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I'm going to make a VS political compass chart for fun. (Politics Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Here is the chart so far. It's hard to read because of all the names unfortunately, but you can manually take people off the chart if you like. I added a few inactive sifters from the last time this was posted - if you are one of these people and want to retake, let me know and I'll change it. I also added all of the American presidential candidates and Obama. I'll wait for a few more days for others to join, then I'll post.

Okay, someone's gotta use this as their avatar (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Best. Dad. Ever.

krelokk says...

I'm with Alien Concept. I'm a guy. I'm not even pessimistic or all that negative. I'm generally a very positive person. But the fact of the matter is there are tons of douchbag fathers who still do the 'fun stuff' with kids. Great, the guy is a dad dancing with his kids, is he the "BEST FATHER EVER" now? Um no... he might not even be a very good dad. We just don't know, and this video just doesn't really give any incite beyond dancing. "Feel good" video, more like Unwarranted Praise-Rose Tinted Glasses video.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Googlism: How well does Google know YOU? (Sift Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Zifnab is a solemn immortal
arvana is at the intersection of u
NetRunner is powering down to standby mode for at least a few months
ant is adopted
mintbbb is the eye"
blankfist is avoiding the traditional libertarian
alien concept is bound to produce friction
gwiz665 is talking about growing more and more left handed and his profile pick is of dr
EDD is everything ed is not
mlx is an aqueous
deputydog is a wanker with a capital w on account of being a capitalletterphobiac
dotdude is ginger rose still cute even? now its old
zonbie is a professional artist working in the gaming industry
silvercord is the link between your soui and this life
deathcow is going to start this match against bad ass

Alien_concept gets crown, royal consort (British Talk Post)

Deano says...

I just looked at that first link. They say she's a "commoner" and "middle-class". Her background would make her bloody posh compared to 99% of the population. Only the Royals could get snobbish about someone like that.

>> ^kronosposeidon:

>> ^jan:
Not really a Queen, from net search
After her marriage to Prince William of Wales, Kate Middleton's title will be Her Royal Highness Princess William of Wales. On the engagement announcement, Kate used her full name, Catherine. So she will likely be known as Princess Catherine of Wales.
If Prince William receives a dukedom following the marriage, she will be known as Duchess as well as Her Royal Highness.

When Prince William becomes King, his wife, Kate Middleton, will be Queen.
Until Kate becomes Queen, let the courtiers decide her exact title and the pecking order at Buckingham Palace. In this palace, AC will be Queen tout de suite!

Alien_concept gets crown, royal consort (British Talk Post)

alien_concept says...

>> ^Deano:

I wish we had a better anthem. Something a bit punchier. France and Germany are much better IIRC.

Oh god, my dad goes on about this alll the time. He thinks God Save Our Queen is presumptuous and our National Anthem should be Land of Hope and Glory, hehe.

Joey, don't give people the wrong impression, the coolness came from the pints and pints of pear cider and the charm was because I didn't bring enough spends to pay for said cider

Sarzy (Member Profile)

Alien_concept gets crown, royal consort (British Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

>> ^jan:

Not really a Queen, from net search
After her marriage to Prince William of Wales, Kate Middleton's title will be Her Royal Highness Princess William of Wales. On the engagement announcement, Kate used her full name, Catherine. So she will likely be known as Princess Catherine of Wales.
If Prince William receives a dukedom following the marriage, she will be known as Duchess as well as Her Royal Highness.

When Prince William becomes King, his wife, Kate Middleton, will be Queen.

Until Kate becomes Queen, let the courtiers decide her exact title and the pecking order at Buckingham Palace. In this palace, AC will be Queen tout de suite!

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

choggie says...

yer right man, yer never wrong-lifes' a hard lesson to learn, most folks don't survive their own included-I am only suffering myself and others because I love them-you'll make it
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Say it to him. He started the shit storm, I escalated it. I tried to end it, he prodded again. He is the one that is outrageously in the wrong here, not I.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
and the douchebag rears it's ugly head.Try putting a lid onnit, man-yer batting a thousand as it is-Just a friendly suggestion...Qualm and I have a few bumps and curves here, he's a decent are you when you aren't brown-nosing or showing your ass-work on yer people skills maybe??.. I did, and like most of life, it's a work in progress.
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Go rape your step-dad and repay the favor of taking your virginity at age 6. And the run along.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
So you give up then. OK. Run along...

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:

In reply to this comment by qualm:
Well, I'm sort of enjoying your grudge, so... can you keep hating me please, and just refrain from posting your violent rape fantasies and bizarre jibberish onto my profile page from now on?

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Oh whatever, you self-righteous, hypersensitive dingbat. I suggest that you don't bring anything up about me on this site again then, then I'll lay my grudge to rest.

