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Movie Theater turns angry voicemail into win.

Hyperdrive says...

>> ^alizarin:

Talking and texting during movies is dickish. Kicking people out without warning and no refund for using their phone's screen to find their seat is dickish. Can't people find a middle ground like one warning and you're kicked out with a refund?

Alamo Drafthouse claim she persisted to text despite two warnings, so I think they were pretty reasonable here.

It's been a few years since I've been to the theatre, mainly because it's easy to throw together a decent home cinema together for little money these days. The other reason is, unless the cinema is very quiet, you can almost guarantee someone's inconsiderate behaviour is going to piss you off. Talking, texting, eating loudly, knocking seats, throwing popcorn....Having said that, if my local theatre was less like a kids nursery and more like the Alamo Drafthouse, they'd see my money again. Still the best way to watch a movie.


jan says...

I always wondered why to my mother that we couldn't just throw all the nuclear waste into a volcano like Kīlauea?? Could we? Have they!?
I think this is a good explanation. FROM INTERNET

Dumping all our nuclear waste in a volcano does seem like a neat solution for destroying the roughly 29,000 tons of spent uranium fuel rods stockpiled around the world. But there’s a critical standard that a volcano would have to meet to properly dispose of the stuff, explains Charlotte Rowe, a volcano geophysicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory. And that standard is heat. The lava would have to not only melt the fuel rods but also strip the uranium of its radioactivity. “Unfortunately,” Rowe says, “volcanoes just aren’t very hot.”

Lava in the hottest volcanoes tops out at around 2,400˚F. (These tend to be shield volcanoes, so named for their relatively flat, broad profile. The Hawaiian Islands continue to be formed by this type of volcano.) It takes temperatures that are tens of thousands of degrees hotter than that to split uranium’s atomic nuclei and alter its radioactivity to make it inert, Rowe says. What you need is a thermonuclear reaction, like an atomic bomb—not a great way to dispose of nuclear waste.

Volcanoes aren’t hot enough to melt the zirconium (melting point 3,371˚) that encases the fuel, let alone the fuel itself: The melting point of uranium oxide, the fuel used at most nuclear power plants, is 5,189˚. The liquid lava in a shield volcano pushes upward, so the rods probably wouldn’t even sink very deep, Rowe says. They wouldn’t sink at all in a stratovolcano, the most explosive type, exemplified by Washington’s Mount St. Helens. Instead, the waste would just sit on top of the volcano’s hard lava dome—at least until the pressure from upsurging magma became so great that the dome cracked and the volcano erupted. And that’s the real problem.

A regular lava flow is hazardous enough, but the lava pouring out of a volcano used as a nuclear storage facility would be extremely radioactive. Eventually it would harden, turning that mountain’s slopes into a nuclear wasteland for decades to come. And the danger would extend much farther. “All volcanoes do is spew stuff upward,” Rowe says. “During a big eruption, ash and gas can shoot six miles into the air and afterward circle the globe several times. We’d all be in serious trouble.”

John Wayne - Davy Crockett Speech - Alamo 1960

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

Seriously wtf? do we let anyone write movies now?

bleedmegood says...

Indeed....I also saw it at the aforementioned film festival when it was held at the alamo draft house in Austin....>> ^Drax:

Woha.. I saw the trailer for this originally over a decade ago I think. Pretty sure it was before a Spike & Mike Twisted Film Festival.

America - FUCK YEAH! (Fan Edit)

gwiz665 says...


America, Fuck Yeah!
Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, Yeah

America, Fuck Yeah!
Freedom is the only way, Yeah

Terrorists, you're game is through
'cause now you have ta answer to

America, Fuck yeah!
So lick my butt and suck on my balls

America, Fuck Yeah!
Whatcha' gonna do when we come for you now

It's the dream that we all share
It's the hope for tomorrow
(Fuck Yeah!)

McDonald's (Fuck Yeah!)
Wal-Mart (Fuck Yeah!)
The Gap (Fuck Yeah!)
Baseball (Fuck Yeah!)
The NFL (Fuck Yeah!)
Rock N' Roll (Fuck Yeah!)
The Internet (Fuck Yeah!)
Slavery (Fuck Yeah!)

Fuck Yeah!

