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Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

Agreed, the details are many, but trying to see what will happen in the future is simple, it’s the same thing that’s been happening in the past. Israel will continue to illegally expand into territory they agreed belongs to Palestinians, will continue to militarily support and defend the murderous settlers that murder Palestinian families and steal their land constantly with no repercussion at all, and will use any resistance to that violent expansion as an excuse to abuse and further control and murder the remaining citizens while blaming them for their plight.
That’s exactly what’s happening today.
The areas hit by Hamas were all Palestinian land stolen by settlers with full military support, not in Israel but in what was recently Palestine. The expansionist invasion continues, it’s never stopped, and some people don’t understand why the remaining civilians imprisoned in the ghetto by Israel, often with no food, water, or medicine, might revolt and throw stones, but you totally understand why the invaders should get to flatten entire populated cities if one of theirs gets hurt.

The population of Israel is 15 times Gaza, but the casualties of this 70 year conflict are statistically all Palestinians. Just this latest conflict has seen under 1400 Israeli casualties and over 15000 Palestinian civilians…nearly 5000 YOUNG children. THE NORM IS MUCH WORSE, normally this retaliation would come after fireworks hurt 4 settlers almost killing one and damaging their stolen house.

There’s something Americans can do. Vote for a president that will cut all military aid to countries that commit war crimes regularly. Simple, but not easy.

Israeli military is only so strong because we support them. Without American weapons and support, Israel would be a long distant memory of a short lived immigrant invasion.

Yes, Hamas has rhetorically been as genocidal as Israel (also totally genocidal)…but they have zero ability to follow through, while Israel is actively committing genocide today with the most advanced weaponry on the planet we supply, and for the last 70 years. If Israel directly eliminated Palestine as they have stated they will, they would start another war with every neighbor, this time likely without support. Otherwise they would have followed through 40+ years ago. This newest “occupation” may be the last. There will be no rebuilding under occupation, and there are few habitable structures left in Gaza. It’s a small town of 750000 people flattened, under total embargo, and under a shoot on sight order from their oppressors.

Yes, Israel is fighting its neighbors….100% because of their treatment of Palestinians and blatant intent to ignore any borders in their expansion. Combined with Iran their neighbors aren’t 1/2 the military power Israel is thanks 100% to America supplying advanced weapons and defense platforms for decades at our expense.

Invading occupying military forces have no right to complain they are threatened…that’s like saying we should hand squatters AR-15s and grenades because they keep being threatened by the home owners and the neighborhood, and the squatters have every right to shoot neighbors in their own yards if they seem threatening, but the neighbors and home owners have no rights whatsoever, not even the right to leave home because that threatens the squatters. Not even the right of self defense when the squatters invite their family over to take the neighbor’s homes.
I prefer shooting squatters and dumping the bodies in the sewer where they belong. Zionists are all squatters….well armed squatters.

The squatters do not have the right to murder the neighbors who signed the petition to remove the violent squatters. The squatters are always the wrong party no matter what. Period. End on line.

Because Israel intends to act unilaterally and violently to ensure their defense and continued expansion, always at the expense of their neighbors, they should be abandoned by the rest of the world. Murderous expansionist invading occupying racist armies get zero sympathy, and there’s no such thing as an Israeli civilian, they do not exist, only those yet to be military, andtive military, and those in reserve…conversely there’s no such thing as a Palestinian soldier in Gaza…does not exist.

Militaries that attack civilian populations are war criminals…every time. Yes, that includes America in Afghanistan, but bears noting the Afghans protected Alkaida (sp?), the Palestinian government and most civilians do not support Hamas.
I do not want to be supporting foreign war crimes with my tax dollars.

bcglorf said:

Tragically it's all more complicated than anyone can really state, right? I mean, if you had a 30 book(10k pages a book) series solely on the conditions in the region of Palestine between 1930 and today you'd still have so much material to cut, you could limit all 30 books to only 1 sides POV.

The closest I see to shortcutting things, is trying view what is likely to happen in the future, and from that maybe what one might try and do.

The trouble being there's so little one can do. The reality is that Israeli military strength compared to Palestine is completely and entirely one sided, and thus Israel can and will do whatever it wishes to militarily. It's all their choice, period. In fairness to Israel, you have to note that Hamas as stated in their own charter, given that same power would've already cleansed the entirety of Israel and have created their own single state 'final' solution.