You brought up a topic that I really don't like, completely unrelated to anything, which is why I got pissed at you and I still am, but if you just keep your damn nose to yourself, I see no reason why I can't just ignore you and live happily ever after.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
They were not simply "immature comments" that you left on my profile page, gwizz. They were bizarre, violent and of a sexual nature. I just glanced at them, but I saw the word "rape". There is nothing funny about rape, gwizz. Nothing whatsoever. I know that your very special Blankfist used to often casually joke about raping children here on Videosift - he finds that evil topic amusing, apparently - and it's starting to become obvious here that you sort of emulate him. Perhaps that is why you had such a strange outburst.

I see you'd like to just drop the whole matter. In that case I suggest that you stop writing on my profile page, and then my "differing opinions" will just disappear -- once you've deleted them, I mean.

Best of luck to you.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I left two immature comments in response to you bringing up that whole thing. I remember them well and they were quite considered. You took a shit on an exposed nerve, so I reacted. It wasn't particularly grown up, but there we go.

I've never posted stuff like that to her - my innuendo is rarely angry - and the stuff I did post to her were quite reciprocated. Hell, in the beginning she was as bad as I. I doubt you know that if you only heard the other side of the story. I liked AC, I really did, but she changed, and that's what drove her away. I want the old AC back, the cool one, not the one that rage-quit. But we can't all have what we want.

I deleted your comments, because I'd rather just move on. I think you acted bad and I responded with more bad actions, so I'm putting a stop to it from my end.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
Hey, you deleted my differing opinions!

No, you drove Alien Concept away. She was awesome, btw. Probably you posted comments to her profile page similar to the twisted stuff you recently posted to mine. Is this what you do when you don't agree with people? Do you even remember the atrocious comments regarding sexual violence you left on my page? Or were you blind drunk when you wrote them?

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
You started this attack, I only followed through. Bah, it's a waste of my time and energy to put any more effort into this.

I may have grown up, but you still have some to do since you only have name-calling left in you. I've not driven people away from this site, she drove herself away. If she must pin it on me, then bah.

If I had the ability to actually drive people away, there are a choice few who would be long, long gone.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
If leaving behind on my profile page a foul string of violent, threatening and insane sexual commentary, as you did, is what you call "differing opinions," then I can see why you worship that fool Blankfist. He used to do that too, when he'd get mad at me for disagreeing with him. Obviously I got under your skin, and that wasn't my intention. I was being quite sincere when I made note of the fact that you've seemed a little more mature lately, from the time, not too long ago, when one could rely on you, with 100% certainty, to post a dozen or more totally inane and puerile sexist comments per day.

As for my leaving, everybody knows you have a habit of driving people away from this site, creepy stalker guy:

This Place Has Been Amazing, But It's Time To Leave :) (History Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

I think this has been a fully fledged character assassination attempt and I am disgusted by it. I am not afraid of what you'll think of me, because the truth is on my side.

This thread, or rather all the rumblings behind this thread, is filled with vicious lies which I can only assume stems from peggedbea. I am deeply troubled by this.

Rasch, this will be my last message directed to you, because I really don't like you and I haven't for a long time. I will make this as delicate and level-headed as I can. You have been misinformed. My messages to both AC and bea after my texas trip have been different ways of asking "What happened?" because none of them would tell me what they were upset about.

I don't know what you and the rest have been told about the trip to Texas, but I am very much not in denial. I do know what happened when I was there, and it was what I wrote in my message above.

Furthermore, where else have you read about my trip to Texas? If it's anything I've written then please present it. I know I talked to AC about it before I went over there, but I've never talked to you about anything? How can you know anything that doesn't stem from peggedbea? Is it not possible that she's the one that's either in denial or just lying for the hell of it.

I have heard a few rumors about what I allegedly did over there and elsewhere. Here's what has been relayed to me

1. You flew to Texas to visit Bea, out of the blue and without an invite.
This is false. We discussed it in the lounge and later on messenger and she invited me. I don't know anyone that currently live in Texas, why in the hell would I book a (very expensive, I might add) trip to texas out of the blue? How could I ever even expect to be allowed to stay with her then? It just doesn't make sense.

2. From the beginning you engaged in a lot of sexual talk with her, some of it around her kids- to the point of telling her 5 year old that she could legally have sex when she's 15.
The latter part is a bold-faced lie. I never, ever talked to her kids about ANYTHING sexual. I talked to bea about it, but that was certainly as much her as it was me. We talked a bit more subdued, but like we've talked in the lounge. Anyone who has ever been in the lounge knows that she talks way more shit than I do, and people who know me in real life know I'm not nearly as sordid when I'm talking face-to-face. And I would fucking never talk about sex to a child. Fucking hell, that's pure evil spreading a lie like that.

3. You grabbed InflateableVagina's ass and boobs while staying with Bea, and generally freaked everyone out.
No and yes. I didn't grab her ass, I think I smacked it. The boob thing was just an immature prank that turned out to be way out of line. I acknowledged that above, and I have apologized to ivy about that. I can't say that I generally freaked everyone out, but I suppose I could have freaked the three out that were there, bea, ivy and their friend rick. The kids were long gone to be by that time, and they certainly liked me both.

