girls

255 Gregory Nathan Peterson, Utah Republican fundraiser charged with 21 charges of rape, forcible sexual abuse and battery, two charges of aggravated kidnapping, one charge of assault and one charge of felony burglary. Committed suicide while on bail.

256 NH GOP Representative Robert Fisher created The Red Pill Reddit site which is known for its tips on how to get away with rape, etc.

257 Union County GA GOP Chairman - attempted rape and it was broadcast on internet

258 WI GOP Rep. Roger Rivard on the list for excusing and enabling rape by saying “some girls rape easy.”

259 NJ GOP candidate for town council Mike Krawitz had to resign after threatening, wishing reporter would be raped.

260 Rory A. Koch, committee administrator for the Minnesota House Republicans, child pornography

261 Former GOP Walton Co. Commissioner Lane Rees - child pornography

262 James "Dub" Maines, formerly GOP Rep. Joe Barton's deputy district director - child pornography

263 Joseph Hayon, Midwood Republican Who Ran On Family Values Platform, Confesses To Viewing Child Pornography

264 Charlotte Tea Party leader - child porn and had the nerve to claim it was how he self-medicated for an autistic disorder and depression from a failed relationship

265 Southern Baptist Convention leader and Trump religion advisor Frank Page resigns over moral failings

266 Far right religious leader Mark Aderholt - sex with underage girls, sexual assault. Church organization knew and ignored it.

267 Former Judge, Baptist Leader, Republican Paul Pressler - sexual abuse/assault underage men.

268 Larry Weinstein, Northampton Township Supervisor and former campaign manager for GOP Rep. Scott Petri and his girlfriend charged with indecently assaulting unconscious woman

269 GOP Commissioner John Butler and his wife sexually abused his underage niece. He was pardoned by Gov. Jack Ryan.

270 Anti-Choice Congressman Tim Murphy forced to resign for hostile work environment/harassment and asked his lover to have an abortion.

271 GOP Commissioner Jack Gardner of Millersville, PA was convicted of molesting a 13-year-old girl, pled guilty. 30 years later he’s on the City Commission. See the screenshot, story is in NewsBank.

272 Lincoln County GOP commissioner and town clerk Merril Robert Barter of Boothbay Harbor - molesting an underage boy while at the State Republican Convention.

273 Michigan GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Schuette. This is what he does on camera! OMG, what does he do when no one is looking?

274 Broward Co Florida GOP Party Secretary Rupert Tarsey attacked a woman, a classmate, with a hammer & they did not force him out of office

275 Republican congressional candidate Denver Riggleman stepped in on Monday to claim that rape and sexual assault can be prevented by “educating females.” Not women, females. Female does not mean human, there are female animals/insects.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And because I’ve been slacking….
251 Pennsylvania Republican State Sen. John Peterson, later elected to Congress - sexual harassment, grabbing a woman’s breast. See the screenshot
252 Neil Bush, the S&L grifter of the Bush family, sex tourism in Thailand and Hong Kong. We know what sex tourists are looking for in Thailand.

253 James Woods, actor and right-wing provocateur, was accused by Amber Tamblyn of trying to pick her up when she was underage. Since then many other women have come forward

254 Ted Nugent, alleged musician and right-wing provocateur who joked about assassinating Obama, beloved friend of moralist Huckabee - sex with underage girls

255 Gregory Nathan Peterson, Utah Republican fundraiser charged with 21 charges of rape, forcible sexual abuse and battery, two charges of aggravated kidnapping, one charge of assault and one charge of felony burglary. Committed suicide while on bail.

256 NH GOP Representative Robert Fisher created The Red Pill Reddit site which is known for its tips on how to get away with rape, etc.

257 Union County GA GOP Chairman - attempted rape and it was broadcast on internet

258 WI GOP Rep. Roger Rivard on the list for excusing and enabling rape by saying “some girls rape easy.”

259 NJ GOP candidate for town council Mike Krawitz had to resign after threatening, wishing reporter would be raped.

260 Rory A. Koch, committee administrator for the Minnesota House Republicans, child pornography

261 Former GOP Walton Co. Commissioner Lane Rees - child pornography

262 James "Dub" Maines, formerly GOP Rep. Joe Barton's deputy district director - child pornography

263 Joseph Hayon, Midwood Republican Who Ran On Family Values Platform, Confesses To Viewing Child Pornography

264 Charlotte Tea Party leader - child porn and had the nerve to claim it was how he self-medicated for an autistic disorder and depression from a failed relationship

265 Southern Baptist Convention leader and Trump religion advisor Frank Page resigns over moral failings

266 Far right religious leader Mark Aderholt - sex with underage girls, sexual assault. Church organization knew and ignored it.