It's also not actually about Palestine vs. Israel, which should be obvious given the fact of Israel's military dominance. Israel IS really facing existentially threats of it's own, just not directly from Palestine, and instead from ALL of it's neighbours. That state of constantly requiring Israel to be capable of winning an existential war since it's inception has kept things in a perpetual state of near-war, and more often proxy-war with the Palestiniances as the pawns of alternately Iran, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and others depending which time and region we choose to look at.

Predictively, that gives us that Isreal can not, under any circumstances, accept conditions to exist where any party(in particular Iran as the main backer) views the "Al Aqsa Flood operation" as a success. That means Israel will do whatever they deem necessary to ensure that happens and Iran in particular views that operation as a mistake. Nothing the UN or any of the rest of us say or do can change that.

Cost of living 2001 vs today

surfingyt says...

MAGA is a cult of traitors, certified losers and deplorables. MAGA now, southern racist Democrats 70 ago, or Dixiecrats 150 years ago, they are the same group of people.

cloudballoon said:

The myopic lens, living-under-a-rock people like Bob goes through their lives, and how little they know of the world... man.... is sad & pathetic.

Child dragged by school bus in Kentucky

newtboy jokingly says...

$5 MIL!!! I’m going back to school! I got nothing for being kicked down the bus stairs, or intentionally dumped at the wrong stop, or after driving through a flood to the flooded school after a hurricane with water all the way up the bus steps, or that time the driver was drunk and got fired. Things sure are different than in the 70’s.

Seatbelts? We don’t have no seatbelts. We don’t need no seatbelts! WE DON’T HAVE TO SHOW YOU ANY STINKING SEATBELTS!

BSR said:

If the bus driver had to slam on the brakes the guy standing in the aisle would probably go through windshield. To hell with seatbelts!

Also, Family of girl dragged by JCPS school bus gets nearly $5M in settlement. Bazinga!

5 Facts About Trump’s Indictments

newtboy says...

Once again…”just wait until Monday, Trump will prove the election fraud and his innocence at a press conference, total exoneration”, (Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow….)
Trump claimed he was going to hold a press conference and show his huge conclusive report including the evidence proving the election was stolen from him before arraignment, which he said would end what you say are nonsense allegations and indictments…
…but now SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE he won’t be holding that press conference, and won’t be releasing that report publicly but will withhold it for trial (sound familiar?).
He’s tried this exact same lie 70 times in court and lost every single time…but you’re sure it will work THIS TIME. 😂

So fun watching you rubes being insanely gullible AGAIN, still believing the guy who has NEVER told you the truth. The guy who has put everyone in his administration in serious legal jeopardy with his lies.
I bet you believe Trump, who is in fact a convicted rapist, liar, and fraud, who claims all the Jan 6 evidence has been destroyed despite it being publicly archived and listed in discovery in one of Trump’s trials and turned over to his team already.

It’s fun because everyone outside the cult sees it now, sees how ridiculous and dumb his lies (and yours) are…and his lies aren’t gaining him a single vote and won’t fly in court.
You are being played again.

bobknight33 said:

Fun watching the left being gullible. You are being played, again.

Should DC Judge recuse herself for extreme anti Trump bias?

newtboy says...

You mean because both are 100% verifiably true and correct?!? Or because it’s massively triggering to infantile cultists?
Sucker. More tears please.

Odd there’s no questioning how Trump keeps getting disgraced Judge Cannon who was reprimanded previously for repeatedly breaking laws to favor Trump, being reversed repeatedly for inserting herself in a case she was not assigned and acting as defense council, dontchathink? No? Why not?

Lol…more Robertgouveia. He’s the best you’ve got? Quit now, gullible boy. 😂

Because you’re clearly still confused, you should know all of the rapist Trump’s team have now admitted they lost the election, and admitted Trump knows he lost, knew it on election night. He won’t admit it, but they all have, or at the least admitted they had no reason at all to believe the big lie, never had evidence, and got the idea from 4chan and twitter…maybe that’s why they lost all 70 cases they brought to court.

bobknight33 said:

Claiming this woman was randomly selected is like saying Biden was legitimately elected.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

This is your answer to 50 listed (and 1000 to come) pedophilic Republicans is a single unquoted tweet by a Republican operative best known for spreading false propaganda that you know no one will read because you are known to link to fake sites? ROTFLMFAHS!!! 😂 😂
Let me help you with that…don’t ignore #61

51Republican chairman of the Oregon Christian Coalition Lou Beres confessed to molesting a 13-year old girl

52 Republican County Constable Larry Dale Floyd was arrested on suspicion of soliciting sex with an 8-year old girl. Authorities say Floyd also was interested in a 3-year-old girl and 16-month-old boy.