A little context as well, this was the second day I was there (tuesday). I was there from monday till thursday morning. I do remember that after it happened ivy or bea said that it was inappropriate, but ivy seemed to laugh it off and I did the same. I shrugged it off as an immature prank gone a little overboard. We were all a bit drunk and I acted like a high-schooler, that was it. I've apologized for this on many occasions now to ivy.

The next whole day, we went to Six Flags and not a word was mentioned about it, so I thought, that I stepped over the line, but it looked like they forgave me, so let's just move on. We were still having fun and bea and I were still talking fine together, so I assumed everything was alright.

The next morning at 4 or 5 in the morning, she knocked on my door and woke me up and explained that someone in her family had died and she had to go away to another part of the state to deal with it. She was very distraught and I've not brought it up before because I don't think it's nice to share such things here, but that's what it's come to. I'm sorry in advance to bea for this, but she's made it abundantly clear that she has no trouble lying to people about what happened, so I have lost all esteem for her and can't be concerned with it anymore.

We drove to the airport in the morning with the kids half-awake on the backseat, she dropped me off and drove on to what she had to deal with.

I wrote Ivy a text message later in the morning asking if she had heard anything from bea and if she was alright, so she can attest to that as well. After that bea blocked me on facebook and ignored all PMs on videosift (and promptly deleted them) and AC wrote me that she didn't want to speak anymore out of the blue. What am I to believe here? I mean, can't you see a possible connection? If bea spread a lie to AC about me that was a terrible as the one above, I could understand that AC reacted the way she did. If only she had told me that, if that's the case.

4. You have been communicating with Alien Concept - planning a visit, and claim to have pictures of her that you found somewhere.

I have indeed been communicating with alien_concept. We've been communicating a great deal since the lounge started, I think. We had a good talk in the lounge, and I'm pretty sure there were other people in there as well. I can't remember which of us asked for a messenger address, but in any case we started talking on messenger as well, because I thought she was fun and I can only assume she did the same to me (well, she said as much at least). I've never been planning any visit to her. I've talked to her about it; that it could be cool to meet up at some point; but she's always wanted her boyfriend to come over before any other sifters. And I can respect that. I did some friendly jabs at her about how cheap it was to go to London, but there were never any plans to go anywhere. We had talked about me coming by after new years, or maybe make the siftup then, when her boyfriend was there as well, but it never panned out to anything concrete. I certainly don't have any pictures of her that I've "found somewhere". She has sent me exactly 5 pictures over messenger herself, nothing sordid or anything. At some point, I think during this winter, I sent her some videos of myself playing guitar like the blog posts, which she at the time thought was fun.

When she all of a sudden wrote her "I don't want to talk anymore" I was completely baffled and saddened. Mostly because I didn't understand why she did it. She said that I "didn't respect her and her boyfriend's relationship", but I never saw it as me trying to horn in on her, we were just talking and having fun. We were both in our talks, I didn't just yap at her leg all the time at all. So I pestered her a bit after she wrote it, because I wanted her to reconsider and at least explain to me why the sudden change of heart and because I considered us friends, and friends do have at least a little lee-way to deserve an answer.

I still very much like the rae that I've talked to and I like ivy still too. I'm completely disillusioned about peggedbea. I liked her, but I don't anymore - this is just vicious and she should be stopped. Rasch, you and some others in here are so quick to judge me and deem me guilty, when it's just not true. This is not denial talking, this is reason talking. If you have heard any other rumors about me, bring them out! We're already doing the laundry in public, we might as well do it proper.

I'm am still not the crook in this and by now I've laid myself bare and exposed more about people I liked that I would have wanted to. This disturbs me, it really does.

I am glad that there are some sifters who still have my back and support me, because the truth is still on my side.

blankfist (Member Profile)

Moodonia hits Gold 100, blows up Alderaan to celebrate (Scifi Talk Post)

moodonia says...

Thanks everybody!

I will get to thanking you all individually but I really appreciate everyone saying hi, and special thanks to alien concept for reminding everyone of my perverted lecherous ways

Lots of hugs to everybody but not in any kind of creepy way!!!

David Mitchell's Soapbox - "The Other Day I Met An American"

netean says...

>> ^CaptainPlanet:
nice teeth brit face. i have a question... Go, to a dentist.

Luckily my intelligence impaired friend, being British, he will go to the Dentist, and being British, he won't be put off by having to climb any stairs along the way, nor worry if his dentist doesn't do home visits or have a "Drive Thru" dental surgery: You see, us British people (indeed everyone who's not American - I know the thought of someone not being American is hard to understand but bear with me:) We have these things called legs, they allow us W A L K - I know it's a strange and largely, alien concept most American's can't understand but underneath that wide expanse of your waistline are two appendages that allow you travel places without the need for a car.

I'm sure you can stretch your greasy, chubby fingers to the other side of your sofa, past the bags of empty potato chips and pizza boxes to find the TV remote when you can flick through one of your 1000+ channels and find some information about it.

apologies to an Americans with an IQ past double digits

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