267 Former Judge, Baptist Leader, Republican Paul Pressler - sexual abuse/assault underage men.

268 Larry Weinstein, Northampton Township Supervisor and former campaign manager for GOP Rep. Scott Petri and his girlfriend charged with indecently assaulting unconscious woman

269 GOP Commissioner John Butler and his wife sexually abused his underage niece. He was pardoned by Gov. Jack Ryan.

270 Anti-Choice Congressman Tim Murphy forced to resign for hostile work environment/harassment and asked his lover to have an abortion.

271 GOP Commissioner Jack Gardner of Millersville, PA was convicted of molesting a 13-year-old girl, pled guilty. 30 years later he’s on the City Commission. See the screenshot, story is in NewsBank.

272 Lincoln County GOP commissioner and town clerk Merril Robert Barter of Boothbay Harbor - molesting an underage boy while at the State Republican Convention.

273 Michigan GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Schuette. This is what he does on camera! OMG, what does he do when no one is looking?

274 Broward Co Florida GOP Party Secretary Rupert Tarsey attacked a woman, a classmate, with a hammer & they did not force him out of office

275 Republican congressional candidate Denver Riggleman stepped in on Monday to claim that rape and sexual assault can be prevented by “educating females.” Not women, females. Female does not mean human, there are female animals/insects.

I’ve got 38 more pages of criminal Republican representative who are convicted sexual abusers of children to share, including your rapist of a disgraced ex president…with more being added every day. You struggle to find one Democrat.

School Board cuts off parent

newtboy says...

You don’t know right from wrong…you still worship a treasonous rapist thief and con man who stole from disabled vets and America and you see nothing wrong with him.

Cons are upset at sex education because it makes sexually abusing children much more difficult. Boebert tried to teach children about sex by performing public sex acts while at a play designed and marketed for children…not for the first time. This is the only sex education Cons support…you want the kids too weak and ignorant to possibly stand up when your people rape them, not understanding what sex abuse is makes it much easier for you to get away with it.

251 Pennsylvania Republican State Sen. John Peterson, later elected to Congress - sexual harassment, grabbing a woman’s breast. See the screenshot
252 Neil Bush, the S&L grifter of the Bush family, sex tourism in Thailand and Hong Kong. We know what sex tourists are looking for in Thailand.

253 James Woods, actor and right-wing provocateur, was accused by Amber Tamblyn of trying to pick her up when she was underage. Since then many other women have come forward

254 Ted Nugent, alleged musician and right-wing provocateur who joked about assassinating Obama, beloved friend of moralist Huckabee - sex with underage girls

255 Gregory Nathan Peterson, Utah Republican fundraiser charged with 21 charges of rape, forcible sexual abuse and battery, two charges of aggravated kidnapping, one charge of assault and one charge of felony burglary. Committed suicide while on bail.

256 NH GOP Representative Robert Fisher created The Red Pill Reddit site which is known for its tips on how to get away with rape, etc.

257 Union County GA GOP Chairman - attempted rape and it was broadcast on internet

258 WI GOP Rep. Roger Rivard on the list for excusing and enabling rape by saying “some girls rape easy.”

259 NJ GOP candidate for town council Mike Krawitz had to resign after threatening, wishing reporter would be raped.

260 Rory A. Koch, committee administrator for the Minnesota House Republicans, child pornography

261 Former GOP Walton Co. Commissioner Lane Rees - child pornography

262 James "Dub" Maines, formerly GOP Rep. Joe Barton's deputy district director - child pornography

263 Joseph Hayon, Midwood Republican Who Ran On Family Values Platform, Confesses To Viewing Child Pornography

264 Charlotte Tea Party leader - child porn and had the nerve to claim it was how he self-medicated for an autistic disorder and depression from a failed relationship

265 Southern Baptist Convention leader and Trump religion advisor Frank Page resigns over moral failings

266 Far right religious leader Mark Aderholt - sex with underage girls, sexual assault. Church organization knew and ignored it.

267 Former Judge, Baptist Leader, Republican Paul Pressler - sexual abuse/assault underage men.

268 Larry Weinstein, Northampton Township Supervisor and former campaign manager for GOP Rep. Scott Petri and his girlfriend charged with indecently assaulting unconscious woman

269 GOP Commissioner John Butler and his wife sexually abused his underage niece. He was pardoned by Gov. Jack Ryan.

270 Anti-Choice Congressman Tim Murphy forced to resign for hostile work environment/harassment and asked his lover to have an abortion.

271 GOP Commissioner Jack Gardner of Millersville, PA was convicted of molesting a 13-year-old girl, pled guilty. 30 years later he’s on the City Commission. See the screenshot, story is in NewsBank.

272 Lincoln County GOP commissioner and town clerk Merril Robert Barter of Boothbay Harbor - molesting an underage boy while at the State Republican Convention.

273 Michigan GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Schuette. This is what he does on camera! OMG, what does he do when no one is looking?