53 Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex with a 5-year old boy, in other words, rape.

54 Republican petition drive manager Tom Randall pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 14, one of them the daughter of an associate in the petition business.

55 Republican County Chairman Armando Tebano was arrested for sexually molesting a 14-year-old girl.

56 Republican teacher and former city councilman John Collins pled guilty to sexually molesting 13 and 14-year-old girls.

57 Republican campaign worker Mark Seidensticker was found guilty of offering alcohol and cigarettes to a 14-year-old boy. Authorities accused him of having offered beer and cigarettes to a boy while driving a car with a trunk stocked with blankets, duct tape, rope, and a lubricant. Seidensticker worked on NH Republican state executive councilor Burton campaigns for more than a decade. Burton knew he was convicted of assault when he hired him.

58 Republican Mayor Tom Adams was arrested for distributing child pornography over the internet.

59 Republican Mayor John Gosek was arrested on charges of soliciting sex from two 15-year old girls.

60 Republican Committeeman John R. Curtin was charged with molesting a teenage boy and unlawful sexual contact with a minor

61 Republican zoning supervisor, Boy Scout leader, Lutheran church president, and BTK killer Dennis L. Rader pleaded guilty to performing a sexual act on an 11-year old girl he murdered.

62 GOP ad consultant Carey Lee Cramer who created an anti-Gore ad modeled on LBJ's "Daisy" ad convicted of sexual assault of 2 8-year-old girls, including his daughter who appeared in the ad.

63 Republican Lobbyist Craig Spence - running call-boy prostitution ring, killed himself. While I am not posting people arrested for soliciting a prostitute, someone who runs a prostitution ring is a whole different kettle of fish.

64 Republican Judge Ronald C. Kline was placed under house arrest for child molestation and possession of child pornography

65 GOP state Rep Jim Knoblach of St. Cloud, MN ended his re-election campaign Friday amid detailed accusations from his adult daughter of what she described as his inappropriate behavior toward her since childhood

66 Steve Aiken(82), campaign manager for a Republican candidate for Congress in Arizona, former Quakertown, PA, police officer, and self-proclaimed reverend, was convicted of having sex with two underage girls

67 Republican president of the New York City Housing Development Corp. Russell Harding pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer

68 Republican state representative Bob Allen charged with soliciting oral sex from a male undercover cop. Normally, I would ignore a gay man being arrested for being gay, but he claimed Fear of Black men made him do it

69 Republican prosecutor John David Roy Atchison arrested on charges of flying across the country to try and have sex with a five-year-old girl. Committed suicide.

70 Republican chairman & radio show host E Ozwald Balfour arrested on four counts of forcible sex abuse/groping

71 Clifton Bennett, 18, son of Arizona Republican state senator Ken Bennett plead guilty to assaulting 3 boys, aged 11-15 with broomsticks up their rectal areas. They sodomized 18 boys and were not charged with sexual assault

72 Republican preacher Hewart Lee Bennett arrested for soliciting sex from 16-year-old boys while claiming that he did so to gain their trust and then teach them the love of Jesus

73 Republican commission candidate Wilton Frederick Bland sentenced to 80 years in prison for various sex crimes including 45 counts of first-degree rape of an 11-year-old

74 Republican councilman John Bryan resigned from office and committed suicide several hours later, just a few minutes before police arrived at his home to question him about his alleged rape of his two adoptive daughters, ages 12 and 15

75 Garrett Ventry-Judiciary Committee communications aide coordinating GOP messaging on Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation forced to resign due to sexual harassment claims. He denies them

Judiciary Committee Hearing on Supreme Court Ethics Reform

newtboy says...