Starbucks (Fuck Yeah!)
Disneyworld (Fuck Yeah!)
Porno (Fuck Yeah!)
Valium (Fuck Yeah!)
Reeboks (Fuck Yeah!)
Fake Tits (Fuck Yeah!)
Sushi (Fuck Yeah!)
Taco Bell (Fuck Yeah!)
Rodeos (Fuck Yeah!)
Bed, Bath and Beyond (Fuck yeah..Fuck Yeah)

Liberty (Fuck Yeah!)
White Slips (Fuck Yeah!)
The Alamo (Fuck Yeah!)
Band-aids (Fuck Yeah!)
Las Vegas (Fuck Yeah!)
Christmas (Fuck Yeah!)
Immigrants (Fuck Yeah!)
Popeyes (Fuck Yeah!)
Democrats (Fuck Yeah!)
Republicans (..Fuck Yeah..Fuck Yeah)
Sportsmanship (...)
Books (....)

I am not an atomic playboy (29 sec)

rougy says...

He...he was an asshole.

He had no fucking clue what was going on.

They had no idea, those Los Alamos retards.

They still don't.

Well, they're a little better I suppose.

A teensy tiny bit.

Glenn Beck hosts Tea Party at the Alamo

fuck yall were from texas - 30 foot fall

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'peewee hermans bike, urban cowboy, killing presidents in their cars' to 'peewee hermans bike, urban cowboy, killing presidents in their cars, alamo basement' - edited by MrFisk

fuck yall were from texas - 30 foot fall

peggedbea says...

it just dawned on me that some of you are old and may not understand what theyre saying. heres their accurate description of how awesome it is to be from texas:

Humidity doesn't bother me
Neither does the pouring rain
Cause 5 minutes later it's better or worse
But it never stays the same

It's hot and it's dusty
My armpits are musty
and my cowboy hat is soaked
A man on a three wheeled bike
sets me up with a 50 cent snow cone

At a quarter to two eatin' Mexican food
Free chips and beans and rice
And everything will be alright

We've got Willie Nelson
And Serial Killers
And King Of The Hill
And the moonshine distillers
And Texas is the only place to have killed
The president in his car
Heavy laws for petty crimes
Paying off probation fees
A system designed to fuck you up
That's why our prisons are our
fastest growing indusrty (fuck the system)

In 1980 John Travolta
Filmed Urban Cowboy here
Lookin' for love in all the wrong places
And drinking Gilley's beer

In the basement of the Alamo
We've got Pee Wee Hermans Bike

Where the stars are big and bright
All night

Trailer for a "near-perfect" film - The Hurt Locker

poolcleaner says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
This is one of the best war films released in recent years. Because it separates the politics away from the people fighting the war.

Isn't that what all good war films do? I agree with you, but I'm trying to think of a good war film that didn't separate the politics from the lives of individuals. "The horrors of war and the duality of man", right? (Stole that from the Platoon imdb page. )

The only ones that don't do that, to my immediate knowledge, are propaganda films like The Alamo (2004) and most of John Wayne's war films. (Love his cowboy movies, though.)

Quantumushroom Sets Terror Alert Level To Gold!!! (Waronterror Talk Post)

Steven Jones Pipes In About 9/11

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^MycroftHomlz:
At a March Meeting special session on Cold Fusion, the consensus was that Jones had either grossly misrepresented his data, made egregious errors in his data analysis or committed academic fraud. Many other researchers, including myself think the later.
Fraud may have been a strong word, but I stand by it.

The first article you posted is about the furor caused by Dr.Fleischmann and Dr. Pons, not Steven Jones.

"Some of the new experiments also sought to reproduce the less contentious findings on cold fusion reported independently by Dr. Steven E. Jones and his colleagues at Brigham Young University in Utah. Dr. Jones, who used a device similar to the one in the Pons-Fleischmann experiment, did not claim that any useful energy was produced. But he did report that slightly more neutrons were detected while the cell was operating than could be expected from normal sources. The result suggests at least the possibility of fusion, he said, although it is not likely to be useful as an energy source.

Physicists who have investigated Dr. Jones's report have been fairly restrained in their criticism, acknowledging that Dr. Jones is a careful scientist. But from the outset they have expressed profound skepticism of claims by Dr. Fleischmann and Dr. Pons."

The second article, from wikipedia, mentions him once:

"Indeed, the team led by Steven E. Jones achieved 150 d-t fusions per muon (average) at the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility.[31] Unfortunately, 200 (or 250 or even 333) muon-catalyzed d-t fusions per muon are still not quite enough even to reach "break-even," where as much thermal energy is generated (or output) as the electrical energy that was used up (or input) to make the muon in the first place."

♪ ♫ Remember Pearl Harbor! ♪ ♫

How Not To Use The Drive Through ATM

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