274 Broward Co Florida GOP Party Secretary Rupert Tarsey attacked a woman, a classmate, with a hammer & they did not force him out of office

275 Republican congressional candidate Denver Riggleman stepped in on Monday to claim that rape and sexual assault can be prevented by “educating females.” Not women, females. Female does not mean human, there are female animals/insects.

bobknight33 said:

Liberals tend to focus on issues that actually impact kids. Yea like teaching how to have any kind of sex ---

These children are too fucking weak to possibly stand up... They are --- They don't know all the right from wrong ..

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

QE Quantitative Easing
helicopter $ All those Gov Checks that kept people home.

Gas policy. Biden want to kill the oil industry. Transition to cleaner forms of energy is great but you can't just switch off our dependency of oil.

under Trump we were a net exporter of oil. Now we need to import.
oil companies are reporting record breaking profits. But it follows pandemic-fueled losses.
Biden pissed the Saudis over the assassination of the dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi so they say no oil for you, Joe..

When the SPR is depleted or stopped being used what do you think will happen to gas prices?

newtboy said:

Wow. Ok, we can agree that far about China policies. They went too far, and now too lax.

Well….1/2 off something overpriced by 10x isn’t great, that’s why PE ratio matters. I think 25 is super high, but by today’s standards it’s average. 90+ was insane.

You have blamed him for the economy, as if he didn’t inherit 2020’s remains, but I’m just glad you’re willing to share/spread blame. A good step. Kudos.
Don’t know what QE and helicopter $ is.

Supply chain issues are global. It’s hard to blame anyone for even a majority. IMO they have been getting better slowly from 2020….I’m not in manufacturing though.

Gas policy? Explain please. My understanding is gas/oil production is up under Biden….oil company profits certainly are. Analysis indicates their increased profit margins accounted for over 1/2 the increased prices. I’m glad I have some energy stocks in my portfolio.
Remember, Trump policy was to sell our refining capabilities to the Saudis, who then decreased production and increased prices.

Arizona Republicans Attacking People Trying To Vote

newtboy says...

These anonymous, masked, heavily armed, violent, abusive, accusatory terrorists have now been barred by a federal judge from continuing their blatant voter intimidation tactics.

Their leader has been forced to retract her lies…she had been claiming anyone dropping more than one vote is absolutely stuffing ballot boxes illegally, a mule, and proof of voter fraud, all outright lies, had to say specifically that it’s perfectly legal to drop off for others in many circumstances, and had to actually post the AZ law on all her social media pages. Armed thugs, and wearing body armor is now restricted by 250ft from boxes, and the terrorists may not contact voters unless the voter initiates contact (that includes yelling “mule”).

Every one should be identified for public retribution. That’s exactly what they were doing to legal voters for voting legally, except they were labeling those innocent citizens as vote fraud perpetrators when identified, intentionally identifying them for people like the failed Pelosi assassin, so turn about is fair play, identify them as child molesters using playground pictures as the background for their headshots.
Snitches get stitches…terrorists get torn apart. These are terrorists.

I’m certain their employers wouldn’t want to be connected to them. Someone please dox these terrorist assholes.

bobknight33 said:

Watching voting boxes from afar .. non story

Watching to see if person placing handfuls of votes in the box -- A good thing.

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

Immediately explained because there is no question whatsoever that’s what it was.

You have all this fake information…but from where? I know you won’t answer because it’s embarrassing….because the answer is Twitter.
None of it resembles the official reports from police, not one detail is close to correct. It’s pure unadulterated lies you bought hook line and sinker because you want to, or that you made up yourself, not because you have a scintilla of evidence, and it’s all 100% opposed by the reality that an armed MAGgot drove to Pelosi’s house with weapons and zip ties, broke in, and beat an 82 year old man he pulled out of bed with the hammer in front of police, fully dressed, screaming “where’s Nancy”.

I think you people took the fact that he’s a nudist and pretended he was nude at the failed assassination….no, that’s almost rational, I now see Musk just made it up, tweeted it out to millions, then quietly retracted it once he planted the seed of insanity in your fertile skulls, and it grew like a weed in the manure you keep there. Every accusation you make is an admission.

Depapi is pure, undeniably MAGA. You have no evidence otherwise. Police have tons to back that up.
He is far right politically, not all over the place. There were no guards, no dogs, no cameras, no alarm, no third person, no tall wall, no attacker in his underwear. Every bit of that is made up by far right liars like yourself to try to hide from the fact that he’s absolutely one of you, just like you, a splitting image of yourself, believing every crazy conspiracy theory you believe. No evidence he’s a “doper” although that would mean nothing, most republicans are dopers, rush Limbaugh was the biggest heroin addict in recent history, Trump likes speed.
Mr Pelosi called him “friend” to calm him down, not because he was his friend you tool.
Was a failed political assasination by the far right, with prodding from politicians for years up to the “fire Pelosi with a rifle” add on the day before the failed assassination.
Funny, every place your alternative facts were put up is down, not those my info came from. Derp

You just don’t like who you are and seeing yourself in the mirror disgusts you, so you came up with a story from your own life when your gay lover beat you up. It’s so incredibly stupid, and shows you are not a bit serious, just ranting and blaming anyone but terrorist maggots.