No, you fuckwit. You are always releasing the paper tigers you love to fight. Heroically battling windmills. 😂

They should only be allowed to accept minor gifts they report like a normal under $100 meal, not $1 million vacations that are specifically barred by law, not sale of properties at extreme profits that’s intentionally hidden from financial reports which require their report by clear unambiguous law.
It’s not one bit about “hanging out”, it’s about selling access to justices to people with cases before the Supreme Court in secret, about buying opportunity to present your argument to justices away from the court with no rules or opposition and prejudice them towards your position, and to pay them to accept those positions.

(Side note, it’s not illegal but this also 100% destroys the fake “Everyman” persona Thomas has lied about for decades….saying he prefers Walmart parking lots to expensive beaches and old RVs over luxury travel, but spending all his vacations on private luxury beaches, exclusive luxury resorts and retreats, and globetrotting on private planes. Every word you’ve ever heard from this man is a lie. Every. Single. Word. Ever.)

News flash, these billionaires had no interest in being friends with the justices before hey were on the highest court…they aren’t old friends, they’re new benefactors found after they became powerful justices mislabeled as “friends”. Guaranteed, if Thomas is removed, he will never hear from Crow again….not once.

News flash, Justices are only rich because they illegally take bribes in the million dollar range for the sale of their decisions in court. They were not rich before becoming justices. Do you think American justice should be for sale to the highest bidder…should Soros be in control of everything because, as you believe, he bribes everyone everywhere. (Hint- you would clearly call for prison nonstop if you could prove he bribed anyone).

No, you don’t think, you just defend every righty crime no matter what it is and make up lefty crimes out of thin air.

You fuckwit. He hid EVERYTHING. Tens to hundreds of millions unreported, every penny of which he absolutely knew must be reported by law, he reported most before finding out Scalia had gotten away with not reporting tens of millions and over 70 million dollar international hunting trips, one of which he died on….today it was revealed Crow secretly, totally unreported, paid for Thomas’s ward/child’s tuition at hyper expensive (Tuition at the exclusive Hidden Lake Academy cost more than $6,000 a month) private schools….on top of million dollar vacations for the entire family, businesses created for his wife and huge salary for his wife unreported, property sold by Thomas above market value then handed back for free with major improvements, the list of bribes discovered from this one billionaire grows daily….hint, he’s not the only one.

Yes, dumbshit. If as a judge you sell your decisions about the law in America for a cash bribe, that’s secret personal enrichment. I know, two 3 syllable words together is way above your comprehension level.

Edit: Maybe that’s the problem. Let’s try this….
He big steal lots of times…lots big steals two. Big lies to. Him sell law four cash bribe. Your thinks say that ok fine, he MAGA hero, so he can no bad. That dumb.

Big surprise….because conservatives were caught taking them over and over and over and over and over you now have absolutely no problem with bribery at the highest levels….but you’ll lose your shit and start screaming “hypocrisy! Criminals! Lock them up!” if any non MAGgot gets caught accepting a sandwich.

bobknight33 said:

So people at supreme court should only be allowed to hang with poor people?
News Flash These justices are fairly rich themselves.

secret personal enrichment?
Your the F idiot
He not hiding anything.

Judiciary Committee Hearing on Supreme Court Ethics Reform

newtboy says...

You must be fucking kidding.
You think this makes your party look sane? Or fair? Or even 1% honest?
I guess he expects no one to remember all the threats righty politicians make against the court, the left, and each other…usually involving a “second amendment solution”, not a threat of basic ethics rules.

Then you think listing some working lecture trips some justices took that were publicly reimbursed by law schools that never had cases before the court and which they reported equates to tens of millions in hyper luxury international trips for the entire family by people with cases before the court that were hidden and not reported as specifically and unambiguously required by law helps make the right seem LESS criminal. 😂

Clarence Thomas delegitimized himself by selling access to himself in secret, selling his decisions in secret, by not recusing himself from cases involving his “friends” (that he only met after becoming a justice), not recusing himself from cases involving his wife, her political movement/business, and pretending that he, the top legal authority in the country, didn’t know it was illegal despite it being incredibly clear in the law…laws he is 100% aware of and followed until corrupt Scalia told him he could get away with it by just not reporting it anymore (like Scalia did with million dollar hunting retreats over 70 times).

