How About a Few More Downvotes, Eh??

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A total of 18 votes have been cast on this poll.

Motivation for polling has always been the question begged: If one has the power to wield, and in doing so effecting movement without effort, why then not affect that result without typing? Oh, that and I am going to start down-voting as many submissions as I up-vote, and see how this little experiment livens the place up

Here's to one Youngman blankfist, in honor of his much abhorred, "Down-vote Everything" days.

EDIT: Title changes initiated for some traffic on this poll.

Question: If I state dishonestly, that I could give a rat's-ass why you play on this site or how your mind works, how would you use the powers available to you as a member here to liven the fucking place up with some suggestions on this thread?

Ant, you have gotten lazy lately btw, you don't down-vote nearly enough for Chūgi anymore
Barseps says...

I voted for "variety" (Etc.) ....... Also, one thing that counts for a lot with me is content, if, for example, a video is poor quality visually, but has good content within, then I'll still give it an upvote. I actually take downvotes quite seriously & think long and hard before clicking one, when I do give a downvote, I give my reasons why (even though I'm not obliged to) 'cos I think it's only fair to give OP some feedback.

*Quality post @chingalera.

chingalera says...

-Always trips me out that there hasn't ever been more users using both up-and-down votes with equal frequency, especially with spam-like political-pundit offerings or a "year of 10 Rachael Maddow segments on every page."
-Who the fuck needs cable TV when there's devoted lackeys dutifully uploading every fucking newscast onto you tube?? YOU TUBE, where it belongs!! Why the fuck should we suffer infotainmentindoctrination here, I often ask myself....Then downvote , the same sensibilities guiding my hand.

chingalera says...

Ok besides ant here....

Who down-votes with a tincture of sensibilities, pet-peevish disdain for tone and timbre of a particular user's comments or antics, half a fifth of, "That'll panty-knot yer grandstandin'!", and maybe a dash of, "Oh fuck off, up or down and I don't care!"??

My take on the dichotomy that does not exist here with regards to the efficacy of votes and their effect on anything but fake bling, is that up and down should be tossed-around with fervor and abandon on offerings of users who have been here the longest, are the most active etc., and that more attention should be paid to the offerings and activeness of the USERS WHO ARE:

A newbies
B talented and resourceful, (feel'em out, dipshits!)
C show the fuck up at all and say ANYTHING on this flaccid site!

Kinna boringly cliquish and dull around here, maybe you charters who put money to mouth should get a room and come up with some ideas-Place needs a douche

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