Only the completely insane like you believe everything in the universe is on their side at all times…. all truth, all facts, all ideas, all goodness, even god….but somehow you just keep losing constantly, bigly. Maybe it’s just you!

But to recap, you don’t get to ask questions until you answer one….and you can’t.

bobknight33 said:

This bizarre story was immediately explained in the liberal media as being MAGA attack:

Bla bla bla- I can’t answer questions, and don’t listen to answers, now let me waste your time with more nonsense I made up because

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

For some reason, @bobknight33 requested a video about the failed assassination of Nancy Pelosi, second in line to the presidency, and the MAGot that tried to murder her and her family. Here you go, friendo.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Full of fact. I wonder what far right propagandists are saying.

It had time (2:30 am), place(Pelosi’s SF home), injuries (arm, hands, and skull fractured), weapon (hammer), identity(42 year old David Dipappi), and exactly what he did(broke in yelling where’s Nancy wielding a hammer, tried to tie up the husband and wait for her, husband called 911 and dropped phone, police came and stopped the murder in progress).
It’s nothing but facts. I think you didn’t watch it. It was short, but still too much fact for your little brain to accept. Such a baby. Do you think shoving your head farther up your ass makes you look strong? Smart? On the ball? It only makes you look scared and intentionally ignorant, buddy. Ask anyone not up there with you.

What isn’t there besides his long history of spouting the exact crazed far right lies you spout daily? Election fraud, COVID’s a fraud, Trump won, Jan 6 was by ANTIFA, Trumpists believe in law and order, Russia is our friend and ally, Lil Kim is a genius and benevolent leader, Democrats are in a pedophile vampire cabal where they take children to pizza parlors to eat their pineal glands and gain immortality….🤦‍♂️

I won’t post because this video can’t be posted off YouTube, you fuckwit. I didn’t bother looking for more, it had plenty to trigger you so served it’s purpose. This story is everywhere, even on Fox, people without cranial rectosis don’t need it spoon fed to them….but you do.

I guess you just need more MAGA terrorism, more violent attempted murder of the elderly, more hard core anti democracy, and more deadly anti American MAGots actions to be posted, although for the life of me I can’t fathom why….but ok, I’ll find something and post it just for you. Don’t say I never gave you anything.

Infinitely more fact and information than you EVER produce, buddy. You have been hiding from your enemy, reality, for at least 6 years now. It effects your family in ways that are severely detrimental to their mental and physical health. You have admitted this in the past, but can no longer admit reality so I’m certain you won’t admit it now. Please don’t murder your family like so many MAGots have…it wouldn’t be a bit surprising if you did.

bobknight33 said:

No facts just slanted fake news.
You are un able to see reality.

You dodnt have the ball to post because you know this is BS.
Provide FACTS.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Says the pot to the glass pitcher.

As usual, lalalalala, I hear nothing, I see nothing, lalalalala.

No facts, no arguments, no adult point to make, just infantile noise. LMFAHS!!

Let me remind you that, again, your team just tried and failed to assassinate the second in line for the presidency. Are you really so delusional that you think anyone actually believes the right is pro democracy, or pro America, or pro rule of law? Even you, the epitome of gullibility, can’t be so moronic you really believe that, you just say it.

bobknight33 said:

Blah Blah Blah.
You are a TOOL.
You are a FOOL
You are exactly what they want.

Arrest In Break-In At Democrat Hobbs' Campaign Headquarters

newtboy says...

Holy bat shit Robin,
They caught the bad guy who tried to murder Pelosi and her husband.

Big surprise, his Facebook posts look EXACTLY like the stupid debunked nonsense you post constantly. Election denial, covid denials, Jan 6 denials, accusations that the Jan 6 bipartisan committee is “one sided”, idiotic memes, random conspiracy theories, and videos of Chump and Mikepillow.

Possibly the headquarters burglary was a random break in by a moron too dumb to know there’s nothing to steal there and not politically motivated (but still political nonetheless), highly unlikely but possible, but the attempted assassination was definitely more MAGA terrorism from typical everyday magots just like you.

Party of (this time just attempted) death, destruction, and debauchery, with more examples every single day, fool.

I think the right has never learned this truism….
Friedrich Nietzsche - Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

You created false monsters to fight, now you are monsters.
You created an abyss of fantasy conspiracy theories to cudgel the left with, and they became your belief system.

bobknight33 said:

Holy Cat Shit Robin

The caught the bad guy.

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