It makes you all look criminally unethical and moronic.
Why would anyone want no rules for the highest court unless they are complicit in the bribery schemes?
Self regulation has clearly completely failed, it’s never once worked in human history, but it’s Graham’s/the right’s only plan. Keep bribery legal at the highest levels. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Graham whining that it’s not fair to catch major criminals selling the rule of law to the highest bidder, we need to focus on minor ethics lapses and Democratic threats to enforce ethics rules instead and let them continue to self regulate…it’s going so well.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

You are the epitome of a laughing stock…you win…here’s your “biggest boob” trophy. 🏆
Oh you dumbshit….The Washington Free Beacon (a right wing publication) and Paul Singer, (a far right mega donor) paid for the Steele dossier about Trump, then later sold it to Clinton. That’s a fact.
Republicans created the Steele dossier, and most, like 90% of it, is confirmed to be correct, none of it was ever proven false (EG- if the dossier said an anonymous source said Russians have pee tape blackmail material against Trump and it is never found, the dossier wasn’t proven to be wrong at all, it just reported the claim). People (like Manafort) went to prison for charges stemming from it.

But you [are] a foolish ignorant man has no idea of any reality because you watch slanted one sided internet propaganda from anywhere as long as it’s anti American. It’s never correct, it never includes legitimate sources, and it’s 100% anti American, anti constitution twaddle and inconsistent lies.

Since you believe anything you see online, watch this unverified report and enjoy…

You said near 3 weeks ago that Bakhmut HAD fallen and was under 100% Russian control, proven by the faked Russian propaganda film of someone raising a Russian flag somewhere and declaring victory, but Bakhmut is still not taken, Russians are losing 1000 troops a day, and Ukraine just got 40000 more troops and billions more worth of current military equipment, Russia is using 70+ year old equipment they’ve never trained with and is dropping bombs on itself.
I’m taking sides, I’m with democracy and stability by treaty.
You are too-siding with Russia, despotism, expansionism, and lies.
Russia is losing ground, losing soldiers, losing equipment, losing borders, losing its long term stalemate with NATO, losing billions from sanctions, and is losing this war. Facts are facts, and you’ve never met a real fact you could agree with.

Russia entered Ukraine because they tossed out the Russia installed “president” (his first “election” was thrown out as a total farce). Yanukovych delayed signing a hugely popular pending association agreement with the EU, choosing to accept a hugely unpopular and bad for Ukraine Russian trade deal, leading to his removal from office and, surprise, cushy retirement in Russia.

NATO had nothing whatsoever to do with Russia breaking the treaty from the 80’s in which they and the United States guaranteed Ukraine’s sovereignty and border security in perpetuity if they gave up their nukes. That included Crimea, which Russia invaded too over nonsense lies.
They declared Crimea under terrorist attack (it wasn’t) and invaded “to protect the citizens”. They did the same in Ukraine, recognizing the terrorist separatists as the legitimate (unelected) government and declaring the real government were terrorists attacking peaceful Russians in Eastern Ukraine. (The same peaceful Russians that shot down a commercial airline full of innocent people completely uninvolved in their conflict).

Putin said the purpose of the operation was to "protect the people" in the predominantly Russian-speaking region of Donbas who he falsely claimed that "for eight years now, [had] been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kyiv regime". Putin said that Russia sought the "demilitarisation and denazification" of Ukraine, and insisted Russia wouldn’t occupy any of Ukraine….all pure lies. He now says he intends to remove Ukraine from the map and Ukrainians from the gene pool.

It had absolutely nothing to do with NATO….NATO wasn’t considering giving Ukraine, Sweden, or Finland membership before the land grab invasions. You lackwit. If anything it was fear that Ukraine might join the EU….but really it was the loss of their installed Russian president that was beholding to the Kremlin, not any of the lame excuses they’ve made since.

You just love to rewrite history and always expect everyone else to be as ignorant of reality as yourself. Sadly for you, some people have memories longer than a methed out gnat and know why things happened, not just what the perpetrators of crimes say today that contradicts everything they said yesterday and before.
There’s no agreement to not expand NATO. Who told you that, Putin?

But has the actual history, or the nuclear treaty, or the ousting of the Russian planted president by the populace and installation of their chosen president (exactly what you hoped for with Trump on Jan 6 except instead of 2000 people it was the entire country performing a coup) been given on your fake propaganda websites? If so, you missed it all.

bobknight33 said:

You win NOT.
The only Russian nonsense is Hill Clinton and the DNC which paid for the Steele Dossier and proven 100% BS .

But you, a foolish man has no idea of this reality because you watch slanted one sided "news"

Bakhmut has almost fallen -- and Russia is gaining ground. I'm not taking sides but facts are facts.

The question is WHY Russia entered Ukraine. Im sure that NATO breaking their agreement with Russia over last 40 years and entering into non NATO countries has a something to do with it.

But has that question been asked on your fake news outlet?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I don’t think you do, because you didn’t invest slowly at regular intervals over time (unless you lied), you said you invested everything in one stock….lucky for you early when it was reasonably priced ($25?), and suggested to anyone that would listen that they sell everything and go all in all at once even when Tesla was over $400 a share. That’s the exact opposite of dollar cost averaging. Derp. It’s like I know you better than you know yourself…because I paid attention and remember what you said last week/month/year.

You improvident lackwit. When will you stop making predictions? I don’t think you’ve been correct 2% of the time.

Dow’s up 869 points this month, stocks sound pretty good to me. What new bank failed? I see no new failure. I wonder if you understand why the last two failed….hint, it starts with “der” and ends with “egulation”, and was a pure Trump Republican plan passed in 2018 because they had forgotten 2008 already, or wanted to repeat it.

Too busting? Do you mean too busty? I don’t understand the attempted insult… I don’t even understand the concept of “too busty”…but you should know it’s impossible for you to successfully insult me because I would have to value your opinion first.
If I were to put on a drag show for kids, you better believe it would be snap, crackle, and popping…but it’s really not my scene. I prefer my drag queens to be English and of the Python variety, but that’s just a matter of taste.
Don’t you find it odd that drag shows are suddenly such a problem for the far right?
They’re not new.
Many MANY far right politicians that are now suddenly outraged at drag shows enjoyed going to them, organized them, or performed in them themselves at one time. The right could even support them publicly in the 70’s and 80’s. Can you explain why are you ALL suddenly such insecure snowflakes now that, like alcoholics with booze, you can’t stand to be reminded drag shows and homosexuals exist and went all in on some misguided unpopular unconstitutional temperance movement? Why it’s suddenly such an impossible-to-ignore temptation for you? Somehow Trump? Maybe it’s just that your ilk needs a target to scapegoat for your failures and they’re the latest relatively powerless target….yeah…just maybe.

bobknight33 said:

Guess yo[u] don[‘]t [kn]o[w] about dollar cost averaging.
Also guess you don[‘]t realize the economy is winding down.
Yet another bank faltering causing stocks to fall.
This biden shit show is far from over.
You must be too busting putting on drag show for kids.

NATO Declares Nord Pipeline Ruptures Sabotage

Professor breaks down why Earth's inner core may have stoppe

newtboy says...

Wait….did he actually explain ANYTHING?
Did he “break down” why this happens? Absolutely not.

I heard no explanation why this happens, especially why at 70 year intervals, nor what this might make happen (increase/decrease in magnetic fields, increased/decreased tectonic activity, etc).

The reporter says “I now understand it much better”….why? Did she not know the earth has layers? Did she not know the earth’s interior drives volcanoes? He said little else.

Just because you have a scientist on your program doesn’t mean he’s going to teach you anything. Very disappointed.

Roller Coaster Accident - SNL

Roller Coaster Accident - SNL

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Jan 6 transcripts now corroborate through multiple sources the claim that in his rage over losing bigly, Trump ordered an immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan and Somalia by the 15th of January 2021 on Nov 12….a written order that was questioned immediately and quickly rescinded, but an order none the less.

So much for your idiotic lie that Trump would have handled the withdrawal better.
Trump released the Taliban from prison, negotiated his unconditional surrender to them without involving the Afghan government at all, allowed any actions by the Taliban as long as they didn’t directly attack Americans, and developed absolutely no plan for withdrawal. If we followed Trump’s plan, there wouldn’t be 12 dead soldiers, there would be up to 12000. There wouldn’t be nearly $7 billion in decommissioned broken equipment left, there would be over $70 billion of operational equipment left. There would also be 100x more Americans abandoned to the Taliban.


Edit: McCarthy lost his 3rd vote for speaker….the first time in over a century it took more than one vote. The Democrat is closer to winning than any Republican. Lol! MAGA is eating the Republican Party, making sure nothing happens for 2 years before the blue ocean rises and sinks your hopes of more MAGA.

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