What Do We Watch Next?

I need some advice.

Like many people these days, I watch programmes after they've run at least a couple of series so I don't have to wait a week between each episode. For that reason, plus the fact that we're massively behind when it comes to these things, myself and my missus are just about to finish watching The Sopranos after battering it to death for the past few months. Previous to that we spent our free time watching Lost (only continued watching the last few series due to the time already invested), Heroes (seriously disappointing after the first series), Damages (again, downhill after the first series), This Life (awesome british drama).

So the question is: What do we watch next? It's a big decision. Whatever we decide on will take over our lives for the foreseeable future. I'm still thinking in Tony Soprano's accent at the moment. 

Here are the options...

1. The Wire (haven't watched a single minute of it)

2. Deadwood (i know nothing about it apart from the fact that Lovejoy features)

3. West Wing (watched the first few episodes and then got sidetracked)

4. 24 (watched one episode a couple of years back)

5. ER (never got past the 3rd series)

6. Six Feet Under (a couple of people i know swear by this programme)

I know, I know. It's a criminal amount of quality tv that we've never given a chance but other shit always seemed to get in the way. On the plus side, we've got a huge amount of quality tv to watch. 

So which one first?

(as a sidenote, we've never watched the following either... Battlestar Galactica, True Blood, Dexter. i've not included them because from what i've heard i'm pretty sure my girlfriend wouldn't enjoy it. this needs to be a team effort. there's nothing worse than watching a programme with someone who isn't as engrossed)

rasch187 says...

The Wire is excellent, one of the best shows ever made. Watch it! Do it now!

24 used to be really good, but after the first couple of series, it just got repetetive and had too many plot twists that really didn't make any sense.

The West Wing is okay, a lot of good actors, but it's a bit boring imo.

JiggaJonson says...

I'd say watch Deadwood or West Wing over any of the others listed. But of those two West Wing has more political timely-ness baggage so I'd go Deadwood.

That being said, I'd skip all on the list and say watch either Weeds or Breaking Bad.

campionidelmondo says...

The only shows I've seen from that list are The Wire, Dexter, and 24. The first two are pretty good, I stopped watching 24 after the first season, because it got too repetitive. I guess I would go for The Wire.

deputydog says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:
I'd say watch Deadwood or West Wing over any of the others listed. But of those two West Wing has more political timely-ness baggage so I'd go Deadwood.
That being said, I'd skip all on the list and say watch either Weeds or Breaking Bad.

i'd never even heard of Breaking Bad before you just mentioned it. i like the sound of it.

berticus says...

out of the ones you listed i would go for 1 or 2 (am about to start deadwood soon).
but breaking bad is fucking awesome!

trailer park boys
twin peaks
30 rock
big bang theory

... whoops. just started listing some of my favourites.

gwiz665 says...

Venture Bros. It's good for laughs, not really a big drama though.

West Wing is a "talker", so you have to be into that. But it's much like House, but in the White House. I like it.

House MD is awesomely awesome.

The IT Crowd - British sit-com about IT workers. It's very British and very funny.

I thought Deadwood was alright, but it's a "hard" series. Lots of grim stuff happens there. They swear like dock workers with ball-cancer.

Battlestar Galactica is really good until the resolution of the series which just ruins the show. Don't watch that.

deputydog says...

>> ^gwiz665:
The IT Crowd - British sit-com about IT workers. It's very British and very funny.

i tried watching The IT Crowd but it didn't grab me. surprising as everything else linehan's done i've absolutely loved.

>> ^dag:
Six Feet Under was the best series on TV ever.

really? fuck this is difficult.

moodonia says...

I would throw my support behind Six Feet Under, The Wire and Dead Wood.

Three great shows, I dont think you could wrong with any of them, but 6 feet really got under my skin like nothing else, as Dag said, best series ever.

Never saw west wing but only heard good things about it. I just finished the first series of breaking bad and I'm impressed with it, Dexter is really dark fun too

Xax says...

Toss up between Six Feet Under and Battlestar Galactica. Follow them with Dexter and True Blood. As for thinking your girlfriend wouldn't enjoy the latter 3, don't be so sure.

spoco2 says...

Deadwood is an utterly brilliant series that unfortunately got cut short part way through it's last season (It had 3). So if you like some Shakespearean level swearing (it really is beautiful in its profanity), and wonderful characters, go Deadwood, just know that it doesn't end as it should.

My Wife and I were both very much into Six Feet Under for the first 2 seasons I think, then the stations here killed it for us by moving it around timeslot wise so we lost track.

But those two seasons were brilliant.

My Wife swears by the West Wing, I've never gotten into it.

Also, Battlestar was brilliant also for us both, but yeah, you have to be willing to watch sci fi for that one.

blankfist says...

The Wire is pretty awesome. The Six Feet Under episodes I saw are awesome, but I never finished the second season... so maybe it's not as awesome as I remember.

EDD says...

The Wire
Six Feet Under

in that order.

Battlestar Galactica
True Blood

in that order.

Trust me, your girl will enjoy the shit out of True Blood and BSG.

videosiftbannedme says...

24 was good up to series 3; it really peaked at series 2 though. If you do watch it stop at 3. Same with ER, as you noted.

Carnivale was good, but unfortunately got canceled, so you'll have that to contend with. Haven't seen any of the others on your list as I haven't had cable since 2003. And I'm all the better for it!

rottenseed says...

I don't have the attention span for any of these crappy suspense/drama series. It seems like from your review of the programs you have watched, you feel the same way. I've tried a multitude of them and none of them interest me for more than 2 episodes. I'd say True Blood has the best shot at being something I could watch. You're probably too cool for Entourage, but I thoroughly enjoy turning off my brain and watching that show. Also, Californication is titillating to say the least. They are both very adult shows though, so if you or your wife are prudish in any sense, you might want to skip both.

Deano says...

The Wire is the only logical choice to watch next. It's entertaining, addictive and offers incisive social commentary. Just buy all the DVDs. SFU is enjoyable. I have only seen the first two eps of Deadwood but it was good. Funnily enough my problem with Deadwood is the swearing. And I like swearing. It just seems a bit too much.

24 is a show that was moderately silly and entertaining nonsense but I felt there were better things to watch many years ago.

ER is a long running soap and your enjoyment depends on how far you like the characters but repetition does set in. I can't even be arsed to find the final series.

peggedbea says...

ive never met a girl who didnt want to hump the dr after an episode or too so if youre girlfriend doesnt warm up to it, shes probably not human. maybe even a dalex.

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