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Comments to bigbikeman

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 36 stars, earning you status of Silver Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

chilaxe says...


In reply to this comment by bigbikeman:
Wolfe Blitzer sure doesn't pull any punches though, does he?

Doorman, yes. Butler, yes. Journalist?

Well, maybe, if he lived in Buttfuck Nowhere and his biggest story was how a fireman didn't manage to save little Jimmy's cat from a tree. "Not his best effort, really. The cat is still in the tree."

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Gawrsh (blushes), Thank you.... evilly of course.

In reply to this comment by bigbikeman:
Just wanted to congratulate you on a masterful comment. Brilliant even.
I couldn't help but cackle....evilly.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
What should we do with evil? Well, for starters, I'd give it a manicure; Then I'd poke it with a stick, after which I'd rub it on my genitals. Finally, I'd put it on a bagel with some cream cheese, but eat only half, saving the rest for breakfast tomorrow morning.

Evil is intangible. You could sooner defeat the color orange. The man asking the questions has a very small mind.

rembar says...

I didn't stumble upon this comment you made months ago until now (I didn't really pay attention to that sift), but I wanted to thank you for a very nice reply. Thanks!

In reply to this comment by bigbikeman:
" The flu virus adapts to attack immune systems. It doesn't evolve. Adaption and evolution are different. The virus doesn't change its form it changes it's tactic. It, just like everything else wants to survive so it adapts to do so. It doesn't evolve to do so."

Holy crap. I'm trying to stay out of these evolution/religion discussions because they just bore the shit out of me, but I've just got to speak up.

You are just flat out wrong. "Adapts" is synonymous with "evolves" (in the strict Darwinian sense) when you're talking about viruses.

Viruses are very simple organisms that replicate (and thus evolve) rapidly. Does this make them adapt? Yes. Is the adaptation non-evolutionary? Hardly. The changes in their ability to attack their host are derived *directly* from mutation/evolution. Viruses don't use "tactics" in any sense that *isn't* tied to their mutation/evolution. Hint: they don't have brains or consciousness....any "behaviour" they exhibit is in total lockstep with their biological chemistry.

In fact, they are a textbook example of an evolutionary model, and one of the simplest ways of demonstrating evolutionary principles because we can see changes in timeframes that aren't prohibitively gigantic. Successive generations of viruses are genetically different, in a measurable way, from their ancestors.

But, don't take my word for it.

qruel says...

whether or not your correct, I like the way you put it and think it is spot on.

In reply to this comment by bigbikeman:
I could be wrong, but I think choggs is upset/freaked out by anyone manipulating---for better or worse---the collective "will", and that that will is really an illusion that we create for ourselves. So Al Gore is is a false prophet of a non-revolution for a cause that doesn't exist.

Or another way of putting it: people are generally sheep, some are smarter than others....and then there are wolves. Hence we are always flirting with fascism/tyranny in one way or another, though the wolves give it different names and faces to make us feel better about being led about as they feed off of the flock.

Am I